HO COSTRUITO UN ROBOT con Arduino! ELEGOO Smart Robot Car Kit V4.0

hello guys obviously this does not live
only renzo and we are going to talk about a robot built on an arduino base of lego press
metro smart card robot of four robots as I said built on a fully programmable arduino base
with the programs already inserted its interior equipped with camera
proximity sensor line sensor 4 independent direct current motors a lot of
other things that we are going to see after the initials we start from the box which is very
small compared to the robot when everything is assembled because it is obviously supplied completely
disassembled and you must go to build two piece by piece inside the box we find various
compartments all the necessary services four boxes containing all the various pieces that I have
already assembled and it works very lego style i.e. they give you the instruction booklet guiding the
pieces you have to take avoiding the assembly instructions are all pieces avoid there are
divis and go bags inside bags of this type then they tell you all the measures
of the screws you need exactly as I read you take various pieces that you need
to assemble and assemble until you get to the final result I already tell you to be very careful with
some assembly steps especially as regards the power supply of the motors
because they must be placed exactly in the doors in which they are located so above you see written
left right you will have to connect the motor at the top left of the door at the top left the one
at the top right in the part in top right and so on because otherwise the motors are out of phase
and the robot doesn't go anywhere everything as I said is controlled by an arduino alduino that
from this side to a door to load the programs because you want to program it
yourself with i arduino infrared receiver software because it is also controllable
via remote control that provide you with fashion grant lity inserted inside it and
also with the darts so you can drive it back normally like a robot tip
challenge to peel the various modes that can also be done with the remote control in fact in every
number from a 9 are included modes such as that for example of go alone style
vacuum cleaners the automatic ones and alone will dodge obstacles obviously as
far as possible because the sensors are in the front in the back we have the
battery with micro usb charging and that in the back alone of the battery we sit
at turn it on let's see who lights up with LEDs in front and obviously of and above now if I go to
command it, for example, I press the upper arrow it goes forward and the same as regards
the right left back area so it is completely programmable immediately
without touching a key programming with its remote control when I go to change
the LED mode it changes color according to the mode I put in and as soon as we press the ok key it
goes to print the construction of our robot is very very very solid very large vices are supplied
with relative nuts and the fact that it is half programmed but completely programmable
has me I was very pleased then an inexperienced then already using it as well as with the
pre-set programs and as soon as he feels like he can go to his program on the computer which is called
arduino classic arduino program start programming his application is also available this is
called the robot to connect it the application is very easy just go and turn it on in this
way go to your wifi look for the network with the name of the arduous then the lego dash
something connect to the network then just open the kg go app and here we find various things
we find the program key suddenly area simply program network without having any on
a programming basis ion then simply putting various pieces programming puzzle style
you see very very simple you can create some variables you can do the math
we can put the speeds put many things obviously we have to connect them and you see just
press play to make it work example made a super easy program you see that when
promo play goes forward or you can click for example the laps to the left there was right go
back put speed fast slow network on if I press but much slower and various
basic programming things for those who have never experienced direct programming such as c
plus plus such as arduino and programming therefore very easy even for younger kids go
back we can use the remote control application very convenient because you can control lardo in or
directly here you see that when perham forward it goes forward so here I am obviously joystick on
your mobile phone with various modes for ese mpio this here will be to follow the line this
here is the one that writes by itself and other things and you can also use it as a video camera as you
are seeing this here is the internal video camera of our arduino and if I go to press these
flexes especially here on the side we go to turn our front camera if on the one hand and
on the other camera which is obviously not the cadets if the qualities but to be such a
robot at first bad it is not bad at all and obviously also for the camera on if
we go to move joystick go back to the right to turn normally so I'm going to
recommend this robot for all those who want to have fun in the modern thing by itself is
therefore very déco style and maybe approach the world of arduino prix because you can
really do many programming things and learn programming from the base with arduino
very comfortable fun and already programmed way so you can experiment directly even
without a real knowledge it was a lot of fun to build it from scratch so I really recommend it
very much if you are interested obviously the link is in the description I remind you to leave a nice like
I am renzo in the center soon in a new video

As found on YouTube

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