– Okay, so my slime's not– – (gasps) Mom! – This is not very stretchy. All the beads are falling out. – Mommy! Put it over a bowl! I've gotta go and clean up your messes. – I'm getting yelled at by my kid! – Hey everyone! It's Kayla. – And Connie. – And we are the Davises, and today we are going
to be testing some slimes and whether it is a stash or a trash. So if it's a stash, obviously
we're going to keep it, and if it's a trash, obviously
we're gonna trash it.
– So I'm excited I get to play this time. Last time it was Tyler and Kayla. We didn't get to decide
who gets to do which one. – Well I definitely want this one. It's not as colorful,
but it looks intriguing. – So that is the, what? National Geographic Slime Lab? – Yes. – It's a glow in the dark, so I wonder if we could show that.
– I didn't even know that. So this is the one that I want. – And this one's SlimyGloop Laboratory, and I've never seen that one before. – Yeah, this one, they
give you a ton of stuff. We've tried SlimyGloop before, but I've never seen one where
they give you so many options. Like tons of glitter.
– It's got a couple glues. – Yep, and color… Looks like sequins. – And like beads. – And some beads, yep. – They've got everything in this one, so. – We'll see what kind of cool
creation we can do with this.
– And then we do have
another Nickelodeon one. This is a different one, though, so don't go commenting down below like "Oh you guys already did that kit!" – They have a couple different kinds. – Yeah, this is a different one. They give you more options. There's glow in the dark, pastel-y. There's all sorts of things in here. – There, you guys can see that. – Yeah. Different kit. – So you can make more than
one kind of slime with that? – Yes.
– Maybe we should do the two kits, and then we'll do the glow one last. – Okay. So you're gonna do this one, I'm gonna do this one? – I guess so. – Yay! I can't open this. – Oh, this is one of those things where you have to read the instructions? – I mean, you know how to make slime. – It says do not eat the slime gloop. Don't splash any solution into your eyes. – You will die! – And it says be careful
'cause it's messy. There's the kit. Oh, I even got a spoon. – I did too! – I don't think we had spoons last time.
– Yeah, I think we had to provide our own spoons last time. – This looks like something you eat ice cream with.
– It's a baby spoon! No, this one looks like
something you eat ice cream with. – Oh, yeah, that's like a tester one. – In my kit, we have slime activator, we've got some containers,
and a little baby mixing spoon and some sticks. We got some colorful paint. I think this might be white pain. Our little bowl. Mine provides a bowl. Two bowls! – Oh, I didn't get a bowl. – Well, we provide our bowls, so. – Yeah, we brought some
bowls over here just in case, 'cause last time I don't
think we got a bowl. – We gots a lot of white glue. This is actually a lot.
This one's four ounces, I
think these are two ounces. – Oh, what's this? – That's your activator. – Tetraborate. – Tetraborate. I think you have to mix
that with water, though. – I didn't get any water. – Oh, I think I got clear glue, too. I did! So I got four ounces of clear glue, four ounces of white glue. – What are these for? – Yeah, for whatever reason. I'm gonna start mine.
– Test tubes. Okay, there's even a stick in here. Why do I have a stick and a spoon? – I have a stick and a spoon, too. – Well I'm gonna set the dye and the beads and the test tubes, I'm gonna set all this to the side until I figure out what to do with them. – Mine says it has pearlescence,
and I don't see it. I have glow powder,
glue, eyeballs, coloring. – [Connie] Maybe that's what it is. – [Kayla] The colors? – Maybe it's in the colors.
I didn't get a bowl, so I have a bowl. – A bowl. – Bowl, and a bowl. – [Kayla] Okay. Let's mix the color in. – I'm just make my mix
based on these instructions. It's really complicated, actually, as far as I'm concerned. – Mine's simple. – It says a scoop. – How much is a scoop? – I think we ran into
this problem last time. – And Tyler couldn't figure it out. Maybe I'll add a little
bit of glow dust in mine. Oh, it smells funky.
Glowing stuff smells weird. I'm gonna add more glow. 'Cause it lightens the color. It's thickening already. – She's way ahead of me! – I didn't even add activator yet! – A scoop of this and a scoop of that. I don't even know. – Okay, let's add a little
bit of slime activator. Should I add googly eyes, or no? – Googly eyes, yes. Googlies. I used too much water already. So I'm supposed to put
water in a disposable cup and then a scoop, which I'm
gonna say this is the scoop, which is probably not right, in there.
It's not dissolving. – You have to wait a little while. – Are you serious? I need to make like three cups, then. What kind of activator do you have? – It just says "slime activator." – It's already all mixed and everything? That's lucky. So, Nickelodeon slime– – Is very good. – It helps. So you have to make all the
activator in slimy glue. I still don't think this is a scoop. – My slime, you can hear
the googly eyes in it. – You can hear it, but you can't see them. Oh, there you go. – They're on the other side.
