Unboxing the Exceptional Bristol Beaufort Mk.I by Airfix! | Model Kit Closer Look

Hi guys i said to you before i'm going to give 
you a bit of a look-see into this so that you   get a better idea there's as i said there's been 
a couple of reviews about it a bit of talk about   it and everything else so let's actually have 
a look at it so you get quite a box it's full   of stuff so that's the plastic kits pieces 
which we'll look at a minute decal sheet   quite nice usually fx printing nice and compact so 
there's not much on only two choices of markings   instructions the usual instructions from 
Airfix now was what to expect there's   a lot of parts and a lot of things to build in it 
there's all sorts of see there's the two different   wing trailing edge sections so there's all that 
sort of thing there's also let's have a look   so there's the the choice of there's actually two 
of two of these turret sections in here they tell   you which one to use it's not actually an option 
so they obviously have plans for further ones   the interesting thing is there's a bit of fair 
bit of interior there too so it's pretty cool now just here for some reason they tell you 
to cut this piece off now this is not flash or   leftover part it's actually appears to be a part 
that's going to be in the kit in another version   so i'm not quite sure why they've got that there 
but you can't fit the turret section without   cutting that off but maybe there's other versions 
that are going to include that part in it so   that's quite good engines are the standard engines 
the Centaurus not there's no Pratt Whitney's in it   so you know it looks quite good there's a turret 
again this is the two turret two gun turret   which they give you so it's quite a quite 
a little detail set there that's quite good   torpedo or you can have the bombay 
closed so they don't have the torpedo in   so look it's just nicely well done 
that's the turret being put in position so that's pretty cool then there's a little 
cowling a piece that goes over it when you   put it in fit it into place be interesting to 
see if you can fit the turret after if before   after you put that piece on so it'll be a bit of 
a trial and error to see if it works otherwise   masking that out when you get a paint 
will be a pain there's your colour schemes there's the other one one of them is a Victoria 
Cross winner so you can do a choice of markings   i'm sure there's we'll already know that 
there's quite a number of kit decal seat   sheets out there at the moment just waiting to 
be done okay clear parts are very good not well   nice and clear there's two turrets in there 
there's one there and there's one there df loops   obviously from what i can understand this could 
be for Malta based aircraft which they don't   do that in there yet various other bits and 
pieces it's nice and clear so it's well done   parts you've got so many different choices 
of parts plenty of sprues to play i like this   this is a because that's quite sharp that's the 
wing fillet that goes in that is quite sharp so   what they've done is put these protective units in 
there there's the two turrets that they talk about   one's flatter and wider and the other one's 
higher and smaller so who knows we may get   anything in there that's the wing as you can 
see it's quite good there's that structure there   if you have a good look at the wing you 
can see the detail is quite fine it's not   not as bad as people are trying to make out so 
it is quite good bombay under carrier propellers   cowlings even down to having the supports for 
the engine on there there's your cows wheels you   get a pilot wow the old Airfix pilot interestingly 
there's no gun yeah there's no gun so you only get   the pilot so that's pretty cool torpedo all that 
sort of bits and pieces this is the bombay this is   the torpedo bombay so there's the doors closed 
that's the section open you actually cut these   open which i really really like because i'm fed 
up with trying to join pieces together to close   the bombay up so thanks for Airfix for doing that 
they actually give you a couple of other doors   you cut out these and there's the hanging doors 
for the for the bombay which to me is intelligent   i'm sick as i said i hate this business of 
giving you bombay doors attack be closed   there's more bits and pieces turret rings 
this looks to be all guns and things like that   cradles part of the undercarriage 
so look it's a nice kit i think   anybody buying it's going to enjoy building it 
because we just haven't never had a good Beaufort   what's out there to come for us love to see some 
Aussie ones being done as well but i believe   there's somebody working on a conversion to turn 
it into an eight how far they can go with it don't   know yet but we'll have to wait and see so just 
thought you might like to have a look at her she's   very good can't wait to get hold of one myself 
and get it built so i'll leave you to it take care

As found on YouTube

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