Build the Stirling Kit Teching Classic Car LIVE – Part 1

uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] which which [Music] [Music] there's me thinking i'm gonna win tonight and then suddenly like you know greg carter robert beveridge uh alex webster sloga slugo all got the uh water worlds i i'm trying to pick abstract things very abstract things from films i didn't think anyone would get that but wow there you go people got it okay so tonight first thing i want to do before we start is at the end of the um live stream that we did not last thursday the first day before with lou and phil i was all over the place i was all pixely am i okay today am i clear today now i'm looking at youtube and it looks clear and if i am then i think i know what i did wrong last week i think last week that i had everyone set to 720 i had the stream set to 720 which was all good but i think i have my computer trying to feed a 1080 signal to a 720 feed and it was just constantly buffering which is why i was all pixely and all over the place so i think that's what happened and i'm hoping that that's going to be rectified now but it's good to be back and jim you are right uh we've got the rams playing the bills is the first game of the season so i'm looking forward to that although uh not too hot about i'm glad the rams beat the chargers if phil's watching but i mean these are the preseason games so uh you know no one cares about the pre-season games uh hi wait it's my birthday uh just gone the 21st well look i'm going to put the happy birthday logo up because we've got a couple of birthdays here uh wayne your birthday is coming up um we had standby i've got to go back i was still busy simon cavanaugh happy birthday it's your birthday too everyone's birthday's in july and july we're in august where am i living this is what happens when you've been on holiday i don't know where i am i don't know who i am it's uh it's all over the place uh hello chris how's it going chris we we have picked our destination for next year's holiday so we are coming to cornwall we're going to be coming to cornwall don't know if it's going to be july or august i'll let you know but uh yes uh never been there before believe it or not so uh should be interesting have you pressed the record button wayne yeah that was a nightmare if any if anyone didn't know on um oh i did i did it i thought it was just a patreon thing i um yeah i was recording um about 15 minutes of what i've been up to and i forgot to press record so uh it's all cool oh good we're all good now that's good um go lions um so the uh root master just so you know the root master bus is going to be on the channel tomorrow but it's not the full pack i've only done up to stage 85 because there is so much to do there is so much to do so i've split that up into two stages and what that means i can do is i means tomorrow i can do the lamborghini mirror pack 4 and that's going to be on the channel on friday so uh looking forward to that let me give you this happy birthday splash um it just means i've got an extra video this week but the root master is going to be out tomorrow up to stage uh 85 so uh it didn't take me long because i had already saved up a lot of things uh date hole all i've got to do now is get another 8 million xp from somewhere and then i'll be able to get to uh the next level i'm one ahead of uh mrs world await now so uh she doesn't like me rubbing it in [Laughter] um i've been playing around obviously i it feels like i've been gone for months because i've been looking at youtube and youtube have added something so apparently if i i want to try something in chat if i put a bit of merch in chat there and then click pin product uh and i'll go type a message hello and then pin product apparently i don't know if it comes up in chat i don't know what that means oh i pinned yeah something's come up in chat i don't know if that's come up in chat i don't know it's all new it's all new to me and i think my son's just come home because uh the alarms are going off outside so that's uh that's from me as well i don't understand any of this uh youtube stuff i have to say so uh it's a new studio that they've put on here so i've got to learn it again i'm still using my obs so i know what i'm doing uh tonight i'm gonna be building this bad boy uh hopefully this works as you can see there's loads of it it's sort of like a ford model t car but this car is all metal with a working engine so much so that i've already taken out the first pick so i can't do a live stream come back uh straight into it without anything prepared that's asking for trouble but then again it is car crash tuesday street uh a car crash tuesday stream uh but the first thing we're doing is it's obviously a single piston engine so we're gonna be making the piston uh sticking it in the oil i don't think i'm gonna need any of this stuff because this is all about building uh the main body of the car and stuff like that so i'll probably keep that on the floor for now now this is from the same company uh sterling kit uh and it's the same company that bought us the robot up there the nodding donkey the uh radial