– Oh, that's really sticky. (sighs) This is not warm water. Dang it! If you miss one word, it's wrong. This is not fun, it's
too many measurements. I just wanna throw it together. – It looks really glossy. It's very stretchy. Hear the googly eyes when you shake it? – Did they hear it? – Yeah, I showed the camera. (soft rattling) – My honest opinion, pre-mixing, is that this is lame. – We're trying these
so, if they're not good, you don't have to. – And then it says to put glue in it. – It told you to stick this in first? – Yes.
I think they just wanna
make it seem important by adding all these extra things. Like, all this water. Do we ever put water in slime? – [Kayla] I don't. That looks like milk. – It's really, really questionable. – I finished my first slime. This is a glow in the
dark blue googly eyes one. – It's a glowing one? – Yep, I added glow. I'm gonna make another one,
because mom's taking forever.
I'm gonna make this one pink. This is so pink. This is the pinkest pink I've ever seen. This is what mine looks like. – [Connie] I wish you got this kit. – You picked that kit! Look it, mine's already coming together! Like, when I mix in the paints. It's clumping. – Uh oh. – What? – I just started reading "do
not stir with the spoon unless "you wash it first, as the
sodium tetraborate on the spoon "will make the glue solution
start to transform." Look at this one, and look at this one. Oopsies! – Well, that looks better than– – Well at least I know it's working. – Yeah, that looks better than Tyler's. Tyler's just turned out to be like a rock.
– So I got one starting to pour. I'm gonna move this bowl. – [Kayla] Look at this. – It's telling me I can make rainbow, confetti slime gloop, or galaxy. – I don't see the rainbow confetti. I've already finished another one. – I need scissors! – Second slime, done. It's not sticky. It's very stretchy. – It looks kind of rubbery. – Yeah, I over-activated it. – Oh, I like this one. – Oh that's a pretty one! – [Connie] I'm gonna do this glitter. – [Kayla] Mine didn't come with glitter. – [Connie] I'm gonna pour it in this one. – [Kayla] Mine came with googly eyes. That's so pretty. – [Connie] Maybe if I
mix the two glitters, what would happen? – [Kayla] It'll just make it
look nice and confetti like.
That looks like mermaid slime to me. – Okay, so here's the pre-slime. I luckily have a backup spoon. Let's see how this turns out. – [Kayla] Oh, that looks too clumpy! – [Connie] It looks weird, it's kind of– – [Kayla] That looks very clumpy. – Why does it look clear now? 'Cause it has too much. It looks like it has too much activator. I'm sad. – Mine looks good! – [Connie] Eek, I'm afraid to touch it. – I'll touch it. – It's kinda ugly. – It's wet. – It's wet. It's freakin' me out, man. Okay, well, let's do this. I'm gonna go for it. It's not changing. – [Kayla] That's not good. – It's definitely slimy! – Not in a good way. – This one's really bad. Don't play with my slime! I gotta be successful here.
– That one's successful. – That one was accidentally successful. – Look how far mine stretches. – I like the color of that one. Eww, it's like rubber. Boing boing boing! – That jiggled when you dropped it. – It was a fail. It's too complicated. – Mine's really good. – The instructions are too difficult. Maybe you guys might think differently. – If an adult can't do
it, can a kid do it? – Well you guys are the experts, so. – [Kayla] It's better than what Tyler did. – [Connie] It's a fail, so. – If you look back at our first one of these slime testing videos, Tyler could not figure it out. – So I'm gonna twist it up. I'm gonna make an Instagram slime. – Oh, I can make a really good
Instagram slime with this! – [Connie] I'm pretending
like it worked, yay! See, Instagram. It's rubbery. – [Kayla] Look at mine. – [Connie] Yes, yours is gorgeous. Look at mine compared to yours. – I smashed mine. Yours is good! Very, very jiggly. There's too much water. It feels good if you just, like, toss it in between your hands,
because it jiggles a lot.
– I'm scared. Oop. Did you see that ring fall in? – Yes. There's a ring on the, yeah. – [Connie] Dye fell into the glue. – This is like Jell-O, look at it jiggle. Jiggle, jiggle. – Mine has something else in it. – What if I made a unicorn
swirl with my blue and my pink? – Okay. What do you give
Nickelodeon, from 1 to 10? – I would give it like a 9 or a 10. This is good slime, this is high up there. – That looks really cool. Mine looks like a very pale yellow. – [Kayla] Look it! That's so pretty! – [Connie] I love it! We should be taking pictures. – Hurry up, hurry up! – It's not working! – It's melting, it's melting! – The iPhone X– (Kayla screams) The iPhone X is terrible with opening, because it doesn't read
your thumb anymore, it reads your face, and then
it has to think about it.
