JE DOIS TOUT REFAIRE! 😱 (à regarder jusqu’à la fin 😂)

that's a dog the right size for me there are even small fir branches there we did well for me he's RAF dad, adventurer and nomad he's nag a mongrel Hyundai 4×4 with a good old Mitsubishi engine together we're going to cross Asia and like each of my great adventures there will be a very specific goal to send a message [Music] morning I'm going to do something so I'm not very sure what I'm going to do though one thing for sure is i'm gonna do it in action of racism [Music] amazing milk here you can keep it like a week i opened it there's no problem either it's imperishable or it's my stomach foolproof hello and welcome to this new video it's not the most beautiful place we agree [Music] fangs I want that's it I'm not very sure but I'll have it removed the caches plastic which has on strand all around if I remove these caches it is that behind I noticed especially d years the sills which have holes which have rust i think it's good that i remove them before it's too puffy behind i don't think to put them back because in fact for me it's a small bit of miserable cash and above all it will allow me to see if there is really any rust before it goes too far you see and that's what I want to do this morning but I'm not sure it's when I'm taking them off I'm thinking in the taxes I won't be able to put them back on anymore you see it's spot on but really spot on there's a bit of rust on the sword but it's nothing nothing nothing on the underbody spot on and you come behind and there it's not spot on [Music] it's going to be worth it you see it's all rusty it looks [Music] it comes to rest there and suddenly it eats behind the cover and you don't see it a bit of a fat painter compared to your b ouch well let's continue here hey guys that's a dog that's the right size for me hey I saw you you stole bread before he stole bread this little dog good there as you can see j I have already changed places and the thing is that I went to buy staples to be able to plug the holes and there I attack the least funny part there was a lot of glue I have to remove all this shit and that's no fun getting me a little tent then I'm going to grind all the rusty parts [Music] there I was working guys and there's a nice little Turkish gentleman who invited me to eating that's why also when Turkey I go to places where there are not too many people when I want to work because the hospitality is so incredible that people every time they come for a picnic and they they have a lot of picnics he invites you at the same time it gives me a break go to invite the little table to eat small kitchen here we eat with them then it's too cute he puts little boxes like that on the feet because they are afraid that I'm cold but in fact I'm not cold ok we're going to put the little stickers on the first turkish vehicle here is in fact the little gentleman who invited me he has a toy if i dream of a vehicle this is the one the old toy me i always say this is this is the vehicle you see Gaston Lagaffe his boat that consumes death but that's indestructible and it's a look it's real mechanics what you have blades at the front at the back inside look inside there is nothing that is electronics everything is simple you have a monstrous space inside that's travel vehicles that's indestructible hello and good morning so as you could see yesterday I was with Turks it's true that I should film meetings a little more I'm having a little trouble because I already feel a little less at ease when I'm with people to take out my phone and the second reason above all is that when I experience moments like I experienced last night with those Turks who were incredible but I don't want to take my phone I want to take full advantage of the moment and the moment you see and it's true that from time to time I should take it out a little more during these passages like that of my trip it will perhaps change later we will see all that to tell you that normally I wanted to start grinding this morning in short continue what I was doing yesterday but last night they invited me to go see them this morning in their workshop so finally today I'm not going to make much progress on my vehicle at least not this morning that's for sure and then guys I'm going to do my good Swiss because in Switzerland when you go to people's homes you bring it back to give you the report something I want to go buy Sims and rolls that the Turks who eat in the morning so I ca n't come empty-handed to my friends that's it the signs it's too good that's it it's done I like these small villages where there are just people who do it's not too big something you go you park where you want you don't have many people that's fine with me go let's go [Music] so if you come to Turkey and you want to do repairs on your vehicle so everything related to bodywork garage in short the workshop corner and well it's precisely at the sanaï it deserves we have in each big city a small city which is a site where there are all the garages which are concentrated and there we happens it's like maps it's like a neighborhood in fact it's like a small town I don't know where it is it's there I found [Applause] two-component find what I wanted to follow from glass and the products that go with it so that I could work on it all that allowed me to go directly to the right place to find the product because you don't cut polyester everywhere like that, knowing the places we are going to put them anyway a little bit at this place what I started to do is in fact to mix all s the parts that are really rotten typically like here you see the goal is really to cut the parts that are really rotten on the vehicle there it's the wing and the goal here you see it's really in the whole V the part that just doesn't hold anymore which is completely completely rotten what there you see me there it's the part which is almost finished that I can type like that it's ok it's not breaking so yes there is still rust behind like I do I said it's not I'm not going to cut everything because there it would be necessary to cut everything and redo a sheet metal to do it as accurately as possible anyway it's either I do a repair in order on this vehicle that is to say say everything redo the vehicle so what I'm not going to do or either I do a primary repair what I'm doing here so that at least it doesn't go wrong anymore you see so that was really