BRAND NEW!!! E-Flite UMX Air Tractor RC Crop Duster Airplane

Check out the brand new UMX Air Tractor here:
E-Flite just dropped this new beauty, the UMX Air Tractor rc plane. This crop duster RC airplane comes as BNF basic and AS3X and Safe Select. We still have and love our bigger Air Tractor and we are excited to add this new UMX Air Tractor to our RC family! Let us know your thoughts about this RC plane in the comments.

Check out the brand new UMX Air Tractor here:


The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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#rcplane #rcairplane #airtractor

Most of you guys probably didn't know This but there's a secret hatch on the Bottom of your air tractor behind that Hatch is actually a smaller UMX air Tractor dad jokes all day long you know I think that's pretty good really for an Intro welcome to UMX air tractor this Looks fantastic it's funny a lot of Times we see new airplanes come out by E-flight and I think we all know Eventually there's going to be a UMX Version and the appeal to these they're Lightweight they're fun and Powerful This is a 3s airplane packed with lights Little micro LEDs all over in more Places than what the bigger version of This has and they're already built in The Box they come out literally just Like this in one piece you bind it to Your universal radio and you fly and you Have fun usually large scale flying and A very small physical form and I love That about UMX you can have an entire Fleet fit in one closet as opposed to One airplane barely fitting in your Garage so I I tend to have both and I Think a lot of us do but a lot of guys Are just park Flyers so this is a maiden Flight I'm excited to fly this the Nerves are much smaller on a smaller Airplane but I'm still very anxious and Excited so let's put it in the air and See how it does the lights look amazing They really do they're nice and bright

Got safe I did have to reverse my flap Switch that was a first for a UMX thing But that has flaps and a little reverse Of a switch no thing uh they're safe That's hands-free even in at least at Least five miles an hour of wind there's Very low on the throttle I'm flying on a little 3s jst plug Battery I'll show you my battery Placement at the end of this video if Someone reminds me please The only thing this is missing is smoke So it could look like a real sprayer Come on you Max get on the smoke Okay nice and easy little Cruiser this Is a very scale flyer Abby you got me locked on there okay I Don't know how you do it but license Scale let's bring it in nice and slow Because this is where air tractors shine Just keeping it low low like we're Spraying those crops and even though We're fighting some wind what we're Going to do is put those flaps on and Really do that low crop flying Maneuvering so what you got to do what You got to do to make it look scale is Kind of like up there's a little Rudder Over And not like that not like that bringing It in right over those crops oh this Wind makes it hard to get that plane low With confidence and flaps on and spray Your crops and then fly up out of that

Okay flaps off and let's turn safe off See if we can fly it not scale yeah Ah super cool airplane you guys super Cool I actually think I'm liking the way This one flies a little more than the Larger one the large one does i i stall It because I push it I I stall it Because I'm literally pushing it to its Stall Tendencies hard But here we go we can be a little more Aggressive I could watch crop duster Pilots all day they're very very skilled Pilots Flying up ruddering over coming back Down slow and just Spraying those crops man so cool so cool This is one that's going to be hard to Make myself not fly scale like I'm doing Out here I'm not sure this plane in real Life could do a little bit of probably a Loop or two easily but This is going to be able to do some wild Stuff too I'm sure The roll rate is very nice on that That's not even Full Throttle We're gonna snap it up here Abby nope no Snap really Not much of a snap we'll try one more Forward momentum so let's go into it With A little more speed and we'll snap it Like that there we go basically just a Roll so we're not doing much on the snap On this it has a very long Wing you guys

A very long wing airplane it's kind of Designed to be almost like a sail plane Really because you want it to just Cruise and be very fuel efficient very Kind of cheap airplane for these guys to Fly if they had to pay much more for Their airplanes they couldn't afford to Be crop dusters So these airplanes are very kind of Uniquely set up to be crop dusting Plants although you can modify just About anything That long Wing too means more of a spray Area Really cool airplanes really awesome I Love the bright yellow easy to see one Of my favorite color RC planes to fly It's very easy to see Gonna fly up and I want to try a Different little maneuver here I don't Know if we want to do it do a spin yeah Nice Everything happens so quickly on a small Airplane I was thinking that looked Really fast Look at that oh yeah just got to make Sure you pull up in time I wonder if we Can do that inverted We'll do it back out here I think that Was a good angle because the sun's Behind us I don't know if we can do it inverted or Not we'll try it though Almost I think I needed to push the

