Check out the Volantex P-51 here:
Save with code: BGc26341 | End 6/30/23
This is one of the best mini P-51 warbird RC planes for beginners we have flown. Currently with the code above it is only $86! This is a ready to fly (rtf) set up so it is perfect for the beginner in the hobby. Let us know your thoughts about this rc warbird airplane in the commments.
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Check out the Volantex P-51 here:
Save with code: BGc26341 | End 6/30/23
We recommend checking out these mini warbirds too:
Check out the Spitfire here:
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Check out the Eachine Mini T-28 Trojan here:
Check out the F-22 Raptor RC Smart Jet here:
Check out the BF109 here:
Check out the Eachine P47 here:
and the XK A210 Trojan here:
Check out the XK A260 Rarebear f8f here:
Check out the Eachine P-40 RC Plane here:
Check out the XK A250 BF-109 Fighter here:
The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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I along with the rest of the RC World Absolutely love these mini ready to fly Warbirds and I will never complain when They come out with a new one even if It's just a different paint Scheme the Ishin P51 with the red and silver paint Scheme is the mini warbird of them all That has kicked them all off now we have Probably 20 or 30 maybe even more Versions of many ready to fly warbirds And today we have a volentex mini Warbird I love this paint Scheme it's One of my favorites on the P51 now Here's the thing some of these fly Better than others and in today's video We're going to put this to the test and See if it does fly as good as some of Our favorites so let's go Oh that looks great Abby oh I like this That looks like the big what is it 1.5 Meter e-flight P51 it is an exact little Replica of it and that bright yellow on The nose just stands out really well and The blue is popping today too it looks Really good Now the story used to go when a person Would learn to fly RC planes about a Decade ago it was hey you know I got the Apprentice and I learned to fly at my Local Club I had someone buddy boxed me And we trained and now in the last few Years Everybody's telling me the same story Nate hey thanks to you I bought that
Little eating P51 kind of who doesn't Love a warbird everybody loves warbirds Way more than trainer style planes at Least 99 percent of us And so this opens up a world of Opportunities for people because of it Hands-free Flame But he eventually got a turn eventually Got a turn but it's not hard you just Give a little input and that is the Beauty of this because the size means You can fly just about anywhere baseball Fields soccer fields front yard backyard I mean I have space up here but I'm not Utilizing very much of it and the cost Is about as cheap of an airplane as you Can buy when I say cheap I just mean Budget friendly it is just not cheaply Made they're very very durable actually And come with tons of spare props which I'm going to show you guys the Accessories at the end of the video Comes with a radio the radio in this Case is very nice and I will show you That at the end of the video if you're New to all this or if you're just Curious and want to check it out be sure To stick around to the end because I Want to show you guys all that cool Stuff Super Durable foam as I said very easy To fly with this flight stabilization That's built in right out of the box you Just kick the flight stabilization on
With the flip of the switch and if you Want to you can even throw a stunt Button And I always forget how to do this Cold I was holding it I pressed it hold your Direction yeah yeah okay you're right You're flicking it there that's it You always flick it that's it you're You're right you have to hold the Direction I just did two very smooth Rolls there you guys and it was all Pre-programmed Okay so you're right Abby you gotta hold It Very easy to fly long flight times very Cheap Universal batteries you do not Have to buy like proprietary DJI 300 Batteries look at that it's just Beautiful optional landing gear stunt Button you can also take it out of Beginner mode and try to do your own Stunts in manual mode these are very Finicky though and I've never flown one That was great Let's try it there's a nice Loop okay Let's keep it Oh not a bad roll that was completely Manual mode we're bringing it around Here Taking it back and it's very windy so That's another thing I'm flying in a lot Of wind with success Guys these planes Are truly amazing and what I wanted to
Check in today's video and test for you Guys all watching in this Maiden flight Is this volantex P51 does it fly just as Good as the eachine p51s in my opinion Yes it does the only thing that's making It a little challenging is the wind I'm Thinking we're dealing with about maybe Eight to ten miles an hour with stronger Gusts of probably close to 14 and 15 Miles an hour And this little guy's handling it right Now it's a little smoother a little Calmer got a little close there a little Rudder input helped me bank that really Tight Look at that we are just Slip Sliding Around with the rudder I think this is The best of all Intex thing we've had on Our Channel yes I agree weren't those we Had two really really expensive boats Could not get to run but other people Have had great experiences with those uh Although we just had issues with ours And we're always going to be transparent About our experience now it's amazing I Think there's some other volantex stuff We've had on the channel before those That have not been good either now this One's Rock Solid though and maybe they Just stole the eachine P-51 and put a Paint Scheme on it I like the paint Scheme I love the paint Scheme and the Radio feels the same it's flying Extremely well let's see if we can
There we go nice roll you are so right Abby although I got to figure out how to Not do a second one the second one is Always unintentional That's such a good roll Look at that that's great it loses a Little altitude but not bad it does a Pretty great job this airplane Should be right around 100 bucks Somewhere maybe 120 maybe 130 but in Today's market that's still really good Long flight time and uh two batteries This one has two batteries so that's Amazing I was going to say something else and it Slipped my mind but this is just a Fantastic airplane I'm a huge fan of this Very easy to fly um there should be a Coupon code down in the description box Below for this too you guys so be on the Lookout for that Save some money Super easy to fly Abby I love this Collection as I was saying though a lot Of people now learn on this airplane This exact type of airplane and then They upgrade and graduate to other Things because this is just so easy to Fly and I'll remember this too the Smaller they are the harder they are to Fly but this is the only airplane that I Would say is the exception the best size Of mini warbird because of the
