**** in here. Lock the **** in. How much ammo you guys got? Yeah, we need oil on the apple because the cookie has like one box of ammo, bro. I got two. I got two. I guarantee you have to reload your AK right now. Uh huh. Bye, guys. Yeah, like this is Tthree. Uh actually I know. No, ma'am. I do not. Get in, pick. Bro, I, it's not my fault. Get on him. I gotta go to the street. I already, no, I need to clean it and I already got it done. Me and Uncle Dre to help though. Thank you.
Alright. this year. You too. Buh bye. Hold on. Alright. Ping the ping the storage container please. Come on right here. Thank you. Auto driving. You see this, Randy? Right now, it's also driving. Yeah. No way. He said Walla. I thought I was. I actually thought. Can you evade in it? You think? Yeah, I can. So, I gotta see because it's under here, I gotta drive to it. Alright, all GPS. All GPS in the **** airport and then we can go there. Or you could GPS like all getaway plans like to a heli or some **** and just. Yeah, just let it go there. What the **** You don't even need a driver anymore. Wait, can you shoot as well? No, what the **** Somebody C three. I can go on my but I can't shoot. I don't need a Cfour. Yes, let me get the Cfour. We're the dragon out, baby. I go crazy. Are you blowing **** up? Call them.
He didn't answer. Alright, he's not around. **** it. You got some GM1 year? I'll grab some GMO, yeah. Yeah, let me grab some. You should be good. Uh Randy, you want a syringe? I got syringes. Okay. How much subamer you need this? Five bucks is good? Yeah, that's good. Alright, glove box, my brother. I mean, I'm good. I got three armors, seven oxy, eight joints, heroin, two boxes of ammo. Okay, GPS the next location Oh, where's your brother? Your turn. I'm turning. I even put blinkers on. Look. stupid. Come on. Y'all hear us? What? Sick actually. There it is. So, Dustin just skip red lights too? Yeah, yeah.
Oh, it does? I was getting confused here. What's going on? Look at my blinker bro. ain't nobody pull me over, bro. Oh. Just finished the wrong way, bro. You turn it left and right one's on. Yo, child, brother. It's a new technologies though. You still gotta go through some beta testing. Exactly, exactly. So, you 100 miles an hour. are like on a Uh Onado? No, I think he's going to be mad right. No way. This thing speeds up really fast. Yeah. It's like the old taxis back in there. It's how it used to be. Yeah. Yeah, I know. When you call it. Yeah. When you show up and bug out right now. Nah, taxis, taxi. I would want to be in the **** shop. Red light. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. It's learning. Oh. Oh my god. What? What are you doing? What's going on here? No, no, no, please. No, no, no, no, no, no, no I cut off. I know. I don't know. Who's it going to take us through in and out, in and out, in and out.
So, I remember a long time ago, I like had a shootout with Taco in that building behind us. I mean, like on the roof, it's a bunch of rigid. Are you talking about having to shoot out like all the way back here? Back here, yeah, yeah. Ah. What do you guys, what do you guys thinking? How many ways there to get up? You get up on that big sea load that was just in front of us? This one and then there's ladders and the one behind us. Oh this poor man. This is it. Problem is with Dragon Obs is GG, GG. Wait, what do you say Randy? Wait, if they use Dragonovs, it's GG, GG. Somebody, somebody would have to hold this this like right here. I mean, this is good though.
Right-hand peak, **** Exactly. This is easy. This is a easy hold right here. I mean, I would, I would even do this. I don't care. Where, exactly, how we, how would we get **** with Dragon Loans? How how would they **** us? Oh, see. If they hot shop though, they'll land on the other side of this like white **** Honestly, don't they go on a different building. They're the ones on the left here. Yeah, they gland on the other side. Oh, they can just go in the middle of the airport or the middle of the runway. Snipe us. Yeah, but there's the same thing to them, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. By the time they're done setting up, like we're already shooting at em with our dragon arms. It's really, really the only thing is this other rooftop, but even this other rooftop, there's nowhere they can hide. It's just a flat roof side. We have, we have two half cylinders blocking our, blocking our flame. You just jump over this side, right? And it, but the thing is they might like even if they get like a boat or something and they go behind you, they get **** Yeah, that's right.
We have boats and snipers. And we have an inside and we have an inside. I'm done. I just say **** it. Yeah, this is an experiment. when I. What are these **** things experimental? These are all Audi. I think they do actually. No, no, no. The big ones don't. There's no shot. This has a ladder on it. This has a ladder. You fall off, you're dead by the way. Uh where you at right now? On the other side of that is where they are. I think the big van's do suit disappear. It happened to me.
