Check out this RC plane here:
WOW!! This is the best beginner rc stunt plane that is so easy to fly. This is the Radio Link A560 RTF (ready to fly) RC plane. This also comes as PNP (plug and play). We are in love with this! Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate link.
Check out the Radiolink A560 RTF here:
Check out the Radiolink A560 PNP here:
The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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I have not flown in more than four Months since Daniel was born and he is 11 weeks old today so sometime before That was the last time I have flown a Plane but this is a ready to fly Airplane and it's on Amazon for like Under 220 and I remember when I saw Nate Made in this I just wanted to fly it and So now I'm finally giving the Opportunity it's warm enough so I've Come out of my Cave of the winter time To apply this for you guys to see Exactly how beginner friendly is this so Let's take to the skies and try it out Pet crew Nate because I don't do my own Behind the scenes stuff Look at the throws on this thing like And that's in like the beginner-ish kind Of mode so he's nervous I did fly the Erratics If you can fly it's pretty good so I Should be able to fly this we're up I Gotta remember what everything does so On this airplane everything's super Sensitive and low throttle is way too Much that's okay that's okay If you if you're not used to flying a Plane like this that's how you would Take off Yep you just play with the throttle You're knife edging yeah yeah yeah all I Was doing was aileron input on that too Maybe a little bit of elevator but not Right it'll feel sensitive on the ready
To fly radio but you're doing good That is fun well I'm gonna take her head Back that's okay So for someone that hasn't flown for Literally months I can remember you you roll it halfway On its side and then you hold right here Okay okay So it would be the same direction of a Rudder as aileron right you would kind Of roll Aron left and do right Rudder so It's actually more like opposite oh is It yeah oh gosh okay good good to know So you would you would write Rudder yeah You're fine way too much it's okay it's Crazy no easy all easy on that throw oh You don't need to cook that I got Excited it's okay Hold on let me try that again This isn't safe too it's just Like that okay you can so full aileron But a little bit already you're knife Edging Abby's knife edging oh my gosh Wow with my Millennium Master Could you Actually not fetch them that's when I Had no fear of crashing I I'm pretty sure I knife edged them I Don't remember if you did you'll have to Link that at the end of the video ready To watch it Online I just can't believe you can do That in safe Look at that hello messed up it's it's Actually harder to do and say I'm sure
But you know you're doing it which is Really cool so we've got some switches Here he's off on the juice I want you to have a long flight time Okay we got some switches so I'm in like A beginner mode I guess beginner safe Easy flying crazy yeah okay and so I'm Gonna go up to the middle and we Back left switch I don't I don't even know I don't even Know if that gives you anything I think I think the right switch turns that off Oh okay well but I do know the left side With playing with the switches than I am The left switch all the way up there you Go now just keep it throttle just Throttle you just okay we'll get her Back He's off on the juice just like a Regular drone this helicopter drone wrap Your head I only fly the Drone to chase Your planes I don't know how to do that Anymore throttle is up and down Some more throw oh my God it's okay You're fine you're fine oh my gosh okay We'll get it back okay Come down kill the juice Poor Abby she's trying That that mode is crazy okay some Throttle I like it That's okay so this plane will hover When you just throw a switch and it Flies extremely well you really are yeah It'll teach you a lot about flying 3D
And it's but not the Drone forgiving Yeah no it will because it'll teach you How to hover an airplane yeah look flat Spins you you really are yeah you're Fly Spinning it that was a good little slow Spin See Abby's doing stuff on this airplane That she wouldn't try with other Airplanes and that's the beauty of it Well this is we have a backup for the Swim now so when we have a backup for Our planes she gets Brave and I Can Fly Pre-crashed So this plane does not fly well when You're trying to fly it fast and sporty Yeah it's Twitchy and you know you don't That's not what it's made to do that is What it's made to do What she's doing right there Oh my goodness it's okay you're doing Good See it the thing a lot of people don't Realize about flying for oh no that's Okay that's okay good save good save Really good save But you got it because throttle is your Friend when you're coming down isn't it You're playing with the throttle and That's what you got to do when you're Trying to learn more elevator up and Less throttle and that's a hard thing to Wrap your head around More up elevator and less throttle but Actually
Full up Elevatory And you just want to play with the Throttle and then then you start Figuring out what the other controls Will do Really easily as a beginner And you don't need a lot of space like I'm flying way too fast so try try Steering it with there that's awesome Good good low flying Use Rudder to do some of your turning And that's where you get That's where you get into really low Flying is when you use the rudder to Turn and less the aileron More rudder And that's how you get there Yeah yeah yeah good good good good That's really good good wow good see You're basically harriering your Airplane there So when you have the nose up and the Tail down just like that no that's okay That's a touch and go you just did a Touch and go on purpose good I swear Huh And you use that Rudder to fly around There good that's yeah that's exactly Right it is fun And it gets even more fun because this Plane can do way more than what you and I are capable of doing with it but you I Can tell are there great Rudder flying
