YOU WON’T BELIEVE THE PRICE for this RC JET!!! – Arrows Marlin

Check out the Arrows Marlin here:
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YOU WON’T BELIEVE THE PRICE for this RC JET!!! This is the Arrows Marlin, a 4s 64mm EDF jet. We had this on the channel almost 4 years ago and we still love it! Let us know your thoughts about this RC EDF jet in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

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Check out the Arrows Marlin here:


The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Jeff Buys, Jeff Stone, Jesper Larsen, john salt, Jose Valentin, Matt Reetz, Michael Keller, Michael Schouten, odatsteve, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ron Erickson, Ryan Alexander, Steve Tippy, Terry Kellogg, The Brennan’s, Brian Buckstiegel, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, Doug Dahlheimer, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, and Jason day

#rcjet #edfjet #rc

Welcome back to arrows week this is the Finale of arrows week we've got the Marlin and we have taken the power of Togetherness the power of you guys being Awesome Liking our videos and us going and Saying hey we know some cool people that Like to buy your airplanes can we save Some money and they said yes so all week Long we've had War Birds we've had 3D Planes trainers [Music] Singular really not plural and now an EDF so a huge variety I got to go to Them and kind of pick out some stuff and Stuff they had in stock and this is the Marlin we have had this on the channel Before but it's been a long time and it Is a fantastic 4S EDF these things are fun and if you've Never had one before this might be a Great one to get into because this is Now under 200 actually I think it is Usually right at 200 but with our coupon Code Linked In the description box below You click our link then you type in the Coupon code you can save twenty dollars It's not the best deal ever especially Compared to yesterday's video which was Just mind-blowingly awesome but it's Still 20 bucks and that'll take care of Uncle Sam for you on behalf of the RC Sailors and I will gladly do that for You

This is a fun jet it's been a long time Since I've flown it so I'm excited to Fly let's put it in the air and have Some fun again 4S now I apologize for That win guys we're doing the best we Can to block it with our dead cat and Everything but I want to point a couple Things out about this plane before we Take off a lot of planes will come in Especially edfs at this price point Without a Rudder we have a Rudder Landing gear a steerable nose wheel and Yes flaps plus ailerons of course and Elevator so we're talking about a really Nice setup here for 180 bucks this Marlin has been proven time and time Again to be a fantastic EDF if it wasn't They wouldn't have it for years Available for sale they have product Support spare part availability so for All this for arrows week please you guys Give us a nice like just for bringing Arrows week to you and hopefully saving I know a good handful of you guys saving A good bit of money the only thing this Jet is missing is retracts that is Literally it To do Oh this is going to be great the last Time I flew this was probably one of my First edfs and we were at the old Airfield We can pull off some nice stuff with This we have some wind today we are

Trying to be a nasty multi-day storm Rolling in Uh and so we had to get out and do this To make it an actual week oh my gosh I Was not prepared for that so we're Flying on my favorite battery this is a 4S Let's see if we can pull off show pass Here I needed a little more to make it look Good but here almost a knife edge we can Basically knife edge this let's go up See if we can Rudder over despite all That wind that's the beautiful thing About edfs you guys they can still fly In a lot of wind And uh make it look good and really by Just watching this airplane fly you Probably wouldn't be able to tell we've Got much wind at all This thing's a lot faster than I Remember I agree But maybe it's because we have a lot More open airspace we do Full Throttle I Uh flying at the old Airspace we have I love chicken well there's some birds Throwing off let's see if we can get That burger Okay I'm right ahead of us you see us It's just a White Plain on white clouds You know it is hard Abby is staring at This plane with uh what one by two inch Or something like that nothing it's easy

