how to polish model kit and do wet sanding with rusomodels

Welcome back today we will learn how to polish the model and also sand the model this work process is the best for me these are the materials I use watch and enjoy our channel RUSOMODELS Hello everyone how are you feeling? Today we have a wonderful video, a wonderful video, we will polish the model and bring it to a shiny appearance. The last coffee … Saturday morning is a great time to make the video for you. You will enjoy it. I hope it will not be too long as you can see. If you want to make it perfect, you need to polish it, so watch me do it, I'll give my tips, I don't know, there are those who do it in a different way and it's fine in the models, do what you want, that's all…

The fun thing to do is to sand or not to sand Polishing or not polishing is up to you, I'll show you how I do it. You've seen my models on Instagram and you always ask me how I do polishing. Make a video of how you do polishing, so sorry to all those who are in a hurry and want to see the finished model. You must understand that if you Want… an amazing model like this and shiny so you have to polish and do it slowly and surely that's it, let's continue, you know I like to talk and talk and I have a lot of time to talk so, the first thing I do is check where I need to sand more or less because that in this area if you look maybe one of you will see that we have a piece of dust that has stuck so we need to perform Q Yup gentle with water I will show you how to do it like I said we will only do this area and the other areas I will do it myself because it will take a lot a lot of time I will try to do it as best as possible if there are any questions write me let's change the camera angle and you won't see the face These beauties 🙂 And we'll continue and show you what I'm doing but before that I want to explain something to you if you see the doors of the car you can see that I put adhesive paper on the edges because those are the sharp edges of the doors and that way you can sand easily with water without damaging the edges and removing the paint from them "Burn the paint" "Burn the paint" means to penetrate the polish and the paint because of the sharp edges so this is a very important tip for you you will see me doing this on this model we will put tape in this area around the headlights and feel free to sand without…

Burning the paint on the sharp edges so what i use is micromesh sandpaper fine sandpaper coarse 4000 then 6000 you see 🙂 6000 then 8000 and finally 12000 ok i cut them to this size for large areas but you can cut them into small pieces for smaller parts Like the spoiler you can use a much smaller piece Yell and comfortable also I use… Aiso adhesive paper in sizes 1 mm and 2 mm I will show you what I do with them as well yes I use clean water I threw away the water that was there and put new ones and that's it. Let's change the camera and you'll see my hands working. I'll do it in both fast and normal speed so you can see and I'll try to explain but there are also things that don't need to be explained just to see so… I'll do it in fast speed that's it for now let me organize things and I'll show you what I'm Do and remember that you can sand with power tools or polish by hand, that's fine, you're free to do what you want.

Polishing by hand takes a little more time with power tools, it's a bit dangerous, but faster, so it's up to you what to buy and what to use. My recommendation at first, if you're using polish, do it Let's see how you're getting along and then… start using power tools. Have a good day. I dug for you . Are you back? Are you ready? How have you been enjoying it so far, now I will show you what I do with the adhesive paper and why I use it thin adhesive paper we need… for the sharp edges because we don't want to damage the paint in the corners "we will burn the paint" remember this so what I do Takes a small piece of adhesive paper oops reckless like me so we took a small piece of adhesive paper we took a piece of adhesive paper and attached it to the extreme part the end of the meeting Sorry you can't see I hide with my hands you see I fold the leftovers see?. This stage is good for beginners, they need to know that safety is above all else, see? Now you can polish the entire area without damaging the edges which are delicate to polish both from sanding and polishing over and over again…

You will feel confident that you have this protection believe me you need it in addition I use adhesive paper in the headlights see what I do you can see All the edges of the model I use adhesive paper ok, this is very good now I feel confident to sand and polish if you have any tips you can send me and I will try to use them I like to learn new things see what I did in all this area not this area because I will not do it with you Just this area as I mentioned let's do the second headlight not a boring process a lot of people want to know how to polish a car so that's what I do all the time protect the edges all the edges like this here too I missed a very good area one more and we start a long video for you guys long video We will take tweezers, we will shape the paper in the right way, very well, now we are more or less sure , we have the headlights with protection, the edge of the meeting and we will start sanding, what I do, we will use a 4000 sanding cloth, this is a 4000 sanding cloth from Micomash company, take a little water and start sanding the model, I will sand As you can see there is no need add pressure let sanding alone do the job very helpful ok? Everyone understands what I'm doing, you'll see it, let's shift the video into fast gear and I'll show you how I sand with 4000, then 6000 and 8000 and finally with 12000 then.

