Check out the Beaver here (US):
Check out the Beaver here (outside US):
THIS RC Plane’s WINGSPAN is TALLER THAN ME!!! This is the FMS Beaver, and in this video I fly and talk about my experience with this rc airplane.
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Check out the Beaver here (US):
Check out thee Beaver here (outside US):
Check out the Coolify here:
The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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Our subscribers will know the history of This plane if you haven't seen what I'm Talking about maybe I should show you Put it back in the air wow oh oh I Knew oh I knew you should have put it Down the first time should have this is A whole new airplane we did actually Repair that one and fly it and a good Friend of ours ended up with that Airplane but this one is brand new and I Did this because I really loved Everything about the airplane and I just Didn't get I think 2 minutes of flight Time on the original before the incident Happened and I want to give it another Shot so this is the giant 2 m probably Didn't look that big the way I was Holding that airplane FMS Beaver it is a Giant Behemoth of an airplane believe it Or not I put this together I assembled It in probably about 25 or 30 minutes it Probably helps that I've done it once Before it flies on a 6S recommended 4,000 milliamp battery uh that's what we Have in there today a smart battery Actually and when we plug it in you'll See we have lights on the airplane that Look great we have Vortex generators I Installed and those accessories that You're looking at like the vortex Generators not even these antennas those Click into place but just a couple of The accessories like the instrument Needle over here those are glued on
That's about the only thing that is uh Glue uses on this airplane really Honestly no glue required to assemble The airplane the nice thing about the Wing because yeah this does fit in our Car in one piece when I'm by myself but The wing actually just plugs in the Fuselage there are no wires you really Have to mess around with let's put this In the air and hope that the second Maiden goes Well throttle test so we don't have a Repeat of last Time that sounds good that sounds good I Just added a little Expo while Was getting everything set up are you Good to go yep all right so Yi taxis Might as well let it run down the runway Guys the reason that first one happened Is because the motor mount only had two Or four bolts in there uh just sometimes That stuff happens even the best Companies that can happen with having Said that when FMS gets it right they Nail it but every now and then they you Kind of got to go through it with a fine Toth comb That was with flaps taking the flaps off That was just the perfect amount of lift It's going to need a tiny Touch of Trim we're going to listen for weird Vibrations but we should be good you Guys we should be Good oh it's flying really nice so nice
Right now it does still need trimmed up Some very little wind today so it's good Opportunity to get it trimmed up if I'm Flying it a little far away from the Camera that's why I just focused on Trimming a little Bit there we go still climbing Some that's about half throttle so if You're wondering what you know what is Trim I I want the airplane if I have That Wing set at level and I'm not Touching the controls it shouldn't be Moving but if it's rolling to the right On its own then I want to click trim Into uh the airplane so that it doesn't Roll right I want it to fly perfectly Level and straight so if your airplane Is climbing then you need to click down Trim a couple times just depends how Severe it is And usually that stuff can be trimmed up Really nicely I love I love a bright red And white airplane on a pretty blue sky With clouds and uh just green trees it Just looks awesome so let's wake it up And hear that 6s motor Scream the last time we did this it did Not end well it kept getting Louder this is so good it feels great With 20% Expo on all the control Surfaces so was just a good starting Point looping It yeah this is nice this is why I Wanted to give this a second shot
Because I knew it was a great airplane It Just had issues mine had issues I I Lesson learned the hard way and that That's why we make our videos I just Want people to know real things happen To all of us we all can crash we all can Experience a lemon from the factory Quality control issue you know whatever But as I said when they nail it they Nail it and I knew this would be a great Airplane so that's why it's back on the Channel I don't have any kind of Telemetry in here or anything so we're Just going to probably push for about a 5minute flight maybe I've been really Easy on the throttle so maybe six or Seven that's probably going to be it Today Today let's snap it up here the climb is Insane on this though you guys I mean I've I love the climb rate on This see if we can pull off a cubanite Out here just seems like a good airplane To do nice cuate With roll rate was a little slow on that For My yeah no nice for a giant 2 m scale Bird it's pretty sporty too it's really Nice feels great sounds great I don't Have as3x or anything in here I've just Got a nice simple dumb receiver in here Nothing fancy this is just flying Pure that was nice nice and low oh yeah
