Brand New!!! E-Flite Eratix 3D FF (Flat Foamy) 860mm RC Plane

Check out the E-Flite Eratix here:
This is our maiden flight of the brand new E-Flite Eratix 3D FF (Flat Foamy) 860mm RC plane. This is such a cool looking plane and Nate is actually nervous to maiden it! Wish him luck in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out the E-Flite Eratix here:

The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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There we go roll into a hover Yes Really cool plane Abby is the doggy down There wanting to chase a little bit of Course she's so quiet This is so cool Oh sorry Isn't that cool that's so cool Okay we'll show you [Music] That's awesome [Laughter] Ah I like it We're here today with the brand new Erotics this is a as you can see flat 3D Flyer is pretty exciting to see a Company like e-flight coming out with Something like this I don't think any of Us saw this coming so I'm very excited To fly it today and certainly no 3D Pilot but I do love flying things like This sporty and just a little bit of 3D And I know a lot of people watching are Going to want to know is it beginner Friendly and so we're going to put it in Safe today and see if you could fly it Around in beginner mode now a lot of People will think I might be a little Bit crazy to even suggest that because Of the way this plane looks but you Would be amazed how many people will buy Something like this I can think of 10 Off the top of my head just friends that I fly with that'll buy something like

This or this exact thing Lane keep it in Safe and fly it around and maybe Occasionally throw it out a safe and do Some fun Maneuvers so we're really going To put both flying modes to the test in Today's video I am very excited so let's Power this on and see what it can do was She in the shot oh yeah This is Mama at least we're calling her Mama Look at the Moon today We've got a very light Breeze very light [Music] Foreign S look just a little bit off so I want To do a quick little test this is a true Maiden here on our channel so let's go Okay that's fine that's really good Actually so I was worried I got him Centered up we're going to be doing a Lot of Rudder flying today and this is In safe you guys so this is a true Maiden it just looks like it's doing a Harrier oh well we're gonna definitely Do some more more hairier type Maneuvers Today but while I have it in safe I want To remind you guys that this is linked In the description box below and just Because she loves the safe and the dog Is having some fun look at those Beautiful clouds back there uh remember Guys we have a little one on the way so If you would so be inclined if you do Decide to pick this up or you need

Anything for the hobby right now click That link and that way we get just a Little bit of credit and it'll help us With the little one on the way I love Seeing you fly this thank you well this It does need a little trimming but I'm In safe so to answer the question If a Person wanted to fly this as a as a Beginner pilot I'm not saying as your Very first airplane you could this is Taking very little effort uh it's Turning to the left on its own just a Hair with Rudder so we could use a Little right Rudder trimming and that's Okay we're not going to fly in safe too Much longer because this is the erratics Not the calm addicts I don't know It flies well here's like a medium Throttle pass You know you can fly it kind of sporty You definitely can fly it train your Esque if you want it's a good airplane To practice Rudder inputs on but what I Want to do is fly up turn safe off Make sure there's no weird Tendencies And here we go we'll have some fun with This so I am flying on an 850 I think Maybe 800 milliamp battery so it gets Slightly longer flight times and if I Fly around at this level of throttle we Should be able to get really long flight Times uh what I'm hoping to do is more Of this so putting that nose up and tail Down and I've got a little bit of wind

But not much In a perfect world we'd be uh flying With no wind and I think here in just a Minute we're gonna have to land for a Full-scale guy but that's okay we have Time they radioed in they're about 10 Minutes out look at this Moon back here Abby we can kind of hover around the Clouds and the Moon This is awesome I've I am not a 3D pilot But with something like this I can Improve my uh kind of intermediate Skills maybe to become a bit more of a 3D pilot I've always wanted to have Something like this that didn't require Being completely built from scratch it Is a bind and fly setup and what is it 200 bucks I think that's what they're Pricing this at kind of amazing Now not only you know can we Harry Around but we should be able to hover Like this And hovering something like this is much Easier than hovering a larger airplane The wind did just pick up so it's making It a bit more challenging check out this Roll rate though Isn't that insane caught me off guard It's so good Rudder over The control surfaces on this plane are Just absolutely awesome the control Surfaces are bigger than the uh the Flight surface itself like the aileron

Is bigger than the wing Let's see if we can get it in low and Bring it in for a nice smooth Landing We'll let this wind die down and let the Full scale guy come in I'll take that Yeah I don't know if I've ever done that in My life before Oh I had to see but That's what's nice about this that 3s Power I panicked there just a little bit And I just punched right out of it that Was really awesome There we go roll into a hover Ah yes oh that was fun somewhat Intentional didn't think it'd look that Good though This is just a true Maiden What a beautiful evening to be flying on Let's see a little bit Rudder back and Forth [Music] There's all kinds of stuff that we can Do with this Of course we can pull off a loop Just fine And we'll bring it down with the rudder Nice and little minimal inputs you know The one thing I didn't do on this I Forgot I'm just now remembering that I Forgot what uh Expo it calls for 30 Expo On all the control surfaces and right Now I have zero well now you'll have Something to do for the second flight That's right yeah and trust me there

