Check out the E-Flite Draco here:
This is the E-Flite Draco in action! This giant rc smart plane has a 2m wingspan and looks like a beast! Let us know your thoughts about the rc airplane in the comments.
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Check out the E-Flite Draco here:
The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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I hope most of you got to witness Recently on the channel my friend and I Flying our dracos together it was a Blast uh if you missed it be sure to Check it out after this video but either Way today we're gonna fly the Draco Again just by myself because when Mike And I flew our dracos together it was Really windy like maybe 12 15 miles an Hour of wind and it just made it a bit More challenging I'm not sure if I've Flown this Draco on a calm day yet so God has blessed us with just that today And I'm excited to put it in the air so Let's fly this beautiful Giant Wrong way How long did it take for you to come up With that On the spot yeah right have you thought About that the whole car right here I Was on the spot Okay uh let's go As long as the props going in the right Direction I think we'll be okay That was half lapse on takeoff totally Unnecessary boy it's so much better to Fly when there's no wind oh my goodness Oh this will be enjoyable I think Compared to that windy day although it Was very fun to fly another Draco side By side that was so cool The Draco seems to be almost full of Controversy a lot of people love it a Lot of people don't
Um it is a very expensive airplane Especially for foam and I think that's Where a lot of people get hung up I Think it would be great e-flight hello E-flight are you listening thank you UMX Draco we all want it we could all afford It that's where everybody's going to be Happy but there's so much level of Detail in this plane it's crazy compared To any other foam plane on the market This just takes the cake it's absolutely Beautiful on the ground that it performs Well in the air it's a gentle giant it's Not going to be your most sporty flyer As a matter of fact you can buy Something like the Husky for half the Price that's also a 6S plane and Performs probably better than the Draco In most cases but when it comes to scale Appearances and just being a gentle Giant as a head turner that's where the Draco shines I don't think anyone ever Came out and said the Draco was going to Be the king of all success planes it's Just kind of neat to see a real world Airplane with a very interesting story Come to life in the RC world yeah down To the like himself as the pilot in the Little Draco plane it is fun but as I Said it's a gentle giant and let's show You why it's so gentle let's go for a Roll I hate doing roles on the Draco Look how slow that is just scary every Time I mean we could mix in
Um Flap arounds with that but it's just not Meant to do it you know and we're flying Like I said that husky or even other Planes by e-flight Um There's just there's a lot more Maneuvers you can do if you're if you're After sporty flying then this plane Probably isn't for you it's semi-sporty But yeah super super fun super slow when We go full flaps mine are basically at 90 degrees right now The other day Look at that though Flaps off throttle up And then we can just climb I mean it's Got power it just doesn't have the best Rudder Authority like it has a ton at Certain angles but it really struggles To knife edge it's just not a very Aggressive plane even at Full Throttle It's not that fast here you go full Throttle Foreign But you know it doesn't Scream It's not Ripping through the sky it is very much The gentle giant Draco see if we can get Someone of a show passed on here Show pass I can handle Knife edge not so much I wonder if we can do a box Loop or a Square Loop which I love to do now it Does Own the Sky the Draco is just it's
Cruising right along uh the way Mike Described flying it and he's very right Now that I'm flying it on your friend Mike You have two mics that you're talking About in this video Well here's the other one my crazy Yeah that's true uh the RC mic pilot That I flew with you know he said it's a Plane he likes to fly on a very calm day Just to de-stress after a hard day of Working I totally see that that was Horribly off-centered Let's try that again Yeah Box Loop that you guys can't see all the Angles Yeah just like a de-stressing plane I Totally see that now it's very fun and Just kind of smooth you just kind of get That pattern going in the sky It's not very loud it's a nice quiet Plane listen to this For the size it's just a quiet airplane It's a stall airplane A short takeoff and Landing listen to This zero throttle Um I'll probably show you guys a landing In the grass today too because Boy just doesn't like to land on asphalt Is so bouncy even at like The Perfect Landing you're still going to get a Little bit of bounce it does happen you Can get it smooth but man it's difficult
In the grass it just makes me look like A pro and it's nice because this is some Tall Grass up here you guys know that we Don't fly a lot of our planes in the in The grass here For a lot of reasons it's just tall it's Very tall grass but this plane can Handle it really well I want to show you Guys inverted two it does not like to be Inverted it eats up a lot of your Elevator so for me to hold it upside Down is very challenging I'm going to Roll out of that that was almost full Elevator just to hold that inversion so You know we just not a sporty flyer it Is as I said throughout this video A gentle jump Okay let's go in for I'll show you guys A snap everybody says Nate's the snap King so we have to do a does it snap so I'm going to show you guys That's my job Ready That's the snap [Music] Just a joy to fly it is I'm glad we got It out to fly uh with frindo Mike I Haven't flown this with Mike Petty maybe One day Uh and I'm very glad we got it out again To fly today Just to cruise around I've had this just kind of collecting Dust a lot and I don't know why are you
Gonna land pavement or grass grass for Sure all right just I have Telemetry so I'm kind of like eating up my batteries You know what let's let's kind of plan For a landing uh it's going to be to our Back left and I'm going to land it Toward us so are you ready for that There's no wind which is really nice Just gotta not Hit the Lights that's the Only goal No hit the 300 lights oh yeah they're Very expensive it's another game we like To play around here seven and a half Flaps that should be just enough to slow Us down there's a slightly he's like one Mile an hour zero throttle you guys can Probably see that we'll probably Throttle up here just a little to get it Closer And there you go See it likes grass And it can taxi in the grass I mean look At that this is really tall grass I Never fly anything here there's only a Couple planes I've ever taken off from The grass here and that's that's one of Them look at that wasn't that beautiful Yep it just owns the grass Oh yeah one more one more [Music] Just because I know a lot of you guys Are going to want to know that was a 6S 5000 milliamp battery and our voltage Was at 3.8 volts per cell which in my
Opinion is perfect Today we're going to do this because the Draco is a big heavy airplane It is just beautiful I I can't remember But I I think it says there's 17 LEDs on Here you know they really just pulled a Lot of attention to detail on the Draco And that's where it shines a lot of People bought one of these just for the Sake of owning one because of the story Of Mike Patty and his Draco and if you Don't know about all that you know I Encourage you to kind of look into it Just because it's neat to see the Crossover of full scale into RC uh so Specifically that's that's really cool And I'd like to see more of that I don't Know how long this will hold out but the Last time I checked this is in stock so We'll have it linked in the description Box below for like for like a year it Was on back order that's because Everybody wants one and so if you've Been on the fence there you go that is Very much how it likes to fly what I Showed you in today's video is really Truly you can expect from the Draco and It does have safe so it's a very good Like beginner-esque kind of plane you Don't have to worry about it doing Anything crazy it's pretty predictable It's just a big slow pretty flyer And so I know we have a lot of beginners And intermediate Pilots that watch our
Channel you can totally handle this Don't let it scare you it's it's very Easy to fly that entire flight I was out Of Safe by the way using that link in The description box below does help to Support our Channel and our family and Of course you guys know this we very Greatly appreciate that support it Doesn't cost you a single extra Penny And guys while we're on the subject of Thanks I'm so grateful for this weather Today just an absolutely beautiful day To fly the Draco so I want to say a Massive thanks to God and a huge thanks To our patreon supporters for allowing Us to get in front of the camera as Often as we do and to be as transparent As we are and share our experiences on RC with you guys it's just awesome to Have your support we thank you from the Bottom of our hearts if you miss the Dual Draco flight that I had with Mike We'll have that video popping up right About now thanks for watching we'll see You there [Music]