Hangar 9 Fun Scale PT-19 BALSA wood RC Plane – 56.5″ Wingspan

Check out the Hangar 9 Fun Scale PT-19 here:
This is the brand new Hangar 9 Fun Scale PT-19 BALSA wood RC Plane. With a 56.5″ wingspan, this airplane is a beauty. In today’s video, Nate maidens this rc airplane. Let us know your thoughts about the Hangar 9 Fun Scale PT-19 BALSA wood RC Plane in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out the Hangar 9 Fun Scale PT-19 here:
4S Battery:
6s Battery:
Prop to run with 6s:

The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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I'm nervously and excitedly here with The brand new pt19 this is hanger 9's Fun scale Balsa planes you don't see a Lot of Balsa things on our Channel and Let's face it unless you are seriously Into the Hobby and just have that Massive Next Level respect and uh or Maybe you're just been in a hobby Forever you don't do a lot of both so we See a lot of foam so it's very nice and Exciting for me to be able to get Something that is Balsa on the channel Something that I finished assembling and Got ready to fly so there's not much Assembly required here but definitely a Little bit more than your traditional Bind and fly e-flight foamy type things Still definitely less than an hour for Most people probably less than or around A half hour for a majority of people as Is with the included beautiful wooden Prop this flies on a 4S battery however It's 6s capable with an upgraded smaller More aggressive pitched prop so in Another video maybe if this goes well We'll try to fly it on 6s but for Today's Maiden we're going to stick to 4S 5000 milliamp battery this thing is Absolutely beautiful I love the way it Looks and I'm so excited that it's a Part of our Fleet with the receiver and All of the other electronics that are Already installed and included with this Other than the receiver itself we have

Telemetry safe as3x all the works and I Did set that up one reason that I'm a Little extra nervous to fly something Like this in today's made in Flight is Because I set up manually by hand the Is3x the safe the Telemetry all of that It's not a bind and fly setup and Usually if it's not bind and fly I tend To go not in that direction but this Thing is so pretty I just wanted to do It justice and try to set everything up Properly so this one is double fingers Crossed please give me a like I did that Yeah it was like like Star Trek I think That's one of those things give me a Like on this video just for making that Effort But ultimately I'm very excited So let's put this in the air and see how It does I got to tell you I'm really Nervous you know you get a new airplane And if it's bind and fly you can pretty Well assume it's going to fly right and Safe and then maybe you got a little bit Of trimming to do out of safe Today I'm really nervous for my take off And everything because I'm going to do It in safe but I set it up and so if I Didn't do it right then controls could Be reversed or something I don't know so I don't know I'm just Talking through my nerves talking out Loud we all have these kind of thoughts And nerves but here we go let's give it A shot

Oh it's a good feeling just to see the Plane climb so it's safe on right now Safe is on okay I'm proud of myself is It working shut up yeah now I might need To make adjustments like it could be Flying a little bit nose up too high Right now because I tried to tell it What I thought level was but you know Maybe that's off a little and you can Make those adjustments after the fact But it is in the air and it's doing what Safe is supposed to do it's just got a Little climb into it Um so that's why I'm really high putzing Right along and if I just let it go uh It climbs so the next step obviously is To turn safe off and since I'm up here Up there all right let's do it safe is Off let's make sure it's fully off yeah There is a roll so it's feeling okay Let's bring it back down and Do a do it some justice here I think I Still have to trim some climb out of That and that's fine I did as much Visually on the ground as I could There we go that's feeling pretty good We've got Telemetry and everything set Up in this as a plug and play model and I've never taken that much time to set All of that up so this is a first for me It's flying really well though This is probably the best flying uh so Far from what I can feel just doing some Tame stuff

Um hanger nine funds scale that I have Flown It's it's holding pretty true safe does Work you guys can see that it's looking Pretty good Let's go for a roll with a little more Speed This is a really cool scale pt19 I don't Think we're going to set any Speed records or maneuver records but if You are looking at this thinking man I Just love that classic Balsa beautiful Size and look to it then this is going To be a plane that's for you and that's Where this that's where this Falls in It's just kind of like a refreshed Throwback and I really like that they're Doing that it's a basic setup it's four Channels you don't even have flaps on This let's see how it climbs on 4S There's Full Throttle it does it snaps Well we'll do that next do a Rudder over Here's our speed and if if we want to Snap we got to get speed going I think On a 6S we definitely could let's go for It right here It does but not super crazy so we're Just going to commit to mostly scale Flying especially on this Maiden I'm Just a little nervous on this one it's Just a big pretty airplane that I'd like To bring home tonight Boy that wooden prop sounds good and it Just looks good to you guys listen to

This Foreign S with wooden props just look and feel And fly different than foam it's not Super noticeable but once you've flown Enough planes There is a difference and I'm I'm really Really liking this thing just for purely What it is Just a nice scale Balsa pt-19 Bring it in for the nice clean Loop And we're going to come off of this Loop Right into a cubanate Should be able to pull that off just Fine Could have probably done this a little Lower and closer but we're still working Out the nerves on this thing Very cool Abby I'm having fun now yeah I know you guys Could tell with my longer intro than Normal I had to cut him off just so you Know just stalling just stalling she's Giving me the come on Nate let's just Fly this thing you know I don't let you Talk for two hours yeah thank you Oh I I couldn't there's not enough stuff For me to say in the world to keep it Here that long guys I could fly my Entire fleet and it wouldn't take two Hours I don't know about that Let's roll it again it's just a nice Scale flyer really is the best way to Describe it we're not going to get

