Check out the E-Flite Eratix here:
This is our maiden flight of the brand new E-Flite Eratix 3D FF (Flat Foamy) 860mm RC plane. This is such a cool looking plane and Nate is actually nervous to maiden it! Wish him luck in the comments.
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Check out the E-Flite Eratix here:
The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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Jake Barnes, Jason day, Jeff Buys, Jeff Stone, Jesper Larsen, John Badrick, john salt, Jose Valentin, Matt Reetz, Michael Schouten, odatsteve, Raymond Hausele, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ron Erickson, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, Brian Buckstiegel, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, Doug Dahlheimer, Eddy Sinclair, Gary Zion, and Haar Bear
#rcplane #rcairplane #aviation
I am here with the e-flight erratics is This above my skill level maybe but I'm Dying to fly it so yes I am going to fly This today at least in safe and puts it Around I've always wanted to fly a flat Foamy 3D scale something that I can kind Of keep close and slow that to me is Exciting So if I can at least master and safe a Little higher up and then maybe get Right around the top of the hill level a Call today a success and then we do have A second one of these for mate on the Way so then maybe once that arrives I'll Try to push my skill level a little bit More I am so excited to fly one of these Like literally since our very first E-fest in 20 14 2013 I can't remember Which that doesn't even exist anymore I Have I saw these and I've wanted to fly One so I'm so honored to get to do that For you guys today wish me luck click The like button for uh kind of getting Out of my comfort zone even though I am Actually really excited by this let's go You want to know how you're in safe with This one safe no safe safe that's right Yeah definitely gonna do safe Nate am I Good to take off this direction yeah Yeah the Windstar box but it'll get in The air really quickly any advice with How to best fly this before I go anytime You haven't told me anything well Anytime you panic with this one maintain
Some throttle like kick throttle up and It'll power through just about anything Uh no you're good just throttle and Elevator for takeoff Almost nothing really but like 50 Throttle and some elevator and you'll be Up in safe it just flies like any other Plane Don't be afraid to throttle but when you Get used to it don't be afraid of easing Off on the throttle plane stall if I go Too slow uh yeah but like wow that's Sharp yeah yeah Cool elevator's your best friend okay You got it I'm so happy good oh this is so cool That's my wife my pregnant amazing not Just camera crew wife Abby good job very Easy to fly yeah it is I knew you'd like it Now because I know you like it so much Don't just think you have to do what you Thought you were going to do which fly Was fly like a mile high School it's that good right now but Don't don't think I'm not a mile high I Am like no you're doing no level yeah You're doing good do I need to get lower You could get a little lower but you Don't have to And what I think Today's video would be fun uh some People were like why would anybody buy This and just fly in safe listen my wife
Is all all smiles right now And it's a really fun airplane to to I'm Gonna suggest you do a couple things and It'll you're gonna be like wow that's Really fun So at the throttle level that you're at Now pull back on the elevator hard and Ease off on the throttle some you're Fine tell me what you're saying again Tell me and then I'll do it right so You're gonna pull back or up right yeah On the elevator nice guys up really hard And just play with throttle a little bit Like a little up a little down and That's your your hair earring when you Do that It's okay that's right you should go a Little higher when you're trying this Can happen and safe it's harder too but Yes hold on forget everything you just Nose up hard and then just play with Throttle that's it like how do you mean Just up down up down or something just Easy yeah yes You got it you kind of you got it more Of that and that's that's your first Step to getting into a hover That's why people would fly this with Safe you guys so you can really push Your skills Now play with that throttle That's right yeah well it's only me Right no it's it's it's actually safe so If you kicked it out of safe and like
Gave it a roll or something you could Really get a feel for and I got Expo in This by the way so you're there you go There you go There you go there There nice and you're holding full Elevator right I was good that's right he's off on that Juice and let it come back down So a lot of times guys when I kind of Like talk Abby through these Maneuvers When she's flying trust me this is Something that like we've worked out Before camera's turned on she wants me To kind of walk her through doing a Couple things don't come after Nate for Telling me yeah I'm not just like my job Not yours yeah this is true From me if it's a problem Trust me I stand up for it sometimes People like say oh man Nate you're being Bossy now she like she wants to learn How to do something new and so I try to Try to walk her through it there you go Yeah hold that elevator full back Elevator On this when you're when you're getting It into a hover that's really what you Do is You Yank back on that elevator and Then the throttle cut Look at that there zero throttle you see You went zero throttle nose up don't be Afraid of that Wow that's cool Isn't that cool
