greetings i am herbert erpaderp and today i'm
going to build this ba 10 soviet heavy armored car I might suggest that it looks a bit more like
an armored truck but then what do I know well I do know that this is a plastic wargaming kit in
28 millimeter scale or 156 scale on the back of the box we see a couple of paragraphs about the
vehicle including its name or owner of toll Mobil 10 which I've definitely said wrong there's
also a couple of illustrations one of which demonstrates the tracks you get in this kit as
an option and of course our large image of the included decals cool inside we find one sprue
a turret and an armored body in separate bags the sprue is pretty much what I would expect from
Rubicon it's neat and very well molded as is the turret it does still have a bit of sprue gate that
you'll need to remove but I don't think you'll find that to be a big issue the body is also very
good-looking things like doors and engine access panels are moulded on and those who would prefer
to model those open are going to find that to be a bit of an issue but they do look good the only
problem with mine was that it came with a bit of a nick on the rear left side it came out of the bag
that way which is kind of annoying but this will be hidden by a stowage box so in the end it didn't
really matter the parts on the main spar as I said before well detailed and neatly moulded there's
not a lot of parts here but they are enough to get the v8 and built and that's what matters really
isn't it though my bits box does disagree there are mould lines as always but they're minimal and
should only require the bare minimum of effort to clean up it looks to me as though all of these
bits will go together nice and easily and well I have built it already so I know that's an
accurate way to describe it the decal sheet looks just like the one shown on the box which is
no surprise at all Rubicon decals are quite good and there's a variety of markings here undoubtedly
you might find useful ones that you don't use on the BA 10 in future projects so do be sure to keep
them around it's nice that they come in a plastic bag so that you can reseal and keep them nice
and fresh instructions are also included these are the typical good quality instructions I'm
used to seeing from Rubicon which is also not a surprise most of the steps are simple and not too
involved there are colors to point things out and everything is easy to understand and follow the
first step says to study the diagrams carefully before assembly but I didn't I only looked at the
first step before starting assembly what a rebel I am that first step being the Assembly of the gun
mantlet the inner mantlet part more or less just drops right into the outer part from behind just
make sure that you've got the inner part the right way up which is with the little boxy thing under
the opening for the main gun towards the bottom that assembly can then be glued on to the front
of the turret the fit here is pretty good though I still applied a little bit of pressure for a
couple of moments just to make sure that it would stay there looks pretty neat the main gun goes
into place next i've not drilled the end of this barrel out even though it might look better that
way i just felt that it was maybe a bit small but there's nothing to stop me later if I do change my
mind the part goes into place easily and because there's no muzzle brake you don't need to worry
about how it's positioned well you do need to make sure that it's not sitting at some weird angle
but it can be roll around to any position you like if that makes sense the coaxial machine gun
is glued in next this is just as easy as the main gun definitely not going to drill this one out
though now the turret is ready to do some shooting there is a sort of backing part that is meant
to go into the mantlet from inside but I found that it didn't really fit well at all so I left it
out I've glued all of the bits into place anyway and they should stay there so I'm not really
worried about it I then installed the bottom of the turret with the locking tab parts on it
this isn't especially hard then the instructions want me to stop working on the turret even though
it's not finished so it's time to build the hull I really like how they have designed the keying
for the rear mud guards with pins and holes it's almost impossible to get this wrong and get it
wrong I not in my opinion this is a nice piece of model design it's very easy to put together
and it should be pretty strong the forward part doesn't quite have the same kind of King but there
are some guides that are helpful when installing these parts in short order we've got the base of
the vehicle completed easy now it's time for the rear wheel and suspension assembly if you want
to build this with the tracks it's pretty much the same as with the wheels you just have to slot
the track part in between the two wheels as I've roughly demonstrated here I wanted mine without
the tracks so that's what I've done adding the wheels to the suspension part is pretty easy just
make sure that the slightly flattened part which is meant to represent the vehicles weight is
facing towards the bottom the only problem with this is that it took a lot of pressure to get the
parts to go together properly I've not done the best job of filming this but it's not the hardest
thing in the world to do obviously each suspension set needs two wheel sets and as you can see I've
only put one on in the video anyway I set those aside and then I install the upper hull or main
body or whatever you want to call it I added glue only at the front to begin with I put the parts
into place nudge them as they needed so the gaps are minimized and once I was satisfied with that
and it had bonded enough to stay together without me holding it I add glue and pressure to the rear
nothing too tricky here really then there's a rear plate that can be slotted up and into the rear of
the hull this is also pretty easy and once it's there I add glue this stowage box for I don't know
vodka I guess is easily installed onto the plate I just attached then I move on to the well it's
not really a windshield I guess the front of the driver's compartment this went into place really
easy when I test fitted it and for some reason was a bit more fiddly after glue was added but I got
there in the end so that's nice and then why not install the machine gun here who doesn't want more
