Flying a GIANT SCALE GAS Cap 232 RC Plane on Real Flight Simulator

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In this video we fly a giant scale gas Cap 232, the E-Flite TomCat, and much more on our favorite flight simulator, Real Flight! We could play this for hours. Not only is it fun, but it is very realistic and can truly teach a person how to fly an rc plane!
PS – This was filmed in November 2022, so no Abby is not pregnant again! LoL!
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

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The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Jeff Buys, Jeff Stone, Jesper Larsen, john salt, Jose Valentin, Matt Reetz, Michael Keller, Michael Schouten, odatsteve, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ron Erickson, Ryan Alexander, Steve Tippy, Terry Kellogg, The Brennan’s, Brian Buckstiegel, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, Doug Dahlheimer, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, and Jason day

#rcplane #rcairplane #rc

[Music] I'm pretty excited to be honest I think A lot of you guys should be too because It has been a long time since we've done A real flight video a long long time now If you live under a rock and you don't Know what this is this is the world's Best by far RC flight simulator I mean Nobody would question that this thing is Amazing and it will run on just about Any computer I've got a computer that's Like 150 from six years ago this runs on It I take it to little events and things It's my little travel companion computer And I can run real flight here's the Really exciting news if you have the Last version RealFlight 9.5 maybe S I Think it's a free upgrade to their Newest Evolution version all right let's Just start flying and you can talk later That sounds good okay all right buddy Are You Gonna Fly Yeah he wants to before we pull up the Screen though I want you to see the Radio that it comes with this is really Nice it's like a full on real remote Control airplane radio so you're not Just having to press buttons on the Flight simulator you can but this Version at least the one we have comes With this you can just buy the software Too but you plug this into USB on your Computer and it just works who's first Ladies first oh really okay I gotta take

My hat off that's the professional yeah First buy something something I don't Have Havoc do you have a havoc Or like there's some old stuff see this Is happening guys oh that's a helicopter This is half the fun dolphin what about The death foil yes yeah the death Oil We're gonna start really strong that's Pontoon this is an Eli field too which We've been to which is really awesome It's like Horizons field I think you need water oh that's cool Good job oh this is fun sounds weird I don't think I think this is a pontoon Rocket plane or something so isn't this The coolest wow well I just felt took Out oh wow there there those bushes wow That's a tough Place yeah Uh but you can actually crash these and They go to a million pieces That will snap oh now this is a cool way There's a way to turn on a little radio In the corner and I could like teach People how to do certain Maneuvers and Stuff That's a really fun way to learn new Maneuvers but I want to show you guys What a crash looks like so Abby can also Feel like Oh it's still flying Or they could be a little more realistic But then here's the nice thing you have Reset in your back yep all right pull me Up a tomcat that is a plane that had

Announced for over a year now Yeah that still doesn't exist so let's See but it exists today that's in safe Right now you can see you're in safe on Real flight currently this is your safe Switch nope Backroom There that one so you got back left but One of these switches should make the Wing fold up and back and so do we see Any movement There that one that's the switch so There the wings are swooped back Abby Got to do it before me so guys there's All kinds of stuff you can do on this Program while Abby's Flying there's Challenges there's training programs so Now what do I do take it back yeah if You that's how you fly faster hold the Wings back yeah fly faster I said I was gonna let you fly next That's there are 75 flying fields and They're constantly adding more there's Over 300 aircraft which is insane from My understanding too one thing they're Gonna do is Add every like quarter new airplanes uh So let's say they release anything Because I'm in safe This is how you learn to fly out There that was a snap now save it save It here's the hard part You just did your first snap right into The ground it almost saved it there's

Just no safe I don't need no stinking Safe I think well it saves for Chumps do You want smoke you're gonna turn it on When you want oh look at how we go why Don't you do this in real life see she Could do it Get it back Okay you're back play with the smoke a Little bit Yeah that's fun This is the basic level of what real Flight is you guys it is switching from Plane to plane and having fun and Crashing without worry pushing the Sticks around to learn what it does and It's extremely realistic while doing it Uh they're they're nice that's you're You know oh One Wing all right let's see What I can do now So Abby is a bashful pilot apparently She knows all these Maneuvers she's done Doing with the real things All right well we got the smoke on There's High rates and low rates too so We might have had in the wrong rates for You Real point doesn't make me have a heart Attack so I think the gas planes sound Better See if I can figure out where the rates Are I thought there were rates yeah I don't know I was like doing spirals There that I think we were there's low