It's something like merely as good as Yours it's okay yours is like vertical I Think this is cool because you're Showing people how much fun this plane Is that it was like from a beginner And people are talking about the price On this like 199 for that that's too High oh my gosh you must not value your Time because this plane if you were to Build it a piece by piece everything That I can find if you find Quality Parts maybe 180 to 250 depending on what You get Metal Gear servos plastic servos You're playing the thruder was that a Little bit of Rudder no try some Rudder On the next Bank just a little bit Instead of bank and yank put the nose up A little and use the rudder to turn Through it Rudder's heavy it'll do a lot right You can do a lot of rotor on this so Um and then if you if you value your Time of assembly you know it's anywhere Between like two to six hours to put Something like this together really well And you're up there really high on the Price so yeah maybe like two or three Years ago 200 so this would be high but Now that gas is what it is and milk is What it is and bacon is what it is uh I Think 200 is spot on and to get a like What is this like a 60 receiver that Comes with it Valued at twenty dollars
You could buy bind and fly on this Is your timer You could buy The Binding fly yank that Receiver off sell it on eBay for 50 Bucks and now you got 150 airplane it's Just crazy That's Full Throttle it's good I didn't Do much on Full Throttle so good on you It's supposed to fly pretty sporty and That's what you're doing right now Yeah and Full Throttle on a plane like This you're gonna do a little bit of Porpoising and stuff my CG could be off Just a hair because I'm flying on an 850 Milliamp battery But you do have Expo in there and that's Helping smoothen things up when the Sticks are closer to the center Feel the roll right if you want you want To try it just to show people oh nothing Okay All right it's To just get a feel for being out of safe It's surprisingly not Snappy all right Uh you're flying so I'm proud of you It's very pretty What a great day to fly all right I Think I'm gonna try to land it okay Uh Landing this is easy because it likes To fly slow and if you feel like you're Gonna stall just pull back on the Elevator and give it some throttle so You should be fine to land any direction You want there's no wind right now
We all get quiet and focused You're not gonna stall because it likes To fly slow but if you feel like you're Gonna stall just pull back on the Elevator and punch on the throttle and You'll pull out of anything on this Airplane I know it's kind of bouncy of the Landing gear oh yeah you don't expect a Smooth landing on this you could do like Me and try to karate chop catch it No thank you and nope that's all right You needed to pull back like right at The last second instead you committed to Straight down and that's a little harder On the landing gear but obviously it's Pretty durable You got it There Pregnant wife Well I'm kind of a little emotional I Can't believe I just flew a plane like This yes it wasn't safe some of you guys Would say why would you buy a plane like This and fly it and safe but when you're At a skill level like I am and this is Like your favorite kind of style of Plane to look at That's why you would fly it in safe just Because your skill level is not there But you love the look of something like This this is so cool I'm excited to get It out of safe once Nate's erratics is Here for oh the one coming is mine and
That one's yours now I don't care However whatever wine crashes first is Mine that's no it's fine we both have Nice new see we like this one so much Each of us we had to get a second one I Think it's so cool I am so honored to Get to fly something like this uh That was fun I don't really know what to say other Than like the people that said like why Would you want something like this and Save right here I'm the prime example of Why something like this safe is Beneficial to me we'll take it out as Safe next time I apply it maybe you guys Will get to see it maybe I'll practice Some off camera believe it or not I Think this might be my new Valiant no Way your new favorite God I might this Might be my grab-and-go plane now it's a Little delicate Um whereas the Valiant is a little bit More robust I'll probably still get my Valiant out and practice my rolls a Little bit more on Windy days yeah on The windy days I need my value I love This I'm so happy I was able to fly this For you guys thank you so much for Watching and hanging out with me and Always encouraging me in the comments You guys are awesome for a very calm Evening and a successful flight when Today was not so great for me I have not Had a good day I've literally dropped
Like 30 things on the ground today from A stick of butter meatballs scissors a Glass ornament Knives silverware we were nervous about Today every I don't Know if you dropped everything I'm Surprised I haven't dropped this yet it Was just not a great day for me but this Was awesome and for that I thank God Because without the bad you couldn't Have the good so thank you God I also Want to say a huge thanks to our Patron Family members if you want some of your Own RC sailor stickers join our Patron Family that'll be linked here at the end Of the video and down in the description Box below we'd love to have you as part Of that family I'll have Nate's Flight Of the erratics so you can see what this Can do he is very impressive flying this He thinks he's not but he is I'll have That video popping up right about now For you to go check out thanks for Watching we'll see you over there Foreign [Music]