NEWEST RC Airplane for BEGINNERS that is EASY TO FLY!!! – HobbyZone Apprentice STOL S 700mm

Check out the HobbyZone Apprentice 700mm RC plane here:
NEWEST RC Airplane for BEGINNERS that is EASY TO FLY!!! This is the brand new version of the HobbyZone Apprentice STOL S 700mm. In this video we maiden this RC airplane. Let us know your thoughts about this beginner RC plane in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out the HobbyZone Apprentice 700mm RC plane here:

We recommend checking out this budget RC trainer plane too:


The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Jesper Larsen, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Michael Schouten, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, The Brennan’s, Bob Hardy, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, erik palmberg, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, and Jeff Buys

#rcplane #easytofly #rcairplane

Every now and then we in the RC hobby See a new groundbreaking airplane that Helps people learn to fly for a long Time we had things like the champ the Sport CB S2 now we have the brand new Apprentice stall s700 mm ready to fly or Bind and fly comes in at two very Different price points so we'll have Them both Linked In the description box Below what I like about this plane other Than the fact that it's completely ready To fly is that it comes with a brushless Motor this in my opinion is almost UMX Right it's notx because some assembly is Required it's awesome because it has Elevator Rudder throttle and aileron Control it flies on a 2s battery and is Completely ready to fly with the Controller the batteries for the plane Even down to the batteries for the Controller I love the huge Bush wheels On this so we can take off from rough Terrain like gravel dirt and Short Grass Uh those can easily come off as well so If you want to fly looking like you've Got some ret tracks then that's awesome Too we've also got the introduction of a Brand new radio one of the things that I Love about this is that everything is Labeled so well I love that throttle cut Is labeled on and off I love that all The flight modes are labeled rather than Just putting one 123 ABC and then Telling you what it is in the

Instructions and you have to remember That for a new pilot this is nice so We've got ourselves a nice airplane with A size that can fly just about anywhere Within a weight that is not restricted In any way shape or form because it's Under 250 g has safe and it also has the Ability for progression so in this video In this Maiden flight hopefully I can Show you guys how beginner friendly it Is but then also when we turn our flight Safety modes off we can do loops and Rolls and even some inverted flight so There's a lot of progression to be had On this plane potentially and in this Video we're going to fly it and find out If it's worth your hard earned money so Let's let's Go I got a feeling this is going to be a Great little legendary plane I love that It has throttle cut which means if we Try to give it throttle it won't let it Work because our throttle hold or Throttle cut goes on so now now we have Throttle it's just a nice safety feature Tail up and let's Go super cool that they're doing this I Love all the bells and whistles that We're getting let's not forget too that It comes with A uh uh well it's it's a limited version Like a practice version a timed version Of real flight so if you buy this and It's your very first airplane you

Actually get a 100 minutes for free or You pay for it with this airplane I Should say um to practice on the flight Simulator before you try to fly your Plane that's awesome that's more than Enough time to get familiar with how Controls of airplanes work uh and to Really just familiar familiarize Yourself with the controls before Actually taking to the skies and Potentially crashing your plane it's a Nice thing that they included that Here's handsfree in safe just so you Guys know a little bit of throttle I Should give it some throttle and there's A hill there so I probably want to pull Up some terrible example of hands free Mate here's hands Free hands free mode hit Hill it can be Done okay so with that being said that Bank that you just saw was full right I Am going to give it full Up full down Full right see how much wing tip we have There it doesn't let the plane go upside Down for example if we are in advanced Mode now watch what full W does we can Roll the plane or if you were a beginner You know 20 years ago you might roll the Plane and then whoops get stuck upside Down Right and not know what to do well in Safe mode which I'll kick back on here In a second right there's safe mode That's full left that's full right and

