hi i'm rachel and welcome to my outdoor adventure review channel in today's video i'm going to be reviewing an emergency car kit i have a new driver in my family and i want her to be prepared and so i found this purple one on amazon i thought it was great because she does like purple and i felt that it was a very robust option for her there is one thing that i am going to be adding to it and i'll show what that is at the end but we're going to go ahead and go through this and i'd like to hear from you what you think could also be added to this for a new driver 16 years old so let's just get right into it here shall we [Music] this is a 112 piece kit it comes with a first aid kit we've got a poncho some gloves i love this and they've got good grip on them [Music] a safety vest i love this i put a safety vest in my own car emergency kit glow sticks those are great we've got one of those window breaking tools along with the seat belt cutter right here so that's i don't know if those are really useful but we have it and this is one of those hand crank pump flashlight devices we've got some bungee cords this is a little multi-tool i really did like that it had a little multi-tool in here so i really hope that my niece can appreciate these things maybe hopefully she won't have to learn to appreciate them in other words actually have to use this stuff but in case she does it is here then we've got one of these rescue blankets and we've got this is great i thought this is a set of tools and you've got your socket wrenches you've got different bits and you can attach them to the handle and i tell you what i didn't have any tools at all in my car for a while but i was like what am i doing i need something so because this was one of the reasons also that i got this because it just had they're just simple little tools and bits but better than nothing at all and then these are emergency triangle that you set up when you are broken down on the side of the road and then they it just sits on the road like that and it's a reflector for any oncoming car there are two of these triangles and then we also have a little tow strap we have some electrical tape well let's see some yeah pvc electrical tape i would add and i will add that um a little roll of duct tape you can't go wrong with duct tape so that is another thing that i will add to this some zip ties if you need a zip tie your bumper that's fallen off back to your car you know maybe we've got a tire air pressure to see how much air she's got in her tires and we've got 16 foot jumper cables you need a good pair of jumper cables and these feel very very sturdy so the 112 pieces they're counting the emergency kit i will open this up to see what we have in the emergency kit i think it's 26 pieces in this kit and i'm kind of disappointed that this is pink and not purple i thought that this was going to match but hey it's fine so there's a pretty good selection already and there's plenty of room in there to fit even more items if you needed to or wanted to extra band-aids you know girl feminine products that's would probably be useful in an emergency car kit we've got a whistle some tape q-tips i'm liking this we've got some little scissors those are decent those are get those will get by get her by and some safety pins helpful tweezers just in case she gets a sliver or maybe needs to touch up her brows and some relieve burn gel that's great prep pads alcohol prep pads antiseptic towelettes more burn pads and band-aids love these i will probably add more band-aids to her kit for her some bigger patch ones because i think that those are really helpful to have overall i love this kit for her for her it cost me 63 dollars approximately i just barely got it and her birthday is coming up next week so we'll see how she how she responds to it i don't think it's going to be good because she's going to be like what do i need this for you know but when you need it and you don't have it that's really going to be terrible so i would love to hear what you think should be added to this this bag by the way let me just measure it really quick so 14 and a half long five and a half inches deep and then about six inches tall we'll say overall i'm very pleased with this kit i hope she doesn't need it but if she does she will have it i will be adding the emergency magnetic lights to it for her you know like there's the road flares but these are kind of like the replacement road flares that that you can get now so here it has this light you can hang this up over your engine you know in case you need to look at your engine look at the oil look at the washer fluid that light will shine on there for you has the magnet and then it has different variations of the flashing red light and it just sticks on the side of your car really well and this will also along with the red triangles these glow sticks it will also tell oncoming drivers that there is a car on the side of the road and to watch out for you i hope you enjoyed this video let me know if you have a car emergency kit what items you would add to this or you don't really find very useful but i love kits i love giving kits to my niece and nephew and i hope that my niece hallie appreciates this one and she understands the importance of it even though it's not something that she will probably want i hope she does like it and i thank you so much for watching i will see you in my next video bye [Music] how are my teeth trips holding my teeth [Music] okay if you have to look that close okay okay lexi okay go okay okay go hi i'm rachel and welcome to my outdoor adventure review channel in this video i'm going to be reviewing what what lexi lexi don't wha do i is there something wrong no i'm not gonna say that okay can you go and not do that again you can do it in the background a little one let me hear it okay hi i am rachel and welcome to my outdoor adventure review channel [Music] okay [Music] is it a lunchbox emergency assistance [Music] zip ties yep you never know when you'll need that it's a it's a tire gauge so you can see how much air you have in your tire same difference just my decor in case you want to go above you jumpy or strap something down like a little sister yep electrical tape you're not going to be in my emergency kit i'm just going to use these hallie what do you think of this overall gift for your 16th birthday very often for you okay i like it i'm not surprised absolutely but totally as expected and you will be thanking me yes here and there when you're out with now that you have it with your friends and you need jumper cables next time preferably next year i would like a dog
Roadside Emergency Car Kit for TEENS | INEX Life 112-Piece | CC