ryder this snowboarding is awesome did you say you could use a paw i've got four well i need to clear away some of the snow to get jake out hang on a second wait rubble you could get trapped under there rubble rubble jake you haven't seen a little pup in there have you you mean this awesome snow digging dude here okay okay okay i'm happy to see you too that tickles he got you out great job rubble yeah thanks bud you rock oh so is this digging dog the newest member of the paw patrol pups i have a very big announcement oh what is it what did i do i found rubble a home where he'll have food friends a nice place to sleep and a really important job that's great news rubble but we're gonna miss you yeah you're a cool little guy you don't need to miss him because rubble's new home is here he's the newest member of the paw patrol [Applause] really really really [Music] since you love to dig so much you can be our construction pup yes as long as you don't mind having your own pup house and stuff sure i'll help you guys out cause it looks like you need me rubble as a paw patrol pup do you promise to do your best to lend a paw whenever help is needed i do okay here's your official paw patrol pup tag whoa cool and your very own authentic construction hard hat you are now a member of the paw patrol welcome aboard i know i came outside to give my beaver buddy here a midnight snack and then this is a pretty big job uncle otis but the ultimate construction crew is here to get it done first let's clear the sight of rubble not me i mean all of this marshall use the mini steamroller to flatten the ground this pups on the level wow zuma use the mini drill to make post holes let's dive in [Music] use your winch to help flip the walls chase so put them in place rough winch [Music] [Music] use your tool arm to hammer everything together hammer [Music] great job construction crew i'll say now that some quality cabin building i just wish we knew what wrecked it in the first place rubble sweetie's trapped in the castle i need you to use your mini miner to break down the door and rescue her inside the castle with that scary ghost now rubble i know you were scared but we really need you and that ghost won't stop me i was scared ryder but if the paw patrol really needs me i'm going to try to be a brave pup rubble on the double [Music] no such thing as ghosts no such thing as ghosts somebody stole these ghost nights well maybe there are but i've got to do this anyway and you're not ghosts here comes you saved me i did hey i did rubble are you okay [ __ ] ryder i beat those ghosts you sure did rubble and i'm proud of you only they weren't really ghosts they were remote controlled by sweetie just kidding around how can i be angry at a puppy as cute as you but you're still going to your doghouse my friend rubble and i made that barrier extra strong spider king you'll never break through maybe he didn't hear you right rocky and rubble give that spider a dose of his own sticky medicine deploying wet balls apollo your turn enjoy your trip he won't give up we need something stickier [Music] rubble i know you're afraid of spiders and the spider king is the biggest one yet but can you get near enough to him to move that rock off the target [Music] it's only a spider and after all i'm super evil don't be scared it's just a giant spider king over here spider cake pups let's get out of here spider king won't get through that folder anytime soon awesome job today you were all super pups thank you paw patrol especially you rubble for facing your fear of spiders to save the day your own super way shucks whenever you're in trouble just yelp for help i will that gives me an idea rubble i need you and your electromagnet to stop a runaway mirror rubble on the double we'll meet you at the top of the mountain come on chase no problem this is gonna be close [Music] [Applause] open your eyes mare i gotcha huh oh get me out of these things [Music] are you okay mirah humdinger yes thanks for saving me from those horrible auto pants no problem whenever your pants are out of control just yelp for help ah ryder there is one more thing can i get a lift back to the race [Music] thanks rocky can you help rubble anything for my piggy pals claw [Music] chase use your drone to follow those tracks great idea right drone run launch [Music] the drone found something something with a big butt in that tail let's go it's chompy his tail must have made those big prints he's making his damn bigger and i see why oh chompy started a family that explains the missing twigs looking good chompy [Music] thanks pups this brick house looks positively bite proof great work everybody and just in time it's starting to get windy hmm wolves don't usually stop mid howl strange like somebody cut it off or knocked it off when the buckets is here on an angle and the wind blows it makes a howling sound cool just like when we blow in bottles looks like we found your wolf what a relief thanks for everything ryder whenever you have a problem just oink for help these little guys need to try their new home come on piggies [Applause] you're such good pups is that your home planet it looks like a huge marble whoa you're right sure looks fun to drive [Music] you want me to try to fly it um like this whoa this is [Music] [Music] oh no [Applause] try landing on this it's softer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he looks like he's stuck i'd better land but okay i've got this i've got this i don't got this ah i'm stuck what do i do what do i do well yeah i just yell for help [Music] rubble where are you we've looked everywhere i'm kind of far away like 400 000 light years away sorry rubble the signal's too weak what did you say i'm stranded on an alien planet he's got a stuck you're not rubble that's not rubble it's an alien rubble rubble has a double whoa rubble's got a double dude um guys i hope you can hear me because i need your help looks like rubble's still down there we need to rescue him fast skye fly down and steady that saucer this space puppy's gotta fly rocky chase and zuma i need you to help get rubble out of the saucer on it [Music] am i glad to see you and i'm glad to see the real you rocky chase zuma you're all here and ready to help hop on dude [Music] all right thanks pups [Music] [Music] rubble doubles in trouble [Music] hold on space buddy we gotta get you out of that go [Music] you're welcome space buddy whenever you need a space rescue just for help [Music] alien pup snacks [Music] it's about time kittens back to work oh thank you for hurrying ryder we've got this rubble build that ramp got it gotta save the widow kitty okay skye you know what to do you got it ryder [Music] [Music] you good excellent back