Applying Decals/Transfers Easily!

everyone this is sample more gaming online I'm going to do a really quick tutorial today just on or a quick tip using microcell and micro set products from micro scale industries on basically using them to apply transfers to your kit so all I've done at the minute is cut out the transfer itself you can apply some gloss paint to the area we're going to put in the transfer however on this model of not done so basically just stuck the micro set where I want the transfer to be put and using some tweezers and just picking up the transfer and then the main thing that is quite tricky actually just cut now and then holding it with the tweezers you can get some better tools that can hold these in place this is just what I've got to use at the moment and I'm just using a brush and putting on the micro set onto the front and the back of the transfer and the reason I put the micro set onto the model is just so it you can drag it across off the transfer paper onto the model where you want it to go and it just comes off a little bit easier it only needs to go on for about five to ten seconds for it to start soaking into the transfer and then you can just move it around gently afterwards and sometimes you will get some parts of models where these transfers are going to be tricky to apply and in particular like space marine shoulder pads they've got a curve and trying to apply a transfer to it can be a bit of a difficult process so just practice in and keep doing it and moving it around the main thing is make sure you've got plenty of micro set on the transfer and the area where you're going to be putting it and it becomes a lot easier to maneuver around the other thing is like I said at the beginning some people use gloss paint and paint that onto the area beforehand that sometimes makes a lot easier I've just not bothered on this because it's a flat area so it's not needed but on shoulder pads any curves any difficult places just paint a very thin layer of gloss paint and let it dry and then I art coat would be fine I'm just using a cotton bud here or a q-tip just to remove the excess micro set and being careful not to move it around move the transfer around once I've got it in the position where I want it to be so same again I'm going to do this on the side so I've put out the transfer I'm picking it up using the tweezers just on one of the areas where the transfer in actually there it's just a bit of paper that I'm picking up putting my Chrisette on the front and the back of the transfer and then just giving it at least you know five to ten seconds for it to finish soaking into the transfer and I've already put it onto the the Armada and I'm just going to drag it across now onto the door and just really really gently doing that if you press too hard you can sometimes break the transfer in two or it will just build a racket you want to try and keep it intact and just move it around very gently that's why I'm using a brush and not another tool and just shift it into this where you want it to be they look really effective they definitely enhance the model that you're working on it's worth using transfers they can be tricky like I said to start with but once you've used these products and you've had a go on a couple of models you'll be using transfers on everything you can and once these have been put down I'll go on to the weathering process so that all of the chips and the nicks and things like that I'm going to be on top of the transfers the final step I'm just going to use microscope this is from micro scale industries as well and I'm going to do multiple layers over the top of the transfer just to make it stick to the surface a lot better if it's on a curved surface it won't have like the creases and things on the transfer it just irons out the transfer onto the area where you've applied it but that's it that's the process very quick and easy to do thank you very much for watching this video and I hope it helps if you like the video like the like below and if you're not already subscribed please subscribe to the channel as always head on over to wargaming and there's even more tutorials and battle reports over there for you to watch but see you again soon [Music]

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