Check out the RC plane here:
This is a great option to get into the RC airplane hobby for under $100. This model can teach you the basics of flying without breaking the bank. This Piper J-3 cub looks great and seems like its pretty durable on harder landings too. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
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Check out the RC plane here:
The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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Jesper Larsen, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Michael Schouten, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, The Brennan’s, Bob Hardy, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, erik palmberg, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, and Jeff Buys
#rcplane #rcairplane #rc
The hobbyzone champ was probably one of The greatest RC planes in the history And memory of RC Plains small Park Trainers that is and in this video we're Gonna fly not the champ but a knockoff Of that this is just a nice little Yellow Piper Cub we have seen a handful Of these knockoffs on the channel before And they can be very hit and miss we've Had some good ones and we've had some Bad ones one in particular that Bops out To memory with me is we had a bad crash On one of ours and all of the little Decorative pieces popped off on that Crash it just didn't hold up super well But that video still got a lot of views And I think today we stand a fairly Decent chance it feels great it looks Great and it's nice and simple it's a Three-channel airplane which means we Have throttle up front elevator in the Back and Rudder no ailerons even though We have little aileron cutouts and it's Got some nice attention to detail like The wing struts And I think the landing gear looked Pretty solid it's a good looking bright Yellow plane which is going to be very Easy for beginners to see while they're Flying with a ready to fly included Radio batteries and charger for a pretty Good price we'll have it linked in the Description box below keep in mind this Airplane has flight stabilization which
Is going to allow the plane to stay Upright and not let you turn over so It's very good for beginners but with The Press of a button you can turn that On and off we have high and low rates so I'm excited to try this nice little Airplane I'll pop it in the air and then I think Abby's Gonna Fly it I'm Gonna Fly it first oh okay ladies first I like That let's go [Music] Had to really power on the throttle There huh There you go Nice You know I feel the same about recording Yeah Well for three channels you're bugging Around pretty good I just thought you Know what it's never fun to fly after Nate so he can show me up but it's kind Of like if you have to go on after like An amazing technology performer you Never want to go it's after somebody That's like awesome there's not much More I can do on this airplane than what You're showing right now It's got high and low rates and we can Turn the stability mode on and off and You got two shoulder buttons that are Going to do that I couldn't tell you Which is which off the top of my head Yeah well I'd push a button and see what Happens but whenever you're ready
[Music] That's probably high in low rates now Normally you would stand on the other Side so I feel like I'm gonna knock you Over Yeah you stand on the other side okay There you go We're about ready to knock into each Other All right [Music] And then the other ones right so so the Left one is gonna have you tried both Buttons already oh well who knows then Oh whoa there you go you're out of it All right yeah yeah [Music] So it's not a stun plane you're not Gonna do anything crazy on this it's a Trainer plane you can see it You can Boogie which is what you're Doing She's trying oh you did it Nice let's Glide it down Look the prop isn't even moving nice Good save good save wow that had some Torque Hmm let's see how low we can go [Music] Not love enough that's okay next next uh Fly by next pass This is flying pretty good I would say Comparable to like one of the Issue planes
Nice yellow Touch and Go [Music] See something like this and this price Point especially if you fly other things You can be a little more Brave with look How low she's flying she's below the Hill like she's that's low Let's touch and go low oh nice oh good Job Abby she looked like for one second She wanted to see my reaction never look Away never look away You're doing good Honey you could do this one I'll let you take the stick yeah Oh nice butter that's good for a little Airplane good job All right let's see how bad Nate messed Up my camera Should be okay You tell me if you have to change Anything go ahead all right Oh no okay so even full left Rudder that Puppy wants to bank right yes which is What happened on your table yeah Okay let's really commit to it just Gotta commit yeah yeah I think I went on takeoff work on that Is bad I think takeoff I think my Takeoff was better so much better I Think mine was pretty funny though oh we Have company coming could we storming Barnstorm There they are Hey