These big big ones with the ladders on them. They do disappear. Yeah. We'll see. Let's see. No, they do. They do. They do. I remember, Randy. Remember the first shootout we had here? Oh, yeah. They, yeah, they do. **** I mean, it depends who looking at you now. I just get up there. What about over there? What about? You gotta jump from the ladder. The parking race? You see straight ahead? That big-ass building? The white one. I'm up top not even bigger one. Bigger one than this one. What about that? I'm down, do that one, can we get up there? Jump early. Jump early. Let's go over there quick. You guys saw the building at the start of the airport? You know, you can run in it and there's a. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. On that one. Let's go. Let's go check. Let's go check this back one and then let's go check that out.
Yeah. I mean, we also, you have the Cfour, right? So, we can have four I have one. I have one. Okay. Okay, I have two left for reserved too so. Everyone deserved. We have a Cfour setup wherever they they push. You can get in, you know, those places where like you board like the plane, the little tube things. Are you sure they can't get up like that? The only way they get up is grappling. 55 holes. Game. I mean, **** it. Y'all want to get terrorism real quick. We can run the oil rig. Uh it's in the decommission one not terrible. No, that's the one that is terrorism. Oh. We get up here. Yeah, right here. Behind you. Behind you. Oh, right here. This one is the other one. The other one. Has a ladder on the side. Oh, this one does have a ladder. Hmm.
Oh, this one's soothing. Goose goose. I also have a **** wing suit. Things go bad. I applied for waters. Yeah, dude. The building lets you gives you that much height. There's two ladders that you can climb up on. I definitely can. I can definitely fly off with this **** You know, we do. We leave a heli there. I actually like this place. No, no, no. There's not like, there's cover. Bro, like, there's nothing really higher than a. What are what are we in the vault? Yeah. Yeah. No, there's cover, bro. We have cover against the **** We have cover. Hey, but I'm I'm not I'm saying like big big cover but there's nothing as big as like tall than us.
We're big tail. No, Randy. It's Mike. Oh, brother. Oh, you're good. Say, say, Say it. Say it. Say it. Yeah. We can be able to our our diagonal to be able to goodbye. Bye bye Whiteleash. You literally can't. You **** muron. Come on. I had really above the wall. Damn bro. Why you headless? Back brother. He's back. Nah I'm the I'm the real. I'm the real. Oh Goose Goose is tender. But he don't even got a couch bro. He don't even got a couch. What is he talking about? I'm down for this rooftop. I like this rofftop yo. Wait we leave a heli up here and then **** just wide open. I'm down. Wait I'm naturally leaving the alley up here, yeah. Proper man's, proper man's, will have to watch these ladders like, fine. Well, here are the there's no way they can hot drop so we're good. Yeah. They they literally. The only problem is, how are we going to shoot people below, right? Like.
Yeah, we can't. Unless you go off. Hold on. If you stand up, we're going to sit here for a while. Yup. So, what are you? One more spot by the way. Okay, let's see it. Let's see it. You saw a guy, you know, above our like, let's just go there real quick. Come down the great building. Hey, I I think we could shoot below us. Just saying. I think we could I think the angle would count. Yeah, I think we got it. I also have a drone and a Cfour so. Bro, whoa, **** It's rap. What was that? Yeah. Oh, we parked. We put hellies in the front of it to show that we're like, it looks like we're getting it in but we don't.
We just mark em. Watch. We, Woodworks driving over here and climbing up the ladders. The helly hot drops on the roof. Hey, Will, 00%. Okay. Hopefully, they do the house. Did you guys hear that? Oh, it's me. It's me. Hey, hey. Come back. Come back. What's that noise? It's your Boys, I'm dead. Look at this guy. Look at this. You see me brother? What the **** Well, how did you do that? It was good. Nice. How the **** did you do that, brother? Wait, there's a boat there. I have no clue. Oh my **** god. Boys, is this too much? If we buy a, if we buy the mini ram. Let's get over. We're going to buy a mini ram. And no, no, not ramp up. We put buy many ramps to put them on the road. Other side, other side.
Right? And like place them up. And put them in the water. No, no, no, no, no. Like use them as like, you know, our look over, our cover, and our look over, like, all over the edge. Oh my god, man. You get an actual act you actually They going to pull up and see all the Rams. Oh, that's actually smart as **** Can we just come here? Yeah, yeah. Oh my god.