– Just take a picture! That does not look good. – [Connie] That's bad, huh? That one's okay. It looks kinda yellowy. – [Kayla] Look it, when
it's all flattened out it looks cool, too. – Flattened? I don't even wanna use this glitter. I'm gonna put the crunchy beads in it. – [Kayla] This reminds me
of like a banana pudding or something. – [Connie] I'm just gonna experiment. – This looks very purple. – All kinds of beads are falling in there. – It can be– (both start laughing) Confetti cake! Just throw everything in there. – Yeah, look at that! I just threw all the dye in there. – [Kayla] Look at how purple that is! – [Connie] That's cool. I'm gonna put a dot of this in. – [Kayla] Oh that's wet! – [Connie] Is that wet? It's not moving now. Actually it's turning into slime! – This one's good.
– Okay, let me see! – I really like making slime. – [Connie] So some of the
beads are falling out. – [Kayla] Uh oh. Oh, that was the end of it! – So here's my second slime. – My third slime. – Okay, so my slime's not– (gasping) – Mom! – This is not very stretchy. All the beads are falling out! – Mommy! Put it over a bowl! I've gotta go and clean up your messes. – I'm getting yelled at by my kid. – Stop touching it! It looks pretty. – [Connie] It's just– – [Kayla] Not good? – It's really not good. – Mine looks pretty, and is good. Yours looks like slime,
yours is an impostor. – This one is rubbery. – It's cool to poke. Oh, that's not how you poke slime! (laughs) No, you don't poke with one finger! You're still not making– – [Connie] Shhh! I gotta hear! Okay, I give up. Mine's not very pokey. – [Kayla] And then there's mine. – So Nickelodeon slime definitely
is probably the way to go. I still don't know what these are for.
– They're just to make you feel special. Kinda like a scientist. – Like a lab. – Mine had everything. Except for glitter. – Slime mucus. – I wanna do this one so bad! – Here's the jar. Slime mucus jar.
– I'm so excited. First aid? – No! Just make it! So we just need one cup of warm water? That's a lot of water. – No, I think Vanessa did this slime, and she said that one
cup was way too much. – Okay, so we'll put the powder in and just keep adding a little bit of water until it looks right. – 'Cause if it's one cup of water, I think it's gonna be mostly water. Look at all that! Whoa, that's a lot. – It's glowing. – Glowing so bright in the camera. – Okay, put a little bit in there? – Sure. – I'm afraid. There's a teeny bit of water
in there, it's rolling around.
– [Kayla] Oh that was bad. Oh actually that was– – That wasn't even a cup. – That wasn't even close to what they asked for.
– It was just a splash. Then she took it. – I'm sorries! I'm so excited! This is the one that I wanted to do! Water. – [Connie] Okay, stop. – [Kayla] My turn, my turn, my turn! – [Connie] That's more than a cup! – [Kayla] My turn my turn my turn! – That's way too much water! – My turn! – She went crazy, wait! She just sprayed me! – I sprayed me, too! It sprayed me again! It's just a big clump.
We messed it up. – Oh man. I think the best way to make slime is just to do it yourself. – Go out and buy your own ingredients. – Saline solution. – Baking soda, and glue. – And that's it! – That's all you need. You wanna touch it? Touch it? – Okay. Oh my gosh! That feels like– – It's warm.
– Plastic or rubber. – Before it's dried completely. – Oh my goodness, we gotta
show them glowing in the dark. I'm gonna grab this camera. – Oh I wonder if mine glow in the dark, 'cause I added glow in the dark to mine. It's glowing so much. You can't see it on camera, though. – [Connie] But in real
life, it is glowing. So there's our glowing slime, and that…
That's about it. – [Kayla] This one, too. It's glowing a little bit. Not that much. Let's go! – I am no slime expert,
but, in my opinion, the SlimyGloop is definitely a trash. – Trash it. Nickelodeon slime? Definitely get this one. – That's a stash? That's a good one? – This one is so good. And there's still more glue in there.
There was so much stuff to work with. And it's so, like, fun to play with, it's not sticky, it's just magical. – And the last one… – We didn't give it a fair shot! – I don't know, maybe
somebody else has done this and been really successful. – We didn't do it right. – But it didn't work for
us, so we don't know. So we're gonna trash it. Comment below if you guys have made this and it's successful. – Oh, that one bounces. Oh no! (humming) Anyways, we hope you
guys enjoyed this video. Comment down below if you
have tried any of these slime kits, and if they
worked out for you. And, until next time, bye!
– Bye!