I Built A Life-Size Remote-Controlled Corvette | RIDICULOUS RIDES

you're pretty proud of what I've done I haven't seen anybody who done exactly the same thing [Music] [Music] this is my 2006 corvette c6 and as a full-scale remote-control car and i like it a lot this is 34 year old computer technician Bjorn harms he's built a full-sized remote-control Corvette that wouldn't look out of place in the latest Bond film my first idea of building a full-size remote-control car was by watching back to the future when I was a little kid and I always had this idea of man when I'm older and I get my first car then I want to try to make my own full-scale remote-control car and that's what I do the co FET s wrote legal and even my daily driver two years ago I bought the Corvette c6 and I came up with this idea to make it full-scale remote control so I had to make a universal motor controller so I could control different type of motors that I've attached to the controls of the car I control the car with my four channel transmitter it controls the braking the gear changing the throttle and the searing building the universal motor controller took me around 1 year then it took me around 3 months to make a prototype system and I took me another three months to make a system that was also safe enough to use [Music] [Music] I also made a fail-safe system so that means if the car gets out of range of my transmitter the brakes starts breaking automatically the engine is a v8 six liter that's around 404 horsepower and the top speed is close to 300 kilometers an hour technically it could go that fast remotely but highly unwise me the first time I drove the car I felt pretty scary because our div was a little bit nervous on would it actually work properly so but after testing it it worked better than I thought most people are very excited and they actually love the project but there are also a lot of people that think it's crazy and of course a little bit dangerous the entire RC process cost around 3500 euros give or take all the Corvette's values right now is around 30,000 euros even with the remote control system I would consider selling it but mainly so I can start another project again I'm pretty sure there's no other covets in the world that controls like this one I am very proud of what I've done [Music] [Applause] you

As found on YouTube

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