You're actually dead. Pop-up shop. Yo. I'm actually down. Let's see. Alright. I'm not reserved before we do that. Let's go to the spot. We, you know, else we buy, we buy the, you know, the the bees things, the honey, the hives, get some hives on there, get some tents down there. Put a whole fortress. Here it is that one. how long do I run fast? Maybe put a couple of hours. Oh, we're good, Dylan. You just, I mean, bro, keep them in your pockets too like.
It's autopilot, you know what I'm saying? There's autopilot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Autopilot, bro. Oh my god. Turn it off. Let me turn it off. Yeah, turn it off. She float. She float. Oh, she, yeah, she's, oh. Where's she? Straight behind us. Wait, **** He didn't even know she was **** Get in, get in. No. Dude, I actually **** with that idea. Bro, that's **** five head, right? Get some beehives, get some tents, we're chilling. I'm down. We literally are cranking 90s on a rooftop. You know what we do as well? We bring the little.
Oh. You know the box you get from the the vault. Bring that brother. Bring that. That's a little peat over as well. You can have this bark on **** stand on that **** bro. Perfect. I see that's perfect because you don't need to jump on Yeah, yeah. Keep it but I keep it. Mm hmm. Dude, I I always hit the box. The box always degrades after a one tsunami. Yeah, but we'll be, they'll be straight from the shootout. It'll be there. Yeah, it'll be there, yeah. That's what he wanted to do with the mark. Oh, that's PD. Uh, but How the fuck's like sixty grand on me? It's like the warehouse behind me. We got **** hands up, man. You give me like thirty K? 30? Yes, man. You got 60K. Oh, this is from the Metron. Uh what? No, bro. I'll give you 30 K. Um. I'm actually, I'm actually broke as **** No, you're not. Bro, I, look at my bank account, my bank account. 1. 5 million. I've got $600twenty-four000. Um. Yeah, you don't, do you have more money in the businesses? No.
Which one you got your business? Like 3 million each Really? Yeah, same here. GG brother. Tesla was a wide-body GTR and a Ntwo Million. I'm putting on autopilot. Yeah, he make it. He, he may getting his money worth. Get my money. Get my money worth, bro. We go. So, where's this location? It's like, it's a right. Oh, this one? The warehouse. Yeah, it's like the big one. Oh. I've never done Oh, no. I drive back in the, back in the day, they used to try to **** all that. We should do this for the time, but Ramos. Oh, I ran, I ran, yeah, no. I I ran through this. a couple days ago, actually. An old tuner. Kay didn't like you. Uh I don't know.
Oh, because they can go on the mountains and DMRs, bro. That's why. Okay, **** it. We do what we do. We We We That's right at the airport. **** it. I like it. I kind of like the airport a lot. Yeah. Go get the ramp. Go get the ramps. Yo, I'm down. I'm marking for you. Let's put the rims down like one raptor not. We have two out. Yeah. Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's set up our **** rack. How do we get to that? Do we just drive to the ladders in time up? Just drive and climb. Yeah. Alright. We put, we, we, we, we put the helicopters up there as bait as to show that they, so they think that we're hopping in alleys and all they see is a bunch of ramps just going down, bro. Yup. Wait, are we going to ramp on this, like, this stay here? Or, or the opposite side? No, we're not even ramping. Like, we're not even. No, like a ramp putting the putting them down where the ladders are or putting them down on the opposite side.
You put them wherever you have them like. You have them. Yeah, you you You have them, you have them ramp up out of the building. Out, out on the out, on the outer perimeter. So, we go over and then. Yo, Karina, what's up? Hey. I was on the phone with Raymond Romanov. He said you hired him. No, I didn't. So, he said, I talked to Randy and Randy gave me permission and then I went to someone else. I can't remember who and they hired me. Right? That's what I asked him. I said, who and he wouldn't tell me because he said he's on a date with someone named Juno. He he asked me, do I mind if you go hide? You know, so I said, no, I don't mind. Like, it doesn't bother me. Like, yeah, you can get a hide if you want. I am. I didn't hire him. I was just like, if you hired, I don't really give a **** kind of thing.
Yeah, I was just trying to get to the bottom. Who actually like it? If you, that, that's the problem that I'm having. The logs are extremely unreliable and they will not tell me like who hired him. If I, if I look it up, like, if I put in his name, like it, it doesn't tell me anything. Randy, I might die Wait, what? Why? I I went up the ladder and I shot really far away with the air. Okay, no. I'm fine. Just a trick. I climbed a ladder and I went flying in the air. I thought I was going to die.
