Hi guys and another little rundown on some new
items that have come in just a quick one this is something i haven't seen before i saw it listed on
Trumpeter's website as part of their Master Tools and didn't really know what it was about what it
is it's a series of circles but they've got it's they're they call it detailing set so i guess you
can use it and add it on to all sorts of things it's not connected to the parts so you don't have
to worry about cutting parts off or anything like that just beautiful circle sets so it's
like this one is got a circle with a line in it so you guys i guess you could use it as a
fastener or something like that this one's just a circle so you could use it as nuts and bolts and
washers or whatever you wanted to use this one's a double circle so i don't know how that one's
going to work but the backing is adhesive so you just peel it off but to glue it on you need to use
something like super glue or something like that but it's just little detailing pieces and things
like that this one's a circle with a bar in it so it could be a a pull-up system or whatever
great for science fiction modellers i think i'm not sure what the others would you armour
modellers might use the the circle with the with the notch in it and things like that but
i reckon sci-fi modellers and people who just want to add some detail to their models again
just use a superglue made of stainless steel just really really nice just something really
odd so they're about 7.99 and as you can see you get quite a lot on it so should keep you busy and
it's all different sizes too so you've got large right down to small that's an interesting one from
we've got some new ones just come in this is the PM1 flame throwing tank prototype one i think it's
soviet pretty sure it's soviet so there's that one stubby shoots 38 t on the chassis there's that
one and we've got stern gracious flame warfare which is that one there's also been quite a we've
had quite a big restock of and everything else i'll show you that later on so that's just come
in from a model this is the little if you look just interested in some civilian between the war
type of stuff these are quite nice this is the Taylor gt1 and gt2 there's two kits in there
so you can you've got plenty to play with there just love some of these aircraft that are coming
out in the civilian world this is the Eclipse 400 this is another little lighty the aircraft the
tail i believe it's a jet yeah it's a jet so if you're looking again if you're just looking for
civilian aircraft and you want to play around with them it's not a bad little kit not that big so be
quite interesting to build so add to your civil collection i've never seen one so i don't know
if they're flying in Australia so there you go from a model these aren't necessarily new but
they're new to us so this is the Dornier 26d this is the German flying boat
just prior to world war ii was used through world war ii fairly big
airplane fairly big model there's the there's a fuselage just just in there you can
see it so it comes with a couple of choices of markings usual standard of a model so you've got
to do a little bit of work and a little bit of tidy up as usual so that's different and if you're
into helicopters and you're looking for that sort of big crane type aircraft here's the
latest one this is a mill 10 again nice kit usual standard of a model but they do such different
things so it's all pretty good so this is the that's the fuselage it looks like one
or two choices of markings both soviet but big stalky looking aircraft so it could
be quite interesting so that's also just come in as well they're in store drop in and
see us when you're ready see you then bye
February Model Kit New Arrivals Part 2 | All the Newest by A Model and Uni Model!