Will be as long as I don't snap it today And I want to fly those Super fun uh this looks intimidating the Stuff that I'm doing but just pointing That nose up and You made it look easy and safe here we Go well it is easy and safe it really is So let's show you guys the beauty of Safe let's just go upside down here for A second Safe one and it just flips it right back Over puts it into level flight and trust Me it flies just like anything else You've ever flown in safe before Uh right now I'm cruising it looks like About 30 throttle and just pushing the Plane around very easy to do now can I Hover in safe or anything like that With the wind helping a little bit but It doesn't want to do that so we turn Safe off By the way full-scale guy who just flew By he never landed so Abby's got her Head on a sweatwood fly out of frame Sorry I can hammer head over really Nicely And does it snap let's find now let's Get over here I think it's gonna float not snap Oh no no I was wrong zero throttle at The time wow you didn't even climb on That either Really cool playing Abby is the doggy Down there wanting to chase a little bit

Of course she's so quiet This is so cool and even in a little bit Of wind it's actually fun because you Can kind of kite it that makes it more Challenging to hover for me with this Wind but you know what Maiden flight had To get out today knowing some bad Weather is coming wanted to see how this Actually flew and it's flying really Well now it went together very well this Thing pieced together Um I don't know I allowed myself like 30 Minutes but it probably went together in Like 15 or 20. it's uh cut some of it Snaps together some of it's held on with Screws but it was all very quick and Easy no glue everything with this is Just super Snappy Abby you can kind of Do that square loop again okay with the Wind it's a bit challenging I'm so well sorry Isn't that cool that's so cool Sounds cool that's why you liked it here We'll show you guys [Music] That's awesome that's a funny laugh It's all about this is like flat spin And stuff really well yeah I'm just not My brain doesn't have that whole 3D Pilot routine you know right I want it to but I don't have that Mindset and then you're like an eight Minute flight time so you know I have Telemetry too Abby okay so this plane

Has all the technology packed into it That wind just keeps pushing me around That's that was that was a wind push Right there Um Like the dog is just out there watching Me fly and it's just head on a swivel I Think we should take her home Popeye Chasing the planes oh but she's way Quieter yeah I was like really into it Like crazy The erotics man this thing is awesome Awesome awesome awesome and you know What's nice about a plane like this A battery It's a 3s now it recommends a 600 Milliamp battery but again I'm flying on A slightly larger one and although this Is smart battery They're pretty cheap compared to like my Big 6s planes so well I'm out here Having a blast doing things that I love Trying to improve my skills on for a Plane that's under 200 bucks and I can't Remember if that's the bind and fly The Binding fly might be like 230 Plug and Play 200 but I still love the price Point of this For how awesome it is the electronics of Course it's brushless 3s power now There's my first sign of a low battery And that was a Full Throttle punch out Of the hover so What a crazy flight time on this battery

And this is a used battery I've flown Other planes on this battery many times I actually need to pick up more of these Batteries kind of because of this Airplane Ah I like it That was without the recommended 30 Expo Which could definitely clean up my Flying and make it look a little Smoother and if you're wondering I Thought this was kind of neat the wing Struts on the bottom of the plane are Totally optional if you're like an Inside flyer and you don't plan on kind Of jerking the stick around as hard and Making it do more extreme maneuvers you Can take the wing struts off and fly Without them but if you want to try more Exaggerated maneuvers you fly with the Wing struts on it probably could allow For more delicate beautiful flying in an Indoor environment so if you're lucky Enough to fly in a stadium or something That would be really cool uh the wheels Aren't fairly small and you know plastic And that's on the ground for like Two seconds out of the entire from start To finish flying so I wouldn't worry too Much about those landing gear but they Look good and it's carbon fiber and it Should hold up really well I love the Technology that you're getting with this And I think that's what makes it stand Out from any other flat bird in this

Category also Uh there's another one that pops to mind That should come to the channel fairly Soon that you guys will want to check Out it's very cool but in comparison to This it actually costs more and there's A couple reasons why you'll see it Eventually and it's a lot smaller so Bear that in mind when you do see it This is actually a very good sized plane Uh for a flat plane like that the Material is great too it is this phone If you've ever done anything with like Adam's board it kind of feels like Adam's board but it's coated with more Of like a thick plastic rather than just Cardboard kind of feeling so it's foam But with very like thick plastic walls It feels really good and robust also the Motor mount is uh plastic it's got a Metal bracket here that goes onto the Plastic motor mount and then carbon Fiber struts throughout anywhere that You see these black lines are Enforcements for the wing itself so it's All throughout the plane on the rudder You can see it it's it's everywhere I Love the color the design the look this Is a home run if you ask me and I like Seeing e-flight doing something Different like this it's not just Another turbo Timber which is fine but This is exciting to me and I absolutely Love it we'll have it linked in the

Description box below if you guys want To check it out closer for yourself Or possibly pick one up and again it Means the world to us especially as we Approach this little baby boy on the way Uh knowing that you guys are helping to Support us the channel and our family by Using that link Doesn't cost you a single extra Penny And you get points when you buy there so That would be great if you want to Support us whether you like this plane Or you're just ready to pick up another Crawler or something I'll be honest I Was a little bit nervous today too for This Maiden flight I don't know why Probably just because it was so Different you know the price Point's not As high as some things that I made in But the nerves were there anyway but it Just helps me feel alive and I love this Hobby I love being able to share it with You guys and for that I feel very Blessed and I want to thank God I also Want to say a massive thanks to our Patreon supporters because without you Guys and your awesome support we Couldn't do what we do as often as we do It you're really completely amazing to Us and we thank you from the bottom of Our hearts we don't have a lot of planes Like this but we do have other 3D planes And a lot of videos to back those planes Up so if you'd like to check out more 3D

Plane videos we'd love to have you one Of those videos will be popping up right About now thanks for watching we'll see You there bye Foreign

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