engine which is somewhere where's my radio engine oh that's behind the motorbike there and we're going to be doing this car now now everything you see is metal and in the video description i've also put the link of where you can get this from there's also a discount code as well so if you want to get this for yourself i think there's 10 discount if you use code wayne but that's all in the video description so i mean after the stream check that out uh also for patrons on wednesday i had to cancel my patreon stream before i went away on holiday uh look my workbench cam is up as you can see and we're going to be flocking that is the gremlin chair all ready to be flocked it's primed and we're going to be having a good flocking time with that that's over at the workstation over there which is cool so i've been having a lot of fun doing that um you can't really see it but the root master's actually in here again at the moment that's down there uh what else have we got the the volvo i keep calling it a scone of the volvo i'm hoping to get back on that next week as i will with the ferrari other than that the only things i've got left to do i think i've done them all i think i've done everything that i've got here apart from the ferrari and the uh titanic i'm waiting for the titanic from agora um agora usually waits 20 minutes behind chat yeah i normally am 20 minutes behind chat [Laughter] um now agora said i've got the i've got the titanic coming and obviously they've got the new build coming and i'm not even going to comment on that anymore because um i kind of i think well i think i think everyone in the in in the in the market in the whole community knows what it is and the only reason i know what it is and i haven't heard anything from agora is i just googled agora models and believe it or not it was the first search thing that came up and i'm like okay i'm not mentioning it i'll let go of models mention that bless um other than that how's everyone been i've been to the isle of wight for a week prior to that i was in south sea and portsmouth um uh john russell i don't know if you're in chat on the monday we left to go to the isle of wight the uh they cancelled one of the ferries for a couple of hours and the knock-on effect was a nightmare and i've never seen i mean it took us about an hour to do about 200 300 yards in the car um so we got on the ferry late but by the time we got to the isle of wight the weather was gorgeous we have one day of rain i think uh and we got back yesterday the first thing i did um yesterday it was yesterday we came back wasn't it yep first thing i did was just record a video and say uh hey welcome back saw a volvo amazon in chepstow on saturday really oh it's not robocop no not robocop but uh i'm sure everyone in chat's gonna fill you in robert um now i'm probably gonna have the air conditioning on because we're at that time in england where it's either too hot or too cold and at the moment it's too hot i think for the next few days going to be pretty pretty humid weather so uh i'm hoping you can still hear me it's a shame i've got to have it on i do know that when i put my uh put my air conditioner on my orca starts to resonate check that out i've also got my water world chip on today as you see with the blinking light doing what it does um i don't know if that's going to stay there i'm feeling like i need to move around but i want to get some of these things done uh first oh you are in here john yeah john the traffic in portsmouth was an absolute living nightmare and because southsea haven't still completed that sea defenses we couldn't walk around to portsmouth like we wanted to do so we didn't even get to the portland area or anything so we just spent most of our time in the arcades itself see what is the new model uh i i'll let you ask uh other people i'm not i'm not saying anything until there's an official announcement i could be wrong you know but i'm just going with what i saw okay so what we're gonna do uh is i'm gonna be building this i will try and look at chat uh but you know what i'm like i'm terrible for things like that so if i don't look over and i miss your chat i really apologize i don't mean to um but i am gonna try and build this car so let me show you what we are actually building uh let's go to that camera so we have got all of these parts here and what i'm going to do which is going to be slightly different tonight is i'm actually going to use all the tools that come with it and as you can see they are in this bag here we've got the uh allen keys sockets everything not going to use my stuff tonight everything you see is metal and where we have all the springs and stuff normally this time we've got two lots of this but the good thing is it all goes up in a number so what we've got is uh these go up from 42 to 67 from 68 to 111 so everything in those we'll be able to find there everything else has got a number on here i did think i had some missing parts here here and here but there's no numbers corresponding to these bits here so i think that's just the way that's been vacuum sealed uh but some of these parts they are uh i mean they're lodged in