Double the power or double the run time RC battery modification !!!

good morning you beautiful peeps my name is john welcome to my channel um have you ever wondered about serial no series i'm going to get that wrong and parallel connectors on your rc batteries it's something that um i was wondering about and i actually bought this which is for parallel connection and what you do is when you connect that to that and that to that it does not double the voltage it doubles the amperage so whatever these two are 1 500 milliamp 1 500 milliamp it will make it into 3 000 milliamp hour battery but it remains a 2 s really important because this one here will change it into series yes and that changes the voltage so it will in fact make it into a 4s okay so take these off these are obviously 7.4 um volt two batteries each so if i put those in like so no big bang which is always a good sign i've just made this up and i'll just quickly explain how i did that afterwards as you can see we are at zero let's have a look now we're up to 14.96 volts and if i take one of these off uh 7.35 and 7.6 so why would you do this well because i want to do a test a little bit later on the w toys 1 2 4 0 1 7 um the brushless version with a 4s battery and it turns out i don't have one even with all these rc cars that um i have behind me not one of them has a 4s battery so by making this up i'm able to make these into 4 s so all i did was i'm not terrible at soldering i'll be clear and that's the reason why i bought these and i use these religiously um i will just show it in detail so these are the two connectors which obviously go to the batteries and this is the one that then goes into the esc and you can see that you've got red to red black to black but here is the difference you now have the uh red to black that makes it well doubles the voltage obviously check these out here they are so absolutely brilliant so this is how i connected this one was push it in and then try to keep it as to you know low or to the side as possible because then this one will fit alongside it like come on like so and then as you see see how they're now both overlapped with each other so get my trusty pliers because it's gonna get hot bring you guys down stop shaking now you do need quite a lot of heat i've got this set at 450 c done right ready check this out [Applause] see how that melted now excellent it's gonna be quite hot so i'm not gonna hold it for too long look at that it's still a bit warm so i really shouldn't be pulling it now as you can see it's coming out slightly um but these are the ones obviously i did earlier so there you go that is the difference between parallel and series i'm so happy i said that right again for the second time it's that simple um so if you want double the run time you could use this but as what was pointed out when i did a video on this once why would you carry around a second battery and the weight of a second battery when all you need to do is just swap them over and then you've got double the runtime anyway which makes a very good point obviously if it's in an aircraft or something well then to land and take off again there's a lot more hassle but an rc cars right there is right in front of you but when it comes to the 4s you would need one of these now these can be purchased from the likes of aliexpress um and i believe banggood as well and these it's definitely worth getting some of these i i use them on quite a lot actually and i'm just gonna buy a big bucket load of them because it makes the soldering so much simpler i'll have links in the description for both of these so if you wish to pick some up please use the uh links below as it helps the channel but you paint no more so i hope you liked the video hit that like button subscribe to the channel and take care of yourselves bye

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