I'm holding it and that just doesn't let Your airplane flip upside down so that's A really nice feature for Beginners if you take it out of safe Mode and you mess up click it back in Safe and there's that and is there a Panic button on this one all right I Love the panic button we have high and Low rates too so if we want to and we Don't like how far that was turning we Can turn on low and now look that's full Left so if you thought that was too Sharp of a turn you can put the lower Rates on and limit it even more that's Full right so if you really like doile Flying you can just put it in low rates With the switch on the right now let's Do what Abby was talking about first of All here's intermediate mode okay we Have more bank but it won't let it go Upside down you see that pretty extreme Just not letting it go upside down now If we go into advanced mode Let's climb up a little Bit we're going to get the plane upside Down and then I'm going to press a Button so here we are upside down button Press boom just kicks it right over into And it gains altitude too well and That's a good thing so we don't crash so Let's do it again that's why it didn't Film it well what we're going to do is Roll we're going to Loop it upside down So we're going to go up like this and

Then press the button boom now it's Going to hold straight and level until I Give it input now now it gives me Controls again straight and level Flight's my favorite kind of flight oh It's the best you're not Crashing yeah okay so let's do a couple Loops I think cuz well let's let's do a Nice clean roll maybe Clean-ish well that was kind of Wild it has more um Aeron Authority than I Realized there you go and then right Into a loop Here and we can fly inverted so let's do That too really quick I like the to get Upside down by going in from a loop and Then holding it upside Down does okay inverted flight but Remember it's a trainer so it's it Fights you a little bit because there's Wing Dihedral and uh you know it's not the Easiest thing to fly upside down but We're doing it really wishing I had my Sunglasses right now they got to hold Maybe 30% elevator to hold that and then We just roll out of it okay Abby those Jingles Means it's your turn to Fly um plans of Abby to fly this in the Near Future we had a little husband wife need To cut there wow miscommunication

Someone said I was going to have my own Video well I thought Abby could maybe Fly it in this video and then uh well We're just going to let Abby have her Own entire as long as I don't crash Today I just want to know what I'm doing As long as I don't crash today you know This is great Abby this is so nice that Was fully ready to fly uh but if you Love this airplane and you have a nice Universal radio and you want to own one For yourself you can buy the bind andly Version and the bind andly version of This is way cheaper than the ready toly Version and that's because the ready Toly version comes With the ready toly version just comes With everything this nice radio a Battery a charger batteries for the Radio the uh trial version of real Flight which is an RC flight simulator The best in the world by far then if you Like real flight you can just go ahead And buy it uh but 100 minutes a little Over an hour is just enough time about An hour and a half just enough time to Really learn the controls orientation Which is very very big when you're Learning to fly RC's for the first time And that's when you're flying toward you When you push left whoop the airplane Goes right so you really just need to Wrap your mind around you sitting in the Pilot's seat when you're flying and left

Makes the airplane go left for itself And right makes the airplane go right For itself what a beautiful day it is There there's two planes so we've got Some full scale guys around us that Haven't radioed in and that's why our Heads are on a swivel as most of you Probably know or well any you know some Of you guys know you're supposed to Radio in when you're within 5 miles of An airport minimum you should radio About 10 mil out too but five is the key To let everybody know maybe someone is Mowing the airport right the guy mowing Needs to know he should have a radio on Him or hurt uh and we have permission to Be here uh it's an active Runway even Though I think there's a odm out for This Runway right now and you know you Got a radio you got a radio that's just We we have the ability to communicate uh We have permission to be here flying by All the AMA rules and guidelines we'll Talk about AMA here really quickly I Highly recommend you guys fly with AMA It's an insurance program for those of Us that fly RC planes about the price of This well no half the price of this Airplane really you can be insured for The entire year let's see how the climb Is on this remember it's 2s and we're Flying brushs there we go that was nice So I highly recommend you guys pick up AMA we'll have that link in the