really well even the steering wheel is all metal pretty pretty fun thing this is gonna be uh but i don't know when i'm gonna need this so i will put that to one side without breaking it and bring over the instructions which hopefully you can see the white balance has got a bit weird but there you go this is just telling us about how to put in bearings how to put on clips um you still need this little pot of oil and lubricating oil i don't know if i'm going to use this or use my own oil for this but we are going to need that uh where to lubricate things that sort of thing and the first thing we're going to be doing is we're going to be creating this piston as i said now we have got to use these blinking clip things and i'm not very good with them i have to say so stand by let me get these things out so we need the piston arm first and we also need the top of the piston we need a little shaft and then these are the things i'm on about which i absolutely hate because i've got to try and get these in and i know there's no easy way to do this so first we're going to do take the small end and i'm going to be putting that in here as a matter of fact i'm not going to do that i'm going to zoom up that camera just a bit so you can see what i'm doing and then we're going to be putting this shaft down through everything now i've got to put these little clip things in and i really wish there was an easy way to do this but there's not so i guess getting one one in is going to be okay but getting the other yeah let's try it with pliers now if i think if i can hold it like that i should be able to push that on should be out too nope i knew this was going to be a nightmare why do i do this on a car crash stream i'll get one on and then i'll look at chat i promise there has got to be an easy oh oh hang on gotta be an easy way so theoretically if i hold that like that there you go that's one on very good c-clips i don't know what they're called what's lou say the rounded dome under the sheet looks like it could be weighing they're building apart work on me [Music] they should i'll build it i don't know if mrs world away would build it one of me is enough i think there we go look that one went in a lot easier so we now have got a piston which works okay next thing i'm gonna do is we need some more parts which again i haven't got out what an idiot okay hang on a second i need part ten which is this lovely thing here look at that all metal i love that color i like the metallic colors um i used to have a car which was this sort of metallic sort of shine but in blue i do like that i love that color okay so that we need a clip which looks like that a little clip and that's it we just need two screws which the good thing is i've already got them out what i haven't got out is the allen key which is going to drive these in so this comes with allen keys we've got one two three four allen keys a socket a tiny tiny screwdriver and a spanner i'm guessing it's the biggest one first it is i'm the model husband oh my god lou you are so quick [Laughter] okay where's this going you've thrown me again okay so this side is going to be going on to that center shaft but we need to attach it to the other side here to lock that into position like that you can see that there so i'm going to be putting this in with the allen key and this now remember these are never magnetized so theoretically if i can get one in just a little bit of the way like that i should be able to get the other one in exactly the same way wow that works better than i thought it would i think the last time i built something on stream was probably that 24-hour livestream wasn't it why are they called e-type clips wayne they did look a little bit like an e if that makes any sense i don't know it wouldn't be a car crash if something didn't go wrong yeah true oh yes say uh satan's models on um jim's got a um a facebook page but all of the stls for the roof rack for the ecto one are uh available on that site um i haven't got a link jim um i don't know if you can um i don't know i don't know how to put a link in chat mrs world away not sorted out i'm sure okay so we have now got a piston on a cam here looking just like that uh we are now making an oil turbine and i've already got the pieces out for that which is this tiny tiny blue piece here so tiny i'm going to zoom up even a little bit more again this is this is the color of my old car look at that i love it as a matter of fact that's not a million miles away from my peugeot 205 i had as well and then we've got this little shaft here and that is just going to go in like this it is it it has got a little flat side so that can only go in one way so that is the oil pump turbine and i'm going to be putting this in the oil pump box now that is big that is uh i think it's this just checking the instructions is it this i'm hoping it's this that's this ginormous bit of metal here and i need to get this around the way that they've got it there and this turbine is going to be going into the hole that we can see just there so that's in like that now comes the difficult part of uh turning the page to see what i got to do next stand