Anyways, I can keep him hired as an influencer for. Help me. Like, if you want? You need help? Are you talking to someone else? Uh someone else. I'm like stuck in a wall. Get this. Hold your Email. Uh but yeah, I mean if you want, I can keep them hired as an influencer or if you don't want, I can just remove em. It's up to you. It's really up to you and LJ. I don't mind. I don't really give a **** Alright. I'm back to L see what he wants to do because I don't know if he hired the amount of influencers that he wanted because I let him run that program.
Yeah, I'll scale Jay. Whatever he wants to do, I'm down with. Yeah. Alright. Oh, perfect. Thank you. Alright. Good luck with your stuckness. Goodbye. Bye. Hey, what'd you say? What's the, what's the question? You need a citrine or you're good? Uh oh, I think it's citrine. Oh, how many do you have? I have two. You have one now? I already have one on. I already have one on. Oh, I see that. What do you need another one? On an arm, I'm good with it Grab, grab, I would do media, media. Hold this. Somebody hold this. Large goes up. It really high in the sky though, right? Like it shoots up? Yeah, yeah. Lars goes high. What if we put some Sanchez up there? Wanna get some Sanchez's up there? I mean, bro, I think wing suits, you could fly off there. I think if you jump, I I don't, maybe, I think so. Imma try it.
If I die, then. **** it, brother. **** it. That was baby, right? Yeah. I bought child. Let's see. Okay. Put it down. Put the teenager. Oh, that for use but Oh, oh. I don't see it. I don't I don't even see it. Oh. Oh, there. Wait, this is good. This is a lot better. This is way better. I like this. Oh, this is. Yo, yo, look. Loki. Low key. Let me see if I can shoot y'all through this. No? Yeah, try it. Oh my. Hey, go ahead. Try, try, quick, quick. So, you can pick it up. Quick, hurry up, **** I can, I can pick up. Did he get hit? Nobody getting hit. Oh, we're big killing. Okay. Did I hit anybody? Pick it up. No, no, no, pick it up. We're good. Grab or remove. Grab or remove. Grab. Grab. Grab. Grab. Grab. Wait Okay. We're chilling boys. Alright, we buy the other one then, right? Yeah, yeah. If somebody wants to use the baby one, use it. Not bad. Yeah, I can use the baby one. I can take the baby.
11 pounds. Just put it in the glove box. Um I might give the baby one to Becky's broke. Alright, this ain't even the right door. How the **** is it? They're twenty-five K, right? How you punk? Uh which one do you guys want? Where's the dog? Child. I think those ones are sold out or am I blind? 22 K. What, baby? Baby, it's twenty-five K. How about that? Alright, I just bought a baby. Oh, he's dead in trouble. Hold up. Make cop. What's up, brother? Listen, listen, listen. I'm going to need, I'm going to need y'all to pull it the **** **** man, okay? Shout out. Shut up. Shut up. Hey, listen. Hey, we're about to do something. You want to give us a little bit? Grab that in the gut box. Okay, then, here's your options. You can get smoked now or you can have something fun in like 10 minutes. You pick, brother. You want to get smoked? Or you want to. Have some, okay. Oh, he's going to drop. Hit him with a AK on your back. We all have they can see him through the Put autopilot on.
Oh, we're losing an autopilot, bro. Trying to get away in autopilot. Estren. I'll lose this **** auto. We're He's going to lose me on autopilot. I ain't trying to **** go to jail but lose him lose him. Alright. I wait for the highway. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Alright, so much. Goodbye, Tesla. Go, go, go. Excel. Oh my god. Good answer. Go highway for the highway. Come on, boys. Chill. Chill. Chill. Relax, guys. Come on. Passage is so **** Nice. This shit's **** **** bro. Damn. This right **** up a little bit, but goodbye. Hi, this is very good cars. Average, I think. It's mid. It's actually mid. It's very med. Better.
that was him? Oh, he's on me. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, he sat down. He's so far behind. I don't know. Dan had it like that. Okay. I **** turn bro. Nah, you straight. I mean, you know what? I got like Underwood, Maneo Suarez. Undo it comes with it. You better slow down, alright? Lord, I'm I'm rest. I'm I'm getting my handy. Put my hands on now. Oh my gosh. You can literally, I was about to say. Did you see me? No, no, no. No, you did. I think. I'll go the other way. I'll go the other way like busted you. I don't even see him no more. No eyes? No eyes? no eyes, no eyes, no eyes, no eyes, still no eyes, still eyes. No idea. You're good. Yeah, you're gone. You're gone. You're gone. It's cloudy. He lost him in autopilot. Damn. I got you. Wait, Vinny, autopilot? No, this thing doesn't **** turn, bro.