Rudder the other direction we'll try That one more time and we'll actually Try an inverted pass See what this looks like No holy you know that's nice though we Can just rock it better I think it just Falls fast there we go that's pretty Nice Yeah nose down it's it's pretty cool I knew it was still around somewhere Yeah my goodness that was terrifying Please give it up to my amazing wife for Dealing with spiders and being not just A camera person but an amazing life But yeah Abby first and foremost you're An amazing wife sorry getting spiders Off of me comes before filming plans Sorry priorities outstanding mom and one Of the best RC camera person people in The world they do a fantastic job thanks You couldn't say camera woman because I'm probably the only camera woman for Playing maybe no we have Telemetry too I Guess that's not exactly true sorry I Think there's a couple out there and They do okay Yeah there are a couple I know a couple So uh let's do I put it in safe because You were dealing with the spiders let's See if it can fly upside down Okay a lot of a lot of elevator on that But we can do it I just flew into the Sun so let's do it back going this way Good bit of elevator out and say a lot

Actually Just not the best inverted flyer but you Say we're holding it upside down let's See an outside Loop And it just peels off to the side a Little bit Really fun huh it's a UMX air tractor And my favorite thing now we're just Kind of putting it through its Paces a Little bit but my favorite thing to do On this absolutely is going to be to Keep it low and we're going to try to Slow it down a little bit We can go maybe half flaps and just see What that does of course put a little Lift in there you saw that balloon right When I kicked them on but half flaps low And slow you're not going to see me do This too often with a lot of airplanes When I get a 3s battery one of my Favorite things to do is just to keep it Sporty and fun and that's what's going To be nice about this airplane I can Keep it low and slow Really get that crop duster look gone if I get into a bind where I'm worried like A wingtip stall or something you know Hit the wind at the wrong angle we can Punch it and pull right out of that but Then if I want to also just say you know What that's enough one slow let's go we Can just climb it And not have to worry about losing power It's 3s power on this little airplane

And that's awesome it is flying really Well they fly so big they get these Little guys tuned in so well with as3x And safe but keep in mind the majority Of this flight now has been out of safe Telemetry on this plane means when the Battery gets low the radio should give Us an alarm saying hey time to think About Landing And I'm really cruising it mostly half Throttle for a lot of this flight There's knife edge First knife edge sort of because it Would add a magnet to us very bad at That I can't believe this actually didn't I Think there you go pretty cool That's full right Rudder with almost Full throttle to pull that off that's Really cool to see that knife etching I don't think I've ever done a knife Edge on the big one Abby We can actually climb knife edge that That is sweet I wonder how good the show Pass would look on this you gotta be Careful though because the sun is like Right behind us Show pass with an air tractor It's not a good way to spray the crops Okay let's do a little more sporty a Little more aggressive flying to see if We can get a low battery alarm Wanting to save let's do this we'll

Throw let me film it better this time oh Yeah this is quick wow goodness wow and It's quiet listen to this Keeping it Full Throttle through this Bank we're gonna go right down the Runway Full Throttle Full Throttle Wow Full Throttle Full Throttle here we Go Look at this Abby it's just getting nuts With it I'm struggling to keep up with It my goodness Look at this you are everywhere yeah oh It feels good at Full Throttle feels Like a little racer look at this we can Just climb I mean lightly with electric Because I got a little a little bit of Time on gas Is like Full Throttle at least my big 50 Or 46 pipeline that I've got now you Keep that thing at Full Throttle a lot Of the flight lately with electric I've Been so comfortable with it I keep it Much lower on the throttle and very Rarely are you guys watching me Full Throttle but when I hit that Full Throttle it's just like this it just Goes I don't know if I can do it but we're Gonna try Foreign Kind of a flat spin but not very flat Sorry about the wildness I just wanted To save it try it again out here And we might not even be able to get a