by okay i need some parts i'm going to install the oil pump end cover to this so i need 65 and 52 this is where the game starts i've got a 565 and 52 this is why i've got my little grabbing device here 65 is gonna be down here and it looks like some little tiny screws oh my god look that just exploded like an alien intestine wow stay what the hell is that can you see that oh my god look what is this oh wow there's two okay that was like opening an advent calendar early we can't be doing that let's hide that pretend we didn't see that stay okay so i'm guessing it's these two screws here one and two and then we also need the plate which is 52 which is in the one next to all the snakes and the plate looks like that i'm guessing yep that looks happy we're happy that thing's just gonna be bane of my life now look i can't get rid of it so we want to hold this turbine in place which means we're going to be putting this over the top just like that and again securing it down with these screws there you go hello ian how's it going i'm just looking at chat it's a hernia you have the most random chats in uh in chat there i've got the chats for youtube right next to me so i can see that i can't see chat from twitch and stuff at the moment but uh there you go anyway i've seen the enterprise d advent calendar i did nexus posted it today i don't know if that's something i might be buying hello todd how's it going so there we go that's the turbine in into and it's kept in by that little plate there we're going to be putting a gear shaft in there into the shaft hole so many innuendos on tonight's stream okay the gear shaft is number 50 which is a here it's in with the uh all of this stuff uh i'm guessing that is a gear shaft you know what i'm just going to keep those elastic bands out they're not even elastic i don't even know what these are okay i'll keep them out that is going into the gear shaft hole which is right next to it just there simples that was an easy stage uh we've got to install gears and oil pump gears that's the next oh god what did i do okay we're good uh that doesn't really make sense to me i'm just having a look okay so we're going to be putting some cogs on the end of these and by the look of it we're putting those damn split pins on again so i need 37 and 38 that's going to be in the box let's have a look bringing it up 37 and 38 well that's 38 and there's 37 so one oh wait a minute there's two different sizes i'm guessing it's that blue one there not the big one okay i hope that's right i can't be sure i'm going with it though and i also need some more of these clip pins which are number 59 which again are in here which are impossible to pick up one and two in an answer to david's question i can't get it out move that over there look they do look like a c but because they've got a notch in the middle of them it could be an e you see i don't know i don't know why they they call it what it does okay so which one goes where i've got under i mean these look exactly the same but just slightly different color they have got this one's got a sort of like circle which has got a flat side and this one's just a complete circle so i guess that's going to dictate which ones they go on so the one with the flat side is going on this one here which is the oil turbine so that goes in like that and the other one has got a lip on it and i'm guessing the lip is facing down that's going to go on there like that got to put these split pins in not looking forward to this you see i picked them up then i just press them really hard so they stick to my hands there you go that's gone in a little bit better and then get me pliers theoretically you go clip it in oh yeah you've emailed this is right away that's cool all done okay um oh god damn it lining them up's the easy bit getting them in there we go that's two and now they're not falling out and they are free to turn they turn better that way i find than the other way but we have got them in place it does want me to lube them up so i am going to use my oil that i got here because i can really swamp it on there they are happy for me to use as much oil as i want but as you can see wow that's just already made a difference there so we are all lubed up and we're all covered in oil so next we're going to do is we're going to be taking the piston that we've just been working on i'm trying to figure out which way round this goes uh oh no it doesn't go in this one let me go get the next part out stand by which is the other side of this this is 001 i'm gonna piece all of this together so they've got it this way around i need another part number 70 which i'm going to have to get out of here which is a water battery iron sheet is that what it's called okay a water battery iron sheet no idea i'm looking that's not that that's not that i'm one uh i'm confused stand by just looking at what i've got here hmm [Music] a water battery iron sheet 0.70 one two three four one two three i haven't got that in here i don't think it's this no it's not that um well just looking around now to see if i can find what it could be this doesn't make any sense at all 0.70 that's definitely 70.

