The REAL Secret to be a “SUCCESSFUL” RC Pilot on YouTube

Check out the brand new UMX Air Tractor here:
We love our UMx Air Tractor, so in this video we decided to get this new RC airplane back out to fly for your guys. Let us know your thoughts about the RC plane in the comments.
We also wanted to offer some encouragement to this amazing RC fight community here on YouTube, especially to anyone that has their own RC airplane channel or is trying to start their own YouTube channel. We started our channel with a cheap point and shoot digital camera that Abby already owned. The only money we spent was on our RC cars. We even used a free editor. If you want to do something awesome in this life NEVER let ANYONE discourage you from doing it! The amount of people that told us “don’t quit your day jobs” or that our channel was an “embarrassment to the hobby” is endless. If we would have listened to them, our lives would be A LOT different. Remember, “the people that criticize you from trying to be exceptional are those that have already accepted the fact that they are going to be mediocre forever.”
We felt it deeply in our hearts to share this message with you and hope everyone decides to spread positivity and encouragement. We are deeply humbled by our amazing RC family here on YouTuber and our so thankful for every opportunity that has come out way. We owe everything to God!
God Bless!
–Nate and Abby TheRcSaylors

Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out the brand new UMX Air Tractor here:

The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Jeff Buys, Jeff Stone, Jesper Larsen, john salt, Jose Valentin, Matt Reetz, Michael Keller, Michael Schouten, odatsteve, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ron Erickson, Ryan Alexander, Steve Tippy, Terry Kellogg, The Brennan’s, Brian Buckstiegel, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, Doug Dahlheimer, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, and Jason day

#rcplane #rcairplane #airtractor

It feels like a farmer I want to eat a Dandelion that's what happens when I uh Get them off I didn't know what was Happening this is the new UMX air Tractor we made knit on the channel and It was a blast I have a fresh battery in Here for those of you that love to see Body replacement ooh la la 3s jst plug it's got a balance lead Listen this is a cool airplane it's Going to be linked in the description Box below but more importantly is that Magic little power box in there these Batteries they're secret powers because This thing will fly way longer than it Should on a tiny little 300 milliamp Battery so be sure to pick some of those Batteries up let's fly this and have Some fun Like that yeah Okay ready ready Do that for good luck oh I see whoa and I already lost it my bad sorry guys So I did this on the maiden and it was Fun Air tractor knife edge baby air tractor Into the sun I'll try to keep it over here This thing is really really fun and I Know some of you guys are going to say Nate will you keep it scale well I did That in the maiden flight Abby Oh I'm going to say something it's going To make some people

Maybe not like me no oh okay not like You I think I like this more than the UMX P51 Voodoo I think it flies better I Don't think that's gonna make people mad Oh we know we didn't do cubanate Still okay Oh yeah kind of hard to finish that He likes the rollover when it's inverted So Mark you might not be so proud of That one I know I'm supposed to hold the Inverted a bit longer before I roll over But this is not A 46 gas bike Yeah this is cool the lights are looking Good what a beautiful evening look even Even the full scale guys are doodling in The skies look over here there's a Doodle I just flew through it there's a Doodle there's a circle doodle they're Doodling there's a checkerboard doodle Over here too I'll show you It's just a beautiful day to doodle in The sky look at this you guys that's a Tic-tac-toe board to the left of the Airplane right there Right there pretty crazy pretty crazy Cloud formation they didn't teach me That in elementary school okay looping It My goodness Nathan you do everything so Much closer with this yeah It'll look good for everyone watching Yeah it's not though because I keep

Losing you Concurge Can we No that was a flat spin but it felt like A rock I think the landing gear maybe Yeah I feel like it could maybe happen It's not really a flat spin an airplane But someone out there probably gonna do It Really fun oh really fun this is just Zeroed in perfectly and I love how easy It is to see planes need to be bright Colors and I don't care if it's scale or Not military planes they can be military And I want to see an A10 with flames Down the side RC Style Can we Hammerhead that a little cleaner Let's do it one more time Oh my gosh I thought I saw she's getting Spiders all over her that was pretty Cool though someone tell me what this is Someone named this maneuver Where it just Falls What is that oh it's crashing is that The lint noodle Limp noodle what if I got to name all The maneuvers you should this is a Corkscrew that's definitely not a roll It's a corkscrew okay I feel like Loop is pretty accurate How about a circle circle makes more Sense

Or an arrow No that doesn't make sense circle's fine I get what you went for but That should just be a square why aren't We doing Simple shapes we learned this Stuff in elementary school Flat spin should be called the puke Machine And Nate is when has run out of things To say I don't know what else to do About it's a great airplane it's fun to Fly should we try to be like everyone Else and not talk no we did that before Quite a few times over the summer uh we Did that once a few extra 300. they're Like you know what this is fine but Don't ever do it again that's what I Said I mean I there are channels out There that Talk about stuff I don't want to at Least you're not making spaghetti in Your videos okay that's very true We had a separate channel for that and We killed that one Air tractor on a bright sunny beautiful Day UMX Style I've always said if UMX will just come Out with A version of everything I believe they Would sell out people would buy it we Always want more there's never enough I should do some right hand turns what Do you think would happen oh my gosh Crazy