Stabilization the flight stabilization On these is just perfect oh I was going To say a lot of airplanes in this Pro I've flown let's say Let's say it has a larger warbird than This and it costs more and it's Plug and Play now it's only a little bit larger Okay it's just a little bit larger and You have to do a lot more work to get Those in the air and looking good and They don't even have Rudder this has Rudder that is insane to me that this is Cheaper than a slightly larger airplane With no Rudder I love that this one has Rudder input you guys can tell though I Mean I'm just having a blast with this It's flying so good but because we chose Not to put those landing gear on because It looks better flying this way in my Opinion let's do a belly landing in the Grass here behind us Abby it's going to Be a little hard because the wind is Coming in Not quite a favor favorable Direction But we'll just loop around land Toward us and I'll show you guys all These awesome accessories that comes With this airplane Oh come on hey I'm glad that popped off Because I want to show you something That's a terrible Landing actually it Was a great landing that was just if This line of grass was perfect That's not bad
This is what I wanted to show you guys a Couple things actually but let's talk About this I love this feature of these Airplanes you would think oh my gosh my Prop just snapped off that's the end of The world that's the opposite of the Case this actually is supposed to pop Off to save your prop so now we're back In Action spin it up There you go so that's awesome what a Beautiful airplane so durable I love Love the looks of this this might be my Favorite looking mini War Bird of them All honestly and we've got these little Lipos with a little Molex connector and You can buy like five of these for 10 Bucks a lot of times on eBay and other Websites maybe the website where we have This linked a lot of times very cheap The way they do their ailerons are Actual aileron control surfaces but it Does share one Servo then we have an Actual Servo both for the rudder and Elevator with push rods I mean we're Talking full scale well bigger scale Kind of RC planes and I think that's so Cool here's the radio and this thing is Perfect for something like this now what I want to fly my giant planes on this no But for a ready-to-fly setup it does a Great job I have no complaints here's Our flight stabilized mode Intermediate and advanced so if you're In advance and you want to try to do
Rolls on your own and stuff you can do That it is harder to do though I highly Recommend you just leave it in beginner Mode and just enjoy cruising these Things around the throttle on the left And there's your stunt button the only Thing you need to buy for this is four Double a batteries don't use your double A batteries out of your TV controller I Have heard so many people do that and Then wonder why they lose range and Stuff this should last you at least a Year don't do that they're killing it on The extras here you've got your landing Gear you can easily install those if you Want to for ground takeoffs And landings they're great but when They're in the air it just doesn't look At scale we have our extra battery in There here's our USB charger when I plug This in it was fully charged in less Than a half hour but it probably comes With a storage charge on it and then This is my favorite feature it comes With it's two extra props but they're Four blighted props if you were paying Close attention it's got a standard two Bladed prop on the airplane but if you Want to go four blades it's there and You got a spare which I think is awesome So this airplane is an absolute home run In my opinion it's a small world but Check this out so we're up here flying This little airplane and as I said a lot
Of people will actually fly these things For their very first airplane and Wouldn't you know it both of these guys Have one and it was their very first Airplane so uh what's your name uh Jared Thomas Jared and what do you think of Flying this little guy I really really Like it it's very easy to fly and yeah It's really nice then you've learned a Lot on it and you've also flown one yes I have yeah they're very fun to fly you Know very easy to learn too thank you Guys we'll have to make a recommendation In the comments for their second Airplane guys so let them know Absolutely thank you it fly's amazing It's great for the beginner but I know Hundreds of people that fly these uh With hundreds of airplanes they're great For the intermediate pilot or Advanced Pilot as well now a lot of beginners fly These planes which is what I was talking About while flying and I highly Encourage you guys to pick up AMA too Because for the price of that airplane And it might seem like a lot when you're Buying that airplane but anything above That you're going to be like wow this is Really cheap you can have insurance for Your hobby for the entire year for the Price of that airplane and I highly Recommend you get it because you get a Nice Magazine subscription Abby and I Are looking at all these events we can
Go fly out just because we have Ama the Academy model Aeronautics there's a lot Of benefits they have scholarships that Help kids get through school and I mean They they do a lot for the community Other than just the insurance but that's Why I have them I fly with AMA knowing That I'm insured so if you want to learn More we'll have an Linked In the Description box below where we have the Airplane linked and I'm so happy with That if it was a dud I'd tell you guys We've gotten our hands on these little Guys before and sometimes they are just Squirrely and don't fly as good as Others but I felt really good about this One especially flying in as much wind as We did today and even though it was Windy we still got to fly and share this Experience with you guys on this Beautiful day that God has blessed us With and for that I'm grateful if you Want to support family friendly RC Channel we'll have our patreon Linked In The description box below and I want to Say a massive thanks to all of our Patreon supporters because without you Guys we couldn't get out here and do What we do as often as we do it so thank You from the bottom of our hearts Finally if you're into these little War Bird airplanes trust me there's a ton of Them but we've covered all of them and We'll have one of those videos popping
Up right about now thanks for watching We'll see you there Foreign