How FAST is the E-Flite Habu 50mm RC Jet???

Check out the Habu SS 50mm here:
How FAST is the E-Flite Habu 50mm RC Jet??? The age old question, people always want to know how fast each RC is. The Habu 50mm RC jet is one of our favorite smaller jets, so we thought we would see if it is faster than what it looks. Leave your speed guesses in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out the Habu SS 50mm here:
Check out the full lineup of Habus here:


The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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#rcjet #speed #jet

Foreign [Music] This morning while I was watching Talladega Nights and sipping on coffee And Mountain Dew mixed together I said Abby I want to go fast so today and this Week we're gonna go fast welcome to RC Sailors jet speed week we're gonna have Fun we're starting off a little bit Small I've always been curious how fast Is this I mean when it's going by Full Throttle especially without landing gear It's pulling some speed So today we're Going to find out officially how fast This goes I'd love to hear your guys Guesses in the comments and we have some Amazing Jets planned for the rest of the Week I've got a couple experiments that I want to do might even throw Abby Behind the sticks it's going to be it's Gonna be a good week so let's kick it Off right with the small new 50 Millimeter 3s without landing gear so we Can go a little faster Habu 2200 Milliamps says there's no room in the Canopy So we're getting a little Aerodynamically creative over here may Have a little extra drag We'll find out he is deciding to hand Launch toward the asphalt Creepy hand launching toward the grass Is safe And he did that with the unbalanced

Wings That's electrical tape that stuff is Slick as snot so it should be increase The speed Here we go Full Throttle pass Foreign I get a little lower on the next pass But I wanted to make sure the meter Wasn't going to fall off or cause the Thing to go spiraling out of control Actually feels okay and safe you almost Can't even notice it being on there Here's a full throttle low pass Lower a little bit Actually with safe on it's kind of hard To get that to go low when it's full Throttle it almost wants to climb some That's because this is a little bit Beginner friendly I want to try safe off real fast Okay there's not that much drag we're Fine we're fine here let's say that Nice little show pass for you the name Of the game this week is speed I might Do a couple rolls I might do a couple Loops but we're trying to hit this thing As fast as we possibly can so let's go For Speed Abby There's a sense of the speed I was Hoping for it really doesn't feel fast Until you're two inches away from the Camera and that's what we gotta do Well in real life in person it feels Very fast

Oh yeah rocking and rolling let's go out Here for a fun roll we're going to do Kind of a Victory lap now because that's Definitely Peak speed we're going to go For a loop Very cool rolling it oh it's crazy if I Roll like that too much it's going to Throw the meter off this thing has an Amazing roll rate it is just set up out Of the box without Expo or anything There's not rates it's just how it likes To come out of the box you can go in for A nice roll a little slower a little Faster on this one Very nice We're going for another roll This Way Kapow into a loop with maybe a roll at The top possibly and we'll Loop it back Around yeah okay that was cool that was Cool didn't have as much control over That at this peak as I wanted because I Was going so slow so I dropped out a Little bit but Abby because we don't Have landing gear on the jet today we're Gonna have to land in grass so let me Kind of get a feel for the approach I Think I'm going to go right to left into This very wet morning grass what do you Guys think how fast did this go I think A lot of you will be surprised but I'm Not going to say it went over 100 miles An hour I don't think it pushed a Hundred this is a 3s let's say 75. okay We're gonna go around again because that

Was just a little too fast your guess is 75 yeah hmm I'm not quite as confident I'm gonna go With I feel like it's pretty fast right Thing would be like 74 right no you Can't do that it's cheating I am going To there's a uh surveyor up here today So we're gonna let him pass and then I'll try to come in for later hopefully He keeps driving he is okay he's clear And now I'm gonna definitely zero Throttle here and see if I can come in For a smooth Landing in the grass Zero throttle this feels pretty good Abby as slow as I'm gonna get it to go Artist and there we go good job okay That's awesome Nate just said his desk Is 65 for the speed I don't know we've had like I think it Was my Valiant it went about 55 I think We've done something like that on the Volume Oh yeah You had a very great job oh yeah yeah I Filmed these suckers I know how fast They're going how fast do you have to Turn that camera out pretty fast versus A little guy that's a wet wet morning I Can't see it this is what we call a wet Plop Between the two of us you were much Closer so I was gonna I was gonna do That stupid prices right and say 74 but I actually had 65 in my mind but in case

