I RAMPED this AMAZON RC Car and it LANDED in…….!!!!

Check out the yellow RC car here:
Check out the blue RC car here:
We picked up this 1/16th scale and 1/10th scale RC cars on Amazon and in this video we are going to see how they hold up to a fun bash session! Both RC cars are 4WD and brushless! Let us know your thoughts about these RC cars in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out the yellow RC car here:
Check out the blue RC car here:

The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Oh very nice wow Abby not down the Middle I'm here with my two new really Cool Amazon trucks and today We're going to ramp these and have some Awesome fun here at bash Mountain just To see how these perform now we did a Speed test with both of these so make Sure you go check out that video to see How fast these are right out of the box Let's drive 100 bucks to the person who Can guess Which transmitter guys so this Is a truck you would think that'd be This right nope little transmitter big Truck big transmitter little truck I'm Just kidding I'm not giving you a Hundred dollars we must jump over the Big truck Paddle tires Your son love it It's I'll have that link in the Description box below next to our cool Amazon trucks I'm on my way sticker We don't get pedal tires very often yeah This is the perfect place for paddle Tires it's really like Sandy gravel Micro gravel It's really sand Hey Abby hang on turn back around for a Second She looks like she's got a can of snuff In her jeans anyone want to guess what That actually is Oh wow oh

Get those okay hold on hold on hold on Hold on that was not I can't believe That oh my gosh okay dry it off dry it Off I didn't either I didn't either why did You angle that toward the that's not Even uh Wow 22 miles an hour wow we need to rehangle That I think we did that for the Thumbnail maybe okay let's do a Different angle I'd say that's better Hahaha Yes we are that stupid We hit ramps without thinking about Where they're going That's crazy This is actually driving on this gravel So good because of those paddle tires Nice Abby It's okay I can't believe we submerged It and it's still running I'm surprised we submerged it and it's Still running yeah don't do that no That is hard you got it nice that was Good air Let's enjoy air control with this one It's doing great I thought it was just Going to Tumble in the air as soon as it Launched but a lot of credit to the ramp Too That's okay depth perception is hard I really want to steal the controller From Abby but I told her you know what

I've had so much airplane time on the Channel oh nice do that again 100 no my Gosh Whoa how do you do something so cool I Do something awesome and then ruin it Yeah I'm kind of surprised this hasn't Fried yet with that well I mean it's Water resistant mostly waterproof Wow that was amazing okay For a side angle ramp Abby that was just Perfection It has a little Minute For a minute but it really doesn't have Enough power if you just do it oh whoa Hey okay Camera So I'm actually really liking this Little guy Oh good job you popped it now Yeah I was gonna I was gonna say you Don't want to do that too much but That's why my wheelie King has Permanent strips This is a cool little vehicle I'm Excited to see how the big one does it Is faster we found out on the speed test Oh nice Abby It's been months since you've been out Bashing like legit and here you are Dominating Perfectly smooth Landings this is why You are the bash Queen let's go I named you that and all of our viewers

And there you go bash Queen Just perfect honestly just perfect it we Know it can handle the water so you know What with those paddle tires I I would You think it could skim across this the Whole way Oh there's tadpoles in there look See all the little tadpoles Yeah Oh cool no not going in no because it's Two no don't no no no don't seriously Don't no there's another puddle right There there's another puddle right there Abby not down the middle well it did it Amazing oh Okay line it up do it again this will Never run again no I don't know if it's Waterproof or not now you just drove it Into that oh my gosh Abby Abby something So cool and then something fail No one gets mad when you do that they're Like that was awesome Oh my gosh I think I just heard it like Hum One more Oh so cool now no Okay here hold on to my hand hold on to Your hand you're like 5000 feet tall You kept the weight off that foot so It worked I am so thankful for that little clump Of mud right there Otherwise my foot would be soaking wet On the way out here Nate said Abby just

Don't hit the water these aren't Waterproof Oh man I cannot believe this little Truck is that it we're gonna do the big One now okay Oh my gosh all right let's break you now No Surprise That this did not like break as in the Parts break with all those ramps and Stuff it kind of held up nicely just Don't take it through water like that Car seats I would take through water Like that and not worry at all this one I worry That one I worry this one I kind of Worry too don't take this one through The water Not like that the little puddles I think don't hit some Hit something I am automatically Going to hit it Like my eyes just can't Get away from it they're not the rule of Skiers or something yeah This one's bigger and faster and Definitely more powerful Crabby Donuts I like it All right Let us ramp Oh very nice wow you just about launched To that puddle Wow that's the great RC and your air

Control is amazing Oh saved it She hit half the ramp And I have missed doing this I fly my Planes and I think It's Landing Nice Abby oh You want me to re-angle here I don't Know I kind of like you launching and Then Landing in a puddle Slightly re-angled I think that's I think I think it's Abby Thinking about going to the puddle I Re-angled the ramp she says it's my Fault somehow Now this one comes with a second body it Comes with a green body so that's really Cool if you want to change the color It also has spoilers that you can put on But I think it's running great the way It is And lipo bags for safety on charging and Storing your batteries let's save Abby Completely ready to run with the Batteries and all Terrible air conditioner yeah I think you're hitting it too slow maybe Because the other ones were faster What else does this one come up with it Comes with one more thing I thought Oh no Oh yeah last but not least is the Weighted wheelie bar it's got like a Metal wheel so that it can help

Yeah okay scary No no Abby well shoot Poop water in the air I think I breathed some of that in Why are we It's fun why do they put water hazards On golf courses Well we've got our own water hazard so Yeah yeah well you started off really Strong on this There oh everyone just got mad It's okay to bash him just don't touch The car with your foot So many opinions in RC cars oh hey you Did it You honestly the caffeine's wear it off Because your focus has gone downhill I Think There there you go and on a good note Oh Into the water she's bowing and let the Card is like slowly drive into the water Well this was a lot of fun two RC cars In one video one more ramp We'll take it we'll take it Wind on that the last one was better uh This was so much fun our RC fresh Park Ramp still holding strong this thing is Metal it's uh really cool I mean it can Hold me so it's not gonna break Everything you've seen in this video Will be linked down there in the Description box clicking those links Helps support us our Channel and our

Family and it just means so much to us When you guys show your support like That to us for a beautiful spring day I Want to thank God this has just been so Much fun a great morning to just get out And have some good old RC fun I'm Reminiscing of what Nate and I first Started our Channel and we only did Trucks because we've done too many Planes lately no no and so just to get Behind the wheel again it just feels Really good so for that I think I also wanted To say a reason we were able to do so Much free content and we're so thankful For you guys if you want to join our Patron family we'll have that Linked In The description box and it'll be popping Up here in just a minute at the end of This video I will have one of my Favorite RC cars popping out right about Now I highly recommend you go check that Out it's so awesome it has spare parts And great customer service go check it Out and I'll see you over there

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