BRAND NEW!!! E-flite Slow Ultra Stick SUS 1.2m RC Plane

Check out the new E-Flite Slow Ultra Stick here:
This is E-Flite’s newest addition to their fleet! Meet the Slow Ultra Stick (aka SUS)! This is a 1.2m Rc plane. In this video we maiden this new rc airplane to see what it can do. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out the new E-Flite Slow Ultra Stick here:


The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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I really wasn't sure how to start this Video off because looking at this plane It might leave some of you speechless Where'd the rest of the plane go [Music] But I will say we've been blessed on This late February day with beautiful Weather to get out and come fly this Brand new sus or slow Ultra Stick this Is the newest plane by e-flight and Though it might be ugly I've been told It's capable and some of us guys out There can relate to that statement This is an airplane that comes in under 200 bind and fly and if those of you That are out there that want to find This for Plug and Play I highly Recommend you buy the bind and fly take Out that 85 receiver sell it on eBay for Fifty dollars and now you have 150 Dollar Plug and Play super ugly little Airplane this is a 2s or 3s capable Plane with safe and as3x I put it Together in literally about 10 minutes Things snap and click together and there Are some thumb screw mounts back here at My thumb here on each side of the wing Holding that on same with the rear Stabilizer system there's a thumb screw There this thing was extremely easy to Put together so some of you guys are Going to find the appeal to this Visually others may not and I'm guessing It's going to be super fun to fly so

Let's put it in the air and see how it Does This will be linked in the description Box below for those of you that like Supporting our goofy family friendly RC Channel and if you like this content and You're not up for buying this maybe just Hit the like button we'll kind of sit Back and enjoy this Maiden together you Know how we do on our Channel we give Real honest maidens we've got a little Wind so that was the wind picking that Wing up I have been told that this could Be and is basically kind of marketed Toward a person's second or third fourth Fifth sixth hundredth airplane maybe not Necessarily designed to be your first I Don't think they necessarily wanted to Set this up as a trainer but I want to Tell you right now with the Simplicity Of this airplane it would make a great Trainer if you wanted to bind it up to a Universal radio however it will bind up To I think it's called the DXE what's The most basic Spectrum transmitter that Comes with the arrow scalp something Like that something like that the one That comes with the arrow Scout this Will lined right up to because it's got Throttle elevator Rudder aileron and Then your safe switch so you can easily Make this be a second airplane if you Bought something like The Apprentice or The aeroscout as your first so here we

All go we're doing our nice left hand Turns I'm keeping it low and slow and About third to half throttle and it Makes this is all in safe this is Hands-free right here with some wind Knocking me around some that is Completely hands-free coming at us and It's flying extremely well uh safe is Really awesome with this because it's a Nice slow little flyer that is what Makes it great to be a trainer plane but I think with 3s in here now it should be Really capable when we kick safe off so Let's go safe off Yeah this is awesome okay so cool I Don't have a lot of Rudder Authority on That hammer over it looked like you did I did once I once I got it to nose over But I think that was mostly gravity Helping me do that I'm guessing we'll Have pretty good aileron roll yeah That's nice wow and yeah once I have Movement the runner works well but with No movement it didn't give a lot of see There's full left with throttle so you Got to have some movement it does work But the roll rate is nice this is Already feeling really good I like this A lot some guys are gonna hate on this Just because of the way it looks but in My opinion it's kind of a strong Throwback to the days of old when you Just had uh usually elevator and Rudder If that a lot of times just Rudder and

Throttle control on your glow stick Airplane you know it'd be a simple kit To put something in the air as quickly And cheaply as possible so as I said for 200 to come with all the electronics It'll fly on a 2s or 3s battery this in Today's market and in general is pretty Cheap deep when I when I learned to fly I was buying some electric planes with My dad that were 200 250 300 for ready To fly setup and I would blow fuses and Break parts and the foam was flimsy back Then they've come a long way and so I I Really like this 200 price point if you Like the plug and play and you don't Want to fly Spectrum as I said in the Beginning you can yank that receiver out And should be able to sell it on eBay or Somewhere like that for at least at Least 40 50 maybe 60 dollars depending When you sell it this is nice I'm just Going to like crank it and have some fun A little snap Yeah snaps that's cool It's got pretty nice router Authority This is a really really fun goofy Looking but fun airplane I like the way It looks you know I like The Arrow style I'm the guy that likes the different Looking fun flying airplane 200 airplanes that look the same do you No oh So cool I was listening to our radio Chatter to make sure we didn't have any