Really good Because see this airplane basically Almost can't tip stall and so oh yeah Elevator that's all right there's a Little wind pushing her that's why And you can get it no right Rudder you Got it you can you can taxi it yeah Right Rudder hard Turn right hard And get it facing us and then there okay All right well now you can't Okay she's gonna try to take off right There There you go Abby She said she forgot to give it elevator Um it's hard when you do what we do and You've got kids and stuff to just jump Back out here and fly as good as Abby's Flying now I know you guys have seen Videos on the channel As as recent as probably a couple weeks Ago of Abby flying but those were Recorded before Um Daniel was born And so for Abby to jump out here and fly Like this this low trying things like Rudder steering and hovering and Harriering look at it she's like zipping Around herself That tells me she's having fun with this Thing and she feels brave enough to try New Maneuvers and she's playing with That throttle and that's a hard thing to Do when you're a newer pilot you always
Want to keep that throttle halfway up Keep the forward momentum Because when you go zero throttle it Gets scary because that's when your Airplane comes down But Abby's doing good Oh man I want you to show them hovers so bad Well the hover mode Just you know kick the switch all the Way up after you take off and it has That beautiful drone hover mode it's Really cool Drone is just because I chased You know how to fly a drone but it's More It's more about hovering in one place Than it is flying around like a race Drone right yeah it's more about the Focus of just hovering it But the controls don't really change When you hit I'm calling it drone mode Or hover mode you just want to go about Half throttle or so and then kick that Left switch all the way up now just play What I'm doing is okay I'm trying to Help you and record at the same time it Should just put that nose right up in The air Well then you just need to yeah sure go Go you do your thing you do your thing If you guys want to see a couple more If you guys want to see a couple more Uh things this airplane can do
You'll have to check out my flight video Of it no don't watch me watch it Feels bad yeah You're doing a good job though Abby I Mean I think what this does is it shows People that really anyone can pick it up And fly it not that you're just anyone You have some airplane experience but Gosh your your flight time is so like Rusty compared to mine you don't fly as Much as I do yeah That is really good Abby's just out here Having fun go straight down to the Ground now if you use the right switch In the back you could kick that turn it Off do some rolls and turn it back on oh Okay yeah so you might might try that There you go oh my gosh there you go It's Snappy isn't it Yeah This is my Panic during this flight About every 30 seconds It's fun though you might like flying it With the safe mode off Not no sense yeah look at you guys No one will ever know on the flight line As long as you're not standing beside You what do you think about that Controller by the way I I like it I love It it's the right size for me I love That controller the big square box I Hate the boxes fancy and look nice They're just not very user friendly They're not very adapt adaptable to like
Different size hands Spectrum needs an Xbox controller plain and something like I literally have Nate most of the time Put safe on a different switch for mace So I can reach it better because it's Just like really Look at you go look at that that was a Knife edge and she is lower than what it Looks like because I'm zoomed in so much But I was flying really low pretty close To the camera Like she's killing it Abby's absolutely Killing it I know there's Look at that look at that nice job Abby And she knows now too when you panic Just throttle punch and it will probably Pull out of it No she's fighting safe is why it's and You could you'd be amazed how easy yeah As I nose down and start turning That was a good idea I think my battery yeah my battery is Definitely getting low okay so I'm gonna Land Something no I think the newest version Of this airplane actually has Telemetry And I'm not sure well it is it's the Only the only thing missing would be Telemetry I think is the only thing we Don't have Oh okay Nate always likes to hijack my videos Go watch his video if you want to see it This is mine
Well this was a lot of fun way more fun Than I expected although I did expect it To be fun but like the level of funness Way higher I like this definitely worth The money especially saying that you can Get this ready to run it's on Amazon hey You're a truck person I'm a plane person It's ready to fly oh I'm sorry did I say Run oh my God my bad mom's bad my bad Don't come at me in the comments Ready to fly on Amazon which I love so I've been looking forward to Flying this For quite a few months now and uh that Exceeded my expectations I think Nate And I need to fly these together yeah I Think that would be a lot of fun yeah Probably potential crashing because I'm The type of person that when I fly I'm Like don't hit it don't hit it don't hit It I am going to hit it so would you Make for a good video right yeah You guys I love this I will be keeping This in my collection for a long long Long time this is so much fun it's gonna Have a place of honor right beside my Erotics so that's so cool I'm so happy I Got out today to fly and for that I want To thank God I also want to say a huge Thanks to our Patron family members you Guys are the backbone to our Channel You're the reason we're able to get out Here and do so much content for Everybody on YouTube and for that we all Say thank you all right Nate we'll have
Your video of you flying this cool radio Link playing popping up right about now We'll see you guys up there bye [Music]