the purpose of this repair [Music] well it's a good battery guys it's good I found a grinder [Applause] [Music] [ Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] then now that I've cut all the places that were really rotten I 'm going to put epoxy it's a protective layer and which should normally stop the rust c is gone now and [Music] I still have to admit that I'm quite proud of my dirty work you can see there we can clearly see a goatee I removed there I cut there and there and we can clearly see that here you see all that had to be removed, this rot there that no longer holds and there it holds and then I think the best thing the repair is to inject expanding foam that small we are going to do the expanding foam pig to fill the big big ones holes [Music] we're going to puke [Music] he doesn't want to say anything good hello and good morning yes because it's now the 4th or 5th day that I'm doing my bodywork so yesterday we were at the point of having injected the expanding foam it is very dry to be able to support my glass fiber e above it is clear that it is not necessary to inject expanding foam there I have not injected it into the holes of the bodywork for example in the bottom of the body because the expanding foam expands foam so it expands I don't know if we can say it like that and it risks deforming your bodywork there we did well there are a few small flaws but it's details you see of course I'm going to cut I'm going to continue [Music] a wedge of sanding paper [Music] you go all over the place [Music] that's for working fiberglass I'm going to cut pieces of fibers of the right size that I need to make the places where I will put fiber must not hesitate to take larger because you can always cut after a good layer of glue from under we agree that it will hold so it's important to crumble the edges because otherwise you're going to struggle you see how it does that's why I put the expanding foam behind where I don't want to drag too much because it dries quickly [Music] little break it's not very smart to do the fiber glass without gloves especially when you've cut yourself but here you see there I don't know if it's starting to dry so there are even small fir branches so that's really to make the base of my one of my big holes you see little parenthesis because there you are saying to yourself wow RAF he does anything which is absolutely the case I have already changed spots for a there he is finished hold on do this parenthesis in this video which is very important because you see me working the bodywork like a pig which is the case and that I totally admit it what you need to know is that by profession I am a painter automobile incidentally I finished in the top three when I graduated so you have to tell yourself why he repaired his vehicle like that and didn't do it properly, especially since he knows how to do because normally you have to redo a sheet here I am in Turkey and redo a sheet finally resolder a sheet it's not very expensive but if I decided to redo my vehicle like that it's simply because I wanted to do it myself in this way and especially to take pleasure in doing them and it was totally the case that's also why I haven't posted a video in recent weeks because I wanted to take the time to do that to take the time to film without having the stress of editing and that's really that the purpose of my channel too is to make me happy and that's what I would also like to show in my videos is that some times even if you know it the end result will not be incredible that you would have been able to do better the important thing is really that you take pleasure in doing things so it is clear that I cannot do everything, for example recently I installed a winch on a nag and the winch I did not know how to 'install since I've never had one so there I went to a garage they made me a whole support we also noticed that once the winch was placed on the vehicle it would have been necessary to modify the whole bumper so we directly made a new bumper but that I would not necessarily have been able to do it on the other hand I learned a lot by watching these people make this new bumper and install this winch after it is clear that they will say yes to me but this vehicle now it will rust for one the main goal currently is to arrive at the Laos no matter in the state the nag will be the goal is not to make a new vehicle arrived in Laos the goal is to arrive in Laos slows down the rust if it comes back it does not matter I did it once I can do it again a second time and also know one thing that the important thing in life is to take pleasure in doing what you need to do imagine you get up every morning to do a job or a job you don't like that's not a life besides what's funny is that my job as base it's not too automotive I did my three years of apprenticeship I never exercised afterwards because in the end I didn't like it he had to have done my vehicle in this way and well I took great pleasure in doing it my nomadic way of life made me re-appreciate my first job it is clear that it is far from perfect and that I am fully aware of it but the important thing in this video and in this repair is that I share with you the pleasure I had doing this work regardless of the result because the pleasure we all have in us, you just have to find it and there there I found it there now well that it holds so it replaces the metal no I'm going to put polyester putty so it's pretty thin putty but there are Turks who are also there then who invites you to eat all the time so I'm working I'm eating I'm working I'm going to see the Turks that's right polyester filler the hardener that's cleaner for brushes and spatulas so I'm going to put a coat of putty here then I'm going to remove the tape I'm going to sand and then I'm going to do the other side so if I put tape h it's to define the angles well and there you have to mix I think that you have roughly 2 minutes to apply it and then after that it hardens [Music] if we are clear that you have to like dust [Music] and then frankly sanding that [Music] now put away a little break and I'll show you the result and that'll be for a next video because here we put away we're moving spots because there's one who has to test the vehicle quietly we're driving slowly you see wait c it's just that it's doudou who drives what really [Music] [Music]

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