Check out the HS720R drone here: Save with code: 10TRSL720R
This is the NEWEST Drone In The WORLD!! Meet the Holy Stone HS720R drone. This camera drone has a 3 axis gimbal and gps. In this video, we test this drone for you. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.
Check out the HS720R drone here:
Save with code: 10TRSL720R
The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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Jesper Larsen, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Michael Schouten, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, The Brennan’s, Bob Hardy, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, erik palmberg, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, and Jeff Buys
#drone #cameradrone #rc
What's really exciting today to be out Here with a new drone this isn't just a New drone to us this is a brand new Drone to the world and it happens to be Holy Stone's newest Flagship drone this Is all the bells and whistles that Holystone has to offer packed into one Grown and they're kind of celebrating The release of this new drone with a Special exclusive RC sailor coupon code Just for our subscribers it's actually 10 off which is really unheard of for a Brand new drone I think it's limited to Like 100 so those will probably go Pretty fast that'll be linked in the Description box below with our coupon Code so be sure to check that out here We have our drone it has a three Kilometer range which is is pretty good Uh now remember guys this is not really Designed to compete with like dji's best Drones but it is designed to compete With dji's budget drones and in my Opinion holy Stone tends to put out more Bang for your buck drones than DJI and They're very well established on Amazon If you're unfamiliar with them of course With this drone we have folding arms Brushless motors very long flight times Exceeding 20 minutes I'm not sure if They're bragging about the flight time On this but usually they're like 25 30 Minutes and what I'm excited about is The camera quality because it's a 4k
Camera and A true three axis Motorized gimbals I'm really excited About this drone long range good solid Camera quality nice gimbal what more Could we ask for so let's put this in The air have a little fun and do our Good old-fashioned RC sailor drone test At the lake of beautiful sunset people Out fishing what a great night to fly [Music] Well I like what I see on everything Already uh even the turning on process Was different and I think a bit easier For new time Flyers first time Flyers if This was your first drone so let's hit The lock button There goes our Motors spinning got a Little pulse burst now Auto takeoff And maybe I should hold it let's try That again I'm just going to hold it this time Yep hold it so that's good look at that And throttle up so we don't Auto Land or Anything Yeah okay so right now I have this in The low mode or what they refer to as Photography mode The Drone is extremely responsive to my Input on the controls so let's fly out Just a little bit don't want to go out Over the water just yet but I do want to Give you guys something more to look at Than just that shrub that we were
Looking at keep in mind it's really Really foggy out but you know what Abby There might be a plastic Um protective thing on there I just want To look really fast there might be Because it's not not crystal clear [Music] Land it yeah I'll land it [Music] Boots How's it like now you cleaned it yeah I Wiped it off because our car was really Cold right Condensation yeah I think so so let's do An auto takeoff again where's it going There we go Okay usually I just like to throttle up There we go let's make sure it's Gonna Fly nice and stable not in headless mode Or anything like that Okay So I love the fact that this has a three Axis gimbal one here that is awesome and For a 4K drone even though it might not Be as good as dji's cameras that is Really an awesome price point for a Drone with a long flight time a long Range a 4k camera and a three axis Gimbal you just don't see that and then On top of that we have our we have our Coupon code too that's 10 more off so What I like to do is usually just hover Test at the beginning of the video and See how things look on the Drone without
Getting any toilet bowl or anything like That and right now we're in the slow Photography mode so every little bit of Input is going to be really minute That's why the Drone is moving so slow We have a speed switch on the radio and I can go up to medium I got two beeps And we can go pretty fast in this mode But let's go all the way up to high and Really test that gimbal okay so I mean This is what we like to do let's face Out here so we have something to look at And I like to jerk the Drone around a Good bit and then look down at the Camera quality and now we can go in all Directions and see how smooth is that Compared to how rough I'm flying the Drone you know this is not normal flying This is like hurricane flying no one's Going to fly their drone like this look How smooth that is that's pretty cool So I am noticing just a little bit of Fog on the live feed right it looks a Little foggy I don't know if what's Being recorded looks like that to you Guys But it could be due to the condensation Just it's like a weird blur on it yeah Yes but it almost looks like it's Clearing up more than what it was at the Beginning of the video so let's fly out Just a little bit and enjoy this guys We might have and there's likely will Have range limits set on this because a
