Hey guys just thought i'd show you the final
little pile of Mini Art that we've had come in so we had lots of armour this week so the
armour models can't complain this is the next reiteration of the M3LE that Mini Art's
been doing this is again an all-in 35th scale this is their next variant this is the
mid-production M3LE if you've built any of the leaves you know what to expect this has
got the interior in it so it's quite quite heavy there's a lot to it six choices of markings as i
said if you know the kit it's it's been you know what you're expecting if you don't haven't built
one yet and you're thinking about building one these are really really nice the reviews are good
the details good the interior is very good so you can have a lot of fun with it and everything
else so that's the latest one from them what else we got this is their next iteration of the
Panzer IV this is the early production May 1943 this is a Vomag version H series again if you've
these they're doing a whole series of Panzer fours and Panzer threes and they're sort of chopping and
changing between each one this is their latest one if you again if you know the kit you know what
to expect this one's got lots of detail it's got an interior so you can go to town and do it
all up and everything else having not don't know anything much about the variants of Panzer fours
this is the Vomag so those in the know will know so you can have a bit of fun with it so again
nice kit this one this one is based on two of their kits this is um one of their type kits where
they put out they'll marry a figure set to a to a vehicle or whatever this is the repairing on the
road this is their what sort of car is it it's a doesn't say it's probably a Cabriolet
of some sort but anyway there you go six choices of markings on it you
can have the top up or top down there's a hard top oh there
appears to be a hard top oh no soft again this is marrying two of their sets
together they pack it as a packet as one to pretend that it's not really but being around the
both items have been around for a while so you've got plenty of choice of markings if you as again
if you want to have that little bit of a diorama pretty cool so that's in as this is another variant of the T-34 this
is the Czech Republic or Czechoslovakian production early type lots of detail in it this
one has not got the interior so this is a stock one yeah this is a stock one it's got plenty of
choices of markings in it again lots of detail the difference between the two i have no idea
the experts will know all those in the know will know so what you don't know you don't know
what you do now you do know so there you go so oh here we got another one this is another
variant of the T-34 this is the Egyptian one i believe the main changes in this was the
machine gun and a few other little bits and pieces probably somebody will come along and tell
me no the turret was different or whatever but that's life i don't know everything and i don't
pretend to so it's a look this is a great kit as well all their T-34 series is good this one does
have an interior and it has Egyptian markings so if you're looking at so that Egyptian area
era then you've got that one and then finally the next in their series of Austins
this is the Austin third series this one covers armoured car sorry this one
covers Czech Russian Soviet service so again if you've built this version you'll know what to
expect and if you're collecting them this isn't the next version in the series lots of choices
and markings there's about six there i think one two three four five six seven seven
choices of markings this is a great kit i've been tempted a few times to just do
some of these i've been sort of fiddling around with one of the armoured cars and
i just like them they're just pretty cool lots of kit parts lots of pieces
in it bit of etched metal markings what can i say they're great kits they look
good as a family they look pretty cool together these guys have got more armoured cars coming
so you'll you'll see other variants and other versions there seems to be quite an interest in
armoured cars at the moment Roden's done some copper state's done some these guys have done
quite a few and i think there's a couple of other companies looking at doing some more
armoured cars so sorry to the aircraft guys haven't had much for you today but we've got
stuff coming but for the armour guys i hope you had a great day hope you enjoyed the the look
see what we've got all of this is in stock now or online so you can jump in either come down and see
us or we'll talk to you again soon take care bye
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