hi I'm Justin from cushy audio today we're going to explain what the difference is between the three available grand audio boxes now all the same pretty much in that they use the same data cable so if you happen to be buying for a Toyota you would just buy the correct data cable for your particular radio whatever that might be Mazda howdy it doesn't really matter then you choose the box according to what features you want so what are the differences well starting with the gram IV d3 box it has two ports on the front of it now those ports allow you to connect a variety of audio cables so it could be exhilarate a ball could be an iPod cable or a moving bluetooth now the Bluetooth cable or the bluetooth dongle looks a little like that you don't get to see it it gets getting behind the dash so it's nothing that you need to look at but the cable typically plugs into the front of the box like so into one of those ports and then there's also a microphone cable that comes with it now the Grom IP d3 would require a dongle and also the USB 2 plus requires a dongle as well if you want a bluetooth so that brings us to the difference with the Grom be t3 box it has Bluetooth built in and still has two ports on the front which allows you to connect an axillary or an iPod cable the iPod cable is a standard 30 pin cable which again just plugs into the front box using what we call it mini-din port now the iPhone cable happens to be the 30 pin variety but you can use a lightning adapter which is available from most Apple stores okay so the granby t3 has Bluetooth built in the Grum USB 2 plus box still has those two ports that we're familiar with but also has an additional USB port that's great for Android users Android users can plug directly into that port and through a cable through you with micro USB cable stream their music that USB port can also be used for playing music files from a memory key so that's an additional feature which is really great with the USB 2 plus box another great feature about the USB box because it has USB port any firmware updates can simply just be applied using that port that's a great thing because if anything changes in the future devices has changed then keeping your Bob to Union group you just simple as apply a firmware update same can be done with the ground BT 3 and no petty 3 boxes however they require a micro SD card to apply of firmware I'm Jane another question we get asked is there any difference in audio quality between the three boxes no draw great vowel sound excellent and they're all the same it just comes down to what particular feature you need your particularly come I hope that answers the questions that you might have had you've got any others please put them in the comment below and don't forget to hit that subscribe button
The Difference Between GROM Audio Car Kits – Cushie Audio