Pilots wanting to fly in our space here Now remember this will fly on something Small and cheap like a 2s maybe even a 1300 milliamp battery and you should get Really long flight times on that let's See if we can do a box roll here up back Down and level it off hopefully in time That's not bad for a first try and you Have not flown in over a month I believe something like I think that is Correct so this is real time kind of Maternity leave Um But not really we still work every Single day that's right just haven't had To film yes we've had pre-filmed content What would we have some ground Vehicles We did so it has been a while since I Have flown let's see if we'll hold UPS Oh yeah this is inverted really nice Okay that's great it's a nice slow float Looks like a kite it doesn't take up Much room to keep in the air Okay I gotta roll out of that because When the wind picked up with the wind I Didn't have much control over it was Almost back So this is a very like strong second Intermediate style airplane it's fairly Sporty we'll give you guys a Full Throttle pass here in just a second Let's go Here's Full Throttle and those into the Wind oh that was close

As you can see we're not going to get a Lot of crazy stuff happening here we'll Come back down this way nose Into The Wind full throttle Pretty fast Wow Let's snap it up here on Top of that that's really pretty I don't Like that one That's a great flying airplane Which is crazy to see a stick with a Wing and just a couple flat surfaces on The back you could probably do without Those Wheels maybe but I kind of liked It with the wheels they're nice and big We could probably we probably could do a Grasslanding and take off here in a Really tall grass but I may not try that I don't know To those of you that don't know what Safe is if you're looking at this plane Thing and there's no way I could fly That like unite check this out we can Fly up snap it even Full Throttle or Zero throttle I turn safe on and it just Levels it right off I that's just Amazing technology to help keep your Plane in the air that wasn't me that Saved it that was flipping a switch We'll turn that switch back off can Still fly nice and level but then if you Want to you can just do some wild fun Little Maneuvers like this so what Battery is the most yeah so good Question this is a 3s 2200 milliamp we Probably could fly for like 45 minutes

On this if I wasn't flying it like this Maybe realistically 20 to 25 minutes if I was out just gliding trying to get the Longest flight possible maybe about 45 Minutes and is this all Spectrum Smarter With Telemetry I think we have Telemetry We don't have on this oh I love those It's a nice slow floaty airplane I Wanted him to actually like maybe hover This possibly if they would just have to The prop in the back of the motor it Would be like an era Scout to me no I Just don't have enough Rudder authority To really really be confident in myself To hover it but I guarantee in the right Hands this could be a hovering capable Airplane as well This thing is really wild I think my Battery is feeling a little low let's See it's feeling a little low so we're Going to bring it in for a landing and Uh we'll call that a very very fun Successful Maiden with the way we were Flying that and that's my oldest 3s Batter I have with like hundreds of Flights on it too so it's filling a Little bit on the low end of things look At that guys what an ugly airplane Kind of kind of makes me think of the Arrow Scout because people call that an Ugly plane too but uh fun this is a Really fun and I actually like the way It looks airplane we have a steerable Wheel on the back there too I should

Point that out it tacks these extremely Well on the ground Pretty sure why it felt like it was low Something in my head probably but that's Long enough for a maiden to get a good Feel for this airplane check out the Control surfaces while I'm down here You know there's a lot going on but Still not quite enough to knife edge in My opinion it's just not big enough Although the roll rate of this airplane Is great and we could increase the rate Some that's uh this is just standard at A hundred percent I haven't increased Anything I do have Expo in this I think I went with 20 on the aileron and 10 or 15 on the rear something like that Here's what's safe on so it really Reduces that rate quite a bit Um I and I haven't messed with anything Else like throttle curve or anything I Did just throw Expo in there and I like To have safe on my H switch it's just a More comfortable switch for me to put That and just so you guys can see really Closely here where I've got my battery I Recommend the 3s 2200 it's still a cheap Affordable battery you can put a 2s on There and fly really well but today for Me having that 3s 22 it's basically snug Up against that little motor mount there It's a very simple airplane not to be Confused with the ultrix in any way Shape or form that all tricks is a whole