to work that's a lot of stone carved out of that frog face maybe you should stop mayor hum dinger stop we're almost finished rubble's right hammer off the wrong stone and the whole thing could come crashing down like a bone stacker game that hill isn't stable ridiculous rock ridiculous even when this statue is done people will be able to see me um uh it uh for miles and miles miles and miles we're going to see that face from everywhere in adventure bay i know and people from everywhere will come to foggy bottom home of the great humdinger kittens get to it we're stopping we're finished oh it's amazing it's magnificent it's me wait a minute why are my statue ears pointed like kitten ears never mind i'll finish it myself never ask a kitten to do a mayor's job i've got a bad feeling about this me too i'm calling for backup marshall chase zuma rocky we need your help [Applause] big hairy stall i wonder why it's in here hmm i don't know i think the turbines are on the other side of this wall but how do we get through it should i jackhammer it open better not this is a very ancient temple let's try not to damage it wait this part of the wall looks like a door i can use my shell to pry it open shovel [Music] yeah hold on we're almost there yes we are saved oh the noise is waking him up [Music] [Applause] sleepy hairy time to dream [Music] so happy to see you that's the scary sound big hairy more like big noisy he fell into the roof then he was smashing things all over let's get you out before he wakes up we don't want to startle him oh crispy crab cakes close call [Music] uh no time for that now captain turbot everybody clear out you don't have to tell me twice [Music] pine trees oh no one thing about pines they sure are [Music] and if things aren't bad enough my bath water's getting cold [Music] ryder come in ryder rubble are you okay not exactly whoa my tub floated away and now i'm stuck up in a tree but the branches are breaking and i need help we're on our way zuma i need you and your buoy waiting in the water in case the tub falls sky i need you and your copter to lower me on your cable so i can lift rubble out of the tub wow you guys want to see an old rusty bucket uh yeah a little lower sky hang tight rubble i'm trying good thing no one was in that thanks ryder rubble's flight went kind of roughly he needs something warm and fluffy thanks jeremy the genie gosh everyone thanks so much it's okay whenever you're in trouble just wish for help speaking of wishes what's your last one gonna be rubble my friends are so great i really wish i could do something nice for all of them done good pups deserve lots of goodies reward these pups with tons of treats [Applause] yay rubble wake up time to go home farmer al said you were a big help i'll say you good pups deserve some good treats no thanks i ate a bunch from the sky are you all right burns give me weird dreams they make you messy too no way am i taking a bath nope he sounds like me are you okay better now that the paw patrol's here i didn't realize mars had such strong gravity mars uh travis we're not on mars [Music] great work pups is everyone out oh no it sounds like my little friend she must still be inside i'll get her out don't worry i'm here to help i can't fit oh but you might grapple [Music] come on that's incredible mars suddenly changed color it's not red anymore travis doesn't know he's in antarctica he thinks he's on another planet oh travis you should know that there's air on mars today's been chock full of fascinating discoveries but nothing like discovering my trusty balloon is flying again good as new thanks rocky now i just need my space map to get back to earth sorry travis but i had to use your map to patch the hole no worries i'll just rely on my keen explorer instincts to find my way wherever i go that's where i am thanks for everything paw patrol you're welcome whenever you're stuck on another planet just yep yummy wait a berry smoothie sounds awesome can i have some can i just have one sip please it's working wait [Music] she did it skye i hope she's okay [Music] excuse me that was delicious and pups thanks for playing with me that's okay giant alex the next time you're thirsty just ask for a smoothie and we'll bring you one to go thanks paw patrol great job pups giant alex is back where he belongs [Applause] huh oh sorry rubble i was just finishing up watering where's giant alex he's right there i'm giant alex and here i come but he was a real giant ryder ryder there was a giant beanstalk and alex was a super huge giant interprets boat was flying around and you were there and you were there and oh i guess it was just a dream no more cheese kibble before nap time for you rubble glad everything's regular-sized now don't worry rubble if you ever have another giant dream just snore for help [Music] heading right for the barn everyone get out of the way fast farm animals too but we've got newborn baby piggies oh baby piggy wiggies and they can't be moved if we can't move the little guys we'll have to build something to save the bar but ryder i'm all out of girders i can't make another detour farmer al is there anything in that old shed that we can reuse nothing in fact i was planning to tear that rickety shack down [Music] that sounds like mayor hunting her and his kitties i've got it the sheds roof would make a perfect rim we just have to get rid of the shed under it let's do it everybody stand back it's time for an ultimate wrecking ball demolition [Music] rubble here it comes here it goes [Music] kitties we finally stopped moving we're [Applause] the free is saved let's get it back into place so we can see the comet [Music] ryder the thomas about to arrive any second soon you'll be a pretty itty witty bitty kitty yes you will kitty no stop come back itty bitty witty [Applause] [Music] ryder there's a little girl here looking for a lost kitty name precious look [Music] kitty my board we just saw precious skateboard bye precious that witty itty bitty kitty took my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah still got it we're not we have to find the kitten her owner is on the way time for your super sniffer chase i need something with her scent on it i have her ribbon but be careful with it um she went that [ __ ] way [Music] she's close precious was definitely on the skateboard good sniffing chase thanks there [Music] she's barely holding on we have to help her marshall i need you and your fire truck as quick as you can i'm fired up oh you can ask your parents to subscribe to the nick jr youtube channel for new videos every day and find more of your favorite shows on tv on nickelodeon and the nick jr channel
Best of Rubble 🐶 PAW Patrol! | 30 Minute Compilation | Nick Jr.