Check out the E-Flite P-51D Mustang here:
This is the brand new E-Flite P-51D Mustang 1.2m BNF Basic with AS3X and SAFE Select “Cripes A’Mighty 3rd” RC airplane. This warbird looks amazing and we love the 1.2m size as it is perfect and easy to fit into our vehicle. In this video, we maiden this brand new P-51 for you. Let us know your thoughts about this warbird in the comments!
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.
Check out the E-Flite P-51D Mustang here:
The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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#rcplane #warbird #p51mustang
I don't know why it feels like it's been So long since we've had a new release And a maiden flight on the channel but It does feel like it's been way too long And way overdue today we're here with a Brand new P-51 by e-flight this is a 1.2 Meter six channel airplane with flaps And retracts it is a great setup and it Flies on one of my favorite sized Batteries a recommended 4S 2200 milliamp It went together in probably 15 minutes Or less very quickly using the Instruction book you've got four bolts Holding the main wing on you have to Assemble just the rear horizontal Stabilizer with two screws a nice carbon Fiber Rod that goes through there Plugging in a few things to your Receiver which is clean and easy and Then putting on the prop and nose Assembly literally like 15 minutes and I Haven't done this in a while because of YouTube movie Magic Abby is over nine Months pregnant while filming this video So she is gonna go back and forth for a While you guys and we tried to film a Few things to get ahead a little bit so That when this baby boys in the world we Have some videos to fall back on this is Real time he's not here yet this is real Time so we are excited but because of That movie Magic it's been a while since I've flown I'm a little extra nervous Today is a true Maiden it's like it's
What we love doing on the channel Without any more stalling let's put this In the air and have some fun We have got ourselves a beautiful Airplane the battery tray system is a Little bit unique it actually has the Removable battery tray in there a Steerable tail wheel which is very nice And uh we have Telemetry on this plane Too so we should know what uh when our Battery is getting low and all those Extra features that you might want to Know While you're flying no this is a tail Dragger so I'm I'm thinking it's going To pull left when we take off so we're Going to need some right Rudder yep There we go right Rudder commit to it And pull up a bit I straightened it out And we we got a nice takeoff I just Needed a little more right Rudder when It started to throttle up and torque up Some so we're gonna throttle up we want To maintain speed through these Banks so We don't have any wingtip stalls Abby's Super laser focused and she's going to Be quiet so she doesn't end up coughing She's kind of sick sadly I've been sick For three months it's been bad off and On both of us now look at that that is a Beautiful P51 And safe is working very well I hear a Full scale so I've got to keep my head On a swivel but I think it's way above
The clouds and I haven't heard anyone Radio and so we should be just fine but We're going to be prepared for a quick Landing if need be so on this pass we're Going to put those landing gear up and Enjoy that pass Abby are you focused Here we go three two one They go up quick on this plane and That's beautiful that is so beautiful we Did not use flaps on takeoff I'm hearing the plane but I'm not seeing It it's definitely well above the clouds Just a loud point you guys might even be Able to hear it too let's do a full Throttle pass down the runway in safe And then I'm going to kick safe off and We will climb it and have some fun Here's Full Throttle now it climbs it's Giving me Telemetry feedback already It's going well we're going to climb it Now and roll and do some maneuvers I have a feeling this battery will get Eaten up a little bit quickly just Because of the colder weather today but We'll give a nice Show Pass here What a good looking airplane oh it's Feeling really good out of safe too safe On was kind of nice Feels very trainer-esque safe off feels A lot more agile feel like I can get a Little more done with it Let's go in for a nice roll into a bank The roll rate is nice I do have a little Bit of Expo on this I feel like it's
Flying smoother out of safe Than in safe and that's pretty normal When you get some wind and stuff War Birds especially just aren't the best Flyers but they look amazing and this One for a P-51 is flying really well I Love that it's on 4S We're just keeping it fairly scale on This Maiden flight but you know what Does it snap Stops okay for a P51 that's not bad Let's go right into a nice Loop out here Just because that looks like perfect Time for a loop Nice Abby that is nice Aggressive dive bomb here Really cool We'll go in for a roll out here And let's do a Cuban eight I'm knocking some personal rust off here Once you just don't fly for a while it Really gets Rough and I start to forget my Maneuvers And things speaking of which let's just See how she does upside down definitely Not a plane that I'm going to enjoy Flying inverted it does need up elevator When I'm upside down but it held it and I just won't be flying it inverted too Much Let's do a flap pass just to see what it Looks like slowing down But overall this is a great Maiden it is The same size category Power Electronics
Here's full flaps and we'll just slow it Down a little bit here Very nice flaps up throttle up We probably could get it to go slower I Was coming in pretty fast when I kicked Those flaps on Same size category Electronics even Price I believe as the 1.2 meter Corsair And Trojan that e-flight offers now they Have this P51 which I think is like the Perfect size and power category it fits In the back of our car with the seats up Didn't have to lower the seats all in One piece but if you needed to four Bolts hold that wing on and then three y Harnesses that are included to plug Right into the receiver so you know five To ten minutes on and off the Airfield And you could have that wing on and off If you needed to and I think my next Flight Abby I'll take those fuel tanks Off and try to see how it flies with Those drop Tanks off they do just slide On and off with that rail system which Basically everybody has adopted now This is a really good Maiden I'm really Happy with this let's do the dreaded Right hand turn Into a left-hand turn As long as I don't cook my throttle at Full I don't get my Telemetry alarm and I'm just going to keep flying to give You guys an accurate idea of a normal Fly time on this this is a very heavily