Description box below too it's an Insurance program keeps all of us safe It tells you what the rules are if you Want to fly in certain locations and Stuff and really important for all of us To know that and represent the hobby Well there's a lot of people and there's Even some channels out there right now That are misrepresenting the Hobby and Uh people wonder why we see more rules And stuff cracking down well that's why Because people are doing stupid things In the hobby um so whether you're full Scale or RC do it Safely Link in the description box Please this is awesome Abby you're going To like flying I'm excited it's a great Little trainer hit the Subscribe button Cuz my flight will be way more Entertaining than Nate's flight what Probably not but let's get lower and oh Can we knife edge oh my goodness can we Knife edge this there we go now Nate's Waking it up you were just csing it I've Been putts in it yeah there's a knife Edge we can knife edge this it didn't Say you could do that in the Instructions I almost rolled it I gave Too much aor hun I almost rolled it While knife edging little show Pass okay we're just going to burn up The battery now Abby do It yeah nice can it snap no let's play My favorite I already tried I already

Tried but we didn't announce okay I'll Officially do it can it snap let's do it Let's get right into It basically it was just a [Laughter] Roll I want to see a hand launch Nate oh Fine let see that okay oh let's take the Landing gear off too that's why I said I Want to see a hand launch dub of course You're going to take the landing gear Off Whoa throttle Hold goodbye landing gear it still has The tiny tail Wheel throttle hold off now we're going To do this actually looks really cool I Like it like that okay here we Go I like that that's cool way more low Profile like that I like this it looks Sleek I mean that's a lot of weight off Of this it's flying very differently now It was not meant to fly like this it I Don't think they even recommend it but I Like it that's crazy Cool okay so we definitely got to fly Out of now will it snap I don't know Let's See Nope I think we should have more agility And stuff let's do a Loop oh yeah wow oh the rolls are nice Off that was so much cleaner cuz of the Weight of those Wheels very nice I think I'm out of juice H you've been flying

For 10 minutes oh wow okay inverted Flight is nice like this too way better Gets the weight of those wheels off of There they're Heavy Wheels good for Off-road Landings and takeoffs But yeah this is fun with the wheels off Now for me I like that a Lot yeah this is cool uh we're Definitely killing the battery though so I'm going to land it in the grass over Here I can just feel It at least I think I Can yeah there it's dead I knew It I should have listened to Myself not bad for a 300 milliamp Battery 2s I was at about a 10-minute Flight and we were having a good time Personally I thought that was a blast Flying without the wheels so it's almost Like you're getting two airplanes in one Here because because they're So different just the wheels the landing Gear alone because they're so big and Heavy they create a lot of drag I mean Those are oversized for that airplane Apparently you got sample three yes I Think they've got a good plane here for For me if um you're looking for a scale Airplane key word is scale and that is One of your biggest factors that you Have to have when you're flying a Trainer plane you want it to look real This is great it's not too big that you Have to have a large space to fly it

It's small enough you could easily fly This at a baseball field soccer field at A park maybe even your front yard or Backyard if you have a big enough space For that the steerable tail wheel is Nice the oversized landing gear is nice Yes we have sample three it's a used Airplane very active day today Clear Day Low winds it's a beautiful day to fly Brushless motor 2s power completely Ready to fly with safe um I'm I'm a fan Of what they're doing here because it's Going to introduce more people into the Hobby and this plane will be linked in The description box below now here's Where we say the most important things Of the video are yeah we had a lot of Fun flying but let's wrap this up and Say thanks to God because God deserves All the glory for everything we do in Our lives but we want to thank him Specifically today for giving us the Opportunity to jump in front of the Camera and share this experience with You guys also it's very important for You guys to know that this is linked in The description box below why because Instead of driving super far away and Dealing with people and blah blah blah At Hobby Shops you can click this link And buy it and have it delivered right To your door it supports our family Which is the equivalency of a hobby shop We're just doing this helping tens of

Thousands of people find the airplane And seeing it Fly rather than just Looking at it in a box at the hobby shop So if you want to support our hobby shop Our family and our channel it's linked In the description box and it'll be Delivered right to to your door you also Earn points when you do that and those Points can earn you free batteries free Chargers free airplanes reduce cost of Future purchases so we highly recommend You take advantage of that last but Certainly not least I want to say a Massive thanks to our patreon supporters Because we couldn't do what we do as Often as we do it without your amazing Support now if you're in the market for A trainer plane and this video just Didn't give you enough of what you were After we have a handpicked trainer plane Video popping up right about now thanks For watching we'll see you there bye

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