BRAND NEW!!! E-Flite Twin Timber 1.6m DUAL MOTOR RC Plane

Check out the E-Flite Twin Timber 1.6m here:
This is the brand new E-Flite Twin Timber 1.6m dual motor RC airplane. Honestly, this isn’t just another timber plane, and we are surprised they even named this RC plane Timber. It flies amazingly well and has worked its way up to one of my all time favorite RC planes to fly!
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Check out the E-Flite Twin Timber 1.6m here:


The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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What's the one thing they haven't done To the turbo Timber yet well I smashed Two into one that's what this is the Brand new twin Timber and I'm excited This is going to be so much fun a 4S Airplane capable of 3s or 4S with a 3200 Milliamp battery 3200 to 4 000 milliamp And this I've been told has the most Durable robust landing gear of them to Date Thank you Foreign Also very simple it's a bit more simple Than other versions of this airplane's Landing gear so less pieces to break and The nice thing about the props here you Cannot prop strike with the way this Sits on the ground these are up high Enough that even if the landing gear Give fully these props cannot hit and That is really cool this comes with Lights it is bigger I believe it's at 1.5 meters it's a really big airplane And I'm just excited to have so much Power on such an awesome well-known Airplane I think it's really cool that They took one of their best airplanes And modified it to have twin Motors so Really I I just want to fly this I Really do sometimes I get nervous for Flights today I'm excited despite the Wind we're dealing with like 12 15 mile An hour gusts I think we'll be just fine We've got the power let's go this guy

Has so much Authority on all of these Control surfaces it's pretty crazy look At all that that's awesome and then you Guys will like the split flaps so we can Go up or down for those that fly Inverted more than they do upright That's probably not me today this is a True Maiden I'm going to take off and Safe now we have differential thrust too So notice Abby we've got one prop Spinning Here we'll fire up this side so Differential threats you bind this up And it just works a lot of wind a true Maiden flight today but pure excitement Motivating me this should like have Really good ground control with that Differential thrust and just for the Simple fact that we like to share true Pure maidens on our Channel give this Video a like for us please because this Could end very very badly Here we go This is what's safe on you guys I'm just Going to try to keep it nice and scale And fun and that was really cool and Smooth I kept that low to the ground Just cruising at about half throttle and It sounds amazing I'll shut up for this First pass so you guys can hear both of Those props cutting through that air Together oh this is so nice [Music] Cruising right under half throttle

Fighting the wind all of this is with Safe on this would be beginner friendly Absolutely because this is flying just Like a trainer so anybody that wants a Massive twin engine or twin motor Airplane look how silky smooth And about half throttle on a 4S battery So remember this can fly on a 3s and it Would do really well because we're just Cruising around at such low throttle so Let's go in for a Full Throttle pass Here we go full throttle That's what's safe on My safe switch I'm going actually with Their recommended position for safe but I'll uh I'll kick it after this pass Here we go Full Throttle pass again So cool safe off let's go We're gonna have some fun on this Maiden Flight today you guys this is going to Be so cool flying really nice with safe Off gonna be hard to tell for me to trim It up today just because of this wind But it's flying really good with with Safe off let's go for a climb Rolling it oh that's so nice because we Didn't have any air speed when I went up For that climb this just feels like the Turbo Timber but so much better just Bigger more powerful oh this is nice I'm so sorry Okay sorry that's okay not very often we Do that but all you guys missed was this Oh

You didn't miss a whole lot just a Couple seconds of flight oh the rolls Are nice the loops the power behind the Loop on this is what feels so good and Then it feels nice and floaty down to The ground too so this comes with Optional Wing slots oh that wind pushed Me right there you saw that And I chose to go off on this but I Think I'm going to have them installed For sure because it says on high speed It really doesn't affect it too much but On low speed it definitely makes it more Floaty so I'm looking forward to that I just wanted to get one good flight in Without them so I had something to Compare that to because once they're Installed they're glued on they're Really not coming off that easily the Ground clearance on this plane you guys Is insane so that's going to come in Really handy for tall grass like what we Have here Now we're going to start waking this Thing up is everyone ready for this Ready let's go in for a nice snap out Here with that differential thrust this Should be really fun Oh yeah that's so cool we're gonna be Able to do some stuff with this just Because of the differential thrust that We couldn't do with other airplanes just Being a maiden I don't know how crazy We're gonna get but we're gonna go for a

Little bit of craziness up here That sounds crazy when the prop cuts Through the wind the way it's not Supposed to it really is awesome isn't It Wonder how well a knife edges with Differential thrust oh yeah oh yeah it's So cool we're pulling in an audience I Think we've got a golf cart pulling up Behind us maybe we have a whole bunch of Dogs on it I can't see I look back okay I don't see Anyone I don't know what that was all About It's known to happen though yeah Let's go let's go just crazy oh yeah we Can oh this should flash spin let's see If I can do it I'm not a good flat Spinning pilot but with the right Airplane that might be able to do yet I'm trying to get into the flat spin a Little too much too much I can do it oh I'm sorry guys I need to Do more of this off camera Oh and then too much too much elevator Oh just not looking so good so here's What we'll do One of Abby's favorites instead of a Flat spin we bring it into the death Spiral down And save it you had a lot of room to Save it I felt like yeah I couldn't keep Bailed early [Music]