Used now hundreds of flights 4S 2200 Milliamp battery one of my original gen Ones Uh I have I'm down to two of them now Because of some crashes and things that Happened this last year I really like this and I'm guessing our Scale Pilots are loving this too because I'm not doing anything too crazy on it Abby and I have not got the dance down Because she just stepped on my timer It's been too long Abby wide load I'm a Wide load right now so a little bit we Forgot to put the sticker on the Background we we are we're pushing it You're nine months pregnant out here Helping me get this video out crazy Times crazy times but very excited I'm Excited but miserable Let's Rudder into this I'm getting a Little more Telemetry feedback here and That wasn't quite at Full Throttle so We're getting low enough we should Consider a landing so let's put the Landing gear down on this next pass And I might land it in safe because I Took off in safe for this flight next Flight you guys see on the channel Assuming we get it back in one piece Maybe we'll do the entire thing safe off So landing gear down kachow safe on Making things nice and smooth for me and We're just going to bring it around we Do have a breeze coming in about five
Miles an hour from left to right so my Job now is to bring the airplane around I'm getting Telemetry feedback at 50 Throttle so I'm actually going to land It this way Abby are you doing that with The throttle no that was it it's a low Battery so we're gonna land it this way Oh that was beautiful look at the tail Look at the tail it was off but oh I bet You just gave yourself red rash drift When those Wheels hit even with the Right input did you guys see that though The wheels touched down the tail wheel Was still up that was a beautiful Landing until the very then right at the Very end let's see it go pick it up oh I Needed a little bit of Rudder input I Think to keep it from doing that but Overall man what a maiden and while I Have you guys really quickly I can tell You the telemetry 3.61 volts per cell so yes that's low But not so low that it would hurt the Battery we landed at a great time flight Time was about six minutes Oh let's see it well I want you guys to See this Because you normally see this on a Larger airplane you have the battery Tray system okay so it helps with the CG Of the airplane to get it exactly right And just so you guys can see the butt End of my battery is sitting flush with The battery tray and then I slide the
Tray in and lock it in place and that's Where my CG was so 2200 milliamp butt End of the battery is flush with that Tray and I think that's important for Everyone on a maiden flight and did we Pick up any rash on the wingtips yes we Did a little bit very embarrassing sad But it did happen and you guys got to Witness it and you know that's kind of The fun of the YouTube channel you get To follow the history of these airplanes You know if they crash if I build them And come back in one piece and fly it Again or if they pick up little things Like that which that's not too bad I've Definitely had nastier exacto knife We'll clean that up yeah it's this hard It's hard to get warbirds to take off And land and look beautiful everyone has A little bit of a different tendency and So you have to fly it a lot and know What that plane likes to do when it Takes off and more importantly when it's Landing if you want it to be a pretty Landing and I will say that was a very Pretty Landing I'll show it again when Those Wheels touch down and that tail Wheel was still up and there was no Bounce you couldn't ask for a better Landing but then it just drifted and man I hate when it does that This is a fantastic P-51 maybe one of The best p51s I have ever flown Especially with a maiden p-51s look
Amazing in the air everybody wants to Own one most people that are in the Hobby do own one but they can be Challenging you get prop strikes and Things but with this one that was just That was just fun for not having flown In so long even though we made it look Like we have been on the YouTube channel Um to come back from a little break a Little Hiatus actually just being sick Uh it was it was a very enjoyable maiden Of a war bird flight and I'm very happy With everything this thing has to offer We'll have it linked in the description Box below if you want to check it out For yourself it's brand new I think what They're doing is pre-orders if you're Watching this video when it came out if You're watching this video down the road It should be readily available and if You click that link it does help to Support our Channel and our growing Family at no extra cost to you it's a Really good win-win situation where you Guys get free content and we get a Little Kickback when you place that Order so and then we're all happy so When so it's a win-win-win that's right The office for a successful maiden and a Lot of fun getting to share this Experience with you guys I want to thank God also just everything in general in Our lives even though we've been sick And suffering and burning through our
Videos and didn't plan on burning Through our videos right now I'm still Grateful just for the good and the bad In our lives and I hope you guys are too Going into 2023 we have a lot to look Forward to and so all together we should Be able to get it done right fingers Crossed last but not least certainly I Want to say a massive thanks to our Patreon supporters because we couldn't Do what we do as often as we do it Without your amazing support we thank You guys for all that direct support From the bottom of our hearts if you're Into p51s and you want to check out more Content I think the voodoo would be a Great airplane for you to check out it Is a great looking airplane and it comes Built all in one piece right out of the Box press of a button you're in the air If you haven't seen that we'll have that Video popping up right about now thanks For watching we'll see you there bye Thank you