i am finally replacing my all-purpose cleaner that
i've been using for years what's going on guys and welcome to the wilson auto detailing community
listen if you've been a part of this community for any time you know that i love mcguire's
all-purpose cleaner it is so versatile it's so economical it is really for the professionals
and i've been using it at least for the last six years on a daily basis in my detailing business
that being said a product like this does have some drawbacks and i want to highlight what
those are by clipping back to a recent video that i did on the interior of a really old lexus
that required me to use a different product on this older lexus interior detail i reached for my
pns express interior all-purpose cleaner for this particular detail i diluted the product around
two to one meaning for two parts water i used one part of the cleaner and it works fantastically for
this interior let me explain why often on older interiors you find some really classic things that
if you've detailed cars for any length of time you are probably familiar with number one some
of the white lettering or the buttons on the interior where there might have been words or some
sort of letters are rubbed off or gone completely you'll also see that there are parts of
the leather whether it's on the door panel whether it's on the seats themselves in the
console area or the leather is worn down or there's so much dirt that has not been cleaned
over the ears on the leather that as you clean the dirt you also in some sense clean off the
leather itself in addition to that we could say that you just find generally faded dirty and
damaged pieces on the interior that when you introduce a more powerful alkaline cleaner like
maguire's all-purpose cleaner even in a pretty heavily diluted form you might get some results
where one of two things happens number one you're cleaning the surface cleaning the surface
cleaning the surface and you realize oh my gosh underneath all this wet liquid is actually some
damage where i'm cleaning off things like leather further fading black trim all that sort of stuff
or number two you might have experienced some sort of like white appearance foggy cloudy
appearance left over on that surface after you used mcguire's all-purpose cleaner that would
not clean off as if that particular surface was damaged by the maguire's all-purpose cleaner it
is in these situations when i'm dealing with older more damaged or faded interiors that i reach for
something like the interior express cleaner from p and s this is a cleaner that is going to be more
gentle and a little bit more fragile with surfaces like this and it's something that i can reach for
knowing that on an older vehicle i'm not going to be having some sort of white caustic foggy
appearance left over and it's something that i can put on any of the surfaces and i'm not going to
damage or further fade anything now guys while i'm talking about the express interior cleaner from p
s right now the truth is to detail a full anterior or even exterior or just to be in the detailing
world it requires a lot more than just one single product but i want to make sure that you guys get
the right products so in the youtube description box below i've got a free pdf it's called the
essential detailing toolbox it's the top 12 tools and products that i suggest for detailers who are
on a budget and they want to get everything they need without having to go learn through trial
and error all of these products are available for under 500 bucks and right now the pdf comes
with a free video series that shares with you how not to use these products just like we're
talking about in this video so you don't damage any of your own vehicles friends vehicles or
customers vehicles it's a totally free resource in the youtube description box below grab that
now let's get back into the video so i know i'm being dramatic titling this video i'm replacing
my all-purpose cleaner and to be clear the express interior cleaner from pns is a product that i
reach for in situations like this with the black lexus where i'm just dealing with an older vehicle
it's a rule of thumb that i have because it's risk management in the detailing world the fact of
it is when you're seeing cars on a daily basis you don't want to have to reach for something
where you don't know what's going to happen to the car you want to have definitive results
just like i had with this interior of the lexus and that's why i reach for a product like this no
i am not throwing mcguire's all-purpose cleaner out the window and not actually including it in
my detailing business i still use mcguire's abc diluted five to one 10 to 15 or even 20 to
1 in certain instances and i generally use that product on a newer vehicle most of the time
vehicles that are under 10 years old and past that decade mark i'll reach for something a little bit
more gentle like the pns interior express cleaner now you guys might be wondering why not just
use the express interior cleaner from p and s a hundred percent of the time if you know that
it's going to clean perfectly without damaging anything well number one this is one of the ways
where i like to stay economical in a detailing business by having both of these products i can
use one in the situation where it's needed and i can use the other where i like to use the
other on most vehicles which is the mcguire's all-purpose cleaner the pns interior express
cleaner does not dilute at the same level that mcguire's apc does and you're not going to get
as much out of the gallon that you're buying many people do use this product as their only
all-purpose cleaner it's not something i like to implement in that way in my detailing world
because it allows me to get just that much more for my dollar by implementing both using the
more dilutable one in most situations number two i actually like mcguire's all-purpose cleaner and
i use it all the time because of that the strength of it and the efficacy of it is one of the reasons
why it stayed on my shelf for the amount of time that it has and of course the dilutability allows
me to get so much out of my money i'm spending very little money on products like this and using
them all the time so guys i actually do think it's unbelievably important for a pro detailer to
have a product like this in their arsenal and this specific one if you're interested is of course
going to be linked up in the youtube description box below with mcguire's all-purpose cleaner so
you can check out both of them side by side and look at the price points they're very similarly
priced they're just not similarly deludable but i do think both of them are necessary for
a detailing business of course while you're down in the youtube description box make sure to
grab the free essential detailing toolbox my top 12 tools and products all for under 500 bucks to
help you get started in your detailing business guys if you like this video and it's helpful for
you as a professional detailer or an aspiring pro detailer hit the share button and post this link
on your social media email it to your friends make sure it gets around to other detailers who
are wasting money on chemicals that don't work or who might be using chemicals that could
damage a customer's car information like this helps them not do those things so they don't
have to learn the hard way i learned the hard way so hopefully you guys don't have to thank
you guys so much for watching and as always from luke here at wilson auto detailing keep
working hard and i'll see you in the next video
Replacing My Interior All Purpose Cleaner Because of UNFIXABLE DAMAGE