Build Huge Ghostbusters Ecto-1 RC Car (scale 1/4.5)

diameter of the wheel is 17.2 
centimeters or about 6.8 inch and use one inch PVC pipe for the shaft it's very hard to DIY the wheel dop so 
this time I use my friend's 3D printer I also use plywood for the chassis and 
strengthen with two lightweight hollow steel here I use this Rlaarlo 1/14 truggy RC car 
to drive to ecto-1 first I remove all the   unnecessary Parts like spoiler and front wheels 
this is how I utilize this RC car and yes this   is one of laziest DIY RC car on YouTube I'm 
sorry guys and these rear wheels are fake ones and this is how I make the steering 
and use standard Servo for steering it I set up the front wheels like this 
so it will have suspension yes it works the low wheels are 
barely visible from the outside is based on 1959 Cadillac professional chassis the 
Ecto 1 Cadillac was an ambulance in the 70s with   the original color already white and red did you 
know that Dan Aykroyd's original Ecto 1 was all black   but changed to White because there will be many 
night time scenes on the movie Ecto 1 was designed by   Stephen Dane for Columbia pictures you can see 
his name as Hardware consultant on the movie's   credit scene I use foam board or XPS foam and 
styrofoam block or EPS foam for the material   and then cover it with white packing tape for 
glossy finish why foam because the size of the   model compared to the small RC car to drive it 
I have to make it as light as possible for the   headlights I use parts from cheap rechargeable 
flashlight it's very cheap less than a dollar each for the front grill I use wooden popsicle sticks the foam board thickness is 6 mm
and I use LED strip like this for the lamps here I attach plywood formers and then attach 
window glass using 0.5 mm Mica plastic wait what how come oh actually I accidentally 
deleted about 50 builds videos but don't worry   I'll make a quick tour first after I attach the 
roof I place a 5 cm thick foam block   like this and carve it sand it and cover 
it with packing tapes into like this with   Police blue light box made out of mica plastic 
you can see the inside is blue strobo LEDs   this lamp is 3D printed I have five of 
them four with blue lights and one with   red light I use LED Stripes like this 
for all the lamps red and blue and power   with 12 volt battery this tube is using 
paper card under this foam box there's an   MP3 player to play the siren sound 
effect I loop it for around 10 minutes   this one is from foam board and small cables for 
details this one I found it on the kitchen I hope   my wife will not mad at me from foam again also 
foam even the rack is made out of foam board and   painted black with water-based acrylic paint I 
use small water hose for this one I painted gray   and two of them blue and wrap around with 
nylon thread to simulate a flexible hose bigger one is 2s for the motor and 
3s for all the LED lamps okay now the car is finished so what's next 
wandering around the neighborhood for trick or   treat is not gonna work there are no people here 
around this late and everybody here is just don't   care even with illuminated fake pumpkin so it's not 
gonna happen how about ghost hunting not catching   ghosts just you know detect them you know 
I'm more than a UFO hunter than a ghost hunter   anyway there are many commercially ghost
detector around and they are quite expensive   around 60 dollars I know ghost detector is just an EMF 
detector so instead of searching ghost detector   I tried to find an EMF detector and I found one 
here only about eight dollars it is the thing I   already got here it detects EMF electromagnetic 
field why it has to do with ghosts well after   a quick search from Google there are 3
understanding about this this phenomenon first   in Ghost Hunter Community, ghosts generate EMF 
second ghosts like to be in the area that has   EMF because they use the force to manifest I 
mean EMF force not the force for my Ally this   the third one is from science field from Michael Persinger's
observation that EMF induced human   brain to have otherly present feeling and sickness 
sometimes hallucinating and seeing ghosts either   way we just need to find electromagnetic 
field around I put the EMF detector on   the car's dashboard it will be like this if 
detecting an EMF radiation now we're good to go and we found nothing but Tom the 
cat he followed us from home

As found on YouTube

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