modeling is my passion it's also my
biggest goal to achieve the highest level of realism in the model's ipo
oh wait what's this is that a wizard hi there i built this beautiful kit a few
months ago and i fell in love with this kit this time i will build it as it should be so
it will be a classic bmv and fully detailed thanks to uscp for these amazing detail sets
this is the engine set for the tii version this is the side door panel set because
there are no details on the kit parts resin bonnet set alpina wheel set and this is the last one i picked this one you can download the instructions to
a tablet or print from uscp website ok let's get started first things first
i'm cutting the bonnet with needle i'm doing this way because maybe you don't want
to buy extra resin bonnet set this is the way how to cut bonnet with precision first i thinned
the cutting line by scraping it with a needle then i'm cutting it out with a saw
this process takes time and passion now i'm cutting out the side panels for
setting the main part of the engine set to its place properly i assembled the all
parts temporarily before this process some parts need to be modified like this
first i secured the part in place with a tape after that i applied some ca glue to some points ca glue is not useful for
this type of modifications it will then twist while i'm building this so
that's why i used a two component epoxy adhesive after a day now it's solid this is the final
part that needs to be cut for engine placement when you are using a resin set
of course everything is not rosy i use self self-adhesive foil to
close the gap format in this area and i covered it with a liquid putty still there are some missing details like the rear
of the headlights i made them simply like this and i made these things i don't know what it is i truly sanded the backside of
these ventilation grills but still the slots were not fully opened i
have to scrape them open let's get started i'm going to add some missing details
to the bonnet first i picked a couple of old pe threads from the spare box for that job not 100 percent accurate
but way better than nothing now i'm making the hinges i need to take measurements to
glue the hinges in the right place i think that's enough i have a bad news hasegawa molded the side
strips together with the side signal lights i need to separate them with a precise cut because
i need both i managed it but still need to make the upper detail of the light let's do it i
know a practical way for cutting a template i cut all the resin parts in a
cup of water to avoid harmful dust ok let's build the engine this time i applied two different primers the first is a micro filler the
second is to form a base for the paint i applied different shades of metallic paints let's paint this like a half fillet water tank i painted the remaining parts with a brush to
get a protective and thick paint layer effect now i can continue with the assembly i made this from scratch with a copper wire the door panels in one piece
only a few parts need to be glued finally i can start to paint since i decided to build this as a classic i
was looking for the original golf yellow color and i found it this is a car repair
paint spray paint cot is ral1016 it's close enough to the original color after i applied it i realized that this is not a car
paint this is a quite thin solvent-based paint i have no problem with that it's thinner than any
paint i ever use and love the color tone bingo the surface is a little dusty
as this paint dries so fast so i had to apply a fine
sanding to the entire surface now i can apply the first vanish layer i applied four cords of gloss varnish
and sanded the surface between each cord and finally i polished the surface
with three different compounds let's continue with the chassis build
since the details will not be visible i'm not going to add extra details
i will keep this stage simple let's build the steering wheel
don't waste your time with the saw cut it just with a proper scissors after a few simple assembly stages it's threaded i applied black primer to the all interior parts
now i'm painting them with a light scent color i will apply a warm leather effect for
that i am applying some acrylic wash i'm applying a self-adhesive foil
strip for chrome-plated effect decals and it's ready for the final assembly the dashboard part is important
to align the side panels let's add the missing details to
the engine and the other parts first i'm making the battery
cables using with a led wire i'm adding the spark plug details with the pieces i cut from a brass rod this is a stretched
cotton bud i mean it's a plastic pipe and now they are the spark plug wire ends i'm adding the spark plug cable
and connector details with scratch cotton bud pieces and led wire it's time to put it all together i'm painting all the details
with a brush and complete the job temporarily fixed the engine and other large
parts in place flexibility is important at the main assembly stage at that stage i will remind
you again now let's build the wheels there is no slot for the arms on the rims i need to make a
template for centering them properly let's do it and that's it these steam chrome plated parts
are molded with multi-point connection to prevent warping i use a thin saw to be able to clean all
these unnecessary pieces without breaking the part the surface of the bumper parts
are quite rough i need to fix them a bat in a heavy duty bleach will
remove all toy looking chrome plates now we come to the most stressful part the masking
process of areas that need to be chrome plated make sure that the tapes adhere well to the
surface the smallest paint leak can be ruin an entire model let's start to the chrome paint
job so keep your fingers crossed primer first oh i forgot that we have
one more last annoying job masking the windows sealer chrome details
thanks to tamiya for this flexible masking tape let's see the result this time i'm painting the clear parts with brush x22 as a glue let's prepare the car body for the final assembly if you noticed i did not
glue any main parts in place when you put the chassis in place all the parts
fit into place somehow sometimes things go well that's why i didn't fix the engine and the
other large parts in place it's impossible to fit the chassis without breaking
the engine now i can fix them to place let's paint some lead wires and add
the missing details to the engine i strip these wires from an old headphone cable these decals come with the engine set to getting a slight weathering effect
i am applying a water based inkwash after it has dried i'm wiping
the excess wash with water let's add the chrome parts i use white glue for this job
because it cleans easily with water and now i can apply the final coat of polish the last two details before the finish ok
i know the model is complete for who wonder how i built garage equipment let me try to
briefly explain this part in about 2 minutes after usual cleaning and assembly steps
i applied the primer to the all parts for the paint pink effect i'm
applying a dark iron color first and a hair spray layer after it has dried i painted
the old parts to their colors after a few hours they are ready
to apply paint chipping effect after applying a gloss varnish layer now
i am applying a heavy weathering wash for getting a basic weathering result
i'm wiping the wash in one direction after that i secured the oil
paint and effect with flat varnish i made a power cable and a drain
pipe with lead wire and paint them that's it well thanks for watching this
episode if you like the video please like and share subscribe my channel if you haven't
yet also you can support my channel if you can see the join button below or on patreon the
links are in the information section below see you soon on the next episode until then
take care yourself and keep modelling bye
Super Detailed BMW 2002tii Scale Model Car | Building the Hasegawa BMW2002tii with USCP Detail Sets