THIS RC Jet Boat is Better than $1,000 RC Jet Boat!!! – Pro Boat Jetstream

Check out this awesome RC Jet Boat here:
This is the brand new Pro Boat Jetstream. This RTR (ready to run) rc boat is 24″ of brushless goodness! In this video we take this RC boat out for its maiden voyage. Let us know your thoughts about this RC jet boat in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out this awesome RC Jet Boat here:

The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Jesper Larsen, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Michael Schouten, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, The Brennan’s, Bob Hardy, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, erik palmberg, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, and Jeff Buys

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We need white water Abby nice look at You go That's awesome I only wish we had moving water We just don't live near White Water oh That's so Abby's getting it this has got Abby's name all over it And there is oh now now now what now What oh I have a big stick hold on this Is a crazy exciting way to end boat week And it's because we've got one of the Newest releases by proboat this is Basically equivalent to an Arma Basher But in the boat world and we are pumped To try it out this thing is decked out With lights a cool feature on the back End of the boat that we'll show you guys In a second but I want to point out some Of you may remember we featured a Thousand dollar jet boat on the channel Not too long ago by a different company A different brand and we'll talk about It in this video and I want to remind Everyone again that was a thousand Dollars now we've got this brand new Release by probo the jet stream Adventure boat designed to drive in Smaller spaces it's even got reinforced Plating on the bottom a driver included Super bright LEDs a little bit super Bright LEDs on the front and the back And as I said a cool little additional Function that I can't wait to test out It's water cooled and it is Beefy and

Remember it's half the price of that Thousand dollar jet boat so that's Really exciting I am pumped and we're at A very cool spot to run this so let's Power it on and see how it does So I don't know if I mentioned this but We are running on 4S power that's a 5 000 milliamp battery And I love the tray system Place our battery in and just lock it Into place now our battery just plugs in Here I might have to rotate it I do but Here's how it comes out just pull on the Ring and the whole thing comes out I Think that's awesome there's a switch For the receiver we're plugged in here It's a little tight but that could just Be my gen One battery I don't know that Wire I feel like should be like a half Inch longer so here's the receiver This just moved so check this out guys See how this moves I'll show you Something else really cool and then we Have a switch for LEDs Boom oh nice ooh the back lights are Like cop lights what really yeah that's So cool I wasn't expecting that That's awesome oh they did a good job on This now you guys might notice back here We have two servos one is on the left And that's steering our little Rudder so to speak back here and this Has another function and I'm going to Show that to you when I pick up this

Boat well that's nice that's super Bright I like the flashing cop lights But check this out when we push B That that punches down which is going to Drastically affect how we drive this Thing if I push it again it comes up and If I hold a I think that kicks out all the debris That could be in the boat so it's Cool so it has its own if you're running In tons of debris and it gets sucked Into the jet propulsion system you can Press and hold a and it'll clear it out So this is going to be so cool have fun With that mud Nate Hahaha Oh Nice This is sweet this is sweet it's a stunt Oh the jet stream do you see the jet Shooting up out of the water the uh yeah The water coming up I was worried like Will this be oh no yeah I thought you Already saw that but I guess we can run It in these leaves You're gonna make our your own waves I Was kind of bummed that the water wasn't Moving here today this is so awesome I Think you've got it under control Oh I gotta watch that oh no no no oh Plated I've got to remember this is a Jet boat which means if I wanted to turn I have to use my power with it if I am Just if I'm just cruising if I'm just

Cruising and I let go throttle now watch I cannot steer right it's it's working But it has to have some power so Nate Provo told me That if Arma made a boat this would be It so drive it like an armor that's what They said talking about at the beginning That it's a Basher now what I want to Test is that one little function where I Adjust the uh now first of all let's see We're going to do reverse thrust As most votes reverse does almost Nothing but if I push B and I drop that Little thing down oh man Look at that that is so is that mainly For like moving water if I'm getting Stuck in something maybe or a push V Right now And then I push me again it's like maybe If I want to turn on a dime I don't know I've got to play around with that song But it shoots you see what it's doing It's shooting the water down Back behind it yeah so wow oh this is Cool All right come on come on Come on Here we go one nice fast blast And we'll turn it sharp no don't hit the Rocks and then save us Yeah that's pretty cool it's almost like Brakes I think that's what that's for Like if you're running fast and you need To stop boom