Let's do maybe some inverted see how it Holds upside Down What I want to do though is uh loop into It Abby so at the end of the runway I'll Loop reverse into it just cuz the roll Rate's a little slow if it doesn't feel Right it's easier to get out of it going The other Way yeah that's nice big airplanes if You want to try inverted for the first Time I think it's easier to get into Being inverted from a loop than it is From Rolling just in case your roll rate Is Slow Here we go up and out oh yeah that's Great let's try for a nice big slow Spiral Down see Go yeah I didn't love that let's try it Over Here not bad for Maiden really this is The first you know first time I feel Super comfortable doing much on this Airplane It just looks beautiful I love this Thing is Nice I've had mixed experiences with FMS Truly mixed Experiences Um the Avante I think that's what I'm Shooting for it's a no Futura the Futura V3 uh that is one of the best EDF
Experiences I've ever ever had I love That thing easily top two easily and uh When they nail it they nail it but They've got to just work a little bit on Their quality control and stuff and you Know you got to do that ground test Before take off on these kind of things We're going to go full Flaps and see how that feels over the Runway Expo really does help clean that Up a lot that is so Nice oh what that was so slow and pretty How did I bounce it all you know those Wheels are deceiving because they are Foam they look like they're rubber but They're foam I'll bet this would really Greatly benefit from like nice dub bro Tires but Abby we're going to go half Flaps and try that again just so I can Try to clean that up because I felt like That was a perfect Perfect Landing but It really didn't look nice when it Bounced over Here I don't know why I climbed I don't Know I was thinking about doing a loop And then I didn't So we'll just go for it but that's the Beauty of a big giant airplane you can Do about anything on it it looks it Looks good as long as you're not Crashing it so that was full Flaps a couple seconds ago zero throttle And again with the Bounce not not thrilled about that well
Let's do it one more time we got to go Around right we got to clean it up do a Takeoff with no flaps and see what that Feels like and then we definitely don't Want to push this battery any further Although it doesn't feel low at all no Indication of it being low This one you got a baby let's baby it so Maybe we need to come in under like a Little bit of Throw slow but underpower cuz I don't Want to stall out and I think that's What's happening is right over the Runway I'm stalling and it's getting a Little bounc I don't know maybe I'm not Slow enough a little bit of headwind now So this could clean up could clean up Some how slow can I actually go with It feel like that's slow enough Abby ha Yeah a little little bit of power but Slower I think you nailed it you were Right just a little slower this thing Can come in really slow it just looks Good it's a good looking big giant 2m Airplane we're not here to sugarcoat Stuff we're not here to hide things a Lot of channels do it we don't we want You guys to see our real experience Whether it was our fault or not a lot of Channels do it and then badmouth Us in The Comments on fire right now doing that he Doesn't respond to any of their other Comments but if you mention our name
They'll respond Attention and everything's always hunky Dory dydo on his channel just be aware I Think what Abby and I are trying to tell You it's something we've told you before In the past if you watch someone's Channel and it is I know we are positive In nature but we do show explosions we Do show when drones fly away and need to Be recalibrated we show when Helicopters have problems and just know That if you don't See I don't know it just shows character On their part Nate so don't take a Personal well and they go after our kids It does leave a nasty taste in your Mouth you know that comment was a little Uncalled for but we see it but we don't Engage so back to the airplane though I I want you guys to get the real Experience I would say probably Realistically 90% of what they're Putting out is solid I right but I do Know that some issues arise from this Company let's just say less issues than Dynam less issues than Motion probably more issues than Eflight you know that's about where We're at Hobby King is like way down There you know uh do they even exist Anymore I don't know I don't think so They're struggling really bad so I think You know we all want to put our eflight Bind and fly planes out and and and just
Go fly and the ready to fly helicopter The GPS helicopter that we just did the Uh Huey that thing was a GPS helicopter Ready to fly that thing should have Taken off and not had problems and That's where ready to fly should be That's where our standard should be when We put a plane like this together as Long as we do our part and assemble the Wing the way we're supposed to nothing Else should fail on the airplane you Shouldn't have to pretend like this is a Kit airplane and go through Everything and if you do that good for You but that's not where the standard Should be when you buy a new new PS5 do You take it apart and run through it With your Voltimetro no you turn it on cuz it Should work and so if there's quality Control issues or manufacturing issues Or even my own lack of skill issues That's what we show on our Channel and Yes by you ordering this plane or Anything we feature on our Channel Through the links that we provide we Make a very small Kickback that helps Support our Channel and our family but That doesn't mean I'm going to show you A helicopter blowing up and say oh bye Bye bye you know it's like hey that's Our experience so you might want to be a Little bit careful and consider spending Your hard-earned money on something else