It's so hard to break too. We go to H and O fix this up and then let's get this job going. You guys all bought ramps, right? Nope. Yes. Nope. Yeah. Yeah, I got a baby one. To be honest with you, somebody. **** it. Somebody should get started on the power plant. Like I said, I can I can bust it out so. You want to bust out menu goosters real quick? Yeah, yeah, me and just take us by the gas station. I'll take Rando up there. No way. They found us. No way. Not even the same car. Oh, no. Somebody else. They go to all this **** GG but Watch Wait, wait, smoke. Yeah. Alright. What are you doing now, brother? I think we say **** the vault, man. We just go do it. I have all this in a chunk. You guys want em? we wipe them, we'll go to the talk to me. I have everything on me. Oh, we do it. Because we're going to smoke, it's going to crash in with hug. I mean, we good boys. It's already smoking.
Salute. Call the police. I Pull this. Pull them to the airport **** Take the vault. We we told that **** then. Oh it's only him. No he he's fine. He's fine. Oh you're good. We're good. We're good. He's fine. You're good. You're good. He did. I think. No. We saw that. He's getting ready. So he can just gun it. Oh, obviously. I don't want to crash this thing, brother. You didn't see, he didn't see you. Go left, go left, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. We're good, we're good, Buddha, good, we gotta hide, we gotta go copy and like swap cars. Yeah, let's go puppy, chill. Hit this vault. Me and Goose goose will hit the power plant. You guys get ready for the Anybody have an advance for Perkin on them or no? Not regular? No, I used it already. Carmela blew this **** **** up. What is this in the Yelp tweet right now? Mommy is doing odd behavior with the ops.
Who's Anna Lana? Girl. I **** pocket wiped her earlier for AK. No way. Bro, she tried shooting me so I killed her. Why? She's in, she, she, she hates me. Sorry and I hate her. Just trying to kill me, bro. Come on, boy. Elon Musk is in the house. I need I'm going to go to H and O. to the next one? It is, right? Yeah. Alright, H and O then. Everything we need for the vault, right? Yeah, it's in the trunk of the car. If you guys want to grab the jamming device and **** Damn, this button Randy. Yeah, I can easily do that here. Randy, you have a ramp as well? I didn't buy one. No. We didn't have time. What the hell? I have a little one. I have a baby one. You have three or four totals. So, is that enough? How about one more? Should be, right? And he should buy one for himself and we should be good.
I ain't going to buy one quick. You want to go, Goose? Oh, we need a car. Yeah, we need to swing by the gas. Oh, no, no, no. I parked at the at the cubby. I parked across the street from the cubby. Your car down here that you guys were over? No. No, I don't think so. Uh, no.
No, I don't got one. I didn't even need to park **** down here. Coffee? Yeah, let me get some coffee. From the ground He **** lash. Thank you so much. Randy, you need oxy or no? Uh I got five should be eight. Okay, perfect. Bro, I'm surprised noone has started this **** ram **** before. This is **** going to be There's no real pace so you can actually put ramps down like that, you know? Yeah. No, massage is actually a really good spot, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, So, like, whenever you put the rim down, like, is it pretty easy? Yeah, just put it down. Okay. I'll just drop you guys off up there at the power point and just lock pick one of the cop carts or some **** Uh.
**** No, no, no, man. These **** cops respond to that **** apparently. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, true, true, true. Okay, where's your car arrow? Every time Hydro does it, bro, the cops come. I don't know how. Hobby, right? Hurry up. Uh, okay. Yeah, last time. Yeah, mine's in the corner. Last time they they came and. I cheated the Bugatti. I got the Buga will say less but I think. Gas station, you work with fire. We're fine. Just pulling right here.