It's got to fit over the end of this here so i'm looking for some sort of washer which has got a massive hole in it i'm just gonna have a look for everything one second uh i don't think it's in there let me just show you what we're doing we're looking for this little piece here and it's definitely not in where it's meant to be because uh i'm looking again it's going to be fitting on the fatter side as well because that is going to be going into here like that and the only thing that's even resonant even looks like that i mean i don't think that is it that i don't think so it's not hollow is it no it's not that it doesn't even look like the part okay stand by let's just have a look in this one nothing nothing oh oh that could be it we have a look at that that could be it does it fit over this section here it does i'm thinking it might be that which in that case that one was in stage i don't know it was it was it was in this this box here i think that's what it is let me look at the instructions uh no it can't be that because the end that we're putting through is this end here that's the end that they want me to put the uh whatever this is on top of standby still looking let's drop that in again it's not that not that nothing in there nothing in there nothing in there nothing in there oh can it be a bearing could it be this bearing it might be the bearing the bearing fits i think it's a bearing ah it is the bearing right okay let me explain something stand by okay so we've got two seventies that's the problem so this one is uh basically let me try and find it has got just o70 that's the one that i want there let me show you on that o70 on this one we've also got an o70 but it's got a c in front of it so that's the difference a little bit confusing but we got there in the end it's a bearing so we've got the bearing that's going to go in like this into this shaft all the way in so we've got our single piston engine being built now uh we want to lubricate those parts up i'll do that in a minute uh but i do need some shafts which are 63 i say shafts i think they are um i think they're screws yeah we got there in the end so this is 63 we want which is called a 2.5 inch positioning pin okay 2.5 inch positioning pin what do they look like ah wait a minute got it here one and it should be another one standby is there two or just one no there's two i'm looking for you i'm finding you ah hang on i got it there it is there's the second one okay the positioning pins are going in these holes here so one here like that and the other one is going on the inside section whoops which i'm dropping just here i'm sure it can go down a little bit more needs a bit of cussing force that one's got all the way down that one hasn't if i have to get nasty on that one i will so that's those two in standby just checking okay we need another o70 another uh i'm trying to find it now another bearing which is going on the other side here like that i am just gonna lube this up and lube this one up as well that'll drip in there oh god getting in a mess now and we're going to piece these together so theoretically yes it goes around that way uh that is gonna go in just like that perfect looking good isn't it okay we're going to be putting some screws in uh they're going to go in what side do these go in they're going to go in this side here and we need four of them and they're 54s they're going to be in here we need four of them move these stupid things out the way number 54 one two three and four of course it's come apart again i mean why wouldn't it want to stay in place there you go we're back aren't we we're back right okay where do they go not really helping i think they go in this one here let's get the first one in uh yep it's going in cool oh you're talking about the password then you guys are already on to it you know exactly what i'm talking about i've got no idea what the password is i don't know before anyone asks here's the second one lou i know you said you had to go if you're still here you're uh you might have to go now no it's not an o-ring wayne lost his bearings yeah typical hello roy how's it going that's two one over this side if you can imagine this this is quite big this is the size of my hand as you can see it gives you an idea of how big this car is going to be because this engine is going in the car and as you can see the engine works okay this is well designed still after the link from uh jim okay not jim america football jim perhaps i should call you brazilian jim soon mr strova people might think i'm referring to your uh your shaving technique if i call you brazilian jim okay okay so there we go that's the cam going around so obviously when that goes out around like this as you can see it's turning the cam in the inside which is going to make this pump up and down very good i like it i like it a lot so we've done that we can keep that to one side and we're now going to create the cylinder head and for that i need part 003 which looks like i've got it here which looks like this again i love this metal color on here so we need that and we need 47 and 19.

47 and 19. nothing in there then it's all in here at the moment so 47 is the valve covers one and two and 19 is going to be in that little box of tricks i've got here looking like that anyone help out can you see a 19 anywhere there they are look at the top big metal screws one and two get that over there how do these go so they're gonna go underneath here uh we've got it the right way yep and then we've got these valve covers going on top that way around there's one oh god hang on they're gonna want to fall out and two they're looking just like that hopefully you can see that and then we've got to put some springs and caps on the top which is 44 and 66. god okay springs right the springs here's the caps one and two gotta find these springs they're number 44 they're in here okay two of those always nervous with springs i have to say they're gonna go on the top here and here this is asking for trouble this is okay um i'm gonna need to keep it compressed while i try and screw the top on here oh god okay i've got one on that's looking good make that nice and tight l-shaped allen keys are a pain you know i've got straight ones here tom it's just that i'm uh i'm not using them i want to use all the tools that come with this kit it kind of works yeah it does need a spark plug and here's the second one if it doesn't have a nipple he's gonna have trouble finding it yeah robert you told me she's well to wayne that so is it overhead cam um i don't know it's so old my first card was an overhead cam but there we go that's them in place so when they move obviously they're gonna go like that when it's going around very good i love how this works okay so they're in place let's see what else we got to do oh you remember you said about the spark plug who else you said about the spark plug we've got a spark plug howard i've got to find it number 24 it's here i've got it here there's a spark plug it's not a real one it's just a resemblance of one that's going to go into the uh hole just at the front there bit like the radial engines they had the sparks in there but they weren't used and that's probably why they gave me uh but they gave me a spanner but i don't think it's for this because there's no way that's fitting around there so it's just going to be hand tight but there's your spark plug in there like that what's next we're going to assemble a synchronous wheel so for that i need parts from here which are 34 35 and 22 34 35 and 22.

