hey guys welcome back to home bill and i
know i've been saying for the last few weeks but i'm really hoping this week
we can finish up the dash on harry all right guys those have been watching the last
few weeks will have seen me struggling to uh redo the whole dash on harry and last week i
did had a fail this is the dash pad i made for underneath of the the underside of the dash in
harry and uh yeah it's all just it just didn't come out properly i snapped the ends and yeah and
the trimming is a bit loose and the whole thing it didn't quite work the way i wanted it was
going well and it didn't quite go the way i wanted if you missed that i'll put a link up
above so you can catch up and think about subscribing if you haven't it does help us out
so moving forward what are we going to do well the by far and away the most common suggestion was
to actually redo the whole thing in fiberglass or cover that cover it in fiberglass which um i
was originally trying not to do that i have a reasonable amount of experience with fiberglass i
used to be a part owner in a fiberglass body kit company so i'm well aware of what can do and what
it can't do and i wanted to try and keep it foam but i have been shown that it's probably not the
best way and it's just going to be a lot easier to do a fiberglass cover at least for part of it so
let's strip this back now take the cover off and start having a look at what
i'm going to do to reinforce it so i knew all of my work from last weekend was not
going to be completely wasted and i just got out the hot glue gun and glued the ends of my uh piece
back on again so um it's uh it's all back it's all nice and straight and square and and looking good
so now it's time to start getting everything ready so that i can fiberglass it now i haven't actually
tested this foam stuff with the fiberglass yet to see whether the resin actually eats it because
it's some of these things it will just dissolve so fingers crossed the resin i have um will do
the job so let's get some of that out now and and have a little quick test on another piece just
to see if it will eat it and then we're going to start getting ready and laying everything
out so i can start wrapping this in fiberglass all right so i'm getting things
ready and while i was at it when i do fiberglassing i always go to a local
hardware store or buy a bunch of these cheap nasty brushes i have a bunch of them that i just
just get um they're i don't know you're packed for two bucks or something like that with pack
of six or something um and uh i saw a tip on uh street bandito's channel that is fantastic and
that is actually if you get some super glue and run it along the edge of where the bristles go in
it'll actually soak through and it will stop the bristles from falling out when you use it which
i think is a fantastic quick simple thing quick tip and uh while i'm at it i'm just going to do
all the brushes i've got in this particular pack so i just did a bit of a test and this resin
does actually eat the foam a little bit if that will focus but it's not a huge deal this
has been sitting for about 10 minutes and it's eaten it a bit so i think it should hold up long
enough for me to get a cover on here a coating of the resin so that it'll actually
set let's start fiberglassing okay so i've got it all laid up now and
i've used this style of cloth uh fiberglass because it actually curves much better than the
chopped strand mat stuff i've got one layer on it it is eating away the under cover um i could have
put sort of an epoxy resin or something like that would have been a better thing to use i don't
think that eats into it so that would have been a better base first and then i could have gone over
it with this but that's what i had so we'll uh we'll fumble on through hopefully this will
set up enough so that i can trim it back and then i'll see what we've got left and i can
build it up from there okay and this is another one for the epic fail category so um it's been i
don't think i've catalyzed the fiberglass enough so it's taken a little while for
it to go off and this is still soft but it's completely crumbled away the fiberglass
underneath this uh definitely did not work and i'm going to scrap this attempt
and i think it's time for uh another whole rethink of how i'm going
to build this board underneath the dash okay so after that first fast i am
doubling down and i'm going again i have um actually extended my uh bracing i'm
going to use this now i'm going to put it back in the car and i've started
with a another bit of foam that i have glued to the table i hot glued together
so i've got my length and we're going to start trimming out again because i've done another
practice and i actually did a practice with the fiber body filler this has been sitting for
20 minutes now it's already getting harder and it will give it a bit of that extra strength than
i'm after and still hold its shape so it's not going to just disintegrate like the fiberglass
did so i think this is a better option for me as i said i don't have the epoxy fiberglass
would probably be better but i don't have it so let's start um making the whole pad again
at least this time i know what i'm doing alright so as you can see i took my support
brace i've extended it i actually um i've actually flipped it around from the other way um i
