SR-71 Blackbird – They THOUGHT of EVERYTHING for this RC EDF Jet!

Check out the E-Flite SR-71 RC EDF Jet here:
This is the brand new E-Flite SR-71 Blackbird Twin 40mm RC EDF Jet. This stealth RC aircraft from the cold war looks incredible. In this video, we take this RC EDF jet up for you a second time. E-Flite thought of everything with this RC jet! Now we want a bigger version with retracts! LoL! It is so cool!! Let us know your thoughts about this RC EDF jet in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out the E-Flite SR-71 RC EDF Jet here:

The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Jesper Larsen, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Michael Schouten, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, The Brennan’s, Bob Hardy, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, erik palmberg, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, and Jeff Buys

#rcjet #jet #warbird

Brand new SR-71 is amazing and I think It's just amazing because it's not Another Timber no it's actually amazing On its own I really love everything About this and it comes in at a pretty Solid price point now some guys are Going to look at this plane and say man That's going to be hard to see Orientation it just looks like a flying Shadow a silhouette which is kind of the Point if you want a scale plane and on Our Maiden flight it really was kind of Hard to see at times they have come up With a solution which I think is genius And we talked about these in the maiden Flight but we're going to show them off Today I think people are going to want To see what this sucker actually looks Like with these new vertical stabilizers On this isn't some optional secondary Part that you can pay more money for These are actually included they just Snap in place just as easily as those Snapped out of place Check this out too there's a carbon Fiber little dowel there and then the Two bits that snap so it's uh it's Almost three points of contact Abby said It'd be cool to have one red vertical Stabilizer for True orientation help but They give you two so I want to see what Two looks like in the air it actually Looks pretty awesome still I like the Scale look but in today's video we're

Going to fly it with those red vertical Stabilizers on they're backwards I'm Just kidding I made your luck You're just too easy sometimes Nate Yeah set myself up easy target I asked For it just you know what though when You enjoy life as much as I do You can't bring me down I don't care If a person can enjoy life more At my expense I'm saying that's what I do I think so Yeah All right who's ready for a nice clean Takeoff I love that they chose orange Painted brushless motors inside those EDF uh cavities because at the right Angle they almost look like thrusters And that's really cool this would be a Really cool plane with thrusters okay so We're in safe we've got a rocky runway For a little scale guys oh my goodness And we just ease up on that elevator at About Full Throttle and we tend to get a Nice smooth takeoff at least we did on The maiden we did some touch and goes on That Maiden flight and Abby at that Distance and on and over you like the Red don't you it does help yeah I like The red too I'll get a nice fly by right There that looks great we'll fly by in Front of the camera at this angle Hopefully and uh Miss Rudder I even find Myself using Rudder on that bank your Poor wheel is like I don't know why

You're turning me yeah I could save my battery if I didn't do That It's looking good I like those red Stabilizers that's nice I might do your Idea for my next flight which would be One of each yeah It looks really cool like this like I Like the way it looks like this I think Better than the other way well do you And I like unrealistic things don't get Me wrong I love the scale look of this But Abby and I have always said we we Think plane companies RC plane companies Should make insanely unrealistic Brightly colored super fun wild things Now I will feel completely lost I did I Think it's better I had no idea where You were it's a silhouette guys it's Flying great you wouldn't think Something with this shape would fly as Well as it does but it's flying really Good but yes you can lose it Ooh And we're gonna go safe off nice slow Pass way too much safe on this flight Nice little roll out there and we're Going to get it back closer to us and Try to roll in front of the camera here Full Throttle screaming it goes up roll It over let's roll left They both feel really nice Yeah If you love the way the SR-71 looks

Which I don't know anyone that wouldn't Love how cool this is and unique you Would love owning this if you don't like Those landing gear on there just know That you can take that landing gear off And do hand launches and belly Landings But I'll be honest with you I'm a little Nervous about that just because I'm not The best hand launcher in the world I Should feel comfortable because we have Safe on here but just because this is Such a new airplane I didn't want to Crash it on my second flight so I chose To do some more ground takeoffs and Landings It's a nice rolling airplane you know What we haven't tried I can't believe we Haven't tried it a nice Loop so we're Going to gain some altitude because we Couldn't lose quite a bit and we'll put The nose into the one mile an hour Breeze that we have and see if we can Get a loop I think it's going to be Rather difficult I just I don't know why it just feels Like so we're gonna pull back see if we Can get a loop out here Not handled that pretty well that was All right you do want to crank that up Full Throttle though And uh that was a pretty clean Loop for Such an odd looking airplane I'm not Sure if this one could do a loop in real Life

I don't I don't know I don't think it Could I don't know Okay I think it's time to uh bring it in For a nice landing because we're so far Away okay I'm actually clicking safe on To get it down past that dark tree line Down there you guys see that boom Disappears almost still saw the red look At that smooth Landing so far everything On this is just butter and it might be Because of those soft foam Wheels it's a Very soft foam the first time I pulled This out of the box and felt those Wheels I thought wow it just feels Different than most of these hard foam Black painted or even black foam Wheels Now that may not hold up as well they May get torn up over time but I love I Love how they grip to the ground and They're nice and quiet too you know this Is just really amazing the way it looks Out of the box it just looks awesome the Box art the plane everything looks Amazing so when I thought okay I'm gonna ruin the scale look of it with These red stabilizers I didn't think I'd like it I knew Abby Would like it but I didn't think I would Like it and So I was hesitant but I still wanted to Put them on they include them I wanted You guys to see what it's all about and I'm glad I did it does seem to be more Visible when it's in the air which is

Always a good thing with your RCS uh It's really your call I made in the Thing with the black stabilizers on and It came back in one piece on an overcast Day so I think you'll be fine either way But if you do struggle to see your Planes at all then I recommend you put The red ones on and when you're shelf Cleaning this up put the black ones on Because they look amazing This Plane Will be linked in the description box Below and if you found our video useful Or just fun then we ask that you would Uh if you're considering buying this Click the link and pull it up that way Because it supports our Channel and our Family at no extra cost to you it's an Amazing system if you're going to spend The money anyway you might as well Support one of your favorite free Content creators so we appreciate anyone And everyone that considers doing that Now not only this airplane let's say you Look through this video two after we Release it and you're like wow it's out Of stock already because it's amazing And it will be you can still buy your Second favorite airplane you click this Link it pulls it up and then you go find Your P51 or whatever while you're on the Website and we'll get credit for that Too so it really goes a long way and We're super grateful thank you guys very Much also want to say a massive thanks

To God because he's blessed us with just Such an amazingly beautiful day clouds Or no clouds I got to fly an RC plane Today and that's a great day I'm super Happy but I have a lot to be thankful For and I'm super grateful and I hope You guys are feeling a little gratitude Today too it just makes the day Generally a little nicer when you have a Little gratitude in your life so thank You to everyone watching as well and a Massive thanks to our patreon supporters Because we couldn't do what we do as Often as we do it without your amazing Support you guys keep the cameras Rolling you keep the computers running The editing I mean I do it all and so Without your amazing support we probably Couldn't keep up financially so that we Could get decent quality videos out to You guys so super super supermassive Thank you now if you missed the maiden Flight we do go over a few more things On this airplane and I think it's Absolutely worth your time so Abby and I Will hand pick that video just for you It's popping up right about now thanks For watching we'll see you there [Music] Foreign

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