You guys couldn't see that that's 73 Miles an hour Abby had a fantastic guess And I taped that off in such a way that I could still barely see that little Display window very cool well I've got To dry this off and and get that grass Off of there because of that little Landing in the grass but otherwise that Was a blast I really thought this giant GPS meter taped to the wing but caused So much drag that I would just be like Spiraling out of control I really didn't Know what to expect because I don't put A lot of things on the outside of my Planes like this which makes me think Maybe in the future we'll do some more Of that kind of thing I don't know but It worked out really well on this size Of airplane I'm really happy because This is one of our smaller Jets that's Fast I I didn't think it hit those Speeds I really thought maybe 55 60 Miles an hour but when I hold this up to Someone that's never seen an RC job Before you know you're kind of showing Off the collection a little bit and well How fast is a little jet like that if I Say 75 miles an hour that's faster than Interstate speeds or 73 miles an hour I Can't exactly that is quick you guys and That is really fun and easy to fly Surprisingly easy to fly with safe Turned on it's very stable when you have Safe turned off it loops and rolls like

A champ and it is a blast and now we Know it's fast to fly Something in our blood we got the Need For Speed and caffeine is flowing and uh Whether we're flying things that are Pushing Interstate Prego that's true Yeah not for you the blood of two in you The interstate speeds up and down the Runway now we of course are flying as Safe as possible uh but I encourage you Guys to do the same with AMA that's the Academy of model Aeronautics whether You're flying a little guy like this or A big pushing 100 mile an hour jet or Just a little foam slow Park flyer you Really should fly with the Academy of Model Aeronautics speaking of Park Flyers the I don't know if you guys know This but they have a smaller price point For people that like to fly the little Part Flyers like UMX planes it's Actually a reduced price than the uh Traditional kind of full price so if you Want to check that out and you just fly Small things There's a lot of great options for Everyone in the hobby from boats and Cars helicopters all the way up to Jets So be sure to fly with AMA we'll have Them Linked In the description box below I just wouldn't think of flying anything Without it fantastic now we say this all The time because you guys really help Keeping our Channel going I mean that's

The only thing that keeps it going is You guys helping us so if you like this If you want to get into a jet if you've Never flown before but you're feeling a Need for Speed too let us know in the Comments I'll do my best to point you in The right direction but we'll have this Jet and all of our favorite planes Linked In the description box below and When you click that link it does not Cost you any more than if you walked Into a hobby shop or you bought this Online at your favorite online retailer Amazon Horizon Hobby whatever it costs The exact same but when you click that Link and buy it through our link a tiny Bit less goes to the big Corporation and We get a little cut of that that's how It works so you're literally helping to Support our channel it's just a great Way to say thanks for making this free Content that helped brighten my day We're proud of our family friendly the Content we're proud of thanking God in Our videos and we love knowing that you Guys are supporting us and have our Backs and we just like to occasionally Remind you because we do have even close Personal friends that sometimes forget That link is there so that's why we Mention it and having said thanks and Being grateful for everything I thank God for today it's getting out here in This beautiful bright warm sun enjoying

Today with my wife is just awesome to Share the hobby not only with her but With all you guys watching I'm very Thankful so thank you God and a massive Thanks guys to our patreon supporters You guys support us even more directly Than clicking that link and watching This video and liking this video you Guys support us very directly through Patreon we send you stickers and they Take such a small cut of what you send To support us it's a fantastic system Now we're gearing up to have a really Good jet week at jet speed week and I Hope you guys are pumped too but if this Kicking off just speed week wasn't Enough jet fun for you we'll have one of Our favorite jet videos popping up right Oh no thanks for watching we'll see you There bye [Music]

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