hello everyone welcome to my new modelling episode and today I am making a Liberty work Nissan GTR from our FEMA as usual before building we will have quick look at the parts as you can see we have stock Nissan GTR L 35 body and it has to be modified in order to apply Liberty work body kit [Music] [Music] also very nice cute of two part rims is included but sadly they are only painted from one side [Music] [Music] before I could apply Liberty work by digit I have two good fenders in a stock Nissan GTR I'm transferring to cutting stencils with help of masking tape [Music] [Music] [Music] I am cutting fenders with cheap Chinese rotary tool it actually spins very fast and melts plastic so I'm only making quick indentations for easier cutting later I finished fenders with round file I'm finding moulding lines and other defects with simple sketch pen [Music] [Music] I faced my first problems when I started to apply body JIT so this body cheat is actually designed in a way with lots of overlapping that means I can't paint car body without gluing in radiator so I would like to paint radiator and glue it in later but that's not possible without any modifications for this kind of joints I'm using the Mia's extra hand glue [Music] [Music] I have to mention car body parts fit without any problems [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is carbody with liberty walk by digit and it's time to finally paint it I am securing car body for painting of a double-sided sticky tape for car body priming I'm using Tamiya spring and primer [Music] [Music] for base color I'm using Tania's acrylic white that's not the easiest color to work with but I have no other options [Music] as you can see I'm using Wario's cross patterns while painting just to make sure I'm covering everything that's quite hard to follow coverage on a gray primer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for interior I'm using spray paint from Walia it is commonly used as a primer for miniatures when sprays and light coats it leaves nice texture that is suitable for our interior [Applause] this is interior after while they are spray paint and you can notice some texture it includes really high quality decals so I really wanted to use most of them [Music] [Music] before further painting and clear coating I decided to change filter in my spray booth this way I'm trying to minimize any kind of specks landing on that white our body [Music] were clear coating I'm using Tania's x-22 clear [Music] [Music] after clear-coated right I started to apply the rest of my details [Music] so it would be quite hard to paint this kind of rear bumper but fortunately included details are very high-quality so this is car body after all details has been applied I [Music] sprayed one more coat of tamiya´s X 22 to protect all details [Music] [Music] for brake callipers I'm using the mia's gold leaf color another great surprise is included masking cutouts for windows [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for headlight trims I'm using generic permanent marker [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] later I made some light scratches on a brake disc after applying wash it will add some nice wear effects [Music] [Music] for chassis assembly and other painted parts I'm using regular superglue [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]