this time its a
Star Card Porsche 911 GT2 it's a tamiya kit it's an oldish kit to be honest
1996 and it looks like a nice little bill so I thought I will have one seen my daughter
doing her cars and motorbikes and I just thought I'm gonna do one I want to see what the light
when I'm doing one and it looks like you've got a few bags of sprue some rubber Wheels we've
got his instructions in there in bottom-up box typical Tamiya you've just got all roughly same
color plastic except for a bag of clear and you've got a bag of err sprue of silver already painted
although I believe them wheels are meant to be gold so rather than silver well looks like it's
going to be a nice little build so we'll crack on and I'll see you to end that video we
have a chat about what it will like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a nice looking kit it does look well let's see all right good parts Tamiya kits
are the easiest kits going to assemble the instructions these absolutely perfect I'm to
be honest I've never had a problem with the tamiya kit really with building it fitting all of
that all the parts seem to go together well lovely and it is a nice kit to build because it's
simple you're not struggling wondering what you're meant to be doing what you're not meant
to be doing and and I did enjoy building it it's got a bit of detail inside uh look for all
that back window you can see some bits from uh this is the I want I said it's it's overly
detailed inside because it isn't and then again tamiya kit it's a lot like that they don't go
over the top as you'd say with anything like that now this is where it what wasn't good and that's
your decals these decals were an absolute pain to fit the two thick and I don't know if you
can see it or not I'm trying to get it so you can but you can see I'm sure you can on this
video how much carrier films left stuck out past and it's thick I can feel that even though I've
sprayed two good coats of a gloss I can feel that still and to me it's too much they're
too thick and there's too much carrier film to the point where on anything like that
where you you're following a curve Contours or anything what's not the norm they're
impossible to get down it's coats and cuts of the decal softener to make them stick
well not stick so it conform to the bend the actual colorings beautiful coloring
decals it's just a shame how thick they are and that it ruins the kit a little bit for me
another problem what I had and this isn't the decals themselves I think this is a reaction if
you look on these decals and I'm going to try to get to see and you can just just see there
you go there's a crazeing and it's only on the decal not on the actual paint there's none
on the paint just done a few of these decals these are the ones that got the most of yeah
I believe it's that one yeah Mr Mark softner and the reason I think it's crazy and I've never
used it before and I got this specifically because I wanted to try it shine an answer intermediate
Gauzy agent too by AK absolutely beautiful on the paint it seems to have reacted with the
actual uh decals with that and I think it's that because the ones it's reacted with most
of the ones that's had the most actual uh softener on it so even on this one a little
bit a little bit on these because I have put that on all the decals to try and get
them to sit down a little bit better the mirror ones pain absolute pain
awful decal for mirror the not even none of them to have really really
fitted well but it is what it is 20 odd quid nice kit nice size dont suppose
you can really knock it too much for that would I want to do another one of them once again
probably not now not the not this one anyway not where the decals as they are I think I'd be
looking at a different branding than Tamiya are mainly because like say the decals just
do your head in really did my head in them but I hope you've enjoyed the build click on the
link for the Subscribe and I really really would appreciate if if you have not subscribed to me yet
just subscribe I'll be really really appreciative to it and hopefully you'll be around for next
video don't forget to give me a thumbs up a like I do appreciate those as well and
I'll see you later have a good one [Music]
Tamiya taisan starcard porsche 911 gt2 full build