Anything crazy or surprising out of this It's predictable and it looks great and It's fun we're flying on this late Evening just because I've been working On this assembling it and you know kind Of working through the programming and Stuff over the last few days or so off And on in between a couple other Projects I have going on and I think Abby's working on Christmas decorations And stuff and I did say Abby not not uh Camera crew by the way Abby hi I'm very Grateful of you and anyway we've been Very busy it's been hard to get this Thing done And out and uh but now now we're here And I we just wanted to take advantage Of this nice evening so All right we got to do a nice slower Lower pass right right let's go And here we go right over the runway Let's slow it down That's going to give me a feel for what We have to do when it comes to a landing It actually feels kind of like heavier With a lot of momentum working through The air So I think Landing this is going to be a Little challenging without flaps we Could set something like flat bronze up On this if we wanted to I'm also you Know what I'm Flying Without Expo and When it comes time to land that's when You realize man Expo would be nice

I could quickly look down and program it Into my radio maybe while I was flying But I don't know if anyone's ever done That but it doesn't seem like a good Idea while you're flying anybody you'll Have to try that one day I would say probably not don't you have To like restart it after Uh not Xbox no you you should be able to Just like while it's on the ground oh my God I can do it when the throttle's at Zero we're gonna do a full throttle pass By the way this way and then again down The runway the other way Nice A little bit of wind hit me there And that's you know I should have some As3x but I could turn that up some So it'd be more effective but right now It's really good it's not overly Twitchy Or anything here we go Nice Full Throttle pass and maybe we'll Bring it in for a show pass too I'd like To see how it flies inverted Haven't done that yet How much elevator do we need a little Bit a little bit it's not the best Upside down flyer but also it cruises Just fine can we do an outside Loop Pull out of that upside down yes we can Okay Hopefully my battery straps did okay There there it does only two he Chickened out My hair's not show pass yeah nice one

Hill line too yeah all right so the Breeze is to our back you know I think We have Telemetry because it was beeping At me when I was working on it with a Low battery on the on the workbench Um But I'm not a thousand percent sure the Telemetry is working so just for that Sake I'm gonna land it or at least try To land it and then we'll see where our Battery level is at with that flight Time which was over five minutes A little tiny bounce but I will take That that was not bad at all for no Flaps or flap runs set up and the cross Breeze probably about seven or eight Miles an hour by the looks of the wind Sock maybe closer to 10. it's been kind Of Gusty this evening this is a really Well made pt-19 I I'm I'm happy with This and if you are wanting to pick Something that's easy to assemble and Balsa just to kind of change things up These fun scale planes by hanger 9 are Really good but I will say of the ones That I've had my hands on so far which Is now just a small handful this is Definitely my favorite one by far by the Way it flies not the way it looks There as soon as Abby turned the camera Off it started started to go off as it Rests back up we're at 3.86 volts per Cell and that is the perfect place to Land your battery because that's really

Close to the storage level for your Battery uh so what was that flight time Do you remember I had you at eight and a Half minutes since I turned the camera On but it might have taken you a couple Minutes of stalling before you got in The air so if you're at least six Minutes but I'd say closer to seven That's not bad well in my opinion that's Not a bad maiden of a very beautiful Pt19 something that was just slightly Out of my comfort zone and what I'm just Traditionally used to putting together To fly I'm really happy with myself to Put safe in as3x in this and and it Worked out well I haven't done that very Much guys I know I fly a lot of things And actually most of the time what I do Is put in a Dom receiver to something Like this without all of that assistance And just fly it Um you know purely I think is the best Way to say that without all the the Assistance so and I considered going That route but I was just very motivated To do it properly with this plane and Get Telemetry and everything set up Which again that's a first for me so as Always this plane and basically anything On our channel will be linked in the Description box below it's there for a Couple reasons one the convenience for You maybe you would love to know where I Got this plane and most people do but

Occasionally people come across the Channel and they say where do I buy that What's in the pin comment and in the Description box below but also it's a Convenience for you because we put the Recommended batteries down there the Recommended transmitter charger and Maybe a trainer because this probably Shouldn't be someone's first airplane Ever the other benefit of having that Link there is that using that link when You click that link to pull up the Website whether you buy this plane or You search for an axial crawler we will Make a small credit on that and it goes To help supporting our Channel and our Growing families by growing he means I Can't see my feet anymore oh man She's been normally able to see her feet But the last couple months have been Kind of rough on you There they are We are very grateful guys but we're also Extremely nervous more nervous than Maidening something like this let me Tell you that's gonna really almost Outnumber us so if you can't Popeye we Will be outnumbered your support is Greatly appreciated uh just sharing this Hobby this amazing flight all of this With you guys and having these Opportunities to share these experiences We say a massive thanks to God he gets All the credit and a massive thanks to

Our patreon supporters for keeping us Motivated and encouraged to fight Through the frustrations of doing new Things like programming to bring content Like this to you it really is because of You guys that helps keep us as motivated As we are so we thank you guys from the Bottom of our hearts if you'd like to See another fun scale airplane that we Featured not too awfully long ago it's Not as good as this but it's still fun We'll have that video I actually Struggled a lot on that flight so you Might get a kick out of seeing me Struggle a lot that video will be Popping up right about now thanks for Watching we'll see you there bye Foreign

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