FMS P-51 Mustang V2 Warbird – 1100mm Dago Red RC Airplane

Check out the FMS P-51 Mustang V2 Dago here:
We got our hands on the FMS P-51 Mustang V2. This is an 1100mm wingspan RC airplane. We got the Dago Red version, but there are 3 other versions to choose from: Miss America, Blue Thunder, and VooDoo. In this video, we maiden the FMS P51 Mustang V2. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out the FULL FMS P-51 Mustang V2 Lineup:
Dago Red:
Miss America:
Blue Thunder:

Battery Adapter:

The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Jake Barnes, Jason day, Jeff Buys, Jeff Stone, Jesper Larsen, John Badrick, john salt, Jose Valentin, Matt Reetz, Michael Schouten, odatsteve, Raymond Hausele, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ron Erickson, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, Brian Buckstiegel, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, Doug Dahlheimer, Eddy Sinclair, Gary Zion, and Haar Bear

#fms #p51mustang #rcplane

Well I've wanted this beautiful plane For a long time and I'm really happy to Say that I finally got it it's just Crazy when we do what we do there's a Lot of planes that I want but this one Has been at the top of the list for Quite a while doesn't it just look Amazing I think all planes need to be Nice bright colors like this maybe not All but a majority Abby and I love when The plane just pops and this one is one Of the best looking P-51 Racers that I've ever seen this is a 4S plane it is The FMS P51 they go red or doggo I Think it's or yeah sure I love all the variations of this as a Matter of fact if today goes well Abby Christmas is coming up around the corner I wouldn't mind having all four versions Of this we'll just see how it flies Though It looks great though if you're Interested we'll link it in the Description box below with all those Other amazing paint schemes and honestly Guys today is just a maiden flight I'm Excited to put it in the air and see how It goes because like I said I've wanted This plane for a long time so hopefully It flies well we just have a lot of fun With it so let's put it in the air and See how it does This thing just looks awesome I love I Love the way it looks

It's it's not rolling on our rough Asphalt very well but I hope it flies Good I think I'm just gonna have to Knock it in the air quickly I don't even Know if we need flaps for this takeoff But we're gonna go with it no safe on This flight And here we go throttle up no no oh crop Strike yeah that tail whipped up so fast Oh my gosh you've never done that like Ever did you break a prop sure That was crazy I closed my eyes Yeah See if it spins How does it sound when you throttle up That sounds all right That prop looks so good More elevator Well we got ourselves like a sawed-off Shotgun kind of a prop now actually a Little bit of Breeze is coming in this Way so let's try again we can do this Oh my God Good okay no flowers let's just work This out buddy oh my gosh oh the Elevator we're going landing gear up and We are we're gonna definitely fly some Expo on this next flight My goodness that was a wild thing come On baby we gotta work this out Oh oh it's shaking like It's not happy oh my oh my gosh you were Flying this like you've never flown Before

Oh I was worried about this times the Ones that looked cool it's just don't Like to fly very good I'm having to get Like five percent input on my elevator But here we go there's the hands-free it Doesn't need a little bit of up trim so I don't have to fight it the more we Trim it the better Oh guys Made in flights they are pure and raw Here on our Channel as much as they may Hurt a little down trim let's go for a Roll Roll right is nice all I got to do is Work in some Expo and I think we'll have Ourselves a much better flyer there's Hands-free Um it's flying nice now I'm just afraid To touch the sticks because that Elevator is so sensitive but that is That is what uh Expo is forced Landing Is going to be fun yeah this is a 4S Battery and I'm flying at about 10 Throttle don't Because I'm no I won't but I'm just I'm Afraid of how sensitive this is going to Be that Full Throttle it's gonna be Hilarious Oh boy it's like a roller coaster They're looping it It needs Expo everybody it needs Expo Real bad It's like a little bullet though it is a Little bullet this just feels a lot like