daca fools that's who this goes into place super easy and I think it looks pretty good stowage
boxes are next and as you can see the one on the left nicely covers that Nick that was taken
out of the hull I'm it was a small nick anyway but it is nice that it's covered you can also see
that there's a little notch in the boxes to allow for that raised bar thing on the side of the hull
there's clearly one of these for either side and they are both easy to install then I install the
front mud guards these aren't too hard at all to put into place though there is a little bit of
play in them so you may need to eyeball them to make sure they align up properly then I realized
it would be easier to install the headlamps before or at the same time as the mud guards I was able
to pull one of the mud guards off without making a mess and then I installed the headlamp which
comes on an interesting sort of bracket e mount e thing that connects to the side of the hole and
the top of the mud guard it looks good and isn't too hard at all to install then with a little bit
of fiddling I installed the headlamp front part into the housing I guess you might call it this is
a regular grey plastic part I guess a lot of scale models would have a clear part but I'm sure your
average gamer probably won't mind painting this to make it look more headlamp e next I attached a
stowage box or a toolbox or whatever it is on the front of the rear mud guards there's some king for
this making it very easy to do this little step to help the crew with ingress and egress went on
after that a little nudging and it looks like it's in the right place this process is repeated on the
other side of the vehicle the only difference was that I didn't remove the front right mud guard
so it was a bit more fiddly to get the headlamp into place but I did get it there as you can see
at this point the instructions wanted the turret completed I got the feeling that if I said no I
would be visiting the gulaab so I glue this hatch into place on top of the turret this is easy and
it looks quite neat if you wanted to model this open you could though there's no internal detail
and no Commander figure is included so it might look a bit odd but you can do it if you want now
back to the hull onto which I glue the rear wheel sets there are three mounting pins for these
and if you've got the wheel sets put together correctly this will go together nice and easy you
can see that some of my wheels are a little bit wobbly but not enough to bother me in fact I would
say that a wobbly wheel and air makes it a bit more Soviet next I installed a brackety Mountie
thing for the front bomba unlike the savez de ba 10 that I recently built this one does include
a bomb pong unsurprisingly the bumper itself goes on next this is pretty simple the ends of the
mount sit in a couple of recesses on the back of the bumper it looks like mine is just a little bit
lopsided but as with the wheels that just makes it a bit more Soviet right the front suspension part
goes in next if you are building the track version of the BA 10 this will be a different part that
allows for the difference in the vehicles height with the tracks installed would it be surprising
if I said I'm going to install the front wheels next no well I'm going to do it anyway these are
keyed to make sure that you've got the flattened part in contact with the ground then the spare
wheels these are easy to slot into the gap cut in the mud guard and onto the mounting pin I guess
you could leave one or both of these spare wheels off if you wanted I think it looks cooler with
both of them in place though the final thing to do is attach the turret which is easy using the
simple tab locking mechanism similar to a lot of Tanks in this scale and that's the Rubicon models
28 millimeter scale ba 10 completed I'm really happy with how the model has turned out I think
the ba 10 is an interesting looking vehicle and I think this model has done it some justice I don't
know how useful it is in a game like bolt action but then of course I've never been the type to buy
a model based on how useful I think it will be in games it looks cool and that's what matters to me
being that this is a gaming piece it's not going to be as detailed as some display models might
be so I'm sure there is some simplification of detail here but again that's fine by me that said
there is a good amount of detail here and there's a bunch of bolts and bits and pieces that should
catch paint and make things nice and interesting whenever I get around to painting this it was
a pretty enjoyable kit to put together though to be fair I have enjoyed pretty much every kit
that I've built from Rubicon and at this point I have built quite a few of them assembly was also
pretty easy there was a little bit of cleanup and with the exception of the backing part inside
the turret everything fit together nicely and there was no real hassle I put this model together
in a single stream which is to say that it didn't take too long to build if you are not distracting
yourself with streaming and filming and such you should be able to whip this thing together nice
and quick if you want obviously it's not a race though so take your time and enjoy it speaking of
streams if you would like to watch me build stuff like this live terrible jokes and all head on over
to slash Herbert underscore epitope or click the convenient link in the description
below give me a follow and then come say hi when I'm live next so I think this is a pretty
nice little kid it was enjoyable and quick to build and if you are looking for a be a 10 for
your bolt action force I think this is a pretty good choice unless you play in a different scale I
guess anyway if you have any questions or comments feel free to put them in the comment section below
I hear that's what it's for if you've built one of these and you want to share pictures feel free
to come on over to our discord community you will find a link for that in the description as well
if you've not done so already why not subscribe follow ring the bell become a patron or youtube
member or just come say hi on discord or twitch and if you're feeling really helpful why not share
this video with your friends or anybody you think might get something out of it links to all of my
things are in the description below and as always I shall return soon so until then be excellent
to each other and thanks for watching farewell
Rubicon BA-10 Heavy Armoured Car [28mm]