Lot of times you fly in beginner mode And it puts it in beginner mode at the Beginning of before you ever take off And I think that's a good thing so your Drone doesn't just randomly Fly Away So let's fly up a little bit and I also Want to be extremely respectful of any Fishermen yeah you got one right to our Left and then one kind of a let's see It's a busy day out on the lake today Apparently for you popular as well uh Yeah we've got some fishermen out there I'm not gonna go fly over them or Anything disrespect their space and what They're doing Even the distance I'm at right now on a Peaceful day at the lake is close enough So let's try to go off this way a little Bit So we'll know if we have decent range Because I will try to get close to the Boat dock which we've been able to do With some moderately priced drones Before And this really puts good faith in it Because I'm out over water on a maybe Flight so if this doesn't flop down in The water we've got a great drink now One of these back rockers on the Controller there we go should aim the Camera down some that's nice and smooth That's really good And we can see it is a busy day at the Lake
You've got some birds that are Interested in you for a second We can maybe go take a look and see if Anyone's loading at the boat dock and Then I'll probably fly back some you Guys look at the glass water oh my gosh It's just there's no wind hardly at all There's a little bit yeah no one's Loading or unloading we still have good Range and how do we are 800 feet away You know you are maintaining line I got You not on the camera but I got you with My eyes and it just looks awesome you Know what now that I see it look at the Camera it's actually foggy out here That's why it looked foggy look at that See the distant trees are absolutely Foggy the closer trees they still have What looks like like a light fog to it But you guys saw it on the camera the Farther away no just when I look at the Fishermen and stuff it just has a weird Blur I think too it could be the live Feed yeah there is some type of haze What's going on again three There's another fish out there I mean There's probably like we were surprised At how busy the parking lot over there Was look how beautiful it is man yeah For a weekday evening Yeah So we have Telemetry I'm looking at the Screen and we have 19 satellites Connected I can see our drone battery my
Radio battery which I actually did not Charge before we got out here That's telling me we're recording we Have a little bit of feedback on the Radio itself so that's really cool Just lights though just lights they Don't have an actual display and this Transmitter operates on a rechargeable Battery it is not on Um double a batteries which is pretty Traditional for polystone to use double A batteries and keep in mind the speed That I'm flying I'm in medium or middle Speed mode I don't normally fly this far With some of the drives that we fly out Here especially the more recent ones so Now what I'm doing is just kind of going Out this direction Happy Wheels We rotate so I do think it's important To kind of face the transmitter towards A drone to get the best signal possible So right now we're 131 feet up and we Went 800 feet out which is what I feel Really comfortable with on a maiden Flight of something and I'm really Impressed with the gimbal quality the Camera quality is really good for that Price and we're 780 they're 800 feet out That way I don't want to go any farther Out we can see that fisherman right There and let's just start flying back Some here we'll start flying back Already backing up just getting it back
Closer to us because this is a nice new Drone I don't want to push my limits or Anything It's we're cruising too because we're Already under 500 feet Just brings me back would you guys Believe that Abby and I have flown over 1100 drones that number was climbing so Fast and then we just got kind of burnt Out from drones because after you fly a Thousand drones they all start to feel About the same And but now we're kind of back at it a Little bit more and I'm real happy with This brand new holy Stone drone I mean Holy Stone what's good about them is They have tons of part availability even That newest little drone we featured Where we got you guys a coupon code and We got the holy Stone it was the h Threes HS 360s was the name of it we got That thing down like 40 off which is Amazing That was on shorts and I think you did An unboxing on the RC Sailors extra yeah So they never made it other than shorts To this channel daddy well okay yeah That's all right you know that that Price point was awesome now the Descentleness is really slow and I think They do that just to give you a nice Smooth video so it's not jarring so the Descent is slow but everyone was worried Because when we did the video on the HS