This is a fun maneuver we can go up And then nope knife edge catch oh my Goodness that was rough but it kind of Got the job done [Music] Oh my gosh this is just cool because it Opens up some different opportunities For different Maneuvers that we could do Without this so you know we've got the Differential thrust so It's it's crazy after I fly for a video On YouTube I always end up on the drive Home thinking man I wish I'd like done That maneuver Uh and I and you know I didn't so it Always uh It's hard to do a maiden flight and talk And think about the cool moves I want to Do you know I'm not putting on a show Here but I am trying to think about what Are all the different things I can do With this airplane [Music] We can do a q a i mean we can do Anything with this this is so capable Even on a maiden flight it's just got my Gears turning like oh man what else can I do with this it's got me wanting to Try new different Maneuvers that's just A nice good old cubanite but you guys Can probably see that Wing rocking you Can see how rough that wind is right and We haven't done anything with flaps yet I got to make sure I get my flap

Control in the right direction because If I don't it's going to go up There we go we got it down with this Crazy wind let's go this is old no no Oh my stalled it yeah I know And those just knocked down for a second I think the wind just nailed it look at That There we go this is cool you guys trying To block the wind for the bike [Music] I'm gonna go backwards Maybe We'll go we'll go backwards [Music] We've got the power with this thing We've definitely got the power that's For sure oh how cool is this you guys Man I mean I could be cutting through this But because because we're just gliding It I know I've got enough power to just Punch out of this if I need to Let's just do it I'm gonna go off okay Ready I'm ready See and then there's our telemetry So that's a 3200 milliamp battery oh That was nice yeah This is fun oh I'm gonna get a lot of Flights on this I know my alarm's going off so they're Gonna land I like this a lot see if we can bring it In for a nice smooth Landing save our

Battery it's only that the Telemetry the Voltage alarm is only going off when I'm Cranking it Full Throttle but you know What that's that's good enough I've got A couple other batteries I can fly this Thing Trying to decide which way to land Because of the wind it's pretty nasty Abby what do you say we do a Grasslanding back here behind us okay That would actually maybe help me Let's swing it around yeah it's it's Good we can do this this will be Actually the perfect direction for the Wind and show you guys how great the Clearance is because we never land Anything here In the grass just because it's so tall A little fast so let's just do this one More time yeah so like I said we can Throttle punch out of that okay we moved So I can get a better shot Yeah that was that was a really good Throttle punch because that was with the Wind I mean we were definitely stalling There And let's see let's see here Feels like it's coming in fast maybe I Should land with flaps there we go look Look at that I mean this is a really Pothole kind of oh but look no prop Strike No prop strike that's impressive so That's actually a pretty cool Landing

You don't have reverse throttle right Now because that's what you need yeah Can it have it Does nice you gotta program that It's hilarious [Music] Well that's definitely in my opinion the Best flying and definitely the most Unique Turbo Timber or Timber I guess that is Out there now I like my Timber X because It's a little bit more like 3D capable Not that I'm a 3D pilot but I like to Try Of it this is more sporty and just fun And unique which I love nuts yeah it's Got some weight to it it's a big heavy Airplane and so to see it out there Tumbling and rolling around and stuff And that really impressive flight time On on Twin Motors is crazy cool and I'm Guessing that this type of airplane Would push my limits I'm going to be Trying some Maneuvers on this that I Probably never tried on other airplanes Which makes me really glad I've got AMA The Academy of model Aeronautics it's an Insurance program for those of us that Like to fly our seas if you've never Heard of them before I highly encourage You check them out I'll have them Linked In the description box below flying in Wind like this is just a little bit Dangerous I feel pretty confident in my

Own ability but things happen gusts come Out of nowhere and and you never know When something could go wrong when You're flying so I'm glad I've got Insurance we'll have the AMA linked Below where you can buy this airplane This thing is sweet you guys I think There's a lot left for me to appreciate About this there airplane but namely the Twin engine or the twin motor setup and That high clearance on the prop and Really robust and durable landing gear If you've watched our Channel many times The only time you've ever seen anything Take off and land in this grass is Usually like a two meter size airplane With a 6S battery so this is a 4S Airplane I think that's 1.5 meters Taking off and Landing I didn't take off But we easily could in this really tall Definitely not RC quality of grass I'd Like to hear from you guys in the Comments is is this too many Timbers Like too many Timbers get it twin motor Seriously do they have enough Timbers They just released a UMX turbo Timber Evolution very recently and now with This my guess is I think they can't come Up with any more right this has got to Be it this is definitely the last one of The Saga we'll see what happens I think They need a purple and pink one myself But we'll see at this point they're Running out of colors so they're just

Gonna have to like start going crazy I Think I think I wish they would I wish They did like yellow pink and purple Amelia would be so happy unicorn skin Well yeah yeah I'd fly that would be Pretty cool make it so shiny it winds You put a horn on top of it So this is great guys it took me maybe 20 minutes or so to slap together Assembly was a little harder than Traditional airplanes but not hard just A couple extra wires to plug in but they Made it very very easy to do now as Usual this will be linked in the Description box below when you click That link and use it to buy your RC Stuff whether it's this plane or Anything else battery charger or Whatever it does help our Channel and Our family it supports us at no extra Cost to you so we're very very grateful We thank you for doing that from the Bottom of our hearts and while we're on The subject of thanks I want to thank The big guy upstairs for getting us out Here today on this beautiful day spring Is right around the corner basically I Think we're actually officially in the First day of spring now or that was Maybe yesterday or something uh so That's pretty cool and I thank God for That because I just hate flying in the Winter hurts my hands and finally a Massive thanks to our patreon supporters

We couldn't do what we do as often as we Do it without your amazing support so we Thank you guys from the bottom of our Hearts now if you're into Timbers you're Lucky because we have probably a hundred Videos of Timbers on Channel we'll Randomly pick one of those definitely Worth your time and that'll be popping Up right about now thanks for watching We'll see you there [Music]

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