To the right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right. Oh, he's got a head. You want my mates? Oh, just go quick. Go just go quick. Just go quick. We're good. Go, yeah, just go cubby. **** **** I'm going to grab the Bugatti, bro. Okay, yes, yes. I think I didn't see us. No, it was above us. It was above us, yeah. GG's, GG. Are we good? So what's the getaway car? Uh we're not even going to hold it a good car, alright? You do a bison, it don't matter, no? Oh yeah, yeah. When I'm coming after that, Hey, yo. We can spot you. We can use your minivan. Yeah, let's use the Odyssey. Yeah, like I said, someone might take that **** **** like fifteen K. Use this, use this. Okay. What? We're going to wipe him anyway, bro.
What? What's the problem? We're going to smoke it anyway. And we just me, bro. I'm not trying to get a warrant for 20 cops murders. Oh, you **** spicy, bro. What the **** For real. Alright, say less. This will give us so much distance in the airport. We need. Exactly. True actually. As long as like Randy is driving or something. Yeah, Randy. We're not out of she was going to be getting rammed **** at the airport. Where the? You think they're going to shoot us mid **** night while we're coming up the ladder? Someone here is getting gunned down on the ladder.
Someone here is. Someone else. Someone. Somebody's getting hazed. Somebody's getting tased. 00%. Breakout Listen, if somebody gets **** we gotta smoke the cop right now. Nah, bro. The weed drop off spot. No, he, oh, yeah, he does. Who got you, bro? Bugatti. Actually, you take it out. So, you have keys to it. Oh, true. He just gave me keys, no? Hop out. Bro, this shit's coming. Next up trunk. I don't know. We too too. That's right. Everything that we need is in the trunk. We have two, brother. Yo, brother. Yeah, I have the rest. It's on one of one guy, okay. Alright. Alright, dude.
Oh yeah, goosebuse, grab it. Yeah, I have a red. So, this is Oxy though. Who's Oxy this right here? Yeah, you can take that. You can take it. You don't need me? Uh, I mean me, Goose, we can go bang it out real quick if you want. Well, if you want to come, come. Uh I mean, we could speed run it if I come, right? But you can do it as well. It's quick. I mean, it's just smoke the guards.
We all cut it bro. What would you like to get hostages as well. So, it don't matter. We need we have like three electronic yet so what? Uh how many? This much? How many How many ones? Somebody, can somebody hold that armor for me? How many electronic kits you got? One. I It's me and Gucci were. Yeah, yeah. You do one shot, right? Grab the jamming device. Yeah. Yeah. Alright, **** I don't. know Alright, does anyone have the pistol then? Like a really **** pistol? Yeah, I have one in my house. Let me go get one. It's a browning. You mean my house? I have a browning on me right now. Oh, I should give it to her. Just use the techie. Give him the brownie. No, no, just give him the brownie. I just want to shoot the locals with it. I hope like, I don't want to use my AKs.
Thank you so much. Do you need bullets? Do we need more Wi-Fi ammo, guys? Uh I have five. Yeah, I have four. I have none on me but I got a hundred. Yeah, I do need one extra. I need a refill. Okay, let's go to just give to you. Yeah, I guess you guys. I'll get you guys. Go, bro. grab some ammo and then we'll go Rando, let's do it. Alright, good ship. Let's **** you guys need a hostage up there? No, right? The cops won't respond? No Huh? See, do let us know. We'll come up with one. Yeah, the cops will will go there but murder that. You know what I mean? How they know when to look? You know what I mean? How do you know like we're doing it? I, that's, that's what I'm curious about because what the **** is the damning device doing then? That's true.
We say **** played. How the **** they know? Like, this time we should go check it. I remember before and I think how it should be Cuz if you mess up one, then you're going to get alerted. But. I was before. Yeah, but. I I never messed up any. That's where they come in. Yeah, exactly. maybe they just, I don't know, I I couldn't even guess. Damn this car hot. Yeah, his car is pretty nice. Oh, damn. I need your closings real quick. I I. There's no clothing tools made of mine. Yeah, Demir Parkland. Is it closing so that? Let's see it. Good, there isn't, is there? Idiots, man. My mind it is, my mind is still back in the whole **** day.
Ain't no clothing store right there. of casino It's Cops Duchar. What the **** do we do? I'm going to get like gunned down. Cuz remember before it was like on site. On site? You were just getting shot at. Nothing, bro. Remember, remember that like the guns they used to have, they used to have like Star Wars laser beam like. Yeah. Racist? Yeah. So **** crazy.
Assault rifles. It's true. So **** insane. Yo. Y'all come in a **** gorilla suit? Yeah, I do the gorilla suit. Nah, **** I'm getting headshotted. You be straight. The hit box is GG.