Rates we're in high rates so we've Already been in high rates Yeah okay all right spell something in The sky not life I can there's a good Snap though that was pretty It's on that was Zero throttle oh okay You got zero throttle smoke doesn't come Out just like the real it's unfortunate Can't spell anything I might be able to Do like uh Hmm It's probably bad Oh we're making a smiley face we're just Going oh [Music] Okay so we've really showed you guys a Lot of the uh basics of real flight I Think we should like we this video could Easily be 10 hours long easily yes but Let's go ahead and land it and I want to Show you guys some like challenges Because there's more my favorite is the Flight failure We do this challenge to each other where We cause failures to the planes while We're flying I can't remember what Button it is is it like I thought you had to set it up there F It's F okay aircraft is breaking apart So if you want my plane to fall apart Just press F about the globemaster three Oh it sounds horrible hold on I want a Gas plane some of these you know some of The I think they should work on the

Electric sounds just to be honest there Are so many at the top of the list this Is one of my favorites to fly I love This thing all right she's gonna cause Flight failures on me oh come on You want to get in the air first it's a Random though let me get in the air Hey guys Three tracks do they go up yeah the Smoke switch was retract so let me fly By and then you can fly Okay ready go ahead go ahead wait Failure oh what was that the canopy that Was part of my title I think that was One of your vertical stabilizers just Yes it was oh no What are we gonna do What do you jump off it's just floating In the air what was that is that my prop It might have been it's something black Was one of my guns Fight failure I think your wheels are falling off hang On we'll drop them see if I got any Landing gear left she's knocking my Wheels off Now you can add wind on it yeah yeah two Of my wheels all right Oh Oh there's no saving that all right my Turn it's your turn that's fun that is Pretty fun let's do that one all right Did I just hit yeah click it is electric Electric of course okay it's a little

Brussel spider on the front Okay so make Sure your switch is okay flight failure With this yes see if you can just fly it Without the flight failures oh my gosh There's like Target on the bottom fly Failure I don't know what it is I don't think anything happened well We'll make something happen Yeah f is flight failure just so you Guys even oh my gosh did I kill the Battery are you Doing So here you're doing a scenario and you Can kind of do like amphibious Adventure Go hit it go hit amphibious Adventure Right there what I'm on scroll scroll Down a little bit oh I see right there So it's going to bring us to whoops I Think you clicked the one below that's Okay So this is cool you're flying the the Fly zone Beaver at the swamp we still Have this don't We I Don't know if we've ever had this one I've ever flown off water there you go Get up there's a tree right there it's a Big old swamp oh my gosh isn't this cool Our camera battery's about to die it's Got me all paranoid but yeah isn't that Awesome see if you can land on the water Which is the hardest part really focus Really focus I'm gonna hit a tree until You landed that was about like my twin

Otter flippity flop Brandy okay So there's there's instant like we can Select where we want to go fly Oh you've got to do the card creepy Night Carnival And it'll just take a second to load You're gonna find something good to fly Pick something with lights right Hopefully We're down in the old fly zone Plains Now Oh what was that Did you see oh my goodness I gotta try That I have no idea there's some lights On there too look at that this is crazy Oh I hear it idling it's like a like an Ornithopper oh my gosh the lights are Awesome Didn't even know I had like oh this is Cool what in the world I'm Full Throttle Okay inflated yeah Oh this is awesome Abby I want one of These for the channel Oh Yeah nice It's like a rocket jet Spaceman guy that Is crazy yeah oh Look out watch your legs Look at that Isn't that cool yeah Full Throttle I love that they have the Rides actually moving Oh it has three tracks did you see that I folded them up that's awesome Oh now it flies like a jet now it's got

Forward movement wow so when the Retracts went up I'm behind the chairs That's awesome whoa this is a lot oh my Gosh wow I'm pretty sure you probably Just hit that and then put the retracts Down and it goes back into it you just Okay killed somebody so you guys I know We've been kind of goofing around but in All seriousness real flight will help You learn how to fly I recommend it for Everybody that is into RC flight Um whether you're a newcomer or have Been in the hobby for years and years And years and years this is just amazing You can try out new skills it's a very Very realistic Yeah as I'm flying a space man at the Carnival at night you can play it and Just Goof Off you can play it and be Super serious and really try to hone in On your skills or you can try these Different challenges and there's some Like games and stuff you can play in Here too which it's just a lot of fun Highly recommend it it'll be linked down In the description box below for you to Check out clicking that link doesn't Cost you any extra but it does give us a Small Kickback and it just helps support Our family and our channel so if you're Interested in buying this or uh Interested in buying anything over on Horizon's website clicking that link Before you buy look at that will give us

That support military wow Because I went zero throttle on that With all confidence Zero throttle as I said we could play This all day and we're gonna continue to Play it once the camera stops rolling Um but I just want to thank God just to Have the opportunity to get in front of The camera and show you guys awesome Technology like this this is just so Much fun and to be able to share that With you I'm so thankful also Thanks to our RC Patron family members You guys are the background So so much I think Nate we need to throw It back to the last time it's been a While we did a real flight video and I Bet we look like babies Go for it let's do it we'll see you guys Over there bye Foreign [Music]

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