Different Beast are you talking about The ultra service Vapor well Abby Pointed out that she thought this Reminded her of the night vaping I think That's what it's called yeah that's a Little butterfly one it's a little stick Fuselage airplane with uh with some Control surfaces getting it in the air But I like the uh the ultrix a lot too Now that plane for me it's kind of like Get the night vapor although that's a Very delicate airplane it's the ultrix Is like a pancake the ultrix is a Pancake it's super 3D yeah and so I know That this has like that stick kind of Form factor going Don't confuse the two because I'd say The ultrix although a beginner can fly In safe it's a little bit more advanced Um or to those of you that want to Advance friendly whereas the sus which By the way I hate uh new kids lingo like Suspicious sus that's what we can call This the sauce Gives me finally a reason to like that Word sus this plane is absolutely if you Like the way it looks an amazing second Third for fifth sixth seventh hundredth Airplane if you'd like but uh for those Of you that have the air Scout or a Trainer playing under your belt I'm Gonna highly recommend you pick one of These up and we'll see this more on the Channel hopefully now a lot of beginners

Are going to be watching this video at Least I hope so people that are just Getting into the Hobby and maybe looking Out there for a second third airplane And I'm going to recommend that as fun As this is and I know this is foam and It's just a little stick you'd be Greatly benefited to fly with AMA it's The Academy of model Aeronautics it's an Insurance program that keeps you safe While you're flying as long as you're Not flying recklessly and you're Following their rules and guidelines They recommend on their website you can Even reach out to them to make sure You're flying safe if you have any Questions once you're a member you're Going to be covered if any accidents Were to happen so we'll have the AMA The Academy of model Aeronautics Linked In The description box below right next to This airplane where you can pick it up And it supports our Channel at no extra Cost to you well like this playing a lot Ivy I think you're eventually going to Have to fly this it's really not too Intimidating at all it flies nice and Slow it's got a big profile where'd it Go yeah you're not going to get confused By orientation for a couple reasons that Sleek profile and the rudder sticking up Makes it very easy to see orientation Nice bright colors and big bold lines In a completely different pattern on the

Bottom Wing they really had the beginner In mind when they made this but also It's way more fun to fly Than The Apprentice for example that thing I'd Rather have one of these than 10 Apprentices wait why didn't they make The stickers follow these pretty lines Make that pretty I suppose I could do That you know why I think it's like a Sunburst I think they did this so that If a person wanted to put lights in here They're already embedded and then it's Got that would look pretty yeah could You imagine some LEDs following this Yeah because look look at the back There's a couple on the back like that Too that may have been the intention There well no uh there's a it's almost Like a little cavity for the wire to run Well guys again this will be linked in The description box below it really does Help support our Channel massively when You use that link the great thing about That too is that they have a point System on their website so if you have An account on their website every time You buy something you earn points which Turns into money you can use on your Next purchase and it's the one of the Best ways to support our Channel a lot Of you guys watching do support us but Occasionally forget that that's a great Way to support us so I just want to Remind you and say thank you for those

Of you that do think about us when You're buying your RCS and watching us On YouTube for today and getting out to Enjoy this amazing hobby together my Wife and I and sharing it with all you Guys I want to say a massive thanks to God and a huge thanks to our patreon Supporters because that is really the Most direct way to support our Channel And a lot of you guys do and we're very Grateful for it so thank you from the Bottom of our hearts this reminds me as Abby said like the era Scout and the old Tricks and I don't know it's just like a Combination of some really cool planes Out there so what we'll do is link one Of our favorite planes to fly popping up Right about now thanks for watching We'll see you there bye Foreign

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