HEAPS of New Kits from Ryefield Models! | Model Kit News Part 2

Hi guys okay so another look at some more 
armour that's just come in this is from RyeField   Models this time this is the upgrade 
solution series this is part of the   the add-on series that they have for some of the 
armour this particular one is the pipeline parts   for the Tiger I so you see all the pipes and 
all the rest of it goes on the engine i don't   think the actual engine is included but it's the 
pipe layout this one's another one of the upgrade   solutions this is all sorts of etch metal and 3d 
resin parts or 3d printed parts to upgrade your   Panther and then there's also one for the Tiger so 
you get all these bits and pieces but you also get   everything you see there so this one doesn't 
have i guess it does have a little bit of our   3d printed so this etched metal in there 
so if you want to upgrade your Tigers   from them you can do that so that's quite good 
they're all 35th scale obviously also this is   their new Tiger I offs e early production again as 
you can see by the box it's quite full so there's   a lot in it but there's also a separate link track 
what else we got oh and that's a box of 3d printed   parts so they're going to be using more and more 
of this it's obviously a cheaper way of doing it   or an easy way of doing a standard kit with extra 
parts so that you can do different variants so   that's the Tiger as you can 
see there's quite a lot of   bits and pieces about it this one is the 
initial production North Africa front   with full interior so this one's got even more 
in it as you can see by the side of the box there   so i think you might even get the housation dog so 
there you go apparently you do because there you   go so that's a little bit of the layout of some of 
the parts again 3d printed bits and pieces again   very very full box quite a big box all sorts 
of bits and pieces again in there so track   hull what do we got here on some more track 
a separate link track of course so there's   more than enough in that that'll keep you busy 
so that's their two that's two of their Tigers   they've also released this is the Panzer so this 
is in their standard series this has got full   interior so again quite a lot of detail Panzer 3 
doesn't appear to be any 3d printed parts in this   one so fairly straightforward again nice big full 
box lots of bits and pieces bit of etched metal   track there's the hull there's the turret 
sitting there so again nice big kit   also from them is the Jagdpanther G2 this is the 
fall interior yeah this is a full interior kit   again this is quite detailed as you can see by the 
pictures on the side of the box very very nice so   i'm glad i've been able to bring the armour 
model as something new this week's because we   generally have mostly aircraft so that's it for 
today i will talk to you again soon take care

As found on YouTube

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