Let's do it quickly. You see it, friends ? Is everything alright? How do I sand, get rid of all the bits of dust that stuck to the dirt that stuck to the model, I'm sure because I have the protections of the adhesive paper on the edges, it helps a lot. Now I clean the water and check that everything is clean and smooth and that it has a matte look. Fast gear as you can see everything is in matte mode sanding has been done and everything is flat and you can continue to 6000 fast gear again we'll talk later ok guys then we'll use 8000 in the same method I hope you understand what I'm doing again water and the same all the way from 4000 to 12000 it's very important that you sand It's one way or another, not in circular motions, just like that because it takes the… the scratches faster, keep watching well, then after the 8000,000 you go through the most delicate sanding alone 12000 it's already starting to be…

Shiny because of the 8000, you'll see it, I'll show you the protections very good, you can see it is starting to shine and now we will switch to sanding 12000 again fast speed and that's all for sanding and we will move on to… the polishing steps in the same process use it gently and wisely you don't need a lot it is very important that you use the 4000 to 12000 degree scale because every cloth will remove the scratches from the previous one remember From 4000 to 12000 we will immediately start it Use the paste I will do it by hand and also with a power tool that I have because it is a large area so I use a power tool in small parts I only use a cloth and my hand is very beautiful you all see? All the dirt is gone and we have a smooth place and we will immediately continue a little fast gear ok friends we can continue the polishing phase begins I will show you organizing my things and let's start pay attention I am glad you are still here with me we can start the polishing I will show you the paste I use from the company Schultz, my mistake, it's S0, it's for the beginning only, to cover the big scratches, it will do the job quickly and remove everything, it won't give you a shine, but it will remove the scratches, you don't need much of the material, it's a material that removes the scratches quickly, use a little of the other material, it's S3, you see The same S3 GOLD XXL I use a lot of amazing material to finish..

I use… S17+ to give a super shiny look and then I finish with wax and that's ok let's continue this is my microfiber cloth folding it now I'm ready to do the process in circular motions and people are probably asking, Does Rossomodel use manual polishing? So friends, I have a surprise for you. I have this amazing tool from the SPTA company. I found it on AliExpress. SPTA, the company that makes this tool, is a very good and not heavy tool, and you can work on large areas and you will do it very quickly. You don't need too much material, too much paste. Polish slowly and carefully. If there are many speeds, do you want to know what the noise is? That's it in a figure of eight movement and you'll be a pro. There are other speeds from 1 to 9. A very good tool. You'll see me working with both manual polishing and the tool.

I love power tools. I always say this. Like this you can stick it and you can work with fabric no problem at all you can also remove the head and work with a sponge in all kinds of shapes you can use it to get into all kinds of small areas in corners it works very well I like the yellow sponge because it is big and I have a large area to work with so Let's do it in quick motion and see what I'm doing and that's all, so I came back and now I put some material on the page, take the material by hand, you don't need much, just a little, apply it on the body, as you can see very well, what I'm doing now is taking the tool, putting a little on it as well Not a lot of material it will work great then first speed work on it very easy very gently see my hands working go to all the areas and let's switch to fast gear because I don't have all day for you :))) so we will do it in fast gear just to inform you that the tools have some Speeds you can do it faster but be careful no need to press no Need to press, okay? Let's go fast guys you all saw what I did it's just the front part of the model I sanded with the material I mentioned S0 then S3 and finally S17 this is the result.

You can see like a mirror I'm satisfied with the result if you want to continue it's up to you you can polish it more what can I say about it… it's a long process and I tried to shorten it for you all to understand now I'll continue all the rest of the car and show you the final result and that That's all for now what you can do afterwards you have residue left in the grooves you can wash them with a toothbrush and water and it will go away but do it at the end and see if you need to continue the process I hope you all have fun I love doing this process I love this cool tool you can do with it Everything but there are small areas you will need a microfiber cloth and do it by hand because the angles are sharp and the tool does not reach cannot reach these areas ok that's all I will finish the whole model and show you everything and you can have fun with me so friends…

Do you like it? This is the polishing process. If you like it. If you want to do it like me, this is the materials I use . The model, I like it, what can I say, I hope you like it, I can give you an excellent tip, be sure to use adhesive paper on the edges and finally use a protective layer, this is the material from the Sagua company, it is an excellent material that will give you an even more shiny and beautiful look on the car, apply it like wax I hope you liked the process, this video is long, we went through many steps, Arbel believes that it will help you and this is it, have a wonderful day for all those who love the song like me, enjoy it a little more and I will always be happy for shares and let's see you build in this amazing hobby as well

As found on YouTube

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