BIG, FLIGHT STABILIZATION, & EASY TO FLY Beginner RC Airplane!! – FMS Ranger 1220mm

Check out the Ranger 1220mm RC airplane here:
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This is the FMS Ranger 1220mm RC airplane that is great for beginners. In this video we maiden this RC airplane. Let us know your thoughts about this beginner RC plane in the comments.
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Check out the Ranger 1220mm RC airplane here:
Save with code: RCBeginner-FMS


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We're going to hammer head Over yeah we'll let it roll down and go Right into a [Music] Loop pretty capable airplane this is Awesome this is one of the biggest Trainer ready to fly optional airplanes That you can buy I might actually be the Biggest ready toly airplane I've ever Held and owned now whether it's just the Beginning for all of us or it's the Beginning for for you and you're Shopping around for your first rc plane I'm so happy that we've been able to Bring three or four ready toly trainer Planes to you very recently on the Channel and this one comes in at a Really great price of about $200 Depending on the setup of how you buy it You can get it under 200 if you go Plug-and play you add floats for extra $20 and if you want to get the fully Ready toly setup which makes it very Very beginner friendly because it also Has light stabilization it still comes In way under 300 bucks right around 250 And with any luck we may even have a Coupon for you so be sure to check it Out Linked In the description box below I love the fact that this airplane looks Like a real airplane a lot of people Complain about our most often Recommended Aeros scalp airplane because It doesn't look realistic it's a goofy

Looking airplane this one has a lot of Potential because it flies on a very Budget friendly battery and it has Things like this little bit goofy Looking spring at the front but that's Going to make your Landings very Forgiving and I'm excited to test that Out today it's also a simplified Airplane because it doesn't have flaps But I don't think it's going to need Flaps with that very large wingspan and We're flying on 3s power so I think we Can come in nice and slow and not have To worry about extra things that can Break in potential crashes like flaps so Without further Ado I'm just excited to See how this does because this will be a True Maiden on the channel so let's plug It in have some fun and see how it Does that's Reversed Elevator good good Good nice simple controls but it's big And it's yellow it's easy to see and I Like the price like the video for a good Maiden let's go Nate hey okay so I'm Taking off and flying not in stabilized Mode I just want to see how it does on Its own just a nice trainer airplane I Will turn stabilize mode on but more Often lately lately I tend to trust my Own skills more than the stabilized Things So that's every brand though it's just I

Think that just comes with time and the Hobby cuz it's less things that could Mess up right so it's flying really nice It's a big airplane like I said easy to See and uh well let's just go for some Fun Maneuvers this is 3s power I figured It could do a nice Loop and we'll throw A roll at it too let's K can we do it oh Yeah this is great this is a cool Airplane I like this very nice very nice I like the markings on the plane cuz to See the little checkered patterns there On the ground I didn't quite think about This but now that it's in the air look At that that's for orientation and then The bottom see that those checkered Patterns on the tips that is really good To help you see your airplane for Orientation Oh What a Beautiful Day this Is awesome we've been blessed with an Awesome day to get out here and Fly so cool and we'll roll it let's go Look at our climb rate here we go up up Up up up that's full throttle we're Gonna hammer head Over yeah we'll let it roll down and go Right into a [Music] Loop pretty capable airplane this is Awesome so the beginner is watching and Saying okay yeah I'm not going to do That and you're right you shouldn't do That not on your first 10 flights but it Lets you know that this plane has

Something you can work up to some Trainers I've flown they only want to Fly like this just nice easy boring fly And that's okay but I think it's good to Have an airplane that you can uh use to Increase your skill over time so now to The beginner how does this fly with Stabilized mode on let's kick it on now Okay so nothing crazy happened and That's a good thing we don't want it to Fly up or down or start turning or Anything what stabilize mode does is Allows us to fly like this Abby don't stall It and as we turn the plane I can push All the way over and let's see if we can Give them this shot Too does that make sense is the airplane In the shot too yep I was holding full Right and the airplane doesn't go upside Down but this is what happens when you Don't have stabil Iz mode and you push Full right you ready for this full right Makes the plane Roll okay and if you don't have Stabilized mode on and you push right Your job is to now level the plane off By pushing left a little bit let that Wing level off when you have stabilize Mode on you can just push right a little And the plane Auto levels back you can Push left a little and it auto levels Back and it does that with climbing and Nosing down too well that was a funny