360s and as a brand new drone by Holystone you couldn't get extra Batteries and everyone's like no this is Not a good drone you know you only get The battery it comes with no way well They just hadn't released the extra Batteries yet but those are out now so That might be the case with this one I'm Going to probably go ahead and land this Here guys nice and smooth this has been A great flight with really good range Smooth gimbal questionable live feed fog But I will say I did not lose connection At all not once and I didn't have any Jittering jarring digital latency issues I was constantly live and smooth Foreign Ly long flight for a first flight that's Pretty good we still had three out of Four lights on the back of the Drone so That means we had about 75 or more of Our battery left check that out that is A good looking drone it's basically a Mavic knockoff really but aldrons kind Of look the same nowadays you have a Status light on the back that changes Colors to tell you if you need to Calibrate the thing or if you have a GPS Lock on it or not and two white bright LEDs on the front and here's the radio Let's look at this because this is now At least the first time I've ever flown On a holy Stone radio that looks exactly Like this you guys are gonna like this
The handles actually fold up so that's Cool that's literally all they are is Just folding handles there's your USBC Charged port for the rechargeable Battery in here no more Double A's in The back then this which is our phone Holder worked really well for Abby's Phone even in a case it held it so I'm Happy with that there's the low medium And high speed switch That folds down then your antennas can Fold as well and that fits in your case Folded up like that and then of course I I know I'm not the only one I love when Cool RCS especially drones come with Great cases and I got all my junk in Here now but the radio fits here drone Fits here we got a gimbal protector on Here uh and just a couple extra Square Props and things in that box and Instructions go in the little loose bag Up there so there would actually be room For extra batteries if you wanted to Take this box out or put the battery in There that's a great case I love a good Case with a nice drone flashback to like 2015 Nate talking about I love boxes I Love cases I feel like honestly I don't Know maybe other guys say this too but Someone paid attention and it's all These holy Sun drones come with really Good cases now so I'm really happy about That this is a great Maiden flight on a Very awesome evening to get this brand
New drone by holy Stone out to the world And it's cool to be a part of that but Also be able to come to you guys and say Just because you're a subscriber we can Give you 10 extra off that coupon code Is in the description box for it to work You have to click our link that is a Link that helps to support our Channel And our family and then you can pick up This drone if you're interested I'd make A great Christmas present and it's Probably the price is only going to go Up so now's the best time to buy it and It gets two thumbs up from us and I want To encourage you guys too if you're a First time flyer especially to consider Signing up for AMA that's the Academy of Model Aeronautics like a quarter of the Price of that drone maybe a third of the Price you can be insured for the whole Year and get an awesome Magazine Subscription it's just a no-brainer it's An absolute no-brainer if anything goes Wrong the Drone drifts away or something Slams in someone's car hits a boat you Know you're going to be covered with AMA As long as you're following their rules And guidelines flying within line of Sight that kind of thing basic stuff to Make sure you're covered with insurance Now guys we've had a little bit of a Rough day the kids have been they've had Their ups and downs we didn't know if we Could get out here and film this video
For you especially in time for this new Release so I gotta say a massive thanks To God for keeping the kids uh in good Enough order to get us out here so we Can take the time to share this Experience with you guys and I do ask Just for for those of you that do quick Little prayer for the family just for The family last but not least I want to Say a massive thanks to our patreon Supporters because we couldn't do what We do as often as we do it without your Amazing support and we thank you guys From the bottom of our hearts now I know This is a little bit of an expensive Drone it really is okay it's hundreds of Dollars and there's good drones out There for around a hundred dollars if You've never flown a drone before you Don't have to spend hundreds but if you Do want a really great experience right Out of the gate that's a great drone to Pick up however if you want to buy a Drone ride around a hundred dollars a Great recommendation for you guys a lot Cheaper than this popping up right about Now thanks for watching we'll see you There [Music] Thank you