But there are channels out there that Just don't say anything bad about Anything and they they'll say bad stuff About others say bad stuff about me and Abby and my kids which by the way Thousands of people have told me maybe Hundreds probably close to 1 th that the Tail rotor of that helicopter was Installed not the not the blade but I Think two of the three wires got Switched people were saying the tail Rotor went in reverse and then it didn't Have enough power to keep up and that's Why we lost uh control of that thing But yeah this is a fun video to do Because it allows us an opportunity to Talk about morals I think and uh lack Thereof with with some people but I'm Really happy I'm really happy with the Results of this airplane it is a whole New one I just assembled it today and Hopefully you guys enjoyed watching this Video and just as I say just be be a Little cautious with who you're watching Be aware that I'm not a perfect person And I'm not going to show you perfect Results every time and if you're Expecting that you'll never find that on Our Channel final thing little if you're Wondering this is actually an air Conditioning thing it's not just a fan It's air conditioning and it has heat Not not that I'd use it today but AB be To use it this winter so I'll link that
Down there too because I've really Enjoyed using it while I'm flying great Airplane this time around and as I said It'll be linked in the description box Below with all the good stuff we we've Got you know you know challenges we we Do it to ourselves when we jump in front Of the camera and put videos out for the World to see when we started our Channel 10 years ago and got one view on the Very first video we didn't expect to Ever have a channel where we'd have you Know across all of our social media Platforms a million people following us And now 400,000 subscribers on YouTube Just for RC stuff it never was the goal But it's 450 mate it's crazy it's crazy The growth lately we didn't even get to Make a 400k video because we hit 450k Like a week later it's wild so I'm Really happy about that and for the good I thank God and for the bad I thank God Too because I think it keeps me humbled I I believe I don't really sometimes It's hard because you want to chime in And you want to join the negativity and The toxicity in the evilness of the World really hard to stay away there's Not a lot of good that can come from it But you know we want to mention it to You guys I think the main reason we talk About it is to let you know that maybe You don't like your boss or cooworker or Something and you're going to work and
You're doing everything right and all You want to do is make a paycheck and Come home and fly your planes on the Weekend or watch YouTube to get you Through life through the week uh and I Know I got a good good trucker buddy You're probably watching our video now Um you know you actually people like you And yourself keep us motivated and Encouraged to know that we're not alone In being hated on just for our Positivity and honesty and stuff it's Really a wild world we live in when we Can't fly airplanes and thank God and Just Live and Let Live I don't I Don't I don't go to other people's Channels and you know actually we don't Bad mouth other channels in the comments Either no if I see a person say Something let's say someone comes by and Says something about another plane Channel in our comments if it's negative And it's bad enough I'll probably delete It if it's negative and and it's an Opinion I may leave it but I'm not going To chime in and I just encourage I just I just want positivity you guys that's What this is about it's ples it's toys It shouldn't be negative so uh this Reason I'm saying all this is I'm Grateful to God for keeping me keeping Me grounded and and still getting me Through the negative times when other Channels might attack us and stuff which
Seems so weird just saying like we're in The same boat you know we're in the same Boat and we got we got a lot on our Plate with our kids like we got young Kids and just trying to make it happen You know we work we work hard fulltime And we do this just to bring positivity Through the world we clean to clean our House mow the grass I mean we're just Like everybody else but we take the time To jump in front of the camera and do This and we're not going to be perfect Every time we do it that's that's just How it is and and and if you're Displaying Perfection always and only I I feel sorry for you because that's a Lot of hard work it's hard work to Pretend to be perfect I I thank you guys Our subscribers our viewers uh just for Having our backs because they keep us Going and I think we needed this moment To share with you guys because Abby and I have been juggling this one a little Bit it's one thing if a Channel with one Subscriber comes along and makes a Little stupid video about us but it's Another when a big one well it's been Multiple times it has been multiple Times and it just is starting to feel Like I don't know too much so I hope you Guys um hear us on this one and thanks For having our backs that's the main Thing this will be linked in the Description box below I thank God for
Life and today cuz it really is a great Day I'm so happy with myself to be able To get this out of the box build it and Fly it and film it all in the same day It just feels really good to do that and A massive thanks to our patreon Supporters because we couldn't do what We do as often as we do it without your Insanely awesome support we'll have Another big airplane video popping up Right about now thanks for watching We'll see you there Bye