To lose it So yeah we're saving 20 bucks on this But it's the time to buy it I mean it is Just awesome timing Uh if you want to pick up your first EDF You're not gonna find one at this price With Rudder steerable nose wheel landing Gear you know uh flaps too and which I Haven't even done anything oh let's do a Snap let's get some speed up and snap This puppy Let's go right into it right here Oh yeah that's cool oh that was awesome Should we do that again a little lower And push it at the camera sure yeah Let's do it and then maybe we'll try Some snap fun 4S 2200 milliamp battery My favorite size battery to fly things On it's just a really fun but affordable Size Sweet Man The Marlin you guys just the tried and True really amazing EDF Stall out up there Oh no don't like that didn't like that It didn't have the right kind of tumble Going it wasn't uh wasn't great so let's Write bank here keep up our throttle Getting the wing could stall on our last Day of arrows week I'm gonna try a nice Slow pass maybe even a little touch and Go if the wind will allow me to do it There's full flaps which is pretty much

90 degrees it's almost spaceship mode We've got very little wind right now so It's the opportunity to do it Oh come on I don't like bouncing well You know what you only bounced once so That's a touch and go And touch and go it's supposed to be Nice and smooth you keep the wheels down For a few seconds and then you pull up About to go guys I have been just so Happy to bring arrows week to you the Trekker yesterday was just awesome what A great deal and uh ending it with the Marlin just feels so appropriate yeah This is 20 bucks off it's 20 bucks That's that's lunch you know lunch on The RC Sailors just because you're a Subscriber let's go half flaps so you Don't get a lot of climb on them hey Landon let's try it yeah oh man ah Ugly ugly ugly ugly there you have it Guys that is the Marlin we are basically Wrapping up arrows week where we brought You this amazing sale remember the most Important thing to remember about this Sale Those flaps that's the most important Thing the most important thing to Remember about this sale is if you click One of the links like go back to our Channel see what we had going on right You might have missed a video or two What was on sale this week if you see Something you love and you click it and

You're like man that thing was 140 I sold out right they sold out the Beautiful news is they're going to honor That until this arrows week is over so If you're watching this video and it's Right within a few days of the time it Released you still have time even if it Says out of stock pre-order back order Whatever phrase they use you can still Buy it so when the next shipment comes In you're gonna get it at that hundred And forty dollars you're gonna get this At a hundred and eighty dollars I think It's so cool that we made our Channel 10 Years ago we made our Channel 10 years Ago and I've slowly grown to where we Are now never had anything go truly Viral or anything slowly grown to where We are now and because of you guys Watching because of this community that We have built I was able to go knock on Their door and say hey let's do this I Think it's a great idea let's bring our Subscribers some savings so they can Really get into this Hobby and enjoy it And they said yes that's just amazing It's using the power of the community Together it doesn't cost you guys a Single penny to subscribe and watch to Our videos but because you do it Actually saves you money Isn't that cool That's really cool in my opinion so if You're gonna pick up an airplane if You're going to pick up a new plane this

Week maybe it's your first airplane ever Especially that Trekker ready to fly 180 Bucks again Linked In the description Box below go check it out on the channel It's insanely insanely good deal you Need to fly with AMA that's the Academy Of model Aeronautics listen this is very Cool watch Sorry Abby I know you're cold But if you're gonna do this and have fun You need to do it with insurance for the Price of one of these planes you can be Insured for the whole year get a Magazine subscription it's just a No-brainer a must-have fly-in shirt There's just no way around it okay it's Pretty affordable it's actually very Affordable it's under 100 bucks for the Whole year you get to go to all these RC Events and fly you get your magazine Subscription and you crash into Someone's car or something you know your Insurance so fly with AMA Linked In the Description box below this is so awesome Arrows week is a blast I'm so grateful We got to do this I know you guys Enjoyed it we just had a lot of fun Doing this I'd love to do more of this And so if you guys appreciate this kind Of thing Then support them buy one of the things This week so they know that it worked And maybe we can pull it off again a Month or two from now I don't know so

Support everybody makes everyone happy It's a win literally it's a win-win-win Literally Literally it's a win-win-win I hope some Of you guys get that but for all this For you guys for the planes the hobby my Wife my family today being alive the Heart's pumping I thank God I also want To say Madison thanks to our patreon Supporters because we couldn't do what We do without your amazing support so Thank you to all of our amazing patreon Supporters guys It's been awesome it's a fun week I love When we do themed weeks had a great time And I think the best deal was probably That tracker so we're gonna have that Video popping up right about now thanks For watching we'll see you there bye Foreign [Music]

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