Not prepared and turn oh it hurts my Brain Well it could It could hurt your brain If you smacked Into your brain As we're just being I think we're just happy to be outside Flying the birds are chirping we're not Bundled up in 20 layers of clothes it Just is awesome Let's go up Punched it a little too hard Full Throttle stuff here we go Oh you know what I don't even have Velcro strap in there it's just Velcro On the battery On the airplane so I probably shouldn't Do stuff like that should I Or that or this or that or that this Probably shouldn't do that Or air tractors was that your low Battery I don't know what that was I think it was just me playing the Throttle what's your five minute timer Yeah oh air tractor all Air tractor yeah That's five minutes my goodness I can't Do it I quit the rest of the video is Gonna look like this yes no don't do That some people someone recently said You're not allowed to have a YouTube Channel if you do that oh yeah you're Not worthy of having a YouTube channel Listen I'm here to tell you guys right

Now I don't care if you're self-earning It Go probing it hot camming it you've Got an amazing wife that'll actually do This for you oh look at me amazing wife You can do a YouTube channel however you Want whatever you want I know a guy that Does hat Cam and makes good money doing It okay so do whatever works for you Don't let anyone tell you you can't do Something I couldn't believe when I saw That uh just made me sick it almost made Me and you can start a YouTube channel With a cell phone yes or a little camera Because you know what we did that's how We started our Channel and then it Graduated from an Olympus you don't have To be Rolling in the dough to start a YouTube Channel so if anybody's telling you guys That ignore them and tell them they're Wrong because you don't have to have a Ton of money to start a YouTube channel Use the uh use what you have the tools You have already at your disposal to Start it we had a cheap photo camera it Wasn't even meant to take video it was About Olympus Camcorder camera like camera it wasn't Even camcorder it was a digital camera Olympus it was like a tough camera That's like what we shot our first Videos on and then we decided this is Fun so we bought a GoPro and we realized Hey fisheye doesn't look good for

Everything and it was back at the old GoPros or they were super fishy but we Committed we made videos of the few Things we had over and over and over and Then a company was like hey let's do This and and that's what started it all So it's more about the person it really Is you're having fun doing what you're Doing than the equipment or knowing how To use the equipment seriously that made Me want to like oh it just made me mad Don't let anyone tell you you can Amazing camera person let the battery Die I'm on my bad I'm going I'm going I'm going we've only missed out on less Than a minute back Bobby's camera died on the battery and That kind of goes in point with what We're saying we are so far from Perfection and I think that's what makes Some people really mad it puts the ants In the pants when they see us get a Hundred views on a video or a thousand Views or this one's flashing this better Dead batteries we crash airplanes we do All kinds of goofy human things it's Crazy to me how many people act like They know what they're doing and like And like just act kind of high and Mighty but guys see I lost the plane Right there nobody actually knows what They're doing on a daily basis and Um you know I have my masters in Counseling and I remember looking at one

Of my clients 10 years ago at this point And him being like well I don't know how To do it and I just looked at him and I Was like so what people hate the phrase Fake it till you make it but there's a Reason that's a phrase you guys if you Act like you know what you're doing then It's just gonna kind of all fall in Place so just but don't do it so much That you make other people feel lesser Right that's the worst in my opinion This hobby this YouTube Everything the Worst thing you can do I chose poorly oh My gosh this battery splashing too Nate Okay well I epically failed today let's Land this and make sure we can actually End the video best camera person on YouTube yeah right anyway really quickly Because the battery's gonna die the Worst thing you can do in life or this Hobby or anything is to make a person Feel lesser than just because of Something they don't have or someone That I don't have or something they do Have or yeah just everyone's different Be thankful for what's in front of you And what you have and be thankful for The things you don't have and on that Note I thank you for watching Abby I Thank God for getting us out here for The opportunity to do this video even Though we might not show the land here I Could and it's just to have you guys I Mean I know we we take you guys for

Granted sometimes but I try to say Thanks thank our patreon supporters and And just everyone watching and Supporting us for a decade now starting From crap cameras and only GoPros to Ending where we are now uh we're so so Grateful and I hope that our videos Encourage you to get out and fly Encourage you to get out and enjoy life And we are here to tell you that you can Do it you can do it just go have fun With it don't let anyone ever tell you Otherwise on that note we're gonna have The maiden flight of this video popping Up right about now thanks thanks for Watching we'll see you there Bye you were able to finish the video I'm so sorry Foreign

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