Check out the FX818 Pterosaur Motor Glider here:
This RC plane is the Flite Test Store’s CHEAPEST Ready to Fly Airplane for Beginners!!! This rc airplane for beginners is called the FX818 Pterosaur Motor Glider. In this video we talk about this beginner rc plane and take it on it’s maiden flight. Let us know your thoughts about this RC airplane in the comments.
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Check out the FX818 Pterosaur Motor Glider here:
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One of the greatest Parts about the Hobby of RC planes or any hobby is when We have an opportunity to introduce new People or kids into what we do and this Is a good hopefully fingers crossed it Might be a good option to get people Introduced into the hobby now a lot of Us will look at this and say ah you Really need an Aeros Scout well I would Say the same thing but not everybody has Aeros Scout money so please remember That this airplane comes in at $40 ready built it comes out of the box Just like this you don't even have to Put the main wing on and it's ready to Fly with a battery charger and Controller again that's $4 that's under $50 and I think one of The best things about this is that it's Sold by our Neighbors okay in the United States they Don't make this one but they do sell This one so that means more money in the Us family's Pockets it'll be linked in The description box below for you to Check it out at any time for this during This video but I don't recommend that You buy it until we fly it and see how It performs so let's put it in the air And see how it does is flying on a Single cell Molex connector battery Nothing proprietary about that and I Love that it even has a Switch throttle up down there we
Go need it launch with confidence launch Fence I'm going to always need That so this airplane has variable speed In the motors okay there is no control Surface that moves on this plane so if We want it to go up we give it throttle If we want it to come down we ease off On the juice it does have turning Capabilities because it has two Motors So one motor spins faster than the other To make it turn this airplane in some Ways can be slightly more challenging You got a bird CH it took you Down so the key for if you're going to Go down with these things is to make Sure you cut the throttle before it Lands that way you don't break a prop And more importantly than that you don't Burn up a [Music] Motor well as I was saying in some ways This airplane can be slightly more Challenging to fly than an airplane that Has a real elevator because in order to Get it to go up or down you have to plan Ahead and predict what it wants to do so You're really getting a better feel of The airplane flying this one and Um having to as I said think ahead see The nose is going up so I want to Throttle back some before it gets into Like too crazy now on turns throttle up And don't turn too steep because we'll Lose our altitude but in other ways
There's those birds chasing me I love That I've always loved that about summer Fly in other ways it's more forgiving Than other planes look how them go they Want to take you down again I know it And less can break on this way less Because there's no servos there's no Push rods so that's why it's 40 bucks um It's a nice affordable option if this is The kind of stuff I flew as a kid and It's what got me hooked in the Hobby and Here here let's try so sorry I think Wait I think I start following a bird It's okay it's okay I had like a floater In my eye and then I thought you were a Bird there we go they are chasing me Though isn't they really are so if we Don't want to dive we just got to level Off the plane and give it some Throttle kind of Chas now this thing boasts really long Flight times I think it set on the box Somewhere between I want to say 25 and 40 minutes which I believe because I Know I'm far away but watch this Hold on I got a bird again I'm Low oh my gosh it's not that hard well You're talking about the bird so I'm Zooming out to film The Bird too um we Can glide This Plane really well and fly It really low throttle so that's really Nice too and I want to show you guys how Durable this thing and now um that you Just said it's not that hard to film I'm
Going to fly this plane and let you film It okay I want to see you fly it and not Do what I did I'm not saying I can fly It better than you but you just like Challenged my camera flying abilities so I'm not happy with you right now it's Not that hard Me he's going to catch it don't do this At home it's got props on the front it's Not a smart idea but Nate likes to Pretend he's Amazing you been this way either way is Fine [Music] I lost my shoe oh you're Funny just walking backwards and lost Your shoe now in all fairness I have my Sunglasses on I can't see this oh yeah Yeah cuz my sunglasses are on hard Nate It's not that hard I can't see cuz my Sunglasses feel like I'm flying better Than you too you already Are no one will ever know that I'm Flying better than You I really can't see it at all On the screen I can see it in real life No problem but the screen girl don't get It over in the swamp there please oh Gosh yeah you are flying better than me Although I am just doing left circles That's okay right Circle woo I think the Battery is getting low cuz that's Full Throttle oh you skimmed it and into the Water let me see it let me see it I'll
Go get it Nate says there's no way the Battery is dead but that was Full Throttle so maybe I just banked too hard I don't know we'll see cuz Nate's going To try to show me up Again all right maybe I can't I just Can't do right-and turns maybe that was The Problem I did my left hand turns really Good not so much the Right I Know oh my S the swampy cattails A come On okay so this thing is tough as nails And that's really cool and that was not A low battery at all it's just really Hot out today and so when the air is as Hot as it is you just don't get as much Lift generally speaking I know that from The full scale stuff that I was doing There for a while this is a really good Durable beginner style airplane I'll Never forget get my first airplane that I loved was a stealth bomber from Walmart with the same flight Characteristics where it was just little Faster spinning on one side when you Turned it and you give them both Throttle to to climb and ease off on the Juice for it to come down that thing was Over $100 20 years ago and it had the Same principles as this it also couldn't Do this so you know can it touch oh no Because this one actually has uh oh a
Bar a bar there so but it can go before The bar it can go vertical so that's Pretty crazy um it's really tough though I Remember like uh my my brother's friend When we were kids fell on that stealth Bomber trying he was chasing it to get It when it landed cuz I mean I it was That thing was constant launch fly for 20 seconds if you're lucky and it's Going to land somewhere or crash Somewhere and so my friend's my Brother's friend was chasing it and he s R on a little Hill and just fell right On it and it crushed it and that was After probably 500 flights on that thing My heart was broken and I don't think it Ever flew right after that but if it was Made out of this stuff it still probably Be in my collection and airworthy today So I got to give this credit where it's Due it is definitely not one of the Highest performing planes out there but It's a $40 airplane and it's sold by our Neighbors here in the states by using Our link you help to support our Channel And our family at no extra cost to you I Want to say a massive thanks to God for Blessing us with a beautiful day this Experience that we get to share with you Guys and just the time uh to jump in Front of the camera and show you Everything between $700 Jets down to $40 ready to fly
Planes uh it's just awesome to to have This platform and share it with you guys And I'm very grateful I also want to say A massive thanks to our patreon Supporters because we couldn't do what We do as often as we do it without your Insanely awesome support if you guys Want to see another awesome little Budget probably a little more expensive Than this but slightly more capable Airplane we'll have a handpick video Video popping up right about now thanks For watching see you there bye [Music]