Help me people let me uh change that back look like cogs 35 is there 34 is this underneath there we go they're quite big things these are and 22 is gonna be some sort of shaft there we go 22. see it's easy once you know what you're doing okay so we've got the familiar circle in here which has got the flat end on it so that's going to go in like that this way around so the hats down that way and on the end of that we've now got this cog which is going to fit over the top like that there we go that's in place we're going to hold that in with 62 and 65. no idea what that is let's have a look 62 is a spring pad which i'm guessing is oh god what is 62 not that uh well 65 is a screw so it's one of them screws a spring pad the only thing i've got in here that's resembling what they're saying is this thing here i can get it out stand by oh come on which is one of these i don't know what we call them spring washers is that what it is spring washer i guess uh let me just put this one back in okay so we're gonna have this spring washer going on the screw and that's going in the end which will hopefully keep everything in place that's not going to keep everything in place no it's because i've got another part to put on number 33 uh i just saw that one second uh 33 kind of looks like that but it's not 33 28 35 36 any idea where 33 is 32's there 34 is there 30 to 32's there oh come on 33 what the um okay stand by just looking at my other box of tricks uh uh i can't find 33 right 33 is sort of like a flat thing there looks like that can you see that what i'm looking for it's too big to be in one of these pots so i know it's not going to be in these screw boxes it's going to be here somewhere oh 33 there we go it's underneath this there it is i do need just so you know i do need some glasses if anyone's noticed can you see how my glasses are actually tilted at this side phil fixed them when i was in california uh they broke i haven't had a chance to get them fixed but you know what phil's fix that he did on these he's working perfect up to a point now it's uh they're all over the place so uh oh lou you are still here top of the tray i got it i got it so we're good we can continue it's it's it's it's not game over yet okay i'm just trying to see which way this goes in they want the rim to be facing outwards like that so split pin onto the screw and put all of this together just like that excellent and tighten it up what is this this is a synchronous wheel that's what they're calling this i don't know what that means to be honest with you but whatever it is it's doing what it's doing that's it there so all good we're going to be putting this onto the cams that we worked on uh before it's going to go on this way before i do that once again they want me to drop some oil into these points here and i do want some brackets to put over the top of it which are number 45s which are in here camshaft covers so one and uh get this last one out two and we do need some screws for that as well which are 67s which are in this one here and i'm guessing one two three forward so this is gonna go on uh like that so the cams can when they turn as you can see they can operate those brackets on top i'll put this end one in first and then oh damn it and then the screw okay it's gonna go down the end here you know what i'm uh i think i've got the wrong screws out yeah it's these it's not these screws these are smaller screws what number did they say they were 67 so i'm looking here for small ones these ones one two oh god there's so many small screws uh three i'm guessing oh no that's too small four i'm guessing it's this size try that again that's on there like that the little bracket on top and then one of these tiny screws on there which means a smaller allen key not that one let's try that one i think that one's too small let's go that one again remember i'm just using all of the tools that they provide i'm not using my own stuff chances are i don't have my own stuff can anyone still see did anyone say they can see that that pinned comment with that bit of merchandise at the top where can you buy lose t-shirts from i don't know lou where can you buy your t-shirts from i put three in one oil everywhere todd i put it just inside this little thing here but you know what you can never have too much oil can you so if i put some on here as well so when that's rotating we're giving that a good old lube up there we go and then we put this one in this side here i am covered in oil though at the moment it's still there so that did work wow how can i how do i unpin it hang on i'm pinned there we go well that's a that's a new thing i might have to play around with that one okay so one in this side it works perfectly as well wow i've never known that before ian it's uh it's something that's just popped up on my youtube stream and i'm like oh hello i need to get you some hex drivers i've got them todd i've got them uh i've got an electric one and i've got um a set down here but i want to know what it's like to actually use the ones that they provide it's very detailed isn't it this is the last one going in here yeah i turned it off david so that's gone now and there we go and as you can see it's making those little things go down and up down and up that's pretty clever i like that okay that's all lubed up right we've got some pipes to put in so what's the time we're good so part 49 i need some truck and holders which i'm guessing are these one and two i also need a pipe which is number 15 i've seen that which was where do i see that i saw a pipe somewhere uh stand by 14 to 21 bring this up we've got lots of wheels in here they look like this one so i think it's underneath all these wheels those pipes three and four looking around no perhaps not it's 14 to 21's in there what do i need 15.