That's that's like breaks that's what That is that's totally breaks All right we are going Downstream a Little more so we can hopefully get Closer to these rocks That's for sure because it takes a Minute to get used to a jet boats This is No you got it now you might you might be Getting some leaves sucked in there so What you got to do get it a little no That's fine but yeah there could be Leaves in there so get it closer to us Now press and hold a Hold it just hold it just keep holding It and it's gonna flush the system See that there you go okay Ah yeah yeah yeah and it worked so we Probably sucked in some leaves because It was definitely slowing us down Laughs We need we need white water Abby nice Look at you go We just need like smoke on the Bayou now Oh wrong way oh wrong way You literally cracked into the rocks Wow There you go that's awesome If I only wish we had moving water We just don't live near White Water oh That's so Abby's getting it this has got Abby's name all over it Oh that's okay it's got the armor Plating

Man this is cool That little driver is so cool too and You can adjust his uh he can be Repositioned a little bit And there is oh now now now what now What oh I have a big stick hold on I Mean could reverse get it out definitely Not speech I am I am beat Please Thank you my hero All right save the boat save the boat I love that we were able to actually Test the the oh now if you Beach it over On that side we cannot save it So please be careful I am not swimming Today it is fairly cold Oh yeah that's that's the whole that's The whole point Man we are taking this on vacation and Finding some white water Can I see that what she's freaking out About is that right there you guys that Fishing line hanging from the branch She's trying not to hit it Yeah Man This is so cool Oh It's awesome We need to drive it at night too But look how much you are disturbing the Piece here Abby's bashing bow this is Turn around very powerful remember this

Is 4S you guys okay so you're making Waves and then no there you go Remember it's Ember to steer under power isn't it like You want to let off the juice you got to Retrain yourself a little bit when You're driving a jet boat like this Foreign I feel like it was short my run was very Short-lived how do I let you drive for Two minutes Okay here we go It's actually real oh I feel like I feel Like you've eaten up most of the battery Maybe probably there there's no telling A tree on there yeah Yeah it's definitely getting low or do That little clear thing because that Fixed it a couple times Man it's awesome hold the a thing Boom Oh Beached whale yeah I hit the server Oh that's so nice for turning around Here no it definitely got sucked in so Hold on hold on That's all it really does is forward Reverse forward reverse but at like the Perfect timing so if you're sucking in Leaves and grass that is really nice way To clear it out and then I really think If you push B on this Servo and that Watch the tail watch the tail it's going To drop in the water boom now steer with That too and you can really pull away

From the edge of the water that's so Cool if they did that look I just ran Over on those sticks like it was nothing See that thank you I'm going to hold a and clear it out Again Man that's cool This might be my new favorite book my Battery is definitely low so I'm going To bring it in before we completely lose It oh yeah that was I knew that was Going to be closed and we sucked in Something for sure so Okay let's bring it in we have a very Successful Maiden Run and I just want to Make sure we are able to pull the boat Out of the water RC jets until the battery dies and then They come down I don't want to do that to the jet boat Because then you're going to go in I think this is probably the best way to Do this here and today is to beach it Intentionally and it's going to get a Little muddy but that's okay Oh yeah look at that nice So I grabbed that stick actually thinking I Would need to push it Up Under The Canopy and lift it up out of the water But it worked out really well today so That was a really fun first run and we Were pretty hard on it with the Rocks Over there so check it out on the bottom

