Road test Video n°5 Road test and finishing touches First road test with Lomax You can go backward Put the reverse Gear shifting is not soft The first time driving is not easy, you should get used to it He is coming back Test is positive I must get familiar with it Windshields are totally useless Yes but you are tall I was driving at 40mph 40mph? It's about 55km/h First lomax test drive seems to be positive So, how is it? Better than first time Yes? Driving is a little bit unusual but it's ok So what are your feelings? Is it good, interesting? It's strange! – Yes it's strange to drive! Don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell! After drive tests, finishing I prepared engine hood The grille is fixed These small sticks will allow to open the hood Badge will be fixed at the end, on the car Here are hood hooks Now I will mount a door Here is the door completely repainted Here is the inside of the door, of course it will be covered I will show you in another video Here are new chromed hinges Nice brand new hinges I made gaskets to protect the paint Made with 2mm – 2.5 mm rubber And here are old hinges It was exactly the sames but those were ruined We chose to change it now I will screw the hinges in the holes I made before painting I just have to assemble I will show you later I already mounted one door Not covered yet Here is the mounted door It is done like that With lock Here I made a stricker to protect the painting when closing the door Here I put a seal Protective and finishing seal to make it look better Then we close the door Door closed I also added a finishing seal here You can see here And the same on the other side Now I will mount the second door The second door is in place with the two hinges It is still not completely screwed, there is no washer It is not blocked of course Neither there And in the other side I tightened a little bit more Why do I do that? Because here I must fit the lock And the lock will determine the adjustments of the door Here is the lock Of course I tried before the painting job and drilled holes in the door Here are the 4 holes And I will use inox screews, everything is made of inox Now I will fix the lock The lomax is about to be finished I added rear-view mirrors They are really nice The hood is in place The grille home made It remains to add a Lomax badge here We will also find a badge to cover the hole We will build a bumper to cover the oil radiator It will be done later, there is no hurry Here we have the small english hood hooks The rear view mirror of the other side Here we are waiting for a badge to cover that It will be tailor-made So it remains this, and the doors covers, we are prepairing it As I already said, we have to fix the Lomax badge, the round cover and we are building a bumper Here I will mount the other mudguard As on the other side Subscribe to Bestgarage, hit the bell and like this video I will show other things The Lomax is almost finished I finished the front mudguard Here is the Lomax badge You can see in white the door cover It is a jig to find the final size It will be covered with the same PU leather as the dashboard The dashboard is also tailor-made It is almost ready to run Let's start the running-in period Subscribe to Bestgarage
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