what about pedal box where last episode we were looking at the different engines we going to put in our chassis and we went through a whole bunch of them discounted all of them when we decided that the front of the car wasn't the right place to put this engine and we're going to put it in the back for no good reason whatsoever and there's a couple of good reasons unfortunately we won't them negated all of them because rather than do something sensible by grabbing a rear engine sports car something like a toyota mr2 or an MDF it's designed to go that way around we're instead gonna make our lives even more difficult by building a bit of a bastard child what we're thinking at this point is we're going to take the 20 volt if I went in out of an Audi a3 or a VW Golf or something and just drop the entire front-engine front-wheel-drive powertrain in the back of the car we settled on the 20 valve turbo mostly because we had one here we can measure it off and then with the way everything fits so well it just seemed pointless trying to run away and find another thing that was gonna fit either worse or even better it just wasn't any point so we spent about a week or so looking through the different options all the different engine codes to work out which one was going to be right for we wanted in the end we discounted the TTS purely because they're too expensive to turning a hold of same goes for the s3 which leaves us with either the a GU on a um engine cards out of an a3 or a go yes there's three different laying barriers of the 20-volt a boat is 150 180 and 220 horsepower ones so the 150 has a pretty small turbo which kind of chokes here better higher power it can't really go much above 200 horsepower without having to just replace the turbo entirely the 180 and the 220 horsepower versions both have better turbos they're not much bigger but they do flow a lot better so they can go up to somewhere around like 250 or more power so there's something like that I can't remember exactly what it was but is it there is a fantastic thread which are linked below which is the definitive upgrade guide to your 20 valve turbo of what to do and or order to do it in so having consulted that reasonably well and gone through everything we were settled on an AUM engine and then we instantly disregarded that when we found a cheap a3 more than a GU engine less than a mile from the house with a busted turbo I'm talking to the seller so more attend up the what I should kill the turbo wasted the oil pump fail they haven't been driven fire on the failed pump is only like a couple of miles out from his workshop but it went as he's replaced the oil pump but not the turbo so when we pick the car up drove it back it was making no boost after we got the car back the next step was to take all the things in the way of the engine off which was basically the entire front end behind the bottom as expected for a car it was vintage all the bolts are in pretty good shape everything came up pretty easily apart from one or two that we're stuck in pretty bad so usual rules apply have a good set of extractors happy and don't be afraid to break some stuff if you need to we try to do the smart thing as we went along and we labeled everything we could work out what it was as we went because when we inevitably have to go through this Loom later and work out what the hell is what we're gonna have forgotten where they came from we killed ourselves trying to figure out every single connector every single plug every single component it was a chore but it was vital so with three episodes in and we can finally take something off our list we have found our 20 valve turbo we haven't done a lot else to it decided to rip the front of the car off but next time we're gonna get the rest of the engine amp and start looking at how we're gonna mount it into the rest of the chassis yeah once we've got the engine out we can start designing all the mounts everything and you know take it outside of things out we also need to Biggs and build some negative space jigs as well to work out where things are gonna go relative to the old alignment but that is a far future [Music]
The Donor Car | PedalBox Episode 3 | Mid-Engine Audi Kit Car