Hmm uh no nothing there ah got it i've got it i've got it i know i saw it somewhere there we go pipe looking like that 42 which i'm guessing is in here which is an exhaust pipe which looks like that lovely jubbly and finally lots of 65 screws they're the screws that we've been using throughout quite a few of these two three four five six seven eight right let's get all these together so the way this is going is we're gonna have oh god hang on a second they go in a certain way so this is going to go on there like that but what we need to do is feed this pipe through standby like that so then this can go on the end i'm guessing that don't make sense like that yep it does able to rotate a bit weird and we're putting the screws in this side here let's uh it's the bigger allen key this time that's the first exhaust that we've got going in never make mistakes couch i'm always making mistakes i'm surprised my models get finished you know overhead cam i've got three cams on the go but one of them i don't use i've got this one over here as well you see i tend to like using the close-up ones when we're doing the stream though which is number two you can actually see what i'm doing and what i'm doing at the moment is i'm trying to screw something in and there's no hole there we go hopefully uh there we go can't get it in the hole but i can now and when i put this in oh it does sort of lodge it in i'm guessing that's going to be facing straight down so i need to i can't tighten this keep it there and then as soon as i tighten that up that's not gonna move so that's one side hopefully i'll put that in the right side i have good you know what i'm shocked i managed to do this for 15 hours with the volvo and remember this isn't just an engine this is a car as well so once we built the engine we're going to be installing this into the car so uh hello uh i don't know how they're working i'm looking i'm looking okay thank you i might have i'm just looking at my pictures standby no i don't no [Music] no the already is it looks like the picture i'm i'm going by this hole here so this is on this side of that hole there so i'm guessing that's right i'm hoping it's right you've made me second guess myself we're looking good we're looking good it's the way the way around it needs to be but you know what that's what we do we check things we check things here oh unless you met this spacer here ah wait a minute no no no i have put it around the right way now we're good we're good put that through there's a little lip for this to go in here you see that's what keeps that in is that what you meant don't know drn wayne it's to stop the cam belt from running off uh oh i see what you mean right okay i will check that i know what you mean now let me get this bit in and i'll have a quick check are you talking about this bit on this side switching that round these two bits are on fine i'm guessing you mean the end bit yeah take care john see you later mate i'm waiting for your your answer the rn i know you're 45 seconds uh this is 45 seconds in the past oops dropping things hello gary whitfield how's it going i'm done for you for a little while sorry i've missed a lot of chat tonight you know me i'm uh i'm just getting back into it okay way yes right okay cool i will check that the problem is there's no i see what you mean now that the belt's gonna go round here but there is no lip so if i turn that round we'll have a look we'll have a look stand by right so that's that side in as well let's just have a look at uh what drn's talking about let's take this off this was what i put in with the split pin here but there is um if i put it around that way hmm i think you might be right you know i think you are right looking at the picture they don't have that but they do have the lip in the picture i think that is the right way around i had it drn just looking at it it doesn't really make a difference either way test fit the belt okay i can do that where's the belt oh it's that big thing isn't it hang on stand by let's go and look at the belt tired started a new job in oxfordshire 12 hour shifts oh my god and i had the drive go i thought that so i'm guessing this is the cam belt it has got teeth so it's going to go in there you see i don't think that's going to fall out of there i think we're good to go on that so there you go we're good so that's looking pretty impressive at the moment we've got the exhaust system in there and that's the cylinder head completed uh and i think we can just get time to do one more thing and that's to house the piston here so i just need part five which is uh this standby ginormous part look check that out and you know what i'm gonna