Full flight on this you guys just Because the flight time is so epic let's See what we can do about a smooth clean Landing Uh so the wind is to our back so that Means I gotta land with the sun in my Eyes We're gonna go half flaps on this Landing to really try to slow it down I Think we can come in at this angle Actually it's not too bad safe is off Let's just go zero throttle here We're gonna have to put a little Throttle on so we don't stall A little bit of throttle a little bit of Throttle Just wanted to keep in the air there Taxi's well I think we should have a Steerable tail wheel but remember we're Fighting some wind so I think I'm gonna Have to go pick it up but there we're Steering it there you go the wind is Probably going to turn me around oh it Did I love Telemetry on my radio because it Tells me that I've got 11.1 volts left On my flight battery and before I unplug This I want to show you guys don't pull On this little tab it even says in the Instructions you're gonna pull more up On the front of that here's our Brushless motor mounted up there with Our flight lights that's where I had my Battery melted with the wiring in the

Back this is a 300 milliamp 3s battery Right there right along that little Sticker hopefully you've got that Sticker in there too now guys Let's talk about this for a second Because not too long ago I think they Had the turbo Timber or something I Can't remember what was the first plane That came out that used this battery but When the UMX pits came out to use this Battery and then there was a second After that not the voodoo P51 something After the pits Might have been the uh turbo Timber X UMX turbo Timber X I believe yeah that's It uses this battery this very specific Battery that we'll have Linked In the Description box below this thing is the Highest performance battery it is like Pure gold because that flight time was Insane we were up to seven minutes Flying the way I was flying And no indication of low battery at all So you better believe we're going to use This same battery to do some shorts Content right that's going to be on the Channel just thanks to this Golden Nugget these things are amazing we'll Have this Linked In the description box Below I think when we featured the UMX Pits uh we probably Helped thousands of people pick these Batteries up just because they are Insanely awesome so I'm happy to see

That this plane is flying on the same Battery I didn't have to pick up any More batteries I've got these same Amazing batteries from the pits and a Couple other planes and that's always a Great thing this is fantastic look at That bright yellow super easy to see This should appeal if not to the trainer Or the beginner and it should Also to anyone else out there that's a Little hesitant about your own flying Ability because this one's so easy to See it's very bright yellow the blue Striped on the side and then the obvious Shape of the airplane makes for really Great orientation you could fly this at Night you don't have to fly like I was Flying not that I'm amazing at flying But I fly a little sportier than some People do and you could easily just put This in safe mode or just leave it in You know a nice scale flying kind of Thing and you could plop it down into Tall Grass there's a lot to love about This airplane so if you're in love with The two just like me we'll have it Linked in the description box below next To the Big Air tractor also and using That link does help to support our Channel and our family at no extra cost To you whether you're flying this your Very first airplane EDF Jets big gassers Like I just mentioned helicopters Whatever you're flying you really should

Fly with AMA so the Academy of model Aeronautics they're an insurance program For those of us that like to fly and dry Five RC vehicles and at this point in Time geez guys AMA I don't think they Realize like everything got expensive Because their price is still the same It's about the price of uh I think it's amazing though like I Really do because in my opinion it Should be more expensive than what it is For a lot a little less than the price Of this airplane you can be insured for The whole year for everything you fly Get a nice Magazine subscription to go Along with it it'll be linked in the Description box below you gotta fly with Ama It went from super cold which is super Beautiful literally overnight and this Is just an amazing day for flying Airplanes I could have asked for a Better day to Maiden The UMX air tractor With you guys and for that I thank God For everything in my life the good the Bad the stressful the de-stressors for You guys My wife my family everyone I thank God And I hope you guys are grateful for Some good in your life too It's hard sometimes isn't it we compare Ourselves but try not to and know that We're grateful for you for your view for Your time we thank you we also thank our

Patreon supporters from the bottom of Our hearts because we couldn't do what We do as often as we do it without your Amazing support you're the best we'll Have It's been a while but the last time we Flew this air tractor will be an amazing Video for you to check out the full the Big guy that video will be popping up Right about now thanks for watching see You there bye

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