The v1200 but just red do you remember Those little I can't remember maybe it's A dirt fly it was like a racer do you Remember that yeah it kind of looks a Lot like that Think better though yeah that was a Horrible first takeoff and I got a lot Of wing waggled on rolling it Look good This is a fun plane Um something seems like overly sensitive And and I will tell you this I I have It's gonna we're gonna Loop it out here The loops are nice on this Elevator Authority was insane I could have done a much tighter we're Gonna snap before this video is over We're snapping it we're just gonna go Well let's snap There's Full Throttle and snapping oh Yeah it'll snap What I'm realizing is I think the gains Are set too high on this for as3x Because this was in my old turbo Timber And so there's pros and cons that come To reusing these receivers obviously Um Sometimes you want to have a clean slate Sometimes it's nice to reuse yeah the Turbo Timber died just so you know Boy wow So I think what I'm going to do is focus On Probably getting this back in one piece

Because if I can there may be a second Video where I use like a massive amount Of Expo on the elevator and and all the Other control surfaces just to see if we Can clean it up some look at that waggle Though you can probably see that and I Think it's just set to to be in a much Larger airplane I just thought because This is a tail dragger the turbo Timber Was a tail dragger it would be a good Fit but maybe it's not it Just Waggles a Lot but top Wing versus bottom Wing yeah But otherwise it's you know the same Okay the red plain looks great in the Sky and I'm just so afraid of Full Throttle on this because of how Sensitive it is we'll do a full throttle Climb though to give you guys one sense Of power and then it's probably going to Be a band in time we're trying to land So here's Full Throttle up I'm not afraid of that and we'll snap it One more time that's fine Whoa it just floats up there I thought It was coming down and then it went back Up or something like That was really cool I love the way it Looks I just really got to work out how It's flying and it could all just be me And my Season Directions Like my elevator control is insane Insanely bad on this just don't touch it

I'm just gonna like let it do its own Thing exactly You guys might touch the Draco in the Corner here when they land Okay Abby I'm not even going to mess With flaps because I think I can get it Slow enough without Flex I just don't Want to oh oh my gosh oh oh no no no no No forgive me everybody please forgive Me oh oh you're Landing here did you Just break it I don't know if I broke it but I bent it That's for sure Hey there's a maiden flight there's the Draco Well you entertained us you definitely Meant it holy moly I'm Automatically it didn't look like it Came down that hard yeah just bend it Back it's all good It lives Once you've done that enough you know How to bend your wheels back Oh red probably my worst Maiden I've Ever had craziest for sure really bad oh Man prop strikes are the worst I'll see It which one no it's all of them oh I See those used to be rounded tips They're flat And it still flies and it didn't sound Off balance or loud or anything so it's Safe it just ground it down a little bit Just shaved them evenly yeah it did But they go red and evenly it's an even

Prop shaver I've already got the Expo in So I'm ready to try again so I'll Probably put this back in the air we're Going to hopefully get something Recorded and uh we'll come back and Maybe have a smooth flight in a week or Two on the channel so we'll see how that Goes but you know what you can't win Them all I mean everything it's it's Hard to jump from plane to plane to Plane to plane to plane and be good at All of them and that's what I do I jump From Planes left and right back and Forth all the time and drones and Helicopters and There's someone out there laughing Probably saying man you made that look Bad or whatever uh but I I got it in the Air and it came back in mostly one piece And so I'm I'm okay with that and it's The reality of our Channel I know that Not everybody out there can fly Perfectly every time they fly And so there you go the day go right I Am hoping to clean this up though and Make it a nice flyer so that's what We're shooting for in the next video if You're interested in this and I still Love it it just was a handful maybe Because of my receiver setup I'll have It linked in the description box below Where you can see it for yourself and Maybe pick one up maybe not this version But there's three other really good

Looking versions using that link does Help to support our Channel and our Family and uh you know what it's a Little bit embarrassing but I'm still Glad I got to get out and fly and record This and share it with you guys and for That I thank God I thought it was funny And entertaining I'm glad because I was Just the whole time like Ah sometimes I walk away thinking like I'm getting pretty good you know I can Fly planes and after a day like today I Just feel like I'm it's just very Humbling I'll just say that thank God Yeah absolutely Guys I want to say master thanks to our Patreon supporters too because we Couldn't do what we do as often as we do It embarrassingly or uh you know Professionally as we do sometimes uh It's because of you guys keeping us Going the motivation the financial Support we really appreciate your help And uh just thank you from the bottom of Our hearts if you enjoyed the Lego Red Video you probably have a Need for Speed Kind of thing going on and so we'll have One of our favorite fast airplane videos Popping up right about now thanks for Watching we'll see you there bye [Music] Foreign

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