have to do i'm gonna have to lube this up good and proper just making sure i'm putting it around the right way it's going around with these sections facing up i believe just having a look at that it's uh the picture's different the pitch is different from what the it can only go in this way so it's going to go in kind of like this onto there which means i'm going to need to lube up the whole of this inside which i'm going to do now lots of lube excellent and then line this up and then that will go in like that make sure it's round the right way it looks good and we're going to be just putting some 65 screws into there they're the screws we've just been using this engine's massive i had no idea it was this big i have to say no idea whatsoever so this is where i really want my electric one because when i put these in uh as you can see probably on here i'm having to put them in a slight angle just to get them in and the only other way to get them in is to obviously use the small end and then i'll be here all day putting that in but i can get them as tight as i can just with my hand let me uh get back to that top camera yeah these are all premium these are premium kits these are that's why these are this is uh quite an expensive kit this one is but as you can see every single thing you're using is metal hence why i'm lubing everything up use your finger i tried that but uh my fingers covered in oil jim i'm slipping all over the place by the way i've got to uh before we i'll get this in and and to knock off i've got a little quick story to tell you i think i've told you one of these before but it's uh i find it captivatingly interesting especially if you're uh it's just oil be a man yeah what we got to do chris is we've just got to find out because i've got my kids at the moment you see so i just got to find out when i'm allowed to have the kids next year i've got to negotiate that with the ex and then uh i'll be able to get back to you so all cool so there we go that's in place so when i turn that as you can see the god that's lovely and smooth let's go up and down that's brilliant i love that look i'm going to show you on this camera look check that out this is excellent so listen all the links to that are in the video description so you'll be able to see that afterwards something i've noticed obviously they're talking about the cost of living going up and the interest rates are going to be or inflation's going to be 18 next year remember i had a white cutting mat i've talked about cutting mats before you could tell the state of the economy by cutting mats because my white cutting mat when i bought it was 10 pound 99 off amazon and i think it's in my amazon store as well do you realize it's 30 pound now that same map no i'm lying to you it's 32 pound 99 now so uh something's going on with cutting mats that seems to be you know you've got uh shareholders and people in wall street dealing in gold but us model builders we deal in cutting mats and the price of cutting mats at the moment is uh completely crazy the engine lays flat under the car does it wow big engine can't wait to get it going though but that oil certainly made a difference look it's uh it's going to be interesting to see that move but there you go i think we're going to continue this on the next live stream i don't know when that's going to be i'm hoping i'm going to do a live stream again next tuesday and we can continue this because thursday friday and saturday and sunday i'm gonna be at the insomnia gaming festival now i will be live streaming on thursday again but from the insomnia gaming festival i'm gonna be on my laptop as well because i'm bringing my son with me he's taking the computer and he's probably gonna be playing games on that uh so that's gonna be good 32 i heard that right yeah 32 32 pound for a cutting mat who'd pay 32 pound uh you haven't yet jim i thought you were keeping it secret you know what because i never uninstalled it jim it's um i haven't had to re-put the password in yet so uh i have still been able to watch it on my tv i haven't checked on my phone to be honest with you so uh modellers are the cutting edge of investments that's it so perhaps we should have a little ticker tape telling about the price of cutting mats and uh i don't know easy blades and stuff at the moment should be good but listen i hope you enjoyed that stream tonight first stream back tomorrow you've got the first five stages of the pac-9 route master and then on friday hopefully if i can get it done tomorrow we'll have pack four of the lamborghini mirror but thank you for tuning in tonight and take care you

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