All we can see is a little bit of mud But I don't see anything Bringing on water at all any scuffs or Cracks or no I hit pretty hard you did We'll have to take it to a lake or Another body of water too and just see How it runs there and let's do our Traditional water test this is just Magnetic just so you know and all these All of this blue and gray that's Actually like a foam pad oh neat so it's Really cool you could sit characters on There or whatever let's pull that out And look in the back bottom of the boat Here We have just about a half teaspoon of Water so trying to show it Hard to see hard to see but very little Water very little water And uh let's just save our battery and Turn the lights off but before we do man That is bright night running on this Would be a no-brainer and super cool so We'll turn that off and turn that off it Just felt like it was getting low maybe It wasn't maybe it's just my imagination That slides in and locks in place foam Is on the front here too it's just a Foam pad they made such an amazing boat Here uh very very cool and unique and Didn't you say this is your new favorite Boat when we were oh yeah I think so This is my boat it can be your boat That's fine I think it comes in two

Colors doesn't it there are two collars Yeah the other one is a little more of The traditional shreddy uh look I think It's maybe purplish a little I can't Remember but we'll have it linked in the Description box below I think there's a Few things that are very important to Talk about here one is the fact that This is linked in the description box And if you plan on buying it or any RC Boat or any RC please consider clicking That link to pull up the website and buy Your RC because we do make a small Kickback at no extra cost to you it's Like you're supporting a local hobby Shop when you do that it just helps our Channel and our family so we can keep Making content so you guys can check Stuff out before you buy it and we Mentioned we had a thousand dollar RC Jet boat that was basically designed to To do what this is doing but I believe This is doing it even better this is Amazing for small spaces I mean you saw How tight we were turning here and Wiping out and banging against stuff That other boat the only thing it had That this one doesn't have was a bilge That's because it would take on so much Water it needed a bilge if a boat's made Well it shouldn't need a bilge pump Right there were no lights on that one And the funny thing was the stickers Weren't included and that was one of the

Only negative things we said about the Thing and the owner of that company that Sent us that boat freaked out when we Said that about the stickers and they Just would not let up about that video It was getting tens of thousands of Views and they emailed us constantly so We sent the boat back we sent the boat Technically ours they wanted us to Remove the video and redo a video and You know tell them uh tell our audience We made mistakes and the stickers are Easy or well you know just all kinds of Communication problems then like a year Later he sent another very bully email So I blocked him and then deleted the Video off of YouTube one of the only Times I've ever let a bully win and uh To this day it still bothers us but I Think it's really cool to see this is Better ten times better boat for half The price and it looks so cool yeah it Is very nice that light bar was just This Pro boat nailed with this because I Was getting kind of worried are they Going to release any cool boats this Year this is probably the best but it's Not your traditional bow it's not like a Lake speed racing boat but it is really Fun and Abby and I have always been About fun so but for today and getting The opportunity to jump in front of the Camera and share this experience with You guys I want to thank God because

We've had some ups and downs in the last Week with Abby getting her gallbladder Completely cut out and all kinds of Crazy stuff but we're still here making Videos for you guys and with you guys And for that I'm grateful I also want to Say massive thanks to our patreon Supporters because we couldn't do what We do as often as we do it without your Amazing support and I want to say a Special thanks to a lot of we have a Handful of new patreon supporters to Help us with our medical bills which are Coming and we're trying to brace for Impact so massive thanks to our new Patreon supporters and especially our Existing patreon supporters if you love Boat week and I Abby we both need to Pick our favorite boat of the week Did we have to even talk about it well You know I mean I love Islamic wake for Speed and power the Sonic wake is Amazing but there's just something that Hits different about this one and I love It I love that it is uh a local it's a Basher it's a real boat Basher oh I love That yeah I think it wins for me too I'm nothing against the budget boats on The channel or anything but you pass the Controls of this to anybody and they're Going to have a blast okay well if you Do you have a Need for Speed and you Want to get like three times faster than This on an open Lake we'll have an

Amazing boat video for you popping up Right about now thanks for watching see You there bye Foreign

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