Okay I want to try a hand launch just to See if that's any smoother on this Landings are good on it Pro tip uh throttle to full and then Back down to zero so that it can bind Even after everything's plugged in and Turned on That was much better All right you may have one for takeoff Well the landing gear is is nice so it's Easy to come down for a nice smooth Landing but I will say that hand launch Was so much better than dealing with all That torque on the ground uh you know we Had a nice little tree here we had a Nice full scale experimental come in for A landing and just jump out and say hi And Um RC and full scale no matter what Aviation just tends to turn heads I Think it Peaks everyone's curiosity Because of the fact that we aren't born With wings and feathers and we weren't Really meant to fly but we sure made a Way to fly and whether you're playing With RCS on the ground and learning About full-scale Aviation and you know Just how how it all works or you're just Daydreaming like me about Wow it would be cool to be in that Airplane just zip zapping around and Taking over the world look at that you Know it's just fun it's really fun I Think I think people that are into
Aviation are just it's just in their Blood and it's peaked your curiosity and Once the bug has bitten you really can't Ever escape it and that's why I love This hobby just it's generally Like-minded people for the most part There's always a mutual appreciation for Everything that's happening and that's Why I like doing this on YouTube is to Be able to share the experience with you Guys I know you're like-minded you're Going to be watching this video if you Didn't like RC planes or maybe us uh so It's really cool Abby let's see if I can One up your loot Left or right button do you remember Right I had the nose down a lot there you go They pulled off a loop it was about like Hours yeah it kind of Dies at the End uh On a three channel airplane that's kind Of hard to pull off but we did it and Then it starts off in low rates so you Know what let's see if we can I'm in Full free okay now with high rates it Can't roll right well let's see if we Can get it nose down full throttle pull Back it's probably not gonna nope nope Can it roll no can you get it to roll Oh that's a nice little airplane so I Hand launched it I'm not gonna hand Catch it got a little plane like this Just don't want to get your fingers in The prop let's see about a landing on
The asphalt Hey not too bad Not real well yeah I just can't turn Right at all we're stuck Abby you proved that even though you had A small Hiatus from flying you picked it Up and flew it really well and I had a Good time flying this too it doesn't Have to be A big fast hundred mile an hour jet for Me to enjoy RC or a giant two meter you Know wingspan 6s battery For me to have fun yeah I do think That's a little bit more fun than this But this is still fun in its own right And I think an airplane like this is a Nice reminder that even though It's just really small foam and you know You're not going to hurt anyone with This at all it's still a good idea to Think ahead about safety and like where You're flying and how you're flying and Stuff you can't just jump out of your Car and fly at a location like where We're flying and you really should fly Without permission you really should fly With AMA insurance too just on top of That even if you're flying at your own Place it's nice to have the Academy of Model Aeronautics backing what you're Doing this the magazine subscription is Great but the sense of security and just Relief when you have that insurance is Just I don't know it's a good feeling
It's a really good feeling but it's just The right thing to do too so we'll have It linked in the description box below And I know it seems a little bit Expensive when you're talking about just This airplane like if this is your first Airplane and it could be your first Airplane it's hard to bite the bullet And spend double the amount so if There's about a hundred dollars and then Insurance is about a hundred dollars It's kind of hard right but if you get Into the multi hundred dollar airplanes And stuff and batteries even cost 100 at That point it's not bad have insurance So that'll be linked below alongside This airplane and what I'm about to say Isn't just some trick thing to get you To click our link because when you do Click our link it does help to support Our Channel and our family but I'm Telling you guys there's a lot of Versions of this airplane out there and We've had some bad ones on the channel So you could look this up and try to Look up you know yellow Cub ready to fly Plane and Google's going to give you Some results but it's not necessarily Going to be this one so I'm trying to Yes it benefits us but also look after You guys when I say this don't pull up The wrong airplane because we've had That happen in the past people watch a Video they buy a airplane but not the
Plane in the video and then they come Tell us about their bad experience bad Customer service or whatever so this is Uh I think it's on banggood and it's a Pretty good price so it'll be linked Down below and help support our Channel And our family what a beautiful day to Fly in any day that I get to fly I'm Very grateful whether it's overcast or Blue skies or anywhere in between I'm Grateful and a massive thanks to God for Just blessing us with the day for flying And everything else that we get into Today and I hope you guys are I hope you Guys are having a good day too and a Massive thanks also to our patreon Supporters because we couldn't do what We do as often as we do it without your Amazing support if you like budget small Park flyer style airplanes Abby and I Will hand pick a video Just For You Popping up right about now thanks for Watching we'll see you there Foreign