wasn't really concerned about it being a blade but some of you were quite concerned about
i thought i may as well while i'm here so it's going to be running with the 90 degree
angle facing forwards i want to actually this time trim and recess in this lip into my foam and join
it on and then trim it out and match it to the car so i'm gonna do it slightly differently the
last time and we'll see how it all comes together all right so a couple hours later and
i'm back to where i started last week where i i've got this under dash panel
it's more reinforced now with that extra metal bracing all the way along and and it
fits nicely it's all one piece so this time uh instead of wrecking it with the
fiberglass i'm going to use the fiber filler which doesn't seem to eat into it and i'm going to
put a nice thin coat of that over the whole thing it's just going to give it a little bit more
a little bit more strength on the outside and yeah and then hopefully next time we trim
it it should all be crisp and neat and tidy all right so uh i have my layer all set up
now of uh fiberglass filler so i'm gonna go through sand it make it nice and smooth so
we can get it ready to try and trim it again all right a bit of sanding a bit of filling and
uh i've got a reasonably smooth texture there's a little bit of uh unevenness still on the bottom
i didn't concentrate on that too much i wasn't too worried about that the front edge is the
main thing that i'm concerned about that's nice and neat and so the ends so uh now it's a
nice and solid piece it's definitely not going to snap when i uh try and trim it
which is what i need to do next so let's do some measurements and what i'm
going to do is i'm going to take my same piece that i used last time but i'm
going to trim the end off and shorten it a bit and narrow it slightly so i can stretch it on
and i think i'll have a better finish that way all right so i've shortened this by about 30 mil
because uh i sort of stretched it out that saw what it was like marked it and uh taking about 30
ml of it made it a much nicer uh sort of tighter fit and uh and i reset it on another end and
i've trimmed back these ends quite a bit i've i've nipped them and folded them because
there is going to be a bit of bulk on the ends i should have actually gone through and
made a recess around the edge so the trimming has somewhere to sit into so it will sit flatter
i haven't done that but uh it'll still look nice and there'll just be a little bit of a ridge
around the end which a lot of trimming often has i am not going to glue it all the way in this
time because it doesn't need it i don't know why i was fixated on gluing the entire thing
it's not necessary i'm going to stretch it on and then i'm going to hold it open and everywhere
it is loose is going to be glued so it's going to stay where it is but it just the tension of it is
going to keep it in place so let's start trimming that looks so much better it's
nice and neat and smooth and even um there's you know there's there's a little
bit of the lump showing on the end where the the stitching was but it's all sewn around the ends um
and that's you know reasonably smooth and neat and tidy so uh let's go and fit it back in the car
and see what it actually looks like in the car all right and the vents and stuff and this
pad are all just still just sitting in here for the time being but that pad is looking
fantastic all the way along over the other side it's all nice and neat and tidy uh it's
a really nice fit the the glove box still opens uh even though it only opens about
there sorry this pad is still just just stuck on um but it opens um as a note uh actually a lot
of singers don't have glove boxes they've they've completely deleted it so it's nice to still keep
the glove box functionality there is a little bit of a gap there which has to be there for the hinge
but it's uh black it's quite hard to see so i am really happy with that i need to finish it all off
i need to stick these parts on and get them all perfectly lined up again and everything get this
the vent in and do something about some end caps i am really happy with that that's come up the
way i wanted it to it looks good it looks neat and tidy and and finally i have a uh a dash pad
on the car which i never had before um yeah it's quite nice to actually have that there there's
still things to do to finish it off but it is australia day today which is a public holiday
so i'm going to go and catch up with some mates and i'll have to leave this for now and i'll
have to finish this dash off next week maybe i still gonna do the end plates this uh this
little vent here is still sort of floating this uh all this stuff is all just sort of
floating here it's not actually um perfectly in and aligned so there's still a little bit more
to do to make it just right but these things take time um it's been a lot of time doing this and
doing it again but if it's worth doing it's worth doing twice so that's not this [ __ ] this is uh
it's not perfect but uh if you're enjoying this um do all the things like subscribe join us on
patreon to watch the videos at day early ad free and uh if you need parts for any of your porsches
including crazy purple tartan uh 911s you can go and compare prices at pushpartsbyjeff.com
first all right guys we'll see on the next one you
Second time’s the charm. Porsche 911 dash build part 4