Hasegawa | 1/24 Paddock Girls Figure Unboxing | #askHearns

so if you're ever looking for figurines to suit 
your builds then this has a gala range is really   spectacular hello this is vijay from here's 
hobbies and today i'm going to be looking at the   on the 24 skull paddock girls from hasagowa so 
these are the figurines that has a have made it's   part of a one of their newer series of figurines 
they did quite a lot in the 80s and 90s and these   would be perhaps uh in a series released in the 
last couple years of very high quality figures   to suit cars so it generally wants 124 scale and 
they do another series which is costco which is   mainly resin but that's the difference here is 
where to get all together so let's have a closer   look at these and i'll show you why these are 
quite nice for plastic injection molded figures   so there you go so these are the paddock girls 
let's look from the top there so you can see   the box art there so 20 24 scale paddock 
girls or otherwise known as good girls or   in japan they're known as race queens so i guess 
uh paddock girls or good girls are very difficult   to see around the traps these days except 
in japan where they're still very popular   and they've got a very typical look about them 
with the outfit and then also the uh the umbrella   and the umbrella is quite often to shield 
the drivers as out on a really sunny circuit   so they don't overheat well that's the idea anyway 
okay so let's open it up and see what's inside   all right so it comes with a couple of sprue   now they're all in this bag here so we'll 
bring them out we've got some decals and some   instructions so let's look at these parts to start 
with all right there we go there's our two spring so you'll notice that they're already molded in a 
flesh type tone it makes it easier because with a   flesh coloured plastic you can use it as a base 
and then just use all your toning on the outside   because skin is seem transparent anyway so it 
doesn't matter if it's not fully painted all   the way and that's quite a common trend now to 
just have uh either a white base raw plastic or   resin and then starting your flesh tones on top 
of that you'll notice that the this particular   one has got quite a large gate there and it's 
interesting how they've done that because that   extends all the way around here and i think that's 
probably got to do with protecting within the   box as well for shipping and it does keep it all 
very very stiff so it could also have to do with   shrinkage in the plastic as it cools too because 
when you've got a larger gate like that there's   less chances of it deforming now the great thing 
about these particular figures is they've actually   used 3d scan technology to make the uh the 
figures look more realistic and that's mainly in   the faces where you see all those benefits okay 
so let's just look at that we've got our main   sprue and then there's our secondary sprue with 
some arms and i'll zoom in a bit so that we'll   be able to see the the detail let's just get that 
focused properly get that right go the wrong way   too far all right that's probably about right i 
think all right so let's have a closer look at   where's the face i've lost it now there we 
go actually i'm probably out of focus there how's that that's much sharper now you can see 
there just from the shadows of the lighting   just how sharp that detail is and how the actual 
facial features are really natural looking and you'll notice the way that they've parts 
separated as well in the past that would have   been a whole head separate whereas this is just a 
base of the face plate and you'll see on this side   how that's upside down though but you'll see 
how the heads have been moulded but the face   plate is separate same with this one here okay so 
you've got some more natural flowing of the hair   and then here's the other 
face which is just over here okay so again you can see just from the shadows 
how good these figs look because quite often   i would have found that female figures did not 
have very good features and actually looked   um i guess melted in a sense but here you can 
just see eyes the cheeks are quite pronounced   they're very good okay so quickly we'll look at 
the rest of the parts you've got there's the pole   for the uh the umbrella there's the head we looked 
at earlier you've got the umbrella right there you   can see the the mounting hole in the center there 
for that that rod it's all moulded in one piece   which makes it easy you got the internal frame 
detail there as well on the underside over here   you've got the tall boots it's so quite natural 
folds in the ankle the other leg just there got a ponytail that's quite nice molded separately 
okay and then you've got another boot there that's   the body section you can see there you've 
got both sides nice creases and usually along   inside here you'll see a really pronounced 
uh mould line so these mould lines are not   so pronounced you still need to clean it up 
a little bit though to make it look natural   but at least they're not huge and sometimes it 
feels like you're re re-sculpting when you're   trying to clean them off cleanly but you can see 
that you just see a slight mold line there okay   so from there we've got the other boot right there 
and that's all for that sprue and then over here   you can see we've got the arms 
okay so we've got the hands there so this one it's got the pointing finger okay really fine detail the finger 
is quite fine it's not a little big   chunky sort of blob that you may have seen in 
the past and here's the other set of arms there or really nice okay so that's all the 
plastic parts this just zoom it out again   and we'll see the rest of the 
bits i'll move that over there   so you also get some decals so a sheet of 
generic decals quite nice in that they give you   decals for the eyes as well actually i should 
zoom in on those probably easier for you to see okay just see those eyes there so 
eyes are the hardest bits of paint   so if you can paint them you can actually 
get them looking better than this but   if you're not a very good painter because 
it takes a lot of practice with eyes you   can just use the ones here okay so there's a few 
different expressions and then you also have some   generic sponsorship that you can put onto 
the umbrella or anything really so they've   actually called it hazakal racing you 
know of course because it's hasigawa   but there's plenty of aftermarket racing decals 
too so if you want to customize that to suit a   particular racing car then easy enough to change 
them around okay some little tiny ones there too   okay so the decals and then we come up 
to the manual where i'll zoom out again   okay so we've got our manual here all 
right let's just get that out a bit there we go okay so you start off with the legend there so 
you've got the two sprues there they're numbered   here so you know exactly where to find your 
parts you have a paint guide which indicates the   uh the mr hobby which is the lacquer paints 
and also the water-based paints there also   a description in case you like to use different 
brands so you can easily find them alternatives   okay so you've got a few warnings on this 
side as we flip it over we've got the simple   construction of the figures so you've got the 
main body work the face plate got the ponytail   arms and the legs and then over here you have 
the girl which is holding onto the umbrella   so again faceplate body legs as in the simple 
assembly of the umbrella over this side here   there's a painting instructions then also some 
decal indication as well and then we'll go on the   inside here and then got nothing there okay so 
that's all completed within one single printing   so as you can see it's all very very simple 
but figurines are fairly simple to build   the art of the figurine is actually the 
finishing and painting which you have there   so if you're ever looking for figurines to 
um suit your builds particularly for cars   then this has got a range is really 
spectacular so this is just one of the   items this is the petty girls which i've 
chosen to show you but there's plenty of   others as well there's a theme ones for the 
1970s and 1960s and that's particularly handy   for cars of that era so there you go very nice 
figures indeed from how to go in 1-24 scale

As found on YouTube

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