Little pocket of wind it hit up There so look at that oh it's buff Buffing in the wind like Crazy but it's handling it well yeah This is a good trainer airplane now I Wanted to test that landing gear out too Right so we want to bring it in a little Bit slower so I'm going to leave it in This beginner mode and we're going to Try to do a little bit of a touch and go And see if that landing gear like folds Up or if it holds stiff Let's go let's find Out that's kind of fast oh look at that I saw it spring I don't know if you guys Saw That Kind oh I saw a spring I don't if you Guys saw that it like a door stopper Right you guys know what I'm talking About but it flicked back out and that's Really good because a lot of times when You're learning to fly or even Pros the Front nose wheel is the thing to snap And crack and give and that does happen It really Can it's holding well but it's also like I just saw in that first touch and go Really forgiving and I love that because Instead of snapping the foam or the Landing gear it's going to bounce and Wiggle and you know with the big cracks We have on our asphalt here it might Even get stuck in one and just bounce it

Right out of there so I'm I although it Might look a little little bit Goofy cuz It kind of does let's be Honest look at that it's holding up Really well I'm going to have to fly This one yes this is a good airplane you If you don't want the pusher prop style And you want a more realistic Cessna Looking plane this looks like a really Good option it really is it's really Nice you would love and there's no Rubber bands holding the wing on that's That's nice too yes I can't believe Anybody would still be using rubber Bands to hold a wing on this uses a nice Little turn key lock two of them and uh Within 30 seconds you can have the wing On and off and and guys it took me about It it says on the box it says takes 3 to 10 minutes to Assemble they're not kidding when they Say that it took me about 10 minutes to Assemble no glue required probably one Of the fastest beginner planes I've ever Put together and it's big too a very Easy assembly um it also remember this Let's not forget the fact that for ready To fly at around 250 it comes with Floats that's pretty amazing so I'm Excited to try those out someday Hopefully we'll have another boat week Or something look at this this is so Easy to fly you're going to like this Abby just because it's such a nice

Casual slow flyer but I know how you Like to fly you'll take the flight Stabilization off and then do a stunt And then kick it back on but this would Be a really good airplane for you to Practice um not doing that don't kick That stabilization back on because it's Such an easy plane to see and it doesn't It doesn't roll fast it it has a little Bit of Wing dihedral So It Auto levels a Little bit on its own I want to see how It flies inverted here we go oh yeah This is nice and this is coming in at Like 250 ready to fly with float fly With floats now if you are liking the Airplane and you're like you know what I Will never fly on water and I don't need Ready to fly cuz I got my own radio you Can buy this I think Plug and Play for 190 that means all you need is a battery And a receiver yeah and you're in the Air at 190 for a big airplane a little Bit over 1200 mm Wings spin that's a Good size and you can learn a lot on This airplane batteries are budget it Does good in the wind my goodness the Wind we're holding steady inverted this Whole time I can't believe you're flying This Inverted I'm not having to hold much are There any other trainer planes that you Could do this not this confident that's Wild I like the speed of it because I'm Flying at about half throttle and it's

Just cruising around fighting the wind O Let's play our favorite game just for Curiosity sake well we let's outside Lop First you ready I hope so cuz I'm pretty Well committed yeah that was great all Right Nate let's play our favorite game Will it snap well let me get a little More speed okay I got to throttle here You ready yes well let's snap let's snap It right here oh it actually okay so This seems like like a great option for Progression too I can't believe that Okay last thing can we knife Edges I got to come in the other way Okay I feel more comfortable this Way that's just a me Thing there you go a little bit a little Bit a little bit we're dropping we're Dropping so it won't hold forever but You can do a knife edge pass like this You can hold into it for a little bit There but it eventually drops to be fair All right I think it's time to see if we Can just grease a nice smooth Landing We've got strong winds to our back now Which is crazy so let's see if we can Just bring it in nice and smooth I love The speed of this airplane look at that The the slow and then see the front Wheel airplane look at that the slow and Then see the Front stuck The Landing it almost caught But it sprung right I can't believe you Didn't just get road rash on that one

That's amazing yeah this is a great Airplane and it needs some RC sailor Stickers let's be honest so the one Thing that I was like not impressed with In this airplane when I got it is the Battery I thought oh are you kidding They're doing a 1300 milliamp what what A poor choice that was I thought it'd be A 5minute flight they say on the box That it can fly 10 or 12 to 15 minutes On this battery so not only is it a Great flyer you just got like 9 or 10 And I'm sure you have D I'm sure I do I Didn't bring my Checker is the Unfortunate thing that is a in a very Impressive and efficient flyer okay I I Brought some 2200s to fly on so I'll let You guys know how that worked out just Probably in the comments or the Description box but that's the battery It comes with a charger too like this is Actually ready to fly and the radio just A good old Fly Sky radio it definitely Feels good and gets the job done I like That it's a thinner transmitter I'm so Tired of these giant boxy shoe boxes of Radios so at least this in my opinion is A step in the right direction I'd like To see more of a Gamepad style Controller but this feels good it's way More ergonomic kids wies with smaller Hands can feel good flying this too and Even with large hands it feels good this Is your flight mode switch all the way

Down I think that was uh stabilized mode On all the way up it was off this switch Does nothing on this airplane because It's just nice simple four channel Airplane that being a true Maiden I'm Very impressed much more so impressed With This than I thought I would be okay I Will say that it's a little on the ugly Side but when function Trumps looks significantly I'm okay with It so good for them for Designing and Implementing that feature to save the Front wheel that's going to save a lot Of Pilots a lot of headache while They're learning to fly especially their Landings This Plane will be linked in The description box below I'm very Impressed and using that link does help To support our Channel and our family at No extra cost to you now if you're a Beginner pilot and likely you are Watching this video or guys if you're Not a beginner pilot and you're watching This please share this video with Someone that you'd like to see get in The air because this is probably one of The best trainer planes I've had my Hands on in years So to that beginner pilot you also Should consider flying with AMA that's The Academy of model Aeronautics for Half the price of this airplane you can Be insured for the entire year and

That's going to cover you if you crash Into someone's car you crash through a Window or even God forbid you hurt Someone with your airplane so AMA is the Academy of model Aeronautics it's for Really any in every type of RC but those Of us that fly planes are the ones that Tend to fly pretty safely and we know About it and we all fly with AMA you get A nice Magazine subscription highly Recommend it we'll have that link down There by the link to the airplane too I Am impressed I didn't really know what To expect out of this Airplane but it's awesome and it's so Awesome that Abby wants to fly it now How often do you hear her get you know Maybe maybe one out of every 10 Airplanes she's like I really want to Fly that so good for you Abby I'm Excited to see you fly this and I know You'll do really well with it so if you Guys want to see Abby fly it let her Know in the comments leave a like get This video some attention so Abby will Jump behind the controls and uh she'll Jump out here in this warm weather and Take to the skies too so I'm really Excited for that but I want to say Massive thanks to God for blessing us With this beautiful day this opportunity And this time to jump in front of the Camera and share this experience with You guys also want to say a massive

Thanks to our patreon supporters because We couldn't do what we do as often as we Do it without your insanely awesome Support now we've talked about trainer Planes there's one that's not quite as Beginner friendly uh but it's really Cool because it actually comes with air Filled tires and I was able to take off From really tall grass we featured that On the channel not very long ago I think It's definitely worth your time because It also comes as a ready toly airplane We'll have that video